Charles A. Shoniregun, Paul Smith
School of Computing and Technology,
University of East London
Longbridge Road,
Barking Campus,
Dagenham Essex,
Alex Logvynovskiy
Business, Computing and Information Management,
London South Bank University
Borough Road,
SE1 0AA, UK.
Vyacheslav Grebenyuk
Centre of Technologies for Distant Education,
Virtual & Distant Learning Lab
Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics,
14 Lenin Av.,
Kharkov 61166,
Keywords: e-learning, eCRM, security.
Abstract: E-learning is a relatively new concept. It has been developed to describe the convergence of a whole range
of learning tools, which use technology as their basis for delivery. E-learning is using technology to assist in
delivering learning experiences to learners. It is also a concept which is built around the philosophy of
“anytime and anywhere” learning meaning that learners can access learning materials when and as required,
no matter where they happen to be located in the world or, indeed, off world. E-learning gives both strategic
and competitive advantage to organisations. Business organisations recognised knowledge and people are
critical resources that should be treated as treasures. In the information ages the speed of introducing new
products, and services, requires employees to learn and consolidate new information quickly and effec-
tively. This paper discusses the factors that impact the organisational e-learning and advocates the strategic
context. We also conducted questionnaire survey to show the factors that impact organisational e-learning.
The question posed by this paper is that: ‘Can organisation develop an e-learning strategy that encompasses
the impacts of organisational strategic context?’
Organisational culture is critical to the fruitful incep-
tion, growth and success of e-learning in any organi-
sation. Kotter and Hesket (1992) related that it is
helpful to think of organisational culture as having
two levels that differ in terms of their visibility and
their resistance to change. At the deeper and less
visible level, culture refers to values that are shared
by people in a group and that tend to persist over
time even when group membership changes. At the
more visible level, culture represents the behaviour
A. Shoniregun C., Smith P., Logvynovskiy A. and Grebenyuk V. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 474-481
DOI: 10.5220/0001227004740481
patterns or style of an organisation that employees
are automatically encouraged to follow by their fel-
low employees. Nahavandi and Malekzadeh (1993)
discussed assumptions as being the third level of
culture, which is composed of basic assumptions
resulting from an organisation’s success and failures
in dealing with the environment. These assumptions
encompass an organisation’s basic philosophy and
worldview, and they shape the way the environment
and all other events are perceived and interpreted.
Values, behaviour and assumptions combined with
organisational leadership nurture the bond and iden-
tity that unites the members of organisations. Organ-
isational culture places high value on information
possession and control. Some organisations found
the basic nature of the intranet is in direct conflict
with their basic training. Huseman and Goodman,
(1999) stated that the path to becoming a knowledge
organisation is not easy. It requires new types of
investments, new systems and viewing employees
and customers differently. Khajanchi and Kanfer
(2000) recognised that every organisation may have
a unique solution for learning development but this
depend on skill requirements; thus, the following are
some of findings:
Xerox used a “people driven” approach in design-
ing its systems.
The users of Eureka at Xerox were recognised for
authoring and validating useful repair tips.
• HP gave away airline miles for contributions to
its Trainer’s Trading Post.
Sun gave rewards and recognitions to encourage
sharing. The company wants to make knowledge
sharing a part of the annual review of the employ-
Ernst & Young’s senior management provided
strong support for knowledge management as a
key competitive advantage. Consultants were
evaluated in part on their knowledge sharing.
The arrival of the Internet is a disruptive technol-
ogy for the training profession. Existing models will
be overturned; many trainers will resist. The losers
in the profession will be those who, through cultural
inertia, remain inside their own comfort zone and
think in terms of traditional models. A starting point
should be to look outside and see what can be
learned from analysis of the impact of the Internet on
business and economic activities of organisations.
The ‘e’ prefix is being attached to everything, such
as e-commerce and e-recruitment, and the latest in
the ‘e’ stable is e-learning. Different people mean
different things by the term ‘e-learning’. Most use
the term to refer to the provision of learning oppor-
tunities in various shapes and forms rather than the
process of learning itself (
Rosenberg, 2001). Zahm
(2000) described computer-based training (CBT) as
usually delivered via CD-ROM or as a Web
download and that it is usually multimedia-based
training. Karon (2000) discussed the convenience
factor of well-designed computer-based training by
saying that any well-designed computer-based train-
ing- whether it’s networked based or delivered via
the Internet – is more convenient than traditional
instructor-led training or seminars. The self-paced
CBT courses are available when learners are ready
to take them, not just when the seminar is scheduled
or the instructor is available. Hall (1997) incorpo-
rated both Zahm (2000) and Karon (2000) defini-
tions by underlining computer-based training as an
all-encompassing term used to describe any com-
puter-delivered training including CD-ROM and
World Wide Web (
Galagan, 2000). Hall and Snider
(2000) further explained that some people use the
term CBT to refer only to old-time, text-only train-
ing. Like CBT, online training was classified as an
all-encompassing term that refers to all training done
with a computer over a network, including a com-
pany’s intranet, the company’s local area network,
and the Internet. Gotschall (2000) states that the
online training is also known as net-based training
while Urdan and Weggen (2000), suggests that
online learning constitutes just one part of e-learning
and describes learning via Internet, intranet and ex-
tranet. Since the levels of sophistication of online
learning vary, it can extend from a basic online
learning program that includes text and graphics of
the course, exercises, testing, and record keeping,
such as test scores and bookmarks to a sophisticated
online learning program. Sophistication would in-
clude animations, simulations, audio and video se-
quences peer and expert discussion groups, online
mentoring, links to materials on corporate intranet or
the web, and communications with corporate educa-
tion records. Cases of e-learning are becoming part
of organisations daily life. The following are some of
the notable cases:
Case 1:
In 1996 Nancy Lewis, Director of IBM Management
Development, began to develop IBM’s global man-
agement training program. Recognising that more
than one session was needed-but that bringing to-
gether 5000 people from around the world was
costly and time-consuming; IBM looked at e-
learning. The goal was to find appropriate technol-
ogy to support different parts of the manager training
process-and engage and teach people who were used
to face-to-face training. The IBM’s Basic Blue e-
learning initiative brings training to more than 5000
IBM managers annually (
Webster and Hackley, 1997).
Basic Blue for managers, now an IBM Mindspan
solution, enables IBM to train managers to lead
high-performance teams-without the expense of on-
site meetings and travel. Key benefits Nucleus meas-
ured in calculating the ROI from the solution include
the following:
Direct savings such as reduced program, travel,
manager off-site costs and teacher expenses along
with other direct savings.
Reduced the direct cost of content development.
Indirect savings in the form of increased manager
productivity and saved employee time.
Using a blended approach of e-learning, elec-
tronic community, coaching, and simulation, IBM
was able to not only reduce costs by moving training
to the e-learning, but also take advantage of the
flexibility of the electronic medium to provide a
richer learning environment for their staff. The man-
agement-training program includes a web-based
learning infrastructure, virtual collaborative tools,
content references, and interactive online simulators
to complement face-to-face instruction. Managers
participate in 26 weeks of self-paced on-line learning
delivered through Lotus Learning Space modules. As
part of IBM’s ongoing management development
program, IBM trains more than 5000 new managers
each year. Traditionally, managers were brought
together for a 5-day event to learn the basics on IBM
culture, strategy, and management. As the complex-
ity of their jobs increased, IBM recognised that five
days was not enough time to train managers effec-
tively-and that to help managers evolve with the in-
dustry, training needed to be a ongoing process in-
stead of a one-time event.
Case 2:
For some time, training professionals working for
British Airways have been considering the issues
involved in time and space to learn. British Airways
does not claim to have solved the issues involved in
time and space to learn and is currently re-orienting
and redesigning its approach.
In 1997, British Airways moved its corporate
headquarters to a new building, Waterside. Some
2,500 employees would be located at this new pur-
pose-built site. All would access to training and to be
able to participate in other communication activities
built on new technologies. There are technology-
based activities to deliver: a discrete designated
workstation in an office area, individual desktops
using CD-ROMs, and individual desktops via the
local area network. Particularly important were those
that used video, including desktop video conferenc-
ing, stored videos, and British Airways TV. It is es-
tablished as “QUEST and Communication Points”.
Forty-five separate QUEST and communication
points were installed. Each contained a high-
specification PC that was branded to distinguish it
from other desktop PCs.
In March 1999, a review showed that training was
the most accessed resource at the QUEST and com-
munication points. The usage statistics highlighted
the fact that the points were most used in the areas
that had promoted their use and had requested addi-
tional coaching. The British Airways training team
summed up the situation as follows: we will use the
knowledge gained from the trials and implementa-
tion of the points to shape our future e-learning strat-
egy. At the same time, some difficulties were identi-
fied. Currently, British Airways is re-launching the
initiative, which will now be firmly owned by the
training function.
Learning is psychological and it does not matter
whether we learn at school or in an organisation not
everyone learn at the same pace because of our indi-
viduality. Hayes (1984) states that learning is a rela-
tively permanent change in behaviour, which occurs
as a result of experience. It is not possible to see
what people learn. However, this can be display in
their behaviour. Therefore e-learning challenges the
user to their full potential, because learning can be
access whenever the learner chooses. But the way in
which organisations learn is different compare to the
traditional classroom method of learning which re-
quire an instructor, a classroom and other resources
and materials. Due to the rapid changes in world
economy, there is a need for organisations to provide
‘just-in-time’ and ‘just-enough’ learning to facilitate
the management of change and hence create com-
petitive advantage. Therefore organisations are able
to take advantage of new learning technologies,
which will provide the necessary benefits need to
steer the business into the right strategic direction to
beat off tough competition.
Given the broad definition of online training, it
would seem safe to assume that web-based training
is online training. Hall (1997) defined web-based
training as instruction that is delivered over the
Internet or over a company’s intranet. Accessibility
of this training, related Hall, is through the use of a
web-browser such as Netscape Navigator. Hall and
Snider (2000) define e-learning as the process of
learning via computers over the Internet and intra-
nets. They extended that e-learning is also referred to
as web-based training, online training, distributed
learning or technology for learning. Distance learn-
ing was not included in the e-learning definition and
was defined as its own entity as a learning process
meeting three criteria: a geographical distance sepa-
rates communication between the trainer and partici-
pant; the communication is two way and interactive;
and some form technology is used to facilitate the
learning process.
The context in which organisation operates inter-
nal and external training, and the role of the trainer
would be expected to undergo profound changes.
For an organisation operating in global marketplace,
training is essential to drive the organisation through
turbulence competition, from home markets and
other global competitors. The greatest success for e-
learning within the professional and corporate seg-
ments is to deliver specific users the training that can
enable them to achieve high rewards and greater
credential. The rapid developments in both hardware
and software have given the trainer the potential of
having new information technology tools to assist in
the delivery of e-learning. The competition in the
modern age, therefore, is not about metal bashing or
seeking to be the lowest-cost producer; it is about
harnessing the creative talents in the organisation to
bring value to existing and future customers.
Organisations invest on continuously upgrading
its labour, share and store knowledge for competi-
tion and strategic advantage. They encourage their
staff to learn and manage the knowledge that has
been gained as a treasury. The learning organisation
is based on the notions that ‘learn for improvement’.
Organisation learning is an overall employee’s ac-
tivities and may also involve external stakeholder.
Market orientation, entrepreneurship, facilitative
leadership, organic and open structure, and a decen-
tralised planning are the five critical components of
learning organisation that have a synergistic influ-
ence on learning, which can potentially lead to com-
petitive advantage while adaptive learning inhibits
innovation. To practice learning, an organisation
(e.g. government departments, companies or aca-
demic institutions) needs to be skilled at systematic
problem solving, experimentation, learning from past
experience, learning from others, and transferring
3.1 Managing and Sharing Knowledge
The knowledge management enabled organisation to
managed and shared the knowledge with the help of
technologies. Filtering knowledge, strengthening
corporate philosophy and culture, and facilitating
communication are the three strategies for managing
and sharing knowledge:
i. Filtering knowledge: Not all knowledge as the
same value, so the identification of knowledge
from information and data is useful in knowledge
management. Too much information will lead to
over look key information and under-evaluate in-
formation. By setting up cross-divisional review-
ing teams, the value of knowledge can be filtered
and made available to various departments within
the organisation. The effective filtering knowl-
edge requires hybrid of human and technological
resource. However, computer and communication
systems are good at capturing, transformation,
and distribution of highly structured knowledge
that changes rapidly. On the other hand, human is
good at performing task such as interpreting
knowledge within a broader context, to combine
knowledge with other types of information, and to
synthesise various unstructured form of knowl-
ii. Strengthening corporate philosophy and culture:
Organisation should build an environment that re-
spect individuals and encourages individual crea-
tivity for effective knowledge sharing and man-
agement. Strengthening organisation culture cre-
ates climate that fosters long-lived trusting rela-
tionship and proactive knowledge sharing within
the organisation.
iii. Facilitating communication: Effective and effi-
cient communication can help knowledge spread
quickly and throughout the organisation. In other
to effectively share knowledge across the organi-
sation, organisation should focus on knowledge
flow (communication) rather than knowledge
store. Knowledge improved organisation’s ability
to make rapid decisions and execute them effec-
It is important to classify knowledge from infor-
mation and data to prevent waste of management
energy. The best use of knowledge is to innovate and
focus on the future. The activities of knowledge
management include capture, editing, packaging and
pruning, development, categorising, and distributing.
The strategic context of e-learning, in terms of cost,
buying off-the-shelf materials is probably the least
cost option and this is currently the predominant
provision of e-learning. There are a considerable
number of off-the-shelf programmes available on the
market with many companies offering a trial period
before buying. The majority of packages are aimed
at developing IT skills, for example the Microsoft
certification. Whilst training for skills such as IT
may be generic, organisations of all sizes still have
their individual training needs and the content of an
off-the-shelf programme may not be appropriate nor
offer the required level of support. It may also be
difficult to assess the quality of a programme prior to
commitment to purchase and so as has often hap-
pened, an e-learning programme could prove to be
boring and irrelevant with a high drop out rate. If an
e-learning programme is not delivering the required
training then it may be more cost effective, particu-
larly where large numbers are concerned, to pur-
chase a bespoke course. A bespoke course can focus
precisely on those topics relevant to the organisation
and be used many times without the cost of licence
fees. Rosenberg (2001) suggests three reasons why
outsourcing may be the most suitable strategy:
As technology is developing rapidly, it may be
costly to maintain state-of-the-art e-learning capacity
over a long period. By outsourcing, the organisation
therefore avoids the risks associated with emerging
technologies. A related issue is that of competency.
Whilst most organisations will have an IT depart-
ment, it will be more effective to allocate resources
to supporting the organisation’s strategy. External
providers will have the necessary expertise for de-
veloping the programme faster and they will also be
aware of recent developments.
Finally, there is capacity to consider. As the de-
mand for training fluctuates, outsourcing allows the
organisation to expand or reduce training without
affecting its own training department. It is necessary
to have a thorough understanding of what organisa-
tion and/or the academic institution need and also to
look for a vendor with a stable financial base.
Indeed, more and more programmes will be de-
veloped in-house as it can be argued that not only
does this keep down costs but it also allows the or-
ganisation and/or the academic institution to have
full control over the product including copyright.
This will enhanced the existing skills so that the fu-
Table 1: Factors that impact organisational strategic context of e-learning
250 Organisation responses
Criteria: Impacting factors with elements
Yes No
Government Policy
• Skill Development (Training)
• KM (Knowledge Management)
• RD (Research And Development)
Service Provider
Social Culture
Communication 250 0
ture development will become easier and the organi-
sation can carry out its own maintenance.
4.1 Impacting factors
We conducted a questionnaire survey to show the
impacting factors that impact organisational e-
learning strategy. The 250 organisations that partici-
pated in the investigation are among the leaders in
automobile, telecommucations, banking, travel and
leisure, and food-and-drink industries from Europe
and the USA. The detailed analyses of the factors
that impact organisational e-learning strategy within
these organisations was possible to be established
thought the completion of questionnaires. We used 4
criteria to measure the factors that impact organisa-
tional e-learning (see data generated from the survey
in Table 1).
Based on the responses in Table 1, an average of
208 out of 250 organisations (i.e. 83.2%) agreed on
the factors that impact organisational strategic con-
text of e-learning while only 42 of them (i.e. 16.8%)
4.2 Factors that impact organisational e-
We have also used the criteria in Table 1 to present
the organisational strategic context of e-learning
model in Figure 1 which includes the elements
within individual factors. This model shows an itera-
tive process among artifacts, skill/recognised qualifi-
cation, core element of organisational e-learning
strategy and the program schedule. The following
are the factors that impact organisational e-learning:
1. Management. The management factor involved
customers, competition and government policy,
which are the elements that guide the organisation
to achieve desired goals. The management deals
with these factors in relation to the organisation
2. Application: The application factor covers ele-
ments such as skills, knowledge management, re-
search development, and the service provider.
Theses elements involve the activities of develop-
ing, programming, implementing and using soft-
ware application that are used for organisations e-
learning or support e-learning activities. The ap-
plication factor addresses the ‘what’ and not
about the ‘how’ of software that is, questions like:
‘What skill do we need?’, ‘What information are
we going to manage within the knowledge man-
agement?’, ‘What are the requirements for the e-
learning application?’, ‘What are the research and
development required?’, ‘What service provider
to be used?’ The factor do not precisely deter-
mine to exact elements that raises the most am-
biguous questions: ‘What the e-learning applica-
tion is supposed to do?’ depends on the strategic
decision about ‘What is the skill area the organi-
sation actually wants to develop?
3. Infrastructure: The infrastructure factor covers
elements such as the economics, technology, so-
cial culture and ecology. These elements are pre-
requisite of the environment that is beyond an or-
ganisation’s influence. The infrastructure of or-
ganisational strategic context of e-learning build
on an open stands, integrates into the existing in-
4. Communication: The communication factor deals
with issue of transmitting information.
Figure 1: Organisational strategic context of e-learning model
The dominant technology in most discussions of e-
learning is the Internet. It has advantages and disad-
vantages compared to other platforms such as CD-
ROM. As a result, the preferred platform differs
from one application to another. According to Den-
nis Quilter, chief executive of a training supplier, the
AdVal Group, “CD-ROM is mainly used now to
deliver video or for material with heavy animations”
Rosenberg, 2001). The advantages of the Internet
mostly relate to its real time nature. These include
the ability to continuously update and refresh materi-
als, and its ability to provide direct communication
with other people. However, in its current form, the
Internet has significant limitations due to connec-
tions. These include bandwidth, connectivity prob-
lems, and spatial inflexibility as a result of the re-
quirement for a phone line (although this may even-
tually be overcome by wireless technology).
It is widely believed that e-learning will bring an
industrial revolution to training and education. IDC
(2001), the market research company, forecast last
year that the global corporate e-learning market will
be worth $23 billion in 2003 although this may take
a year or two longer following the downturn in the
market due to the terrorist events of September 11,
2001. Sheila McGovern, an IDC analyst, forecasts
the market in Europe will grow by 46% in 2002 and
57% by the end of 2003. At present e-learning is
only a small part of the overall global training mar-
ket. The IT analysis group Gartner, forecasting a
wider increase in the market to rise to over $33 bil-
lion by 2005, which would make up almost one third
of overall global training market (
McGovern, 2002).
The pure cost savings of e-learning are compelling
for organisations and academia, compared to tradi-
tional training courses. Savings arise from less time
off work, lower travel cost, smaller hotel bills and
potentially more effective learning. IBM has re-
ported saving more than $80 million in travel and
housing expenses by adopting on-line learning
across its worldwide operations. Forrester (2000)
interviewed training managers and knowledge offi-
cers at 40 Global companies and discovered that all
but one already has on-line initiatives. Of those
companies, 67% identified cost saving as the main
reason for adopting e-learning programs. Whalen
and Wright (1999) found that while e-learning has
higher development cost, these are offset by lower
delivery cost. Also, the reduction in course delivery
time (course compression) was from 12 hours of
traditional instruction to 2.5 hours of e-learning. It
has the potential to deliver courses to a larger num-
ber of students as well. The amount of multimedia
content was also a significant factor in terms of cost
savings. The study showed an average savings per
student ranging from $702 to $1,103, depending on
the level of multimedia.
Indeed, learning is becoming more, user friendly day
by day and the need to carry out needs assessment to
improve performance, achieve goals of the organisa-
tion, determine what potential obstacles need to be
removed, and the e-learning readiness score are cru-
cial to the future of e-learning in our society. Forres-
ter found e-learning to be unpopular with employees
with dropout rates as high as 80%. This is due to
poor quality material mainly comprised of static
HTML pages, which were produced cheaply. This
type of static reading is not effective. On screen
reading retention is 30% lower than reading with
printed materials (
Forrester, 2000). This is not the
enhanced training that e-learning represents.
Furthermore, the survey findings have shown that
the factors that impact organisational e-learning
(management, application, infrastructure, and com-
munication) and their elements should be considered
when making strategic decision about the organisa-
tion e-learning adaptation.
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