Communal construction of knowledge in an online environment
John Cuthell
MirandaNet Academy
Keywords: e-facilitation, Communal constructivism, E-learning, Online communities.
Abstract: The drive for e-learning as a cost-effective and flexible channel for distance and life-long learning has
focused on the benefits of a just-in-time delivery of content to the learner. The assumption is that knowledge
is inseparable from, and follows, content. An obvious and important aspect of e-learning has been the need
for online tutors to deploy a range of Soft Skills to support learners. E-learning relies on e-tutoring: the
concept of e-tutoring embodies mentoring, coaching and facilitating techniques. In an online environment in
which student discussion forums constitute one of the tools for knowledge construction the role of the
facilitator assumes greater importance that of mentor, moderator or coach. The ability to facilitate a
discussion or a debate becomes central to the construction of new knowledge for the participants (Holmes et
al, 2001) In spring and early summer 2004 a group of teachers from diverse backgrounds engaged in an
intensive course in e-facilitation techniques. This paper describes how they learned and were taught, and
evaluates the ways in which an online collaborative environment enabled the development of the basic skills
required for e-facilitation. The paper then assesses the effectiveness of individuals as both contributors and
e-facilitators in a range of online educational forums. It examines the contribution seach made, and details
the e-facilitation techniques deployed in various forums. Outcomes are measured against the input that
individuals made. The ways in which the participants were able to construct new knowledge in the online
communal context are detailed. These are compared with some other models of learning in an online
environment: Cuthell (2001); (Salmon (2002). Finally, the paper evaluates the ways in which e-facilitation
enables individuals to construct new knowledge, both with and for others. An interesting consequence of
participating in a course of this nature is that perceptions of teaching, learning and knowledge change. Do
these perceptions follow through into the daily praxis of the teachers? The implications for teaching and
learning in a range of educational environments are identified.
1.1 Developing e-facilitators
In spring and early summer 2004 a group of teachers
from diverse backgrounds engaged in an intensive
course in e-facilitation techniques. This paper adopts
an ethnographic perspective to describe how they
learned and were taught, and evaluates the ways in
which an online collaborative environment enabled
the development of the basic skills required for e-
The project had been initiated by Select
Education, an agency specialising in solutions for
the teaching workforce. The main focus of their
work is to recruit and provide supply (relief)
teachers to schools with manpower shortages. The
role of a supply teacher is complex, and yet many of
the support mechanisms available to full-time
teachers are not available for temporary staff. This is
particularly so in the case of professional
development: the majority of supply teachers do not
enjoy the same entitlement to professional
development as those teachers employed in schools.
To this end Select Education formed a partnership
with MirandaNet (, a
fellowship, founded in 1992, to span national,
cultural, commercial and political divides and
provide an innovative and inclusive forum for
professionals. The aim of the project was two-fold:
first, to provide a professional development
opportunity for their teachers, and second, to then
use the expertise gained to staff online professional
development forums on the Select Education
The eight teachers had been awarded
Cuthell J. (2005).
BEYOND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING - Communal construction of knowledge in an online environment.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 529-536
DOI: 10.5220/0001230005290536
scholarships by Select Education. MirandaNet
provided a blended learning course consisting of a
face-to-face component, an online discussion forum,
an e-journal for the submission of coursework and
case studies, and access to a range of educational
discussion forums. The learning environment,
therefore, provided both theory and practice: student
assignment tasks were designed to demonstrate both
knowledge and performative evidence.
The students, from Bulgaria, the Caribbean,
Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Russia and
Zimbabwe, had all worked as supply teachers in the
United Kingdom. Two had PhDs, four were working
towards, or had, Masters-level qualifications and
two had Graduate qualifications. Although most had
good ICT skills none had worked as an e-facilitator.
1.2 The learning process
The course was entitled ‘The role of the moderator
in ecommunities’ and consisted of three workshops
at approximately monthly intervals. Each workshop
consisted of input, discussion and application and
generated an assignment task that incorporated
critical elements of theory and practice. The final
assignment ran for almost two months: students had
to present a project on e-learning.
The online discussion forums enabled the
students to explore the assignment topics and to
develop their understanding and application. The
intention was that the majority of the learning would
take place in the forums, and that students would
gain personal experience of the communal
construction of knowledge. This approach was a
novel one for many of the participants: they
expected to learn from being taught – by taking
notes, using text books and writing essays.
It was also an interesting comparison with the
ways in which they taught, and the expectations they
had of their pupils.
The first workshop was an introduction to online
communities and the MirandaNet Forum, in which
ecommunities were linked with professional
practice. Students built a skills list; identified their
competences and discussed how they would be
implemented. At this point there was a hands-on
introduction to the MirandaNet forum they would be
using for the course. Then followed the principles of
efacilitation, with an introduction the to 5-step
model (Salmon, 2002).
The students were then set their first task, which
had to be submitted within two weeks. “Devise a
Code of Conduct for participating in online
communities.” The requirement was to have at
least three posts in the Code of Conduct forum,
contributing their own ideas or commenting on their
colleagues’ ideas.
The first forum, Setting a Code of Conduct,
contained 47 posts. It closed at 10:37 on 03-05-04.
Towards the end of this period the students
contributed a number of observations about their
The second workshop was held four weeks after
the first. The focus was on working in online
communities and analysed online interactions. This
was applied to theories of learning, and the use of
the ejournal.
Task two required students to consider the skills
needed for participation in an online forum. They
were asked to consider technical, communication,
inter-personal and management skills among others.
Once again students had two weeks to complete the
task. All had to have at least three posts in the ‘What
skills are needed for participation in an online
forum?’ strand, again contributing their own ideas or
commenting on their colleagues’ ideas. The second
task generated 44 posts in the thread.
This to a certain extent overlapped with the
second in terms of timing. Students were asked to
investigate a range of online educational forums and
use their postings to exchange information about the
online forums that they found. They had to
participate in at least three, evaluate the ways in
which they work, record their contributions and
comment on them.
There were 61 contributions to this thread.
The final task related to the workshops re-
examined the relationship between theory and
practice. “Use Salmon’s 5-Step theory to evaluate
your progress and learning on this course. How
effective was it for you? How did it relate to your
own learning style? How does it relate to the ways
in which children and young people learn?”
Salmon’s 5-Step theory – Access & motivation;
Online socialization; Information exchange;
Knowledge construction; Development – posits a
progression from one stage to another throughout the
learning process of an online course. All course
participants should have reached Step 4 –
Knowledge Construction, and the completion of the
assignment should have enabled them to reach Step
5: Development.
This learning critique generated 47 posts, all of
which were highly detailed and analytical. The ideas
generated by the students formed the basis of long
discussion in the third and final workshop, held in
mid-July. This examined the models of efacilitation
and lessons and examples from the forum and other
communities. Salmon’s 3 management issues: Time;
Emotion; Participation were examined in the light of
personal experience, as was the 5-step model.
2.1 Participant experience
The students initially focused on the first two stages
of Salmon’s model: access and motivation; online
socialisation. It could be said that, by applying for
and being accepted on the course the first step had
been achieved, but in fact for some students
throughout the course this first step kept emerging as
a hurdle to be overcome. Socialisation was a
constant in each of the thread, and some of the
students set up their own threads to pursue this
element. The third of Salmon’s steps, information
exchange, was one of the components built in to
each of the activities – and this led to knowledge
construction. This was particularly apparent in the
fourth task. The final step that Salmon identified,
development, occurred at a number of stages in her
model, as students participated in online forums as
It was in the area of knowledge construction that
the development of the students was particularly
marked. The final two tasks, and the Learning
Critique in particular, led to the communal
construction of knowledge – and although this was
led by five of the group the other three participants
all contributed.
The first task was a relatively straightforward
one, in that students had to research codes of
conduct for online communities and devise one of
their own. Posting to the forum thread tended to
demonstrate what had been found. However,
towards the end on student commented:
I found your discussion points very helpful.
Thank you and thanks to our support network - I
have now happily completed my code of
conduct! Like you I am very busy and get tied
up, yet I have found that using this method of
support can speed things up!! I can't believe it.
Usually a task like this would take me ages,
whereas with group support I have completed it
to my satisfaction! Now I feel motivated,
perhaps I should consult the model and discover
what is happening? (SG)
Another student wrote:
I think number 5, 'working towards an
environment where all users feel comfortable' is
perhaps, the whole reason for creating a code of
conduct. Do this make sense? Yes or no? What
do others think? (SW)
The thread for the second task was set up by one
of the students:
Hi everybody, As I can see many of us have
already finished the final copy of the Code of
Conduct, so I decided to start with Task 2. I am
not sure that I have the right to start a new topic,
probably John should start it in a due course (if
so , I am sorry) but I would like to share my
ideas with you and need a proper place in the
forum to do it. I’ve done some research and
some thinking and worked out some points just
for the beginning of our discussion on the skills
for participation in on-line forum. (AP)
From this point onwards a group identity
formed, and the interactions between students
became more cohesive.
Thanks A and S for your interesting and very
valid points:
a) deciding to accept that many of the skills
overlap in terms of category
b) further developments in ideas re: time
And for your positive feedback.
I am returning to my writing for the moment but
will be in touch soon. Just out of interest, where
do you think we are now, in terms of Salmon's
five Steps? Or is this question not relevant?
What has happened to E? Has he gone away?
Another student replied:
I am going to think about where we might be on
the steps during my day. We have socialised to
an extent and we are now starting to exchange
ideas and information which helps the group
develop and moves us on...but are we inclusive?
- A few days without hearing from a member
seems an age, yes, I am too wondering where E
is and hope he is OK. I know he has studies and
as you know this is the time of year when
assignments start to pile up. (SC)
At which point he returned.
Sorry for my unduly unexpected absence . I must
confess that I am in workup to the neck. But I
am determined to emerge triumphantly singing
and dancing and clapping my hands. Thanks for
your concerns while I was away.
BEYOND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING - Communal construction of knowledge in an online environment
I have perused the postings on task #2 and must
admit that you have all made tremendous
contributions. The kind of work I am seeing
here indicates an unparallel commitment to
hardwork and enthusiasm. Being so late in
contributing to this task. I feel indeed privileged
to read your postings. (CHEERS GUYS)
I really don't know where to start but just to say
this forum is in league with Valerie Burr's
principles of social construction. interpersonal
communication, social interaction etc. will elab.
on this later Thanks again guys (ER)
Towards the thread a number of messages
devolved into the Step 2 Socialisation mode: the sun
was shining and people were keen to enjoy it whilst
it lasted.
Postscript from S, having started my last post
with "Me too!": Reading in the sun, (not the
newspaper - !) this afternoon, I found that it was
a sort of taboo in Netspeak to say "Me too!"
unless you are also offering something else of
your own as well. I think I did... but would like
to add that I am finding that what we have been
discovering through our experiential process is
coming up and being confirmed in the literature
...such as the co-incidence above! (SC)
The thread related to the third task witnessed a
shift in contributors, as individuals began to take
charge of their own learning.
“I've been investigating BECTA and
experiencing the truth of needing to be familiar
with the software of the online forum. Also,
adapting to the ethos of the forum- The initial
messages I've come across at BECTA seem open
and friendly. Some of the participants here seem
to know each other already. At the moment I'm
just a 'lurker' at BECTA, as I try to navigate my
way through the software to get to the
discussions and then participate. I will get back
to this thread when I've investigated further.”
“ I am looking forward to the discussion here,
“has any one of you worked out how to register
onto the Select Behaviour Management thread?
...I've tried but to no avail. Any advice, please?
“Once you've registered with the Select forum,
all the threads should be available. Or so it
seemed to me. Will investigate further and get
back to you on this one. (SW)
“I've just registered with Select Management
Behaviour thread. Actually it's a very interesting
topic for discussion. It seems that teachers are
eager to share their experience regarding
classroom behaviour management. I've already
expressed my point of view there and am
looking forward to reading your opinions. (AP)
“have successfully registered with both the
Select Education and the G.T.C. discussion
forums and the process reminded me of some of
the skills required for on-line participation. My
user name for both forums is "Dunamis". K (and
everyone else) read my response to your
contribution to the Select Education forum. I
shall come back later to share some views.” (BS)
“One observation I have made from some of the
forums I have participated in is that they have
numerous topics under discussion at any one
time, with the result that most of them are under
subscribed. The most popular topics have no
more than three people exchanging views among
themselves, while some are reduced to an
exchange of views between two people. The
least popular do not receive any postings at all.|
“But there is also the fact that we all met before
in real life before exchanging information in the
MirandaNet forum. Even as I read your postings
I am able to picture you physically and almost
hear your voice. Other forums do not have this
facility, though I noticed at the BECTA forum
that some contributors were able to insert photos
of themselves alongside their postings.” (SC)
“ I liked your observation B, that some
discussion forums are just two or three people
exchanging view amongst themselves. The fact
that some of the discussions are undersubscribed
is as interesting as the ones which are popular,
because these are clear indications of the
interests of the users of the forum.” (SC)
“So, S and E, how do we encourage lurkers? I
do not have all the answers but people seem
most encouraged to respond to messages which
are relevant to their lives and opened ended. Like
K, I think that we should constantly seek to
develop as efacilitators and that observing
experienced helps in this. I noticed at the Select
forum that when people posted messages and
had no response to their message (often because
it was vague, appeared poorly presented or a
closed message rather than a question) then an
administrator of the site uses a humorous
message and emoticons to call for responses to
the original message.” (SC)
This shift in learning became even more marked
in the final task. Although the associated thread
contained fewer postings than others, the
contributions were much more detailed, thoughtful
and inter-wove ideas to achieve their conclusions
(Holmes, 2001). At this stage the Five Steps
intertwined and became the learning process.
“I feel that in any subject (but especially in the
online environment) knowledge is more often
ever changing and the boundaries constantly
shifting. For example, I thought that the
discussions at MirandaNet were all open (at the
time of writing they seemed to be...) I would
even have gone so far as to say that this was a
significant difference between MirandaNet and
other online educational forums. Yet, threads are
closed here and my own knowledge of online
educational forums is constantly changing.”
This reflection focuses on the ways in which
assumptions are revised in the light of experience,
and feedback both from the system and peers
(Cuthell, 2002).
“Although I have seen some practical
implications, I have found that model too
simplistic to be applied to so complex process as
“learning”, because first of all ‘online learning
is ‘learning’ and secondly ‘online’.” (KT)
“I have also observed what everyone seems to
have observed. I am referring to the following
statement: " In summary the five-stage model
provides an example of how participants can
benefit from increasing skill and comfort in
working, networking and learning on line, and
what e-moderators need to do at each stage to
help them to achieve this success." (KT)
When we began participating in several
discussion forums I found it difficult to switch
from one forum to another because of the
different formats employed by the different
forums, which I found confusing. I am sure you
have all noticed that they even use different
terminology. For example, whereas the
MirandaNet forum gives you a personalised
message saying "Reply To This Message", with
the box for your message provided, another
forum gives you a tab saying "Add A Reply",
which you click on, then the message box
appears and you type your message. After typing
your message, in the MirandaNet forum you
click on "Post" to send your message, but in the
other forum you click on another "Add A Reply"
to send your message. There are many other little
differences like these that were a nightmare to
me. I survived by using trial-and-error tactics,
but on one occasion it backfired because a
message I intended to post to the forum was
converted into a personal message for the
Editor!“ (BS)
In many classrooms errors, mistakes and failures
are things to be avoided or, at worst, suffered in
silence. Here, however, B reflects on all of the
mistakes and failures and uses them as the basis of
his own learning. Other students shared this.
“Thanks for your comments. I guess that the
exercise in participating in other forums was
geared to get us used to working with different
forms. I found that some were quite confusing to
access, often because there was so much material
in them.” (SW)
This reflection leads to a comparison of ways in
which learning takes place. At this point E is able to
refer to his own struggles and reflect on the ways in
which failure can either enhance, or inhibit, learning.
“It's interesting to see how we have all adapted
to the skills and gained confidence. It seemed
like a daunting task at first but I think that
throwing us in there on the first day and
successfully logging us in so we could interact
between us was a well structured part of the
process. Imagine if we had been given a lecture
on it and sent off to try it for ourselves. Like
kids, we need to experience to understand. Hope
you're well, hello to everyone.” (SC)
Adults tend to be less prepared to be engaged in
failure. Children with their 'don't care attitudes'
are strategically placed to take advantage of
learning in the information age? Is this a fear
statement to be making at this point? What do
you think? What is paramount though is that
perfectionists would have a real difficult time
coping, based on the fact that they are more
concerned with getting things right, preferably at
their first attempt.” (ER)
S tried to conceptualise the learning process that
she has experiences in diagrammatic terms and
relate it to the 5-step model – and then realises that
the process is, in fact, an existential one.
BEYOND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING - Communal construction of knowledge in an online environment
“When I first saw the model I thought it was
simplistic but now we have experienced the
process of learning for ourselves I think it is very
relevant to online learning. The fact that the
technical skills and access run alongside the
stages of development make it practical as well
as theoretical. I'm not sure how one could design
a diagram which shows a kind of developmental
movement up and down the steps - a circle
doesn't seem quite right either. I'm coming down
in favour of accepting it the way it is.” (SC)
The discussion then focuses on the nature of the
learning community, and whether face-to-face
meetings are necessarily an integral part of the
“The whole point of online forums is that
participants can communicate and discuss their
common interests asynchronystically and with
no geographical boundaries (apart from places
where there is no signal etc.) I think maybe
Salmon's comments about face-to-face meetings
mean to state that they are not essential or
necessary. As we know from our international
forum searching and participating, of course,
they are not essential at all. That the face to face
meetings we have experienced have enhanced
our functioning as a group is a positive bonus,
and it was possible because we are a small and
mainly fairly localised and focused group.” (SC)
From this point onwards the students move to a
more abstract, theoretical level.
“The following shows how I am going to
approach Salmon’s model analysis. There are
various moderation models being presented to
assist teachers to understand the fundamental
concepts of e-facilitation. Some of the more
notable are: Salmon's Five Stage Moderation
Model; Collison, Elbaum, Haavind and Tinker's
Facilitation model; Paulsen's Function model;
Hootstein's 'Four Pairs of Shoes' Model. Each
model presents the concepts of learning and
facilitation interactions in a different way and
provides useful techniques, and each has made a
contribution to the computer-mediated
As participants in the current on-line course we
have been required to master certain technical
skills, learning facilitation skills and e-
moderating skills. As Salmon’s model calls at
each stage for different e-moderating skills
requiring participants to master certain technical
skills and steps learners through a logical process
of induction before developing deeper level
interactions, it would be interesting to analyse
how this model has worked for our on-line
community.” (KT)
The online discussion became more detailed,
with students commenting and reflecting on their
peer groups contributions. The varied background
of the students provided a wide range of references.
“I felt too that most of the skills we developed in
the first two stages carried us through into the
subsequent ones. I became quite interested in
Vygotsky's scaffolded learning process,
especially since it seems to be mentioned in
every teaching practice assignment on integrated
projects I marked! I see that we, too, have been
taught as a group, learnt from each other and
gradually been encouraged to work more
independently so I do this as a useful school
teaching model as well. What I thought was
simplistic at first has proved to be quite complex
and well structured.” (SW)
“Thank your also for your plan of analysis of
Salmon's model in application to our process of
learning. I am doing practically the same at the
moment, doing the analysis step by step
observing the stages of the model and our
experience of e-learning. But the thing is I don't
quite understand the second part. I am not sure
whether we should describe all the ways in
which children or young people learn or we
should describe how Salmon's model works in
application to their learning. May be you or
others see it more clearly. (AP)
The final stage is one in which the students are
able to provide the theoretical framework for their
own learning.
“K, I like your model very much. Your analysis
of task 4 contains very good arguments but I
have a bit different point of view. You wrote, "If
we look at our Task 1, 2, 3 and the way we built
our knowledge we can provide many examples
showing that we successfully moved through
Stage 3. (I am going to describe some examples
taken from our on-line forum contributions to
confirm this)" and you also consider our project
and work on case-studies to be stage 5. I think
that doing the tasks and the project we have gone
each time through stages 3,4,5 gradually. To my
mind, this scheme of implementing the activities
(Salmon's model) has been repeated with doing
all the tasks but each time on a new higher level
of understanding and performing as we have
been gaining the experience of this learning
strategy and the knowledge of the subject and it
has added a higher quality to our work. All the
time we were provided with the learning
resources. Our e-moderator supported us on
each stage of learning, providing the information
and assessing our work. It seems to me that the
realisation of the model in our course appeared
to work as a spiral where the technical support
and e-moderating work as a background and
motivation and online socialisation go through
all the process, all the stages along with the
growth of interactivity of participants.” (AP)
By this point all of the students were able to
produce assignments that included all of the points
that would enable them to fully understand and
implement the e-facilitation process. Their
subsequent performance in the online forums was
grounded in this experience.
The aim of the course was to develop the eight
supply teachers to become e-facilitators in the online
forums of Select Education, and to provide support
for supply teachers. This provided both the focus of
the course, and the rationale for the approach. In that
sense the students expected to be able to contribute
to the building of a knowledge resource that could
be considered an artefact of distributed cognition
(Cuthell, 2002). The process of e-facilitation, with
students acting as e-facilitators at the same time as
being facilitated by others, enabled all the
individuals to construct new knowledge, both with
and for others.
An interesting consequence of participating in a
course of this nature is that perceptions of teaching,
learning and knowledge change. The vexed question
is whether these perceptions can follow through into
the daily praxis of the teachers (Cuthell, 1999a). The
implications for teaching and learning in a range of
educational environments were identified and
explored by some of the participants.
What was significant was that most of the
students saw the process as being rooted in an online
environment: the supposition was that the learners
needed to be relatively mature and self-motivated.
Even though all of the participants reflected on the
ways in which their own learning had been grounded
in the process – of socialisation, information
exchange, application to tasks and the final
communal construction of knowledge, none of the
students was able to visualise how the model could
be translated into the classroom. The presupposition
was that the vehicle for learning had to be the online
environment. The existential experience remained
personal (Cuthell, 1999b).
Having said that, however, a constant theme
running through the discussions was that of the ways
in which children and young people learned. In that
sense, then, the experiential learning of the e-
facilitators generated insights into the learning of
young people.
The final insight was the way in which the
course participants matched the outcomes of
Salmon’s 5 Steps.
Salmon’s 5-Step theory
Access & motivation 100%
Online socialization 100%
Information exchange 100%
Knowledge construction 75%
Development 50%
Whereas all participants were motivated and
worked out how to access the various environments
and programs that the course required, all socialized
and exchanged information, only 75% of
participants were able to construct knowledge for
themselves from the forum discussions and the
materials their colleagues had found. Only half the
group were then able to take that socially
constructed knowledge and apply it to a context that
related to the ways in which young people learned in
school. It may well be that, whilst all learners can
engage in the first three stages of this model, fewer
are able to construct new knowledge, and fewer still
to apply it.
But that, of course, is an issue for the whole of
society, not simply for those of us engaged in web-
based communities such as MirandaNet.
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BEYOND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING - Communal construction of knowledge in an online environment
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Salmon, G. (2002). ‘E-tivities: the key to active online
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