Grid-based collaborative environment architecture
of domain oriented application is proposed based on
research on combination of grid computing and
CSCW. Grid middleware and CSCW services are
developed which are MOM, GIS, Service
Aggregator, Collaborative Awareness Service,
Collaborative Context Service, Monitor Service and
Task Scheduling Service etc. Collaborative process
in distributed, dynamic, open, cross-organization
environment is supported by those services.
Furthermore advanced collaborative learning service
can be developed for the learning assessment task in
e-Learning. Therefore, our work fills the existing
gap between current cooperative platform and
complex, cross-organization infrastructure.
Services of LAGrid have been deployed in five
cities (http://www.lagrid.cn) supporting assessment
task of three courses for CRTVU. The next phase of
the project “Grid-based Collaborative Platform for
e-Learning” will aim to promote perfect
development of grid middleware and CSCW
services. More flexible CSCW services will be
delivered together with the more robust and flexible
grid middleware components. Various collaborative
resources can be reused and composed according to
context. Various cooperation-intensive groups in
different sizes may coexist with each other orderly
and may be evolved in a natural way.
Our project is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under grant No.
90412009. The authors would like to acknowledge
the other members of the LAGrid team for their
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