Erik Buchmann, Sven Apel, Gunter Saake
University of Magdeburg, Germany
Peer-to-Peer data structures, meta-data propagation, Mixin Layers, Aspect-oriented Programming.
Distributed Hashtables (DHT) are intended to provide Internet-scale data management. By following the
peer-to-peer paradigm, DHT consist of independent peers and operate without central coordinators. Conse-
quentially, global knowledge is not available and any information have to be exchanged by local interactions
between the peers. Beneath data management operations, a lot of meta-data have to be exchanged between the
nodes, e.g., status updates, feedback for reputation management or application-specific information. Because
of the large scale of the DHT, it would be expensive to disseminate meta-data by peculiar messages. In this
article we investigate in a lazy dissemination protocol that piggybacks attachments to messages the peers send
out anyhow. We present a software engineering approach based on mixin layers and aspect-oriented program-
ming to cope with the extremely differing application-specific requirements. The applicability of our protocol
is confirmed by means of experiments with a CAN implementation.
Distributed hashtables (DHT) are able to manage
huge sets of (key,value)-pairs and cope with very high
numbers of parallel transactions. DHTs are a variant
of distributed data structures which follow the peer-
to-peer (P2P) paradigm. In particular, they consist
of many autonomous nodes, there is no central co-
ordinator and global knowledge is not available. Ex-
amples of DHTs are Content-Addressable Networks
(CAN) (Ratnasamy et al., 2001a), Chord (Stoica
et al., 2001), Pastry (Rowstron and Druschel, 2001)
or P-Grid (Aberer, 2001). Characteristic DHT ap-
plications are distributed search engines, repositories
for the semantic web or dictionaries for web services;
cf. (Gribble et al., 2001) for an exhaustive list. How-
ever, DHTs work well only if some meta-information
are present on proper peers, e.g., are adjacent nodes
alive and which tuples are managed by them. Fur-
thermore, some information belong to management
or optimization issues of the DHT. For example, load
balancing mechanisms may depend on data about the
average load of all peers. Finally, application-specific
knowledge have to be spread over the network, e.g.,
information about the synchronization of work in dis-
tributed web-crawlers. Most meta-data items have a
small footprint, are not needed in time, old ones be-
comes obsolete, and the number of data items is re-
ally large. In addition, the importance of data items
for a certain node depends from various factors, e.g.,
the workload of the node that issued it, or the dis-
tance (Kleinberg, 2000) to the addressee. Summing
up, propagation by peculiar messages would lead to
a very high network traffic. Therefore, related tech-
niques known from distributed databases (epidemic
protocols etc.) can not be applied.
In this article we present a generic protocol that
piggybacks meta-data attachments to existing mes-
sages that the peers send out for data management
purposes, i.e., we use a variant of lazy dissemina-
tion (Rodrigues and Pereira, 2004; Boyd et al., 2005).
Based on the peer a message is forwarded to, each
peer selects a limited number of data items it deems to
be important for the receiving peer, and attaches them
to the message. On the other hand, each peer decides
to keep data items from incoming messages or not. If
the number of items exceeds the limit, a replacement
algorithm removes the most dispensable data items.
The broad spectrum of potential application scenarios
leads to a wide range of requirements for meta-data
dissemination protocols, e.g., small footprint, selec-
tive forwarding or time-constraints (cf. Sec. 2). Dif-
ferent strategies for item caching and dissemination
as well as their combinations lead to different results
regarding the behavior of DHTs (cf. Sec. 5). Fur-
thermore, we have observed that strategies sometimes
Buchmann E., Apel S. and Saake G. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 72-79
DOI: 10.5220/0001230800720079
differ only in some details, e.g., a threshold or some
additional constraints. Thus, our implementation
is based on modern software engineering methods,
namely Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) (Kicza-
les et al., 1997) and mixin layers (Smaragdakis and
Batory, 2002). Furthermore, we discuss their advan-
tages and disadvantages in terms of reusability, con-
figurability and extensibility especially for the do-
main of DHTs. We evaluate our protocol on top of
a CAN implementation by experiments. The exper-
iments exemplarily compare different dissemination
strategies. Our results verify that the software engi-
neering approach allows to build variants of the pro-
tocol which meet the requirements of many different
The remainder of this paper has the following struc-
ture: After investigating in the characteristics of meta-
data in Section 2, we describe our piggyback meta-
data propagation protocol in Section 3. Section 4
presents our implementation based on mixin layers
and Aspect-oriented Programming, and Section 5 fea-
tures an experimental evaluation. This is followed by
a conclusion in Section 6.
DHTs provide the data management operations of a
hashtable, in particular put and get. All operations
are addressed by a certain key. Each peer is responsi-
ble for a zone of the key space, and knows some other
peers. Variants of DHTs primarily differ in the topol-
ogy of the key space and the contact selection. Each
peer forwards any operation it cannot perform on its
own zone to a contact whose zone is closer to the key.
The way a node determines a closer peer depends on
the topology of the key space. DHTs similar to Chord
(Stoica et al., 2001) or CAN (Ratnasamy et al., 2001a)
organize as a circular key space in one or multiple di-
mensions, which is distributedamong all nodes. Here,
the peer forwards a message depending on the Euclid-
ean distance of the zones to the key of the operation.
In contrast, DHTs based on search trees like P-Grid
(Aberer, 2001) map each node to a certain subtree-
ID, and query forwarding follows subtrees with cor-
responding ID-prefixes. Usually, all DHT operations
are performed by invoking log(n) peers.
The absence of global knowledge makes it chal-
lenging to design DHT applications. There are two
straightforward ways to bypass the problem: (1) set-
ting up all necessary information at startup-time, and
(2) disseminating information by flooding the DHT.
But while (1) limits the range of applications, (2)
limits the performance of the DHT. Before present-
ing our dissemination scheme, we want to investigate
common characteristics
of meta-data items used in
DHTs. Meta-data are used on three levels:
Meta-data of the DHT itself. DHTs forward mes-
sages between peers responsible for certain zones.
Therefore each peer needs to know a proper set of
contacts that changes whenever peers join or leave.
Thus, status information regarding zone boundaries
and contact information have to be updated. The
source of information is the new peer or the peer that
takes over the zone of a retiring peer. The addressee
can be neighbors of that peer (CAN, Chord), nodes
which follow a certain distribution (cf. (Kleinberg,
2000)) or other peers (Chord, P-Grid). Status updates
need to reach the addressee in time, but they are in-
frequent and irregularly generated.
Data related to enhancements of the DHT. There
are many different enhancements to the standard
DHTs which require different meta-data. These in-
formation are not needed in time, and have various
creators and receivers. For example, load balancing
(Rao et al., 2003) may take place in DHTs by forward-
ing messages along idle paths, reorganizing the key
space or changing the number of replicas of under-
or overloaded zones. Here, each peer requires infor-
mation about the average load (which may be rather
old) and more recent data about the load of all of its
contacts. Load information are disseminated at steady
Application-specific meta-data. The application
on top of the DHT may use the meta-data distribu-
tion scheme as well. For example, in a distributed
web crawler application the peers notify others about
the partitions of the WWW which they have already
crawled. A further example are keep-alive statements
in distributed groupware scenarios.
Summing up, nearly any application comes with
different requirements for a meta-data dissemination
protocol. The differences concern the origin of the
data item, the addressee and the frequency the data
items are generated. Some applications require meta-
data in time while others do not. This leads to two
important insights: (1) There is a strong demand for
a cheap protocol that satisfies the needs of many dif-
ferent applications, and works at smaller costs than
the traditional flooding protocols. With cost we refer
to the amount of network traffic, execution time and
memory consumption. (2) The number of required
protocol variants is very large. However, the variants
Each application comes with its very own set of re-
quirements. Thus we cannot come up with a comprehensive
list of features.
only differ in some details. From an algorithmic per-
spective, shipping information for load balancing is
similar to the dissemination of contact information.
Thus we require a flexible architecture which allows
the developers to assemble the protocol from a set
of well-defined, disjunct and reusable software frag-
This section describes our dissemination protocol.
The protocol is intended to save resources by attach-
ing meta-data to the messages a peer sends out any-
how. This promises to be advantageous:
The ratio of user data / protocol overhead will be
improved, in comparison to the use of dedicated
messages. The data items are attached to existing
messages, thus additional protocol headers, routing
addresses etc. are omitted. This is important for in-
formation with a small footprint.
Routing and handling efforts can be reduced by
bundling multiple small data items to a single mes-
sage, that can be forwarded as a whole. By using
existing messages as container for meta-data, there
is no additional routing overhead at all.
Data structures. We now shortly introduce the re-
quired data structures. We use Java for our implemen-
tation. Each node is represented by a class Peer. Each
peer has the ability to send and receive messages by
invoking the instance methods send(Msg, Peer) and
recv(Msg). Each message implements the interface
Msg. Messages contain the addresser and addressee
of the message, and type-specific information like
query results. Each peer maintains a Cache contain-
ing the meta-data items it is aware of. The cache of-
fers methods for updating the content with entries at-
tached to incoming messages, replacing surplus meta-
data items and attaching items to messages. Meta-
data items are administered in a class MetaData. Each
MetaData-object contains the user data, and informa-
tion about the creator and the creation time. In addi-
tion, it can carry further information depending on the
protocol variant which is actually used.
Overview. The piggyback protocol works as fol-
lows: each peer stores all data items it has generated
in its own cache. As soon as a message containing
a set of attachments arrives, all attachments are ap-
pended to the cache. If the number of meta-data items
in the cache exceeds the limit, a certain algorithm re-
moves the most dispensable items. In the following,
we will refer to that group of algorithms as caching
When a peer is about to forward a message, it de-
termines a subset of meta-data items from the cache
which contains the items that are approximately most
important for the receiver of the message, or should
be forwarded in the direction of the receiver, respec-
tively. This class of decision algorithms will be re-
ferred as dissemination strategies.
There are various possible strategies to decide
which item have to be removed from the cache or
which ones have piggybacked to messages. Tables 1
and 2 show some prominent examples. Note that not
all of them are meaningful in any DHT variant and
in any application scenario. We will come up with a
showcase evaluation of some of the strategies imple-
mented in a CAN in Section 5.
Table 1: Descriptions of the implemented caching strate-
Random The peer replaces its cache entries randomly.
FIFO The entries will be replaced which joined the cache at
first. This is useful in settings where little numbers of
entries should be forwarded to many nodes.
Oldest First The cache entries with the oldest creation date will be
replaced first. The strategy disseminates the most re-
cent items if its number exceeds the transport capacity
of the nodes.
(Kleinberg, 2000) tells us that a well-chosen set of
contacts improves the routing performance on a large
scale. Here, a node which is close in units of the key
space (e.g., a neighbor) is in the contact list of a cer-
tain other with a higher probability than a distant node.
The caching strategy reflects this: The entries are re-
placed so that the receivers of the remaining ones fol-
low a Gaussian distribution.
Here, the peer counts how many times a certain cache
entry is transferred. Often-attached entries are replaced
Discussion. Our meta-data dissemination scheme is
intended to serve as a cheap lazy dissemination layer
on top of a DHT. It does not send out new messages;
thus the number of messages the data items can be
attached to is limited. Further limits are the maximum
number c of attachments carried by a single message,
and the size of the cache s. On the other hand, the
protocol is stressed by the rate r new data items are
Assume the query processing take place in rounds.
In each round each of the n peers in the DHT issues
and answers one query, and forwards f messages on
average. The query points are distributed randomly
Table 2: Descriptions of the implemented dissemination
Simple Entries are attached randomly.
LIFO The entries which are appended last will be trans-
ferred first. The strategy strongly prefers recent
cache entries, and send old ones only if there is free
transport capacity.
The peer ships each entry exactly one time to each
of its neighbors, except for peers which have already
sent the entry to the peer. This strategy reduces the
number of duplicate transmissions.
The peer attaches items so that the distance to its
originator always increases. This is an adoption of
the greedy routing strategy used in the CAN.
Entries are selected according to the distance be-
tween the peer which has created the item and the
receiver of the message (Kleinberg, 2000).
CAN-flooding The strategy exploits the structure of the CAN to
transfer a cache entry to each node with a mini-
mum of entries sent repeatedly to the same node
(Ratnasamy et al., 2001b). A node that receives a
message from a neighbor in dimension i forwards
it in the opposite direction of that neighbor, and in
dimensions 1 · · · (i 1).
This strategy adapts the idea of CAN-flooding to the
P-Grid. Here, entries are forwarded along the edges
of the routing tree.
over the key space. In this settings, the overall trans-
port capacity of our protocol is T =
. Suppose
each peer maintains a set of k contacts, and the dis-
semination strategy is intended to ship status updates
the peer has generated to each of them. Then the fol-
lowing holds: f · c = k· r. Now assume we use a CAN
(Ratnasamy et al., 2001a) implementation with a d-
dimensional key space. In CANs, each node main-
tains at least
k = 2 · d contacts, and each node for-
wards f =
· n
messages. Here, the maximum
number of status updates a peer can disseminate in
each round is r =
· n
. Thus, in CANs consisting of
at least 4096 nodes, a single attachment piggybacked
on each message allows for disseminating one status
update per round for free to all of the neighbors. Cal-
culations for other DHT variants yield similar results.
The spectrum of potential applications and target plat-
forms as well as their requirements and characteris-
In a CAN where peers join and leave frequently, the
join-protocol results in a irregularly fragmented key space.
tics is extremely broad and diverse. Furthermore, we
have observed that strategies often differ only in de-
tails, e.g., a threshold or some additional constraints.
Out of these considerations we derived following re-
quirements on the implementation and integration of
1. The implementation and integration of (new)
caching and dissemination strategies must be as
easy as possible.
2. It should be possible to integrate more than one
caching as well as dissemination strategy.
3. Different caching strategies must be combinable
with different dissemination strategies.
4. Strategy code implements a special-purpose con-
cern and should therefore be modularized and sep-
arated from the core DHT implementation.
5. A developer should be able to create new strategies
out of existing ones with minimal effort.
To meet these requirements we have investigated
in a novel architecture. It makes use of the software-
engineering concepts of AOP and mixin layers.
Aspect-oriented Programming. AOP was first in-
troduced by (Kiczales et al., 1997). The aim of AOP
is to separate crosscutting concerns. It is well known
that the separation of concerns leads to maintain-
able, comprehensible, reusable and configurable soft-
ware (Kiczales et al., 1997). Common object-oriented
methods fail in this context (Kiczales et al., 1997;
Czarnecki and Eisenecker, 2000). The idea behind
AOP is to implement so called orthogonal features as
aspects separately. The core features are implemented
as components, as with common design and imple-
mentation methods. An aspect weaver brings aspects
and components together.
For our implementation we have used AspectJ
, a
language extension to Java. Mainly, we have used As-
pectJ to separate the code for the caching and dissem-
ination strategies from the core implementation of the
DHT. The left side in Figure 1 depicts a schematic de-
sign of several dissemination and caching strategies
implemented as aspects. It can be seen that the as-
pects are separated clearly. This allows us to design
a generalized protocol implementation, which does
not depend on the DHT which is actually used, and
increases the reusability and the ability of plugging
Mixin Layers. During the design phase we have
observed that we need often only small modifications
of the caching and dissemination strategies to spec-
ify different protocol characteristics. For example,
from the algorithmic point of view the caching strat-
egy random differs from FIFO only in the order the
Dissemination StrategyAspect
Mixin Layer
Mixin Layer
Mixin Layer
Dissemination Layers
Caching StrategyAspect
Mixin Layer
Mixin Layer
Mixin Layer
Caching Layers
Core Implementation
P2P System
CAN Chord P−Grid
Figure 1: Generating and applying strategies using
mixin layers and AOP.
MetaData MetaData
Figure 2: Stack of mixin layers for FIFO Caching and
Random Dissemination.
items are removed. Furthermore, some features are
common for many strategies, e.g., to keep track of the
peer a certain item was already sent to. Implementing
a new strategy in form of a separate aspect for each
variant would be inefficiently and errorprone, because
approved code is not reused. Therefore, we have
decided to combine the approach of Aspect-oriented
strategies with a mixin layer-based implementation.
A mixin layer is a static component encapsulat-
ing fragments of several different classes (mixins) so
that all fragments are composed consistently. Mixin
layers are an approved implementation technique for
component-based layered designs. Advantages are
the high degree of modularity and the easy compo-
sition (Smaragdakis and Batory, 2002).
We have used mixin layers to implement the vari-
ants of the different caching and dissemination strate-
gies and the AHEAD Tool Suite
to automatize the
configuration and generation process. Doing, so we
had to decompose the mechanisms for caching and
dissemination into fine-grained layers. Based on this
design we are able to compose these layers to gen-
erate different strategy variants. AOP is then used
to apply the configured strategies to the core of the
DHT. Figure 1 depicts the schematic overview of
configuring and applying strategies to the DHT: At
first, a generator (here the AHEAD Composer) com-
poses the strategies according to a (user) specification.
Then, the composed strategies are applied to the DHT
core using aspects and the AspectJ Weaver. Using
mixin layers, we do not need multiple aspects. In-
stead, we need only two of them: one for applying
the caching strategies and the other for applying the
dissemination strategies. Figure 2 depicts the stack
of mixin layers implemented for random dissemina-
tion and FIFO caching. The enclosing grey boxes
are the mixin layers. The included rounded boxes
are the inner mixin classes. The figure depicts only
the inheritance relations between the inner classes.
Other relations (e.g. associations) as well as refer-
ences to external classes are omitted. The Base layer
includes the needed data structures: MetaData, to
provide a base for application specific data, MetaDat-
aCache for storing the cached meta-data, MetaDataL-
ist to attach meta-data to messages, as well as the
strategy base classes (interfaces) CachingStrategy and
DisseminationStrategy. Tangible strategies (in our ex-
ample random dissemination and FIFO caching) im-
plement these interfaces to provide the desired algo-
rithm. The layer TimeStampedMetaData refines the
MetaData base by adding time stamps to each meta-
data object. The layer NoRedundantEntries prevents
the meta-data cache and the messages from storing
equal meta-data objects. ExperimentLogging creates
the logging dump which we used to analyze our ex-
The advantage of using mixin layers is that we can
easily derive and combine new variants of strategies.
To introduce a new caching strategy we have to im-
plement the interface CachingStrategy. Doing so, we
can remove the currently used strategy and apply the
new one. In this way we can easily combine caching
strategies with dissemination strategies. Furthermore,
we are able to reuse the base data structures as well
as existing strategy implementations. Imagine a prox-
imity FIFO caching strategy which combines FIFO
caching with the contact information of the peer. This
might be useful in order to limit the range of meta-
data to the contacts of a peer. If a cache entry was
generated by an immediate contact, the caching strat-
egy is FIFO. If not, the cache entries are dropped. The
proximity FIFO caching strategy reuses the overall
code of the simple FIFO strategy.
Our evaluation is divided into two parts: The first
one is intended to show that our protocol framework
and our software engineering approach is working
as envisioned. Therefore, we have used a CAN im-
plementation of our own, and have extended it by
several caching and dissemination strategies; and we
will come up with a detailed description of a simple
one. The second part proves that the protocol itself
meets the requirements for a meta-data dissemination
scheme. Here we assembled all meaningful proto-
col variants from the strategies we have realized for
the first part, and evaluated it by the means of experi-
Evaluating the software design. The CAN imple-
mentation we have used for evaluation implements
all features of the originally proposed protocol (Rat-
nasamy et al., 2001a) as well as some proprietary
features (Buchmann and B
ohm, 2004a; Buchmann
and B
ohm, 2003). For our experiments we have im-
plemented the dissemination strategies Random, Di-
rected Forwarding and CAN-flooding. In addition,
we realized the caching strategies Simple and FIFO.
Table 1 and 2 gives a short description. We expect
that AOP will be useful for the separation and the
easy plugging and combination of strategy code. A
feature-oriented view and mixin layers should help to
implement strategies highly configurable.
We start with the caching strategy. Here, the strat-
egy ”Random”, which is shown in Figure 3, serves as
a simple example. It collects the meta-data of incom-
ing messages to update the peers cache (MetaData-
Cache). Thereby it chooses the message entries as
well as replaces older cache entries randomly. The
random caching aspect (Line 1) introduces for each
Peer a cache for storing meta-data objects (Line 2,3).
The aspect intercepts calls to the method Peer.recv to
get access to incoming messages (Line 5-7). The at-
tachments of each incoming message are used to up-
date the peers meta-data cache (Line 11). The actual
implementation of the caching strategies is encapsu-
lated in the put method. We omit the detailed dis-
cussion of the random caching algorithm because its
implementation is straight forward.
Figure 4 depicts a dissemination aspect (Line 1)
for the dissemination strategy ”Simple”. It uses the
cached meta-data to disseminate them through the
DHT by attaching them to outgoing messages ran-
domly (cf. Tab. 2). At first a list for attaching meta-
data objects is introduced to all messages (Line 2,3).
Moreover, the aspect intercepts all calls to the method
Peer.send which sends all outgoing messages (Line 5-
7). Doing so, the aspect has access to these mes-
sages and can add the peers cached meta-data ob-
jects (Line 8). The method piggyBack encapsulates
1 aspect RandomCachingAspect {
2 MetaDataCache Peer.m_meta_data =
3 new MetaDataCache();
5 before(Peer peer, Msg msg) :
6 target(peer) && args(msg) &&
7 c a l l (
Peer.recv(Msg)) {
8 put.(peer.m_meta_data,
9 msg.m_meta_data)); }
11 void update(Peer peer, MetaDataList mlist)
12 / / r e pla ces t he e n t r ies of a peers
13 / . . . by a random l i s t / }
14 }
Figure 3: The random caching aspect
the actual dissemination strategies (Line 10). In our
case the strategy chooses a random set of cached
meta-data (Line 14) and attach them to the outgoing
messages (Line 11,12).
1 aspect RandomDisseminationAspect {
2 MetaDataList Msg.m_meta_data =
3 new MetaDataList();
5 before(Peer peer, Msg msg) :
6 target(peer) && args(msg) &&
7 c a l l (
Peer.send(Msg)) {
8 piggyBack(peer, msg); }
10 void piggyBack(Peer peer, Msg msg) {
11 msg.attach(getRandomList(msg,
12 peer.m_meta_data)); }
14 LinkedList getRandomList(Msg msg,
15 MetaDataCache cache) {
16 / r e turn s a random l i s t of ite ms / }
17 }
Figure 4: The random dissemination aspect.
The advantages of modularizing and separating
caching and dissemination strategies from each other
and from the core implementation of the underlying
CAN is that they can easily be applied to and re-
moved from the CAN. Furthermore, one is able to
combine different variations of caching and dissem-
ination strategies (cf. Sec. 5). Finally, the maintain-
ability and comprehensibility of the CAN core code
and the separated caching and dissemination strate-
gies is preserved.
We have implemented all mentioned caching and
dissemination mechanisms using the combined ap-
proach (AOP + mixin layers). Mainly, we have in-
vestigated in this approach to get insight how mod-
ern software engineering methods can be exploited to
achieve modular, reusable, extensible and customiz-
able software component especially for distributed
(P2P) Systems. Our results are positive: We have
observed that the separation of special concerns like
the caching and dissemination of meta-data leads to
maintainable and comprehensible code. AOP and As-
pectJ are appropriate to separate code of special cross-
cutting concerns. Mixin layers allow to decompose
the strategies functionalities into modular combinable
building blocks (cf. Fig. 2). They support config-
urable, reusable and extensible implementations. The
combined approach reduces the complexity of imple-
menting new strategy variants and combinations and
therefor the expenditure of time.
The implemented mixin layers and aspects are
reusable in other DHTs because the rely only on a
simple interface containing the methods send and re-
ceive. These are available in most DHTs and other
unstructured P2P systems.
Evaluating the protocol We now want to show that
our meta-data dissemination protocol is working, and
is applicable to various settings. Due to the lack of
space, we limit our evaluation to three showcase ex-
periments investigating in the characteristics of the
dissemination strategies Random, Directed Forward-
ing and CAN-flooding and the caching strategies Sim-
ple and FIFO.
All experiments are performed on a cluster of 32
loosely coupled Linux workstations equipped with 2
GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM and Fast Ethernet. We run ex-
periments with a four-dimensional CAN consisting of
10,000 peers issuing 1,000,000 randomly distributed
queries (see (Buchmann and B
ohm, 2004b) for an ex-
haustive description of our experimental setup.) All
evaluations are based on rounds. In one round each
peer issues and answers one query. The cache size is
set to 100 elements, and each message piggybacks up
to 10 meta-data items. At the beginning, each peer
owns one initial meta-data item.
Number of nodes
Ratio of items
Figure 5: Item dispersion among the contacts.
At first we investigate in the suitability of our proto-
col for status updating. Here it is important to publish
information about the state of a node to its contacts
(cf. Sec. 2). We have used the CAN-flooding dis-
semination strategy and the cache strategy FIFO. See
(Ratnasamy et al., 2001b) for a detailed description
of CAN-flooding. In CANs, the number of contacts
approximately follows a χ
-distribution; in our four-
dimensional setting the most nodes have 9 contacts.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of meta-data items.
The z-axis shows the ratio of meta-data items which
are known by a certain number of nodes at a given
time. For example, all items are known by one node
at round 0, and approximately the half of the items
are known by 9 nodes at round 5. The figure indicates
that the majority of the items have reached the con-
tact after at most 2 rounds. By considering that the
protocol ships such information for free, this is a very
positive result.
The next experiment examines the number of dupli-
cates sent by different dissemination strategies. Ob-
viously, due to the limited transport capacity ship-
ping many duplicates decreases the effectiveness of
the protocol. On the other hand, it would improve
the fault tolerance and the time to reach an adjacent
(in terms of hops between the nodes) node. Con-
sider the CAN-flooding dissemination strategy for ex-
ample. Here, having a single failure near the cre-
ator of an item could prevent a large fraction of the
CAN from obtaining it. Figure 6 shows a comparison
of the dissemination strategies random, directed for-
warding and CAN-flooding in respect to the number
of duplicates sent within 5 rounds. For example, af-
ter 5 rounds directed forwarding has transferred 1%
of all items more than times 500 to peers which al-
ready received them. It is obvious that the CAN-
flooding strategy comes with the lowest number of
duplicates. In a CAN where all zones have the same
size, the number of duplicates would be zero. In re-
ality, the join-protocol leads to zones with different
sizes. Here, a few items are sent more than 500 times
to the same nodes twice. In contrast, it is surpris-
ing that the random dissemination strategy results in
less duplicates than directed forwarding. The expla-
nation is that directed forwarding prefers a few items
for each direction.
This leads to the question: how long does it take to
send items to a certain number of nodes? We address
this issue in the next experiment. Again, we use the
three different dissemination strategies. But now we
measure the time the items need to reach an arbitrar-
ily chosen number of 20 different nodes. We would
expect that the majority of items will be transferred
to the other nodes within one or two rounds, while
a few number of items will need a very long time.
The result of our experiment is shown in Figure 7.
Because it utilizes the underlying CAN forwarding
scheme to obtain a complete covering of all zones,
CAN-flooding is the only strategy we have measured,
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Ratio of items
Number of duplicates after 5 rounds
Directed forwarding
CAN flooding
Figure 6: Duplicate items transferred within 5 rounds.
that disseminates all items to at least 20 nodes within
less than 5 rounds. However, by considering the be-
ginning of the curve, random and directed forwarding
are much faster. These strategies ship 1/3 of all items
to 20 nodes within the first 1/4 round, while CAN-
flooding requires a half round. Thus, in applications
where items would be useless if they do not reach its
destinations very quick, directed forwarding promises
to be an applicable strategy.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Directed forwarding
CAN flooding
Accumulated ratio of items
Figure 7: Time to disseminate an item to 20 nodes.
This article investigates in a novel lazy dissemination
protocol for various DHT variants. The protocol al-
lows to disseminate information free of charge, if they
are not needed in time and have a small footprint. Our
approach of combining mixin layers and AOP leads to
highly configurable, modularized and separated strat-
egy implementations. This combination makes it pos-
sible to cope with the wide spectrum of application
requirements. Because of the limited space, we have
shown only a few showcase experiments. However,
all of our experiments indicate that our protocol is
working as envisioned. In the future we want to ex-
amine our protocol in-depth on the basis of a specific
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