Atelach Alemu Argaw and Lars Asker
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Stockholm University
Forum 100
SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden
Web mining, parallel corpora, text alignment, Amharic.
We present recent work aimed at constructing a bilingual corpus consisting of comparable Amharic and Eng-
lish news texts. The Amharic and English texts were collected from an Ethiopian news agency that publishes
daily news in Amharic and English through their web page. The Amharic texts are represented using Ethiopic
script and archived according to the Ethiopian calender. The overlap between the corresponding Amharic
and English news texts in the archive is comparatively small, only approximately one article out of ten has a
corresponding translated version. Thus a major part of the work has been to identify the subset of matching
news texts in the archive, transliterating the Amharic texts into an ASCII representation, and aligning them
with their respective corresponding English version. In doing so, we utilised a number of available software
and data sources that were (mainly) found on the Internet. Amharic is a language for which very few computa-
tional linguistic tools or corpora (such as electronic lexica, part-of-speech taggers, parsers or tree-banks) exist.
A challenge has therefor been to show that it is possible to create a comparable corpus even in the absence to
these resources. We used fuzzy string matching between words in the English and Amharic titles as a way to
determine how likely it is that two news items are referring to the same event. In order to restrict the matching
algorithm further, we only compared titles of news items that were published on the corresponding same date
and at the same place. We present an experimental evaluation of the algorithm, based on data from one year,
and show that fuzzy string matching of news titles can be sufficient to align Amharic and English news text
with relatively high precision despite the obvious difference between the two languages.
The emergence of the World Wide Web has provided
new and important opportunities to easily access and
combine data and information from several different
sources and thereby enabling the construction of new
resources for researchers and people everywhere. Al-
though most web pages on the Internet are in English,
there is a growing number of non-English web pages,
and today there are more non-English than English
speaking Internet users (GlobalReach, 2004).
For people in many parts of the world there is an
urgent need to develop tools and resources that can
allow them to better access, process and disseminate
information on the Internet while using their own lan-
guage. One way to develop these resources is through
the transfer of linguistic knowledge, tools and tech-
niques from languages where these resources have
been more developed and are more readily available.
An important requisite for this process is the existence
of (bilingual) parallel or comparable corpora. By par-
allel corpora we mean texts that are direct translations
of each other, and by comparable corpora we mean
texts with the approximate same content and refer-
ring to the same event. Such parallel/comparable texts
contain a large amount of implicit information that
can be used as a bridge to transfer linguistic knowl-
edge and make it accessible for both languages. There
has recently been a number of research projects with
this focus (see e.g. (Yarowsky et al., 2001), (Hwa
et al., 2002), (Riloff et al., 2002), (Alemu et al., 2004)
and (Alemu et al., 2003)).
In this paper we present recent work with the focus
of constructing a bilingual comparable corpus con-
sisting of Amharic and English news texts. In do-
ing so, we utilised a number of available software and
data sources that were (mainly) found on the Inter-
net. The Amharic and English news texts were col-
lected from Walta Information Center, a private news
agency located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, that makes
Alemu Argaw A. and Asker L. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 239-246
DOI: 10.5220/0001228502390246
daily news in Amharic and English available through
their web page
. Although this news agency provides
Ethiopian news in both Amharic and English, only
a small portion of the articles in the archive refer to
the same event. Furthermore, the Amharic news texts
are published using Ethiopic script and archived ac-
cording to the Ethiopian calendar while the English
news texts are archived according to the Gregorian
calendar. Thus a major part of the work consisted of
identifying the relevant comparable news items in the
archive, transliterating the Amharic news items into
an ASCII representation, and aligning them with their
respective corresponding English version.
The work is motivated by the fact that Amharic is a
language for which very few computational linguis-
tic tools or corpora (such as lexica, part-of-speech
taggers, parsers or tree-banks) exist. This problem,
which is shared by a number of so called "low den-
sity languages" has proven to be a bottleneck when it
comes to promote the use of computers and the Inter-
net in local languages. It is difficult to develop new
linguistic resources without access to already exsist-
ing ones. A challenge has therefor been to show that
it is possible to automatically align and create a bilin-
gual comparable corpus even in the absence of these
resources. It is our hope that by doing so, and by mak-
ing available even a small parallel Amharic - English
corpus, that it can provide a starting point for such
transfer as well as provide a useful basis for a num-
ber of other higher level natural language processing
activities for Amharic.
In order to align the Amharic and English news
articles without the help of an electronic Amharic -
English lexicon, we used the string closeness between
words in the titles as a way to measure how similar
two news items were. This was implemented using
the Levenshtein Distance algorithm (also called edit
distance) (Bendersky, 2004). In order to restrict the
matching algorithm further, we only compared the ti-
tles of news items that were published on the corre-
sponding same date and place. An experimental eval-
uation of the performance of the algorithm based on
data for one year is presented below in Section 5.
2.1 Web Mining
The Internet has so far been predominated by Eng-
lish. Nevertheless, it shows great promise as a source
for multilingual content due to the fact that texts in
more and more languages are becoming available on
the WWW, and the number is growing by the day.
Resnik (Resnik, 1999) referred to numbers from the
Babel survey of multilinguality on the Web
and pre-
sented estimated figures that as of June, 1997, there
were on the order of 63,000 primarily non-English
Web servers, ranging over 14 languages. A follow-
up investigation of the amount of non-English web
servers suggested that nearly a third contain informa-
tion expressed in more than one language. Today, the
total number of web servers has grown to more than
285 million (according to the Internet Systems Con-
Internet domain survey from July 2004,
which is based on the number of hosts advertised in
the DNS). Furtermore, the number of on-line non-
English users are currently estimated to be 544.5 Mil-
lion (latest figures are from 2004) compared to 295.4
Million English users (GlobalReach, 2004).
A number of researchers have developed web min-
ing algorithms and tools to construct bilingual corpora
from the web c.f. (Chen and Jian-Jun, 2000), (Ma
and Liberman., 1999), (Yang and Li, 2002), (Resnik,
1998), (Resnik, 1999), (Resnik and Smith, 2003). The
most common approaches in these systems have been
to use structural resemblance, content analysis, or a
combination of the two to find matching web pages.
One example is the STRAND (Structural Transla-
tion Recognition for Acquiring Natural Data) system
developed by Philip Resnik and colleagues (Resnik,
1998), (Resnik, 1999).
STRAND uses structural filtering to compare lan-
guage pairs, linearizing the HTML structure of both
documents and aligning the resulting sequences.
STRAND’s approach is to identify naturally oc-
curring pairs of Web pages in parallel translation.
STRAND locates pages that might be translations of
one another via a number of different strategies, and
filters out page pairs where the page structures diverge
by too much. To attain this, it exploits an observation
about the way Web page authors disseminate infor-
mation in multiple languages: that when presenting
the same content in two different languages, authors
exhibit a very strong tendency to use the same docu-
ment structure. Hence, STRAND is based on the in-
sight that translated Web pages tend quite strongly to
exhibit parallel structure, permitting their exploitation
even without analyzing the content.
The original STRAND architecture used the Al-
taVista search engine to accomplished the first step
by searching for two types of Web pages. For each
web page that it finds, it looks for a parent page (one
that contains hypertext links to different language ver-
sions of a document) and a sibling page (a page in
one language that itself contains a link to a version of
the same page in another language). When consider-
ing only parent and sibling pages, the identification of
potentially translated pages is simply done by pairing
the child or sibling pages. When all the pages on a
site are under consideration, the matching is done by
compairing URLs in order to exploit the fact that the
directory structure on many Web sites have a parallel
local directory structure for web pages that are trans-
lations of each other. Another possible feature that the
authors consider for matching is the use of document
lengths and the fact that texts which are translations
of each other tend to be similar in length.
STRAND has been used to mine bilingual doc-
uments from the web for language pairs such as
English-French, English-Spanish and the authors
claim that rigorous evaluation using human judges
suggests that the technique produces an extremely
clean corpus - noise estimated between 0 and 8% even
without human intervention (Resnik, 1999).
In (Resnik and Smith, 2003) STRAND is enhanced
with content based similarity measures and applied
to the Internet Archive
to obtain an English-Arabic
parallel corpus of more than 1M tokens per language,
with a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.99 over the
extracted candidate pairs.
Due to the nature of the news data that we have
been working with, our approach differs in a number
of ways from the one used in STRAND and other sim-
ilar tools for web mining of parallel corpora. Firstly,
the structure and branching factor of the news archive
does not allow for a straight forward structural match-
ing. Secondly, the use of Ethiopic script and the lack
of an electronic Amharic - English lexicon does not
allow for a straight forward content based matching.
Instead, we had to transliterate the Amharic texts and
then use the following heuristics to guide the match-
ing and alignment process:
1. Parallel texts are ususally published the same date
2. Parallel texts usually refer to the same place name
3. The titles of news items tend to have a high con-
centration of words that are relatively unique and
specific for that particular news text. These words
are usually nouns and a very high proportion of per-
son and place names. These nouns are often similar
across languages and can therefor be identified us-
ing fuzzy string matching.
2.2 Amharic
Amharic is the official government language spoken
in Ethiopia. It is a Semitic Language of the Afro-
Asiatic Language Group that is related to Hebrew,
Arabic, and Syrian. Amharic, the syllabic language,
uses a script which originated from the Ge’ez alpha-
bet (the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox
Church). The language has 33 basic characters with
each having 7 forms for each consonant-vowel combi-
nation, and extra characters that are consonant-vowel-
vowel combinations for some of the basic consonants
and vowels. It also has a unique set of punctuation
marks and digits. Unlike Arabic, Hebrew or Syrian,
the language is written from left to right. Amharic
alphabets are one of a kind and unique to Ethiopia.
According to the 1998 census (in Arthur Lynn’s
World Languages) Amharic is spoken widely through
out different regions of Ethiopia: by over 17 mil-
lion people as a first language and by over 5 million
second language users. Some estimates indicate that
Amharic is the mother-tongue of around 15 to 30 mil-
lion Ethiopians. Manuscripts in Amharic are known
from the 14th century and the language has been used
as a general medium for literature, journalism, educa-
tion, national business and cross-communication. A
wide variety of literature including religious writings,
fiction, poetry, plays, and magazines are available in
the language.
Today a growing number of people use comput-
ers for various information processing purposes such
as document writing and correction, storage and re-
trieval of Amharic texts and databases. Hence more
and more documents (information) and databases in
Amharic are becoming available in electronic form.
Amharic documents written in Ethiopic are avail-
able on the web, and the amount is increasing by
the day. Ethiopic or Ethiopian script refers to the
Ge’ez alphabet, and is the official writing system
of Ethiopia. Different character encoding schemes
and different keyboard layout are used to represent
Ethiopic electronically. Some are unicode compliant
(e.g. Visual Ge’ez, Ethiopia Jiret) while some are not.
Although much effort has been made to have a stan-
dard for Ethiopic encoding, so far there is no standard
and texts written in these different encoding schemes
are not compatible with one another.
Although the amount of Amharic text on the web
is growing in size, the availability of an equivalent
translation of the texts in another language is still very
2.3 The Ethiopian Calendar
The Ethiopian calendar runs approximately seven
years and eight months behind the Gregorian calen-
dar (the current year 2005 is 1997 in the Ethiopian
calendar). The calendar is divided into 12 months of
30 days each and one 13th month consisting of five
or six days depending on wether the current year is
a leap year. The Ethiopian new year starts on Sep-
tember 11 (or September 12 on Gregorian leap years).
For the purpose of finding corresponding dates in the
Ethiopian and Gregorian calendars, a conversion ta-
ble was extracted from a free trial version of the 7000
Years Calendar v1.4.1(JuneCalends, 2004). This ta-
ble was used to convert the dates from one calendar
to the other and use this information to identify those
articles that were written on the same date during the
alignment process.
2.4 Parallel texts
Parallel and comparable corpora play an important
role in machine translation and multilingual natural
language processing. They represent resources for
automatic lexical acquisition, they provide indispens-
able training data for statistical translation models,
and they can provide the connection between vocabu-
laries in cross-language information retrieval (Resnik
and Smith, 2003). Recently, the trend to utilize
parallel corpora to transfer linguistic resources from
resource-rich languages such as English onto lesser
supported languages has been referred to as "Cross-
Language Projection" (Yarowsky et al., 2001). Com-
parable corpora can be used as resources for con-
structing parallel corpora, as well as resources for
different corpus based linguistic, natural language
processing and information retrieval experiments.
3.1 The Data Set
There are very few parallel/comparable Amharic -
English news texts available on the Internet. While
there are a few sites (such as Ethiopian News Head-
) that contain Ethiopian news in Amharic only,
and others (such as Addis Tribune
) that contain
Ethiopian news in English, we have only been able
to find one, at the Walta information center
that con-
tains a substantial amount of comparable versions of
both Amharic and English News with URLs that give
a clue for automatic alignement.
Not all texts at this site have a corresponding com-
parable version, but a portion of the news texts here
describe the same event and are comparable (but not
direct) translations of each other. These comparable
news items are relatively few and hard to identify au-
tomatically but are in general archived under the cor-
responding dates. The Ethiopic news are archived
using the Ethiopian calendar while the English news
are using the Gregorian calendar, but most compara-
ble news stories can be found within a couple of days
from the corresponding date.
The archive at Walta contains Amharic news from
the years 1993 until today (1997 Ethiopian calendar)
while the English archive contains articles from the
years 1999 until today). An estimation of the ac-
tual number of matching news items, based on man-
ual inspection of 15 days of data, gives that approxi-
mately 10% of the news items refer to the same event.
This would indicate that the archive in total contains
around 900 matching news texts.
3.2 Downloading
We downloaded all English and Amharic news ar-
ticles available at the Walta Information Center
archives using a web crawler (an evaluation version of
Offline Explorer Pro 3.5 from MetaProductsSoftware
). Since the pages at the archive contain
a large number of links to other web pages that were
irrelevant for our purposes, it was important to be able
to filter and control exactly what was being retrieved.
The news tetxs at the Walta archive are structured
in folders for Amharic news and English news with
subfolders for each year, month and day respectively.
The Amharic news is archived under folders accord-
ing to the Amharic calendar while the English news is
stored in folders with names according to the Grego-
rian calendar so a matching pair of news items would
for example be stored under:
respectively. A particular day would typically contain
between five and ten separate news items in each lan-
guage. Since the file names do not contain sufficient
information to identify the date (information about the
year is missing) we downloaded all available English
and Amharic articles from the archive while retaining
the original folder structure.
3.3 HTML tag removal
When the file structure for the relevant news articles
had been downloaded it was then flattened and the
html code for each page was removed using a pub-
licly available freeware (Emsa HTML Tag Remover
v1.0 Build 20). This software allows for controlled
removal of html tags as well as whitespace and other
special characters from html files. An extra degree of
control was required since the representation for the
Amharic fonts includes some special characters (such
as e.g. "{", "}" and "|") that would otherwise create
problems for the transliteration if they had been re-
moved. In addition to this it was important to preserve
portions of the original file structure in order to sim-
plify the parsing of the processed files into separate
fields such as e.g. title, place name and date.
3.4 Transliteration
In order to simplify the analysis and matching of
news texts and to have a unified representation of the
Amharic texts, we decided to transliterate all Amharic
texts into SERA (Yacob, 1996).
The Ethiopic script in the Amharic texts are repre-
sented using a variety of fonts. For the Amharic years
1993 until the first half of 1996, Visual Geez 2000 was
the most common, while after that, a mixture of fonts
have been used, which complicated the transliteration
The transliteration was done using a file conversion
utilty called g2 which is available in the LibEth pack-
age (LibEth is a library for Ethiopic text processing
written in ANSI C
. g2 was made available to us by
Daniel Yacob of the Ge’ez Frontier Foundation
3.5 Restructuring
Most of the Amharic and English news texts have a
semi-structured format that includes title, place name,
date, newsagency, and body. In order to simplify
the matching of news texts, we have preprocessed
the news articles and stored them in an xml struc-
ture that identifies each of these fields separately. Fig-
ures 1 - 3 shows three different representations of the
same news story, the original Amharic news text using
Ethiopic script (Figure 1), the transliterated Amharic
text (Figure 2), and the corresponding English news
text (Figure 3).
The news articles at Walta Information center are
more comparable than parallel. Some are direct trans-
lations from Amharic to English or vice versa while
others are news stories written by different reporters
but describing the same event. The ones we tried to
match in this experiment are all those that describe the
same incident. The date the articles are written, the
place the incident occured and the title of the articles
are the major information sources used for the align-
ment. The basic assumption here is based on the fact
that titles tend to be a highly summarised version of
the news text and tend to have content words that are
nouns or noun phrases which in turn are usually place
names, person names, organization names, or dates,
numbers etc. Hulth (Hulth, 2004) has investigated the
frequencies of different POS patterns in keywords that
have been assigned to documents by professional in-
dexers, and have found that as many as 90% of key-
words consist of nouns and noun phrases. It seemed
Figure 1: Part of an Amharic news text represented in
Ethiopic font
yedebub yuniversti sebat adadis
programocn jemere
awasa tahsas 7, 1994
yedebub yuniversti zendro bekefetacew
sebat adadis programoc lemejemeriya gizE
730 temariwocn teqeblo mastemar
mejemerun astaweqe:: yeyuniverstiw
yeakadamikna yemrmr mktl prEzidant
dokter tesfayE texome lewalta informExn
ma‘Ikel Indastawequt yuniverstiw
beteyazew ‘amet yeteqebelacew temariwoc
amst meto betefeTro; 230 degmo
bema‘heberawi sayns yetmhrt zerfoc new::
Inde mktl prEzidantu gele‘Sa bedigrina
bediploma dereja yetejemerut adadis
yetmhrt ‘aynetoc yeakawnting, ikonomiks,
manEjment, qWanqWa, kEmistri, fiziks,
bayolojina yematematiks tmhrtoc nacew::
Figure 2: The news text from Figure 1 (above) represented
Debub University Introduces Seven New
Field of Studies
Awassa December 16, 2001
The Debub University in Awassa disclosed
that it had admitted some 730 students
in seven new field of studies it
launched at degree and diploma levels
during the current academic year.
Academic and Research Vice president of
the University, Dr. Tesfaye Teshome told
WIC that the new fields of studies
include Accounting, Economics,
Management, Language, Chemistry,
Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
Figure 3: Aligned English news text corresponding to Fig-
ure 1 (above)
like a reasonable assumption to expect that news titles
would contain a similar proportion of noun phrases.
From the outset it would appear as if the Amharic and
English titles are very different, since they are in dif-
ferent languages and using different alphabets. But
once the Amharic version is transliterated, it becomes
more apparent that many nouns and proper names are
in fact quite similar (see Figure 4). This information
can be used to match parallel Amharic English text
without using any lexical resources that are hardly
available for this language pair. Even if it was avail-
able, it would be very unlikely that the lexicon would
contain an extensive list of proper names.
An algorithm was designed and implemented to
automatically align documents that are comparable.
The basic scheme was to retrieve the date information
from the Amharic news articles, get the correspond-
ing Gregorian date from the calendar conversion list,
and try to align them with the English news articles
from that same date. From the set of English articles
with the same date, it gets the place information and
matches those which have similar place names with
that of the Amharic article under consideration. From
the set of English articles with matching place names,
it matches each word in the Amharic article’s title
with each word in the English article’s title, and re-
trieves the one with the best edit distance score above
a match threshold (specified by the user) as the best
match. Words that are found to be matches in the
English side are excluded from being matched with
subsequent Amharic words. The number of words in
the Amharic news title that have a match in the cor-
responding English title are then counted and divided
by the total number of words in the longer title. The
fuzzy string matching was done using a perl imple-
mentation of Levenshtein Distance(Bendersky, 2004).
Levenshtein distance (LD) is named after the
Russian scientist Vladimir Levenshtein, who devised
the algorithm in 1965. The metric is also sometimes
called edit distance. Levenshtein distance is a mea-
sure of the similarity between two strings. The dis-
tance is the number of deletions, insertions, or substi-
tutions required to transform a sourse string into a tar-
get string. For example if the source (s) is "addis" and
the target(t) is "addis", then LD(s,t) = 0, because no
transformations are needed. The strings are already
identical. If s is "adis" and t is "addis", then LD(s,t)
= 1, because one insertion is sufficient to transform s
into t. The greater the Levenshtein distance, the more
different the strings are. In our implementation, to
calculate the edit distance score, we divided the Lev-
enshtein distance for a word, by the length of the same
word, in order to normalise and compensate for the
fact that longer words tend to have a larger edit dis-
Figure 4: Examples of some matching news items
In order to test how efficient the fuzzy string match-
ing would be for aligning news articles, we conducted
a set of experiments where we used a subset of the
data, from the (Gregorian) year 2001. The alignment
process is based on two assumptions. Firstly, that a
subset of words with the same meaning in the two lan-
guages will also have a similar (or identical) spelling.
This is especially common for names of places and
people, but also for loan words and cognates with the
same etymological origin. Secondly, we assume that
this subset of similar words also are words with high
information value that tend to occur in the titles of
new stories.
For the experiments, we have therefore investigated
how similar words with the same meaning and origin
tend to be. This was done by varying the word match
threshold. The word match threshold is a value be-
tween 0 and 1 that represents the average number of
edit distance operations per character that are required
to transform one word into another.
Table 1: Results for the 2001 data set
threshold threshold Matches Correct Precision
0.15 0.4 153 89 0.58
0.4 44 33 0.75
0.4 13 12 0.92
0.4 5 5 1.00
0.4 2 2 1.00
0.15 0.5 225 127 0.56
0.5 77 57 0.74
0.5 30 29 0.97
0.5 13 13 1.00
0.5 3 3 1.00
0.20 0.6 302 129 0.43
0.6 122 74 0.61
0.6 62 50 0.81
0.6 38 35 0.92
We also investigated how large the portion of
matching words in the titles would be for two news
items that describe the same event. This was done
by varying the title match threshold. The title match
threshold is a value between 0 and 1 that represents
the proportion of title words that would match in two
news items that describe the same event.
A title match threshold of 0.25 would for example
mean that at least 25% of the words in the title would
have an edit distance match, and a word match thresh-
old of 0.5 would mean that not more than 50% of the
characters of a word are allowed to be changed when
matching two words.
The 2001 experiments were conducted on a data
set consisting of 1923 English news articles published
during the year 2001 (according to the Gregorian
calendar), and 1219 Amharic articles published dur-
ing the time interval between the 7th month of 1993
and the 4th month 1994 (Ethiopian calendar). The
Amharic articles corresponding to 2001 should have
started from the 5th month of 1993, but what is avail-
able in the archive starts from the 7th month of 1993.
The result of the matching was manually evalu-
ated in order to calculate the precision values. Recall
has not been calculated (due to the amount of manual
work that this would require) but we have done an es-
timate for a randomly selected 15 days of data (Febru-
ary 1 - 15, 2002). The amount of matching news arti-
cles in this subset is 10 out of 98, or approximately
10%. In conducting the experiments, we aimed at
finding corresponding comparable English articles for
at least 10% of the total amount of Amharic articles.
Examples of some news items with matching titles are
shown in Figure 4.
As can be seen from the results reported in Table
Table 2: Some Amharic and English words and their edit
distance score
1, the more constrains there are, the better the preci-
sion of the matches is, at a cost of very limited re-
call. When the word threshold was set to 0.5 or 0.4
the precision was 100% for title threshold values of
0.3 and 0.35. These same title threshold values give
a lesser precision and better recall with a less con-
strained word threshold value of 0.6. With a more
constrained word threshold value of 0.4, all experi-
ments show an increase in precision and decrease in
recall compared to the experiments with word thresh-
old values of 0.5 and 0.6.
While conducting the alignment experiments, the
words that are returned as closest matches could be
used in further alignment experiments. Some exam-
ples of correctly paired words are given in Table 2.
We have shown how fuzzy string matching between
Amharic and English words can be a sufficient and
useful way to align texts in the two languages. Al-
though the texts at first sight appear to be completely
different, it is possible to identify a large portion of
words in transliterated texts that are similar enough to
allow for a fuzzy string matching approach to align-
ing texts. We used edit distance as a way to measure
how similar two strings were and calculated a score
that would also take word length into consideration.
Since the Amharic and English news texts in this
study are comparable rather than parallel (direct trans-
lations of one another), the algorithm did not use doc-
ument length as a feature in the alignment process.
We believe that under these circumstances, the doc-
ument length could be more confusing than helpful
for the alignment process. When aligning potentially
parallel data however, the length could be an impor-
tant feature.
The content of the body of the text (the news ar-
ticle) could of course also be used in the alignment
process instead of using the title only. The body of the
text has often many occurences of names and numbers
that would help the alignment. When analyzing the
text body, resources such as lexica (e.g. for word by
word translation), stop word list (to remove non con-
tent bearing words that appear in many of the articles),
morphological analysis or stemming (to consider the
root word only) etc. may be used.
Machine learning could also be used to improve
the fuzzy matching by finding more likely character
substitutions from known matching word pairs, and
assigning them a different weight when calculating
the word matching score. It would also be possible
to incorporate an improved number and date conver-
sion that would allow several different formats (digit
or text representation) for these items.
Under all circumstances, when used as a semi auto-
matic tool, the existing algorithm gives an acceptable
performance in relation to the amount of work that
would otherwise be required to align the news items
manually. As an example, the parameter settings 0.15
and 0.5 finds 225 suggested matches out of which 127
are correctly aligned news items (see Table 1 above).
The 127 correctly aligned texts are resonably close to
the estimated total number of possible matches (10%
of the 1219 Amharic articles in the test set), and at
the same time the amount of manual work required to
identify the 98 incorrectly aligned news pairs in this
group is substancially less than what would have been
required to do it completely from scratch without the
help of the system.
It is our hope that by demonstrating the feasibil-
ity of our approach, we will inspire additional work
on creating parallel corpora and other linguistic re-
sources for Amharic as well as for many more of the
worlds "low density languages".
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