Sergey V. Zykov, Ph.D.
ITERA Oil and Gas Company L.L.C.
Keywords: ERP, enterprise information system, data modelling, abstract machine, computational environment, content
management, software development methodology, application integration
Abstract: The paper considers software development issues for large-scale enterprise information systems (IS) with
databases (DB) in global heterogeneous distributed computational environment. Due to high IT
development rates, the present-day society has accumulated and rapidly increases an extremely huge data
burden. Manipulating with such huge data arrays becomes an essential problem, particularly due to their
global distribution, heterogeneous and weak-structured character. The conceptual approach to integrated
Internet-based IS design, development and implementation is presented, including formal models, software
development methodology and original software development tools for visual problem-oriented
development and content management. IS implementation results proved shortening terms and reducing
costs of implementation compared to commercial software available.
Due to the tendency of almost annual doubling of
enterprise information size, state-of-the-art IS and
DBMS are currently operating terabyte
information arrays, which are going to change for
petabyte size shortly.
Tremendous heterogeneous data volumes
demand new software development tools that
provide continuous iterative design,
implementation and support for IS integrating both
DB and meta-DB (MDB) containing specific
information for DB handling. Since contemporary
scholars use MDB for knowledge acquisition and
processing, solving problem of integrated DB and
MDB management by means of IS provides
potentially new level of information handling,
thanks to data and knowledge cooperation.
Under the socio-economic globalization
conditions combined with growing dependency of
nation-wide and worldwide development level
upon IT perfection degree, adequate IS functioning
demands novel conceptual and methodological
approaches to software design and implementation.
Under rapidly growing IT penetration into each
and every activity sphere of the modern society,
software integration becomes a critical issue,
particularly considering DB and MDB sizes and
co-existing heterogeneous (and often
contradicting) concepts, methodologies, models
and approaches to handling them. The fact that
major software development companies (such as
Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, SAP, BEA etc.) have not
produced a uniform approach to complex IS
construction yet (including Internet-based ones)
speaks for itself; universal terminology has not
been worked out either. Quite a number of research
groups focus on a uniform theoretical language and
SDK solution for enterprise-scale IS design,
implementation and integration. However, the
problem is still far from its adequate solution.
The above considerations require a
conceptually new approach to integrated IS design,
implementation and support, which provides
dynamic tracking (meta)data integrity and high IS
fault tolerance in heterogeneous computational
Therewith, a number of interrelated problems
to be solved arises, namely:
Multiple CASE and RAD methodologies
complicate supporting continuous, integrated,
problem-oriented IS lifecycle;
Non-uniformity of mathematical and
methodological foundations and programming
features of (meta)data object description languages
and IS construction software toolkits makes it
really complicated to provide continuously
integrated software extension and improvement;
V. Zykov S. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 168-175
DOI: 10.5220/0001227301680175
Flexible and reliable user interface to IS
and DBMS (including personalized data access
restriction and interface customization) is a
problem to implement;
Computational environment features can
hardly be used completely and uniformly for data
objects (DO) and metadata objects (MDO)
manipulation, including interface elements.
Theoretical and experimental research on IS
implementation, improvement and support reveals
the following problems to be solved:
Building a uniform conceptual approach
to large-scale IS design, implementation and
support for global, distributed, heterogeneous
computational environment;
Creating methodology for continuous
integrated support of IS during the entire lifecycle;
Developing a theoretical background and
formal methods for representation, testing and
verification of both (meta)data and IS on the
Implementing (M)DO computational
models for highly dynamic IS in extendable
heterogeneous environment;
Developing problem-oriented software
design and implementation toolkits;
Forming choice criteria for integrated
solutions of globally distributed enterprise IS.
Research in the above directions resulted in a
novel conceptual approach to integrated IS design
and implementation, represented by a collection of
the following interrelated elements:
Set of formal models (problem domain
conceptual model, abstract machine model for
computational environment and software
development toolkit);
Methodology for IS design,
implementation and support;
Choice criteria set for IS prototyping,
design and implementation SDK;
Original software development tools
(ConceptModeller for visual problem-oriented IS
development, content management IS).
3.1 Structure and organization
The suggested conceptual approach to IS design,
implementation and support is based on (meta)data
integration and aimed primarily to overcome the
problems mentioned.
One of its essential components is conceptual
software design, which provides a unified
(meta)data computational model in the form of
(M)DO, language and software development tools
for handling them.
Another essential ingredient of the approach is
the methodology that supports continuous multi-
level iterative software design and implementation
(including reengineering) from problem domain
entities to (meta)data and IS schemes. Therewith,
(meta)data actuality, completeness, consistency
and integrity is controlled throughout the entire IS
One more innovative aspect of the research
deals with IS and (M)DB CASE-, RAD-, and
integration tools. Application development
requires conceptual and methodological
generalization of (M)DO management processes to
provide integrated DO and MDO management on
the basis of uniform, open and extendable
interface, language and software tools.
Research objective is analysis, development
and approbation of IS construction concept and
methodology for acquisition, processing and
providing report information on enterprise
resources, and practically testing the results
obtained for prototyping, design, implementation
and support of full-scale software for global
information networks. Major tasks solved during
the research are the following ones:
Analyzing design process for global
network software;
Building concept of design,
implementation and support of Internet-oriented
Development and approval of the unified
approach to solve the formulated task in a form of
the methodology for continuous IS integrated
design, implementation and support, (M)DO
problem domain model, and an abstract machine as
computational environment model;
Software development tools
implementation for visual problem-oriented design
(ConceptModeller) and RAD (content management
IS) for the enterprise applications;
Designing system interfaces and
supporting architecture of a generalized global
networking IS;
Implementing fast prototypes and full-
scale software for portal information resources
management in a large international corporation.
Research methods used to solve the above
tasks are based on a creative synthesis of
fundamental statements of finite sequence theory
(Barendregt, 1984), category theory (Curry, 1958;
Cousineau, 1987), computations theory (Scott,
1982) and semantic networks theory (Roussopulos,
Research contains a novel reasoning and
presentation of conceptual and methodological
foundations of continuous, integrated enterprise IS
design for global networking environment, during
their entire lifecycle. All of the approaches known
as yet either have methodological “gaps” or do not
result in enterprise-level solutions with practically
applicable implementation features (scalability,
expandability, availability, fault tolerance etc.).
The developed data models (DM) for problem
domains (variable domain-based) and software
development tools (abstract machine-based)
manipulate dynamic and static features of
heterogeneous weak-structured environments in a
more detailed way. Another aspect of research
novelty is the architectural solution for open,
extendable, distributed, interoperable,
heterogeneous environment that supports
personalized front-end and back-end (meta)data
processing based on component technology with
embedded script procedures.
The variable domain-based DM with states
features event-driven DO and MDO control of
heterogeneous problem domains. Therewith, the
range of possible (meta)data sources is extended
up to virtually arbitrary data warehouses (including
(M)DB), that support state-of-the-art front-end
architectures of globally distributed IS,
intermediate and legacy systems. The software
development solution features content-oriented
(M)DM, which is modeled by an abstract machine.
As far as implementation part is concerned,
traditional technologies and software development
tools are extended by continuous conceptual
iterative integrated IS design based on a creative
combination of COM model, UML language and
BPR technology applied to a decentralized,
personalized, globally distributed component
Research attention is focused on object-
oriented IS design and implementation that
provides front-end interfaces with heterogeneous
data warehouses by built-in procedures and
embedded dynamic modules.
3.2 The (meta)data object model
Upon analyzing ERP problem domain features, the
computational data model (CDM) is suggested in a
form of object calculus.
DO of the CDM can be represented as follows:
DO = <concept, individual, state>,
where under a concept a collection of functions
with one and the same definition range and one
and the same value range is implied. An individual
means an entity that an expert identifies within a
problem domain by specifying its unique
properties. State changes model problem domain
individual dynamics.
Compared to results obtained as yet, principal
benefits of the CDM suggested are more adequate
mapping of heterogeneous weak-structured
problem domain dynamics and statics as well as
event-driven (meta)data control in a global
computational environment. As to architecture and
interface, the CDM provides "penetrating" iterative
design of open, distributed, interoperable IS based
on UML and BPR methodologies and .NET web
services. The implementation supports an
integrated front-end information management for
various data warehouse types of heterogeneous
enterprise IS on the technological basis of event-
driven procedures and dynamic SQL-based
component modules.
The globally distributed information
management problem domain requires support for
multi-level profile-based access to heterogeneous
distributed databases and data warehouses based
on unified Internet information interchange
protocols and web services. To meet the IS
interface requirements, dynamically variable
(meta)data representation, flexible personalized
access granting and consistent support of data
integrity should be provided. IS architecture should
be open, extendable, flexibly adaptable to problem
domain state; it should also provide online data and
metadata personalized correction (i.e. depend on
the computational environment state).
Figure 1: Generalized design and implementation
procedure of IS for global network environments.
A multi-level integrated IS design and
implementation scheme is suggested (fig. 1) that
provides fast component-based development of
integrated, open, extendable IS for global networks
with continuous (meta)data adequacy and integrity
control. During the development procedure IS
specification is transformed from problem domain
notations to formal CDM entities, further, by
CASE-toolkit to OR(M)DB scheme with Oracle
Portal as (M)DO manipulation tool, and, finally, to
target IS formal architecture and interface
component description.
The developed computational model is based
on two-level conceptualization (Wolfengagen,
1999), i.e., the process of establishing relations
between problem domain concepts.
Individuals h, according to assigned types T,
are assembled into assignment-dependent
collections, thus forming variable domains
(I) = {h|h : I
which model problem domain dynamics and
When fixing CDM individuals, uniqueness of
DO d individualization within problem domain D
by formula Φ should be maintained:
||Iх Φ(х)||i = d
{d} = {d
D| || Φ(đ)||i=1}.
Computational model semantics for (meta)data
and states are adequately and uniformly formalized
by multi-sort typed λ-calculus (Barendregt, 1984)
and combinatory logic (Curry, 1958), semantic
network-based situational description
(Roussopulos, 1976) and state-based abstract
(virtual) categorical machine (Cousineau, 1987).
The DO model compression principle
С = Iу : [D]
x : D(y(x)
Φ) = {x: D | Φ}
allows model application to concepts, individuals
and states separately and to the DO on the whole.
Metadata computational model extends Codd’s
relational model by the compression principle:
, x
are metalevel predicate symbols in
relation to level j;
is an individual of level j;
is a DO definition language construct of
level j.
The above integrated object model for data,
metadata and states is characterized by structural
hierarchical organization, scalability, metadata
encapsulation and readability. Extendibility,
adequacy, neutrality and semantic soundness of the
formalization provide problem-oriented IS
development with (M)DO adequacy maintenance
throughout the entire lifecycle.
During the research, automated translation
procedure is developed that transforms (M)DO of
the above CDM into target (M)DB schemes and
(meta)data management abstract machine codes;
the formal language specification presented
provides data completeness, consistency and
On the basis of multi-parameter functional
F = F ((v), (e), …) (s) (p),
where assignment values represent:
s – IS user personal preferences;
p – IS user registration status;
v – IS client interface parameters;
e – IS data access device parameters,
semantics object model and formal generalized
procedure of (meta)data instantiation have been
built, depending on the above assignments and
based on functional F evaluation function
⎢⎢° ⎢⎢(Zykov, 2002).
3.3 The content management model
Abstract machine for content management
(AMCM) (Zykov, 2004a) is suggested as a formal
model of content management IS for information
resources, which is an improved version of
categorical abstract machine (CAM) (Cousineau,
1987). At any given moment AMCM is determined
by its state. AMCM work cycle can be formalized
by explicit enumeration of possible state changes,
which define the procedure of AMCM state
dynamics modeling.
From the formal model viewpoint, when portal
page templates are mapped into the pages, variable
binding actually occurs, which is evaluation of
variables that characterize template elements with
their values, or portal page elements.
AMCM semantics can be described on the
basis of D.Scott semantic domain theory (Scott,
1982). Therewith, atomic template types are
chosen out of standard domains, while more
complex template types are built using domain
AMCM formal semantics is built in the
following order:
1) Standard (most commonly used within
the model framework) domain enumeration;
2) Finite (containing explicitly enumerable
elements) domain definition;
3) Domain constructor (operations of
building new domains out of the existing ones)
definition, which are domain combination
4) Aggregate domain formalization using
standard domains and domain constructors.
Domain constructors include functional space
], Cartesian product [D
sequence D
and disjunctive sum [D
+… +D
Let the AMCM language contain expression
set E (including constant set, identifier set I,
assignment operation (content “write operation” to
template “slot”) etc.), and command set С
(comparison, command sequence etc.).
AMCM syntax is completely defined by the
following syntax domain description:
Ide ={I | I – identifier};
Com ={C | C – command};
Exp ={E | E – expression}.
Let us collect all possible language identifiers
into Ide domain, commands – into Com domain,
and expressions – into Exp domain.
State-based computational model of AMCM
environment is as follows:
State = Memory
Output; (s)
Memory = Ide
[Value + {unbound}]; (m)
Input = Value*; (i)
Output = Value*; (o)
Value = Type1 + Type2 + … (v)
AMCM state is defined by “memory” state
considering input values (i.e. content) and output
values (i.e. web-pages) of the abstract machine.
Therewith, under memory a mapping from
identifier domain into value domain is implied,
which is similar to lambda-calculus variable
binding. For correct exception handling, unbound
element should be added to the domains. Value
domain is formed by disjunctive sum of domains,
which contain content types of AMCM language.
Semantic statements describe denotates (i.e.
correct construct values) of AMCM (M)DO
manipulation language.
Semantic statement for an expression reads:
E: Exp
[ State
State] + {error}]];
Expression evaluation in AMCM environment
results in such a state change that the variable is
bound to its value, or (in case the binding is
impossible due to variable and value type
incompatibility) an error is generated.
Semantic statement for a command reads:
С : Com
Generally speaking, expression evaluation in
AMCM environment results in AMCM state
change and a situation is possible (e.g., assignment
type incompatibility), when an error is generated.
Constant denotates are their respective values
(in a form of ordered pair of <variable, value>),
while program state remains unchanged.
Identifier denotates are identifiers bound with
their values in case binding is possible (in a form
of ordered tuples of <variable_in_memory,
identifier, state>), while the state remains
unchanged, and an error message is generated in
case the binding is impossible:
E [I] s = (m, I = unbound) error,
(m, I, s).
Semantic function for assignment command of
AMCM language has the following type:
C: Com
[State + {error}].
Thus, content management IS template binding
with the content may result in AMCM state change
and in a number of limited, predefined cases
(particularly, under template and content type
incompatibility) – in error generation.
Semantic statement for an AMCM command,
which assigns content to template element, results
in state change with substitution of content value v
by identifier I in the memory:
C [I=E] = E [E] *
v (m , i, o) . (m [v/I], i, o).
4.1 General implementation scheme
IS development concepts and methodology have
been instantiated for enterprise resource
management, including information and interface
(i.e. data and metadata) of enterprise information
resources (Internet and Intranet sites). Detailed
design scheme consists of the following stages
(Zykov, 2004b):
1) Management board outlines objectives
and measures to control information resources that
map into formal business rules of IS computational
2) Information resource managers build
detailed structure and functional enterprise
conceptual business model as a DO map;
3) System analysts consider OLAP-
instantiations of the enterprise business model
versions for various development scenarios;
4) IS and DB developers formalize
architecture and interface logics with OO scripting
languages (in terms of state-based abstract
machine), which is later translated into UML-
based DM (abstract machine code) by synthetic
CASE methodology;
5) DB, LAN, Internet, Intranet and security
administrators, designers and content managers
implement and support target configurations for IS,
DB and information network resources.
According to detailed development sequence
for resource management IS, a generalized
heterogeneous data warehouse processing
procedure is suggested that allows users to interact
with distributed (M)DB in a certain state,
depending upon dynamically script-activated
assignments. Therewith, scripts are initiated (in the
form of (M)DB connection profiles and state-based
abstract machine OO script procedures) depending
on user-triggered events, which provide transparent
intellectual client-server front-end interaction.
Dynamically variable profiles for information
resource and interface (M)DB access provide strict
and flexible personalization, high fault tolerance
and data security for ordinary and privileged IS
users in heterogeneous environment.
4.2 Component integration
According to resource management IS design and
implementation scheme, a generalized algorithm is
outlined for new component integration into
existing IS. The algorithm is based on semantically
preferred DO analysis, and it provides
completeness, consistency and integrity of
extendable DO models and an iterative IS design
procedure by business model reengineering. The
algorithm unifies heterogeneous object-based IS
integration process; ERP and document
management IS integration is overviewed (Zykov,
The suggested conceptual approach to IS design
and implementation has been practically approved
by development of UniQue HR management IS,
Internet and Intranet portals in ITERA
International Group of Companies.
As to information management software for
global computational environment, its Menu
component is aimed at portal navigation data
storage and processing. Pages subsystem is related
to Menu and tracks events of assignment, transfer,
and deletion of portal pages (meta)data and
navigation menu items. Images module provides
storage, retrieval and portal web publication of
digitized photos and graphics. News Columns
supports periodical portal publications (press
releases, media news etc.), including data from
related third-party IS modules. Special sections
organizes visual management of portal content (i.e.
data) and design (i.e. metadata) by given criteria
set. Administration implements profiling, data
access policies and (M)DB synchronization.
In terms of system architecture, the IS provides
assignments (depending on front-end position in
data access hierarchy) with a certain level of
(meta)data entry, modification, analysis and report
generation (from administrator down to reader).
Problem-oriented form designer, report writer,
online documentation and administration tools
make an interactive interface toolkit. (M)DB
supports integrated storage of data (for online
access) and metadata (DO dimensions, integrity
constraints, data representation formats and other
information resource parameters).
During the resource management IS design,
problem domain DM specifications (in terms of
semantic networks) are transformed by
ConceptModeller to UML diagrams, then by
Oracle Developer/2000 integrated CASE tool – to
ER diagrams (or by AMCM and Oracle Portal
toolkit – into AM code) and, finally, into target IS
and (M)DB schemes.
Using the suggested information model, the
architectural and interface solution has been
customized for resource management IS with
(M)DB interaction assignments for various classes
of users and administrators.
IS implementation process included fast
prototyping (with SQL and Perl stored OO scripts)
and full-scale integrated Oracle-based
The fast IS prototype has been designed to
prove adequacy of the formal (meta)data models,
methods and algorithms, it uses a generalized
architecture scheme and linking interfaces. As a
result of comparative analysis the environment has
been chosen that included Sybase S-Designor and
PowerBuilder CASE-and-RAD toolkit, Perl
language and mySQL DBMS.
Upon prototype testing, a full-scale enterprise
OO toolkit has been customized for applied IS
development for information resources
management including Internet and Intranet
portals. Web pages automatically generated by
information resources (meta)data management IS
are published at ITERA Group Intranet portal and
official Internet site (
To provide the required industrial scalability
and fault tolerance level, the integrated Oracle IS
design and implementation toolkit (Portal,
Developer/2000) has been chosen to support UML
and BPR methodologies.
All of the components are designed,
implemented and customized according to
technical specifications outlined by the author and
tested for several years in a heterogeneous
enterprise environment. The resulting
implementation terms and costs have been reduced
about 40% (on the average) compared to
commercial software available, while functional
characteristics have been essentially improved.
Advanced personalization and access level
differentiation allows to substantially reduce risks
of (meta)data damage or loss (Zykov, 2003).
A comprehensive conceptual approach to IS
design, implementation and maintenance has been
outlined. Based on the approach, a novel IS
development methodology in terms of multi-level
iterative procedure has been developed for
information resource management, which provides
adequate, consistent and integrate (meta)data
manipulation during the entire lifecycle (Zykov,
Upon customizing theoretical methods of finite
sequences, categories, semantic networks,
computations and abstract machines, a set of
models have been constructed including problem
domain conceptual model for (M)DO dynamics
and statics as well as a model for development
tools and computational environment in terms of
state-based abstract machines, which provide
integrated (M)DO manipulation in (weak-
structured) heterogeneous problem domains. For
the model collection, a generalized development
toolkit choice criteria set has been suggested for IS
prototyping, design and implementation.
A SDK has been implemented including
ConceptModeller visual problem oriented CASE-
tool and IS for content (i.e., (M)DO) management.
According to the conceptual approach, a
generalized interface solution has been designed
for Internet-oriented information management IS,
based on content-oriented architecture with explicit
division into front-end and back-end sides.
To solve multi-aspect applied task of
information resource management, a fast event-
driven prototype has been developed using
ConceptModeller toolkit and PowerScript and Perl
programming languages. After the prototype
testing, a full-scale enterprise object-oriented IS
has been designed and implemented as an
information resource management application.
The full-scale enterprise IS has been
customized for HR and information resource
management (in terms of Internet and Intranet
portals) and implemented in a corporation
employing nearly 10,000 people. The obtained
results proved shortening terms and reducing costs
of implementation compared to commercial
software available, and revealed high mobility,
expandability, scalability and ergonomics of the IS.
IS iterative multi-level design is based on a formal
model synthesizing OO methods of management of
DO (i.e. data) and MDO (i.e. knowledge).
Practical value of the results obtained is
defined by the benefits of large-scale IS
development by the methods suggested.
Particularly, formal DM is used, which synthesizes
methods of finite sequences, category theory,
computation theory and semantic networks and
that provides joint DO and MDO management in
heterogeneous interoperable globally distributed
environment. Due to formalized IS testing and
verification procedures, costs of (meta)data
maintenance, fault tolerance and integrity support
have been essentially reduced, while IS
modernization, customization and performance
optimization procedures have been simplified.
The results obtained have been used for
development of a number of IS in ITERA Group:
UniQue HR ERP (1998-2000);
Content management IS for network
information resources (2001-2002);
Official Internet site, (2003-
Enterprise Intranet portal (2004).
Models, methods and tools developed by the
author (event-driven state-based DM, AM for
distributed IS) served as a basis for IS
implementation for distributed information
resource management in ITERA International
Group of Companies. According to ITERA
experts, the IS implementation has resulted in
annual cost reduction of hundreds of thousands of
US dollars, while data management efficiency has
increased substantially.
The author is going to continue his studies of
the formal models and related SDK that support
enterprise content management IS.
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