maps do not solve the problem before mentioned neither take advantage of the multi-
agent system. By using this cooperative navigation, one can obtain the individual maps
built by the robots and apply proper techniques to merge them into a single one that
results in global representation of the previously unknown environment. Furthermore,
it is expected that working in this way, one reduces the map building need of individual
exploration, although a merging technique, that does not represent a simple task, has to
be implemented.
In this work, although we have topological and geometric characteristics in our
resultant map, for merging purposes, only the topological information will be required,
leaving the geometric data available for future improvements that can become necessary
in the algorithms (the nodes could contain information about area size, distance between
nodes, etc.).
Robots that have explored overlapping regions of the environment should have topo-
logical maps that have common subgraphs with identical structure. Thus, solving a map
merging is the same as identifying a matching between two graphs [8].
If there is information about edges, i.e., path shapes and the orientations of the edges
and vertices, the location of the vertex can be estimated with respect to the robot’s frame
of work. One of the techniques that can be applied to solve this problem is part of the
class of algorithms called Iterative Closest Point (ICP) [9].
The algorithm proposed by [8], consists of basically creating hypotheses by locally
growing single-vertex matches. A hypothesis is a list of vertex and edge correspon-
dences between two maps; to find them means, basically, to define all maximal common
connected subgraph matchings between those maps.
4 Results
4.1 Setup
The experiments were carried out on simulation. The tool used for modelling the en-
vironment and implement the algorithms was the Player/Gazebo simulator [10]. It is a
client/sever interface in which the server (Gazebo) works as a graphical interface and
provides the simulation data to each client (Player), connected to it. Each robot added
to the system requires a player associated to it, so that they can execute independent
The world modelled was specific for each task, as described later, with one or two
Pioneer2DX mobile robots working on it. The sensors used were 16 sonars and odom-
The experiments consisted on the robot(s) exploring the environment without much
concern about exploration details. As mentioned before, the map building algorithm
only stops performing exploration when it faces an obstacle. At this point, a model of
the object is defined through the application of occupancy grid technique associated
with the neural networks weights.
Each occupancy grid has a 14x14 cells resolution, with each cell measuring 10x10cm
and the robot positioned in the middle of the grid (on the 4x4 central cells).
The neural network used to generate the occupancy grid was a feed-forward archi-
tecture trained with the backpropagation [11] algorithm with momentum term [12] to