Estimating success from characteristics
Sunanda Patro and Vishv Malhotra
School of Computing, Private Box 100, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001 Australia
Keywords: Boolean query, web search engines, precision, recall.
Abstract: Popular web search engines use Boolean queries as their main interface for users to search their information
needs. The paper presents results a user survey employing volunteer web searchers to determine the
effectiveness of the Boolean queries in meeting the information needs. A metric for measuring the quality of
a web search query is presented. This enables us to relate attributes of the search session and the Boolean
query with its success. Certain easily identified characteristics of a good web search query are identified.
Web search engines are central to the Web browsing
today. Popular web search engines index the
information on the Web in a manner that allows the
web searchers to quickly locate some information of
interest to them most of the times. These days few
users bookmark or memorise many sites to surf the
Web. A user survey (Spink, 2002) in 1999 reported
that some 70% of the information-seeking web-
interactions begin through a search engine. Another
survey in 2000 (Holscher and Strube, 2000) reported
this number to be 81%. The increased sophistication
of the search engines would reduce the need to
remember site addresses and increase the proportion
of searches that begin from a search engine over
There have been many surveys to characterise
user interactions with the search engines. Some
researchers have focused on the transaction logs to
determine nature of the search sessions and the
characteristics of queries written by the users. Others
have used questionnaire-based survey to determine
what the searchers seek to do.
We have not seen any survey that relates the
characteristics of a search session or the query with
the success they have in satisfying users’
information needs. The issue is important for it alone
can tell us how effective are the Boolean query
interfaces of the popular web search engines in
helping the searchers satisfy their information needs
by locating the best documents. A user survey
(Broder, 2002) reports that over two-thirds of the
users, when asked about the topic of their search,
state: I seek a good site on this topic, but I don’t
have a specific site in mind. More than three-
quarters of the surveyed users desire to access the
best site regarding this topic.
Analyses of the web search logs, for example,
Jones et al (1998), Jansen (2000), Jones et al (2000)
however, suggest that users do not make full use of
the resources and facilities provided by the search
engines. A typical query tends to be simple with
only one to three words or phrases in it. An average
query session lasts only one or two attempts at query
refinement. The anecdotal evidence suggests that the
users seeking uncommon and poorly understood
information face a difficult task in searching the
Web for their information needs.
This paper reports a survey that relates the
properties of the search sessions with the success
achieved by the searchers in meeting their
information needs. Unlike the logs of transactions
used by the other researchers, we used volunteers to
search the Web for specified information. The
success of the human effort was compared against
the search queries synthesised by a program. The
program is known to perform better than humans at
very high level of confidence (alpha=0.0001). This
allows us to assign objective measures to the
successes of human queries. However, it makes the
process very labour-intensive. The volunteers had to
download a lot of pages for their queries as well as
for the synthesised query and then classify each
document as being relevant or non-relevant to the
information needs. This limits the amount of data we
collect to draw inferences.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
Patro S. and Malhotra V. (2005).
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOOLEAN WEB SEARCH QUERY - Estimating success from characteristics.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 339-344
DOI: 10.5220/0001226403390344
explores results from related works to lay down
context and background for the survey results.
Section 3 gives an overview of the survey and
defines metrics to measure the quality of the queries.
Section 4 contains the analysis of the data collected
from the survey. Section 5 is the concluding section
of the paper.
The information seeking interactions over the Web
often start with a search using a search engine. With
the exception of dynamically changing information
sources such as news items, search engines are
effective tools for locating the information.
However, it is not uncommon for the web-savvy,
domain experts (Holscher and Strube, 2000) to
bookmark certain specialised and trusted websites to
quickly access information that they believe meets
their need for quality. Likewise, other users too may
bookmark some trusted sites for reference; for
example, a site providing information about the
medical emergencies.
The continuing need to bookmark the sites may
be viewed as an evidence of a limitation of the
current web search paradigm. Experienced web
users report lack of domain knowledge regarding the
individual search question as a significant obstacle
in construction of a query (Holscher and Strube,
2000). Query construction remains a challenging
task in certain circumstances for an average
An analysis of usage logs from a digital library
(Jones et al 1998) and a direct user survey (Holscher
and Strube, 2000) report that the user queries are
short and generally consist of 1, 2 or 3 words (terms)
only. Domain savvy users construct queries with
well chosen but fewer words than those who do not
know the search domain well. Average query
lengths have been reported to be between 2 to 3
words. A typical searcher tends to rely on the default
operator for the search engine to define their queries
(Jones et al 1998). An average query is 2.21 words
long with a standard deviation of 1.05. The reported
length of a typical user session, as measured by the
number of queries in a session, to satisfy the user’s
information need is also short. Few sessions extend
beyond 4 queries. Average session length of 2.04
queries is reported by Jones (2000). Significantly,
they report that 64.4% of the queries do not lead to
the searcher viewing any document. The above
reported facts combine to suggest that a session is
concluded once the searcher has viewed a document.
The average number of the documents viewed by the
users has been reported to be about 2.5. No viewing
together with viewing of one or two of the top
ranked links account for over 90% of the post search
viewing actions.
To summarise, the web search queries used for
information searching are not very sophisticated. It
is unclear how effectively the web searchers are able
to locate the most relevant document for their
information needs.
The survey reported in this paper explores the
following question: How well does the common
Boolean query paradigm supports human searchers
in devising web search query that simultaneously
support good coverage (recall) and good precision
when the search domain is relatively unfamiliar to
the searcher. Are there clues to spot a good query?
Before presenting the results from our survey, we
define the metrics that we will use to measure the
quality of the query.
3.1 Measuring Quality of a Query
Information retrieval literature (Chakrabarti 2003,
Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999, Witten and
Frank 2002) is the main influence on the web search
practices and measurements. Recall and precision
are often quoted as the common metrics. Given a
corpus of documents containing r relevant
documents and n non-relevant documents, let q be
the number of documents a query selects. Suppose
the precision of the query be p. That is, query selects
q*p relevant documents and the remaining q*(1-p)
documents are non-relevant to the information needs
of the search. Recall for the query is computed as
q*p/r. As a single metric to measure the quality of a
query, F-factor or harmonic mean of the recall and
precision is often used in information retrieval
literature (Manning and Schtze 1999; Powers 2002).
The measure is defined as 2/(1/p+r/(q*p)).
However, the Web is a huge and ever-expanding
collection of documents and resources. Nor is it fully
indexed – only a fraction of the documents on the
Web have been indexed by the search engines. Thus
it is not possible to use traditional information
retrieval based metrics to quantify the quality of a
web search query. It is not possible to provide values
for r for every conceivable information need.
Precision is commonly used measure of the web
query quality. We will use P@20 – the number of
relevant documents among the first 20 links returned
by a query – as the measure of precision in this
Recall is more difficult to determine. Instead we
define coverage as a measure of the utility of the
documents accessed by the query. Let e be the
estimated number of documents a query returns.
Google prints this estimate for each query. We
prefer the coverage to have values in the same range
as precision, 0 to 20. For a query with precision p
that locates e documents, we estimate the number of
relevant documents returned by the query to be e*p.
The marginal utility of the relevant documents to
the searcher decreases with size. All reported
surveys have suggested that users are more likely to
view the top ranked links from the output of a web
search query than those lower down (see for
example, Jones, 1998 and Jones, 2000). We choose
to use logarithm to base 2 of e*p as measure of the
utility of the returned links. This utility will be used
as the metrics to express query coverage.
The choice of the base is somewhat arbitrary but
is motivated by the following remark in Jones
(2000): 12.7% of all viewed documents were located
at the first position in the result list. The next most
common location was the second position (6.8% of
viewed documents). The interest has diminished to
about one-half for the second ranked document.
3.2 How the Data was Obtained
To collect data for this exercise, we first identified a
number of topics to search. Each topic area was
identified by a single word keyword. For each of
these topics we prepared a short description in the
form a checklist to provide a consistent basis to
describe the nature of information that is to be
For each topic, the title keyword was used to
search and download about 25 or more pages. These
pages were then classed as relevant or irrelevant
based on the checklist. The classified pages were
then used to synthesise a query that selects relevant
documents while rejecting irrelevant documents
using the algorithm detailed in (Malhotra et al 2005).
In each survey session, a volunteer was given a
topic to search along with the checklist and some
sample relevant documents. All volunteers used
Google search engine for their search starting with
the single topic word as their first query. We shall
refer to this query as a naïve query. The volunteer
then refined the query to select the best collection of
documents. No constraint was placed on the
volunteer regarding the time, number of tries or
quality of their query.
The volunteer specifies the final query when they
have the query formed. In each session, twenty
documents were downloaded using the volunteer’s
query and another 20 were downloaded using the
synthesised query. The volunteer then classified the
two sets of documents based on their understanding
of the information needs consistent with the
checklist provided to them.
A total of 39 sessions were surveyed. Some
topics were searched by more than one volunteer.
Likewise some volunteers helped us with more than
one topic. Statistical summary of the data is
provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Summarising statistics for the survey and other
data reported in Table 1.
Naïve 1-
word query
User devised
Minimum 0.5 14.6 10 8.4 12 12.6
Average 6.3 18.6 14.9 14.4 18.2 15.8
Maximum 17 20 20 20 20 20
Median 6 19.4 15 13.9 19 14.9
Std. Dev. 3.9 1.6 2.8 2.8 1.8 2.5
4.1 Session Length and Termination
A number of influences determine the perseverance
of the volunteers to devise a query that they believe
effectively satisfy the information need. The session
lengths observed in the survey consists of one to
three refinements (after the initial query) giving an
average session length of 2.64. The session length in
our survey matches with those observed by the other
researchers using different sources of data. Average
session lengths of 2.02 and 2.8 queries are quoted in
(Silverstein et al, 1999) from different researchers.
Precision of the query emerges as one of the
main criteria used by the volunteers to access the
query quality. No session returning less than 10
relevant documents among the top ranked 20
retrieved links was observed in the survey. Also, we
note that all human queries have precision equal to
or above the original naïve query – no volunteer has
returned the original naïve query as their final
choice. Again we believe that the precision of the
naïve query sets a lower-bound on the precision for
the volunteers. Every volunteer tried to exceed this
target value.
Human users (that is, volunteers) do not seem to
regard coverage of the query as a vital factor. Some
queries given by the volunteers had lower harmonic
mean of coverage-precision combine then the
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOOLEAN WEB SEARCH QUERY: Estimating success from characteristics
original naïve query. Yet our observations support
the following hypothesis at 99.99% confidence level
(alpha = 0.0001): F-factor value of the users’
Boolean web search query is more than the
corresponding value for a naïve single word query
for the topic.
Figure 1: Relationships between precision and coverage of
volunteer queries with the effects of query averaged out.
Average value of the range variable emerges as the best
prediction in these graphs. (Note: the trend line in (b)
overlaps the grid line at C=15).
4.2 Trading Coverage for Improved
The basic premise in devising a Boolean web search
query to select relevant documents is that one can
increase precision of the query by sacrificing some
coverage. Ranking algorithms used by the web
search engines to order the links play their part in
this process.
This trade-off needs to be analysed to separate
the effects of the query from those inherent in the
topic due to the volume and nature of its presence on
the Web. If we consider only those samples from
survey which had the topics repeated, we may
expect the effects of good queries cancelled against
the poor queries for the same topic; thus the plotted
relationships between precision (P) and coverage (C)
will only be influenced by the Web specific
properties of the topics.
Figure 1 depicts the relationship between
precision and coverage for these samples in the
survey. As is evident from these graphs, topic of the
search does not contribute to any (positive or
negative) trend between metrics precision and
coverage. The correlation coefficient between these
metrics is only 0.03 over these cases.
To determine the relationships between precision
and coverage in the presence of query effects we
consider all samples of the survey. In this case
precision and coverage values for topics surveyed
multiple times have been replaced by their average
values. We note a significant correlation coefficient
of 0.3 between the precision and coverage. In turn,
as evident in Figure 2, the linear regression
relationships between the metrics were determined
to be: P = 0.28C+10.8 and C = 0.32P+9.6.
The positive correlation between precision and
coverage and also between coverage and precision
highlights a fundamental property of a good query.
A better query is one that returns higher values for
precision together with good coverage. Thus, F-
factor is an appropriate measure of the query quality.
Figure 2: Observed relationships between precision and
coverage induced by the variations in the query quality.
4.3 Characteristics of a Good Query
The number of attempts made by a volunteer to
improve the query had palpable benefit to the
precision of the query over the initial naïve query.
Average increase in precision noticed from a single
attempt to improve the query is 7.2, from two
attempts the increase is 9.3, and from three attempts
it is 13. A part of this improvement is attributable to
the extra choices that become available from
multiple attempts to pick the best case. At the same
time, a committed volunteer is likely to make more
attempts at improving the precision of the query;
thus contributing to the observed trend. A quadratic
trend line showing precision as function of attempts
to improve is shown in Figure 3.
The number of terms (T) in a query is one of the
primary characteristic of a Boolean query. The
expected precision of a query increases nearly
linearly with the number of terms in query (T): P =
2.28T+7.4 for number of terms T<5 (see Figure
4(c)). Thereafter, there is a drop in the average
precision for T=5.
We had no case of a volunteer’s best query with
6 or more terms. We believe that human users begin
to have difficulties in effectively organising Boolean
queries with 5 or more terms. A previously reported
transaction log based analysis (Jones, 1998) has
reported that less than 10% of user queries in the log
records had 5 or more terms.
Table 2: Average query precision as a function of terms in
query and number of attempts to improve query.
Terms in query 2 3 4 5 >5
Query improved
1 time
11 14.3 16 15
Query improved
2 times
13.7 16.8 13.3
Query improved
3 times
Too few cases
Figure 3: Average precision as a function of number of
attempts to improve the query.
Figure 4 and Table 2 provide an evidence of a 3-
way connection between the terms in a user query,
number of attempts made to improve the query and
the average precision of the queries. The average
precision improves with the number of terms (T) up
to 4 and then drops sharply as human ability to
organise Boolean query with many terms declines.
Figure 4: Precision of queries as function of terms in
query. Two common cases of number of attempts to
improve query are shown separately in (a) single attempt
and (b) two attempts. Figure (c) shows linear relationship
between number of terms and precision for up to 4 terms
The better-quality of the queries with 3 or 4
terms, evident in Figure 4, is further elaborated in
Table 3 which shows the fractions of queries
showing below average and above average
performance within various groupings. First row
shows the cases where the volunteer made only one
attempt to improve the query and the final precision
of the query was below average. Arguably in plain
English, the specifying expression translates to
volunteer found the search difficult. In this row the
fraction of queries with below average precision
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOOLEAN WEB SEARCH QUERY: Estimating success from characteristics
decreases with the number of terms in the query.
The bottom row in the table shows that the fraction
of queries with above average precision improves
with the number of terms till it hits the high mark
where humans start to be overwhelmed by the size
of Boolean expression.
We suggest that a query with fewer than 3 terms
alert us to the possibility that the searcher is finding
it difficult to identify appropriate domain terms (or
jargons) for the query. More than 4 terms makes it
difficult to organise the terms in an effective
Boolean query. The best performing query sizes,
however, do not coincide with the most common
query size. The most common size of the queries as
reported in (Jones et al, 1998) is 2 terms and it
accounts for about third of all queries.
Other researchers have reported that domain-
savvy searchers use a small number of domain
specific terms in their search query. Our observation
is not inconsistent with those findings. To further
test our inference, we grouped the volunteer queries
into three nearly equal size groups based on their
performance relative to the synthesised queries.
Queries with precision up to 2 units below the
corresponding synthesised query were marked good.
Those that had precision 5 or more units below the
synthesised queries were marked poor. The group in
the middle had 14 cases. Table 4 shows the
distribution of terms in the two groups.
The proportion of queries in good group with 4
terms is about three times as high as in the poor
performing group.
Table 3: Fraction of queries with stated precision
characteristics as function of terms in query.
Terms in query 2 3 4 5
(precision of user query <
average precision) among
queries with single
improvement attempt
100% 44% 20% 0%
Query precision > average
0% 50% 93% 29%
Four terms and above average coverage emerges as
a good predictor of a successful Boolean web search
query. Indeed, all samples with this property in our
data have above-average precision of 15 or more.
One-half of these queries achieve perfect precision
score of 20.
To further improve odds for success choose 4-
terms, above average coverage with several attempts
to improve query Minimum precision delivered by
these queries in our survey is 19.
Table 4: Distribution of terms in two groups of volunteer
queries marked good and poor.
Number of terms Good queries Poor queries
Count 13 12
2 0% 8%
3 31% 42%
4 54% 17%
5 15% 33%
Total 100% 100%
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