Agent- and Ontology-based Interface Adaptivity
Oscar Martinez, Federico Botella
Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Avda.Universidad, s/n, 03202 Elche, Spain
Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Pascual González
Laboratory of User Interaction and Software Engineering (LoUISE), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Campus
Universitario, 02071 Albacete, SPAIN
Keywords: E-Commerce Applications, Agent-Based Techniques, Business Architectures.
Abstract: E-Commerce Web based applications designed to facilitate Data-exchange collaboration are enjoying
growing popularity. In the next few years, business companies will want their web resources linked to
ontological content –because of the many powerful tools that will be available for using it by potential
customers. Thus, product information will be exchanged between applications, allowing computer programs
to collect and process web content, and to exchange information freely with each other. In this paper, few
pointers are used for this emerging area, and then go on to show how the ontology languages of the
semantic web can lead directly to more powerful agent-based approaches to using services offered on the
web. As a result, e-commerce architecture is outlined as an agent-based system to retrieve information
products. In this framework, an ontology representing fashion clothing domain used by potential consumers
is also introduced, where RDF-S (Resource Description Framework Schema) is used.
In the next few years virtually every business
company, university or government agency would
want their web resources linked to ontological
content –because of the many powerful tools that
will be available for using it. Information will be
exchanged between applications, allowing computer
programs to collect and process web content, and to
exchange information freely with each other
(Hendler, 2001). On top of this infrastructure,
ontology negotiation between intelligent information
agents (Bailin & Truszkowski, 2001) will become
much more practical, in fact distributed computer
programs interacting with non-local web-based
resources may eventually become the dominant way
in which computers interact with humans and each
other, and will be a primary means of computation
in the not-so-distant future. Nonetheless, for this
vision to become a reality, a phenomenon similar to
the early days of the web must occur.
Concretely, e.g. in a e-commerce context, the
semantic web initiative (Berners-Lee, Hendler, &
Lassila, 2001) reflects this problem by ”giving
information a well-defined meaning, better enabling
computers and people to work in cooperation”. In
addition, Adaptive web, as envisioned in
(Brusilovsky & Maybury, 2002), should provide
business companies with optimized access to
distributed electronic product information on the
web according to particular needs of individual
consumer or group of consumers. However, the
main problem of current web systems their inability
to support different needs of individual consumer.
This can be achieved by making metadata about
different resources explicit using standardized
descriptions (SWCP, 2001).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In section 2 we present our motivation
about this emerging area like semantic resolution for
e-commerce. In section 3 we introduce our design
scenario in order to use ontologies and powerful
agent-based approaches. In section 4 we outline the
architecture of our e-commerce framework as an
agent-based system to retrieve information products.
Finally, in section 5 we present our conclusions and
future work being in progress.
Martinez O., Botella F., Fernández-Caballero A. and González P. (2005).
BUILDING E-COMMERCE WEB APPLICATIONS: Agent- and Ontology-based Interface Adaptivity.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 351-354
DOI: 10.5220/0001230903510354
Understanding the meaning of messages exchanged
between software agents has long been recognized
as a key challenge to interoperable multi-agent
systems. Several proposed solutions (Hendler 2001)
deals with for forcing all agents to use a common
vocabulary defined inside one core ontology where
semantic differences between individual agents in
the system should be allowed and be resolved when
they arise during agent interaction. For that reason,
we have started with a simple e-commerce
framework of buying and selling fashion clothing
through internet in order to represent the first step of
our ongoing effort toward a comprehensive solution
to the problem of semantic resolution.
In this section we introduce a simple context of an
agent-based system to retrieve information resources
for a specific e-commerce environment. We outline
in Figure 1 this semantic web scenario.
Figure 1: Semantic E-commerce Scenario
Firstly, we have developed a simple pilot
semantic web explorer named e-fashion where users
(i.e. potential consumers) could browse and search
the information gathered in this repository. This
semantic explorer is frame-based and allows
searching metadata from fashion products; then
search results are displayed in the right frame. In the
left frame, a categorization of fashion products is
displayed, used for searching information product by
We have proposed to build up this prototype
using the eXtended Markup Language (XML)
(XML, 1998) which has emerged in the Internet
world as a standard representation format and
because of can be useful to describe and transmit
management information. However, XML formats
alone do not give formal semantics to it. To solve
this question, we have selected an ontology language
based on the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) (RDF, 1999) and its Schema (RDF-S) (RDF-
S, 2004). Both are XML-based languages that
provide a satisfactory way of defining structured sets
of terms, with class hierarchies, and domain and
range constraints. In fact, some ontology definition
languages used in the Semantic Web are based on
RDF-S so machines can perform useful reasoning
tasks. Then, these ontology languages can be used to
improve the semantic expressiveness of the
management information specifications. With them
it is even possible to reason with the knowledge
handled in the management tasks. More to this point,
RDF-S recommendation offers terms that allow the
representation of concepts, their relationships and
their attributes, all of which formed the metadata.
By last, agents are autonomous software
components (Tveit, 2001) that possess the following
(1) autonomy: operate without intervention and
have control over their states and actions;
(2) reactivity: perceptive and are aware of their
environment and have the ability to respond in a
timely manner to the changes and actions that occur;
(3) proactiveness: take the initiative and are able
to exhibit goal-directed behavior; and
(4) social ability: co-operative or have the ability
to interact with other agents and objects with some
kind of language.
In addition to these, agents in the strong sense,
may possess additional characteristics that include:
(5) mobility: ability to move around;
(6) rationality: ability to perform in optimal
manner to achieve goals;
(7) benevolence: obey; and
(8) veracity: truthful.
We have employed an architecture where users (i.e.
consumers) specify requests and queries through
specified fashion ontology via user-interfaces. The
queries are routed to specialized agents for data
retrieval and their corresponding analysis of results.
Figure 2 depicts the overall architecture in terms of
its agents.
Consequently, we make use of this architecture
with three types of agent:
Each agent is in charge of different tasks such as
user interaction, ontology retrieval and metadata
search. Concretely, the architecture depicted in
Figure 2 includes three main agents which
communicate each other through information
messages according to FIPA-ACL standard (FIPA,
Figure 2: Architecture overview
Firstly, “UserAgent” constitutes the user's
intelligent gateway into this architecture. It uses
knowledge of the system's common domain model
(i.e. fashion ontology) to assist the consumer in
formulating queries and in displaying their results.
Furthermore, “UserAgent” interacts directly with the
agents “SearchAgent” and “OntologyAgent.
Secondly, “SearchAgent” is responsible for
retrieving the metadata of documents. In this
architecture the RDF Data Query Language (RDQL)
(RDQL, 2004) was used to retrieve the metadata of
documents. We also used a search semantic tool like
JENA (Carroll et al., 2004) in order to search RDF
Thirdly, the “OntologyAgent provides an
overall knowledge of the e-fashion ontology so offer
answering queries about this domain and its
structure. The bulk of this e-commerce ontology is
devoted to define the common terms of fashion
clothing and organizing them as taxonomy.
In this stage of this research work we focus on
how to represent the selected ontology using mark-
up languages as described before. This will allow the
reusability and sharing of this knowledge between
different users (i.e. consumers). Thus, Figure 3
depicts fashion ontology (partial view) using RDF
graphs where some concepts are represented like
nodes, e.g. DesignSchool, DesignBranch, Style, etc.
Besides, links between nodes represent properties
like rdf:type and rdf:SubClassOf().
Figure 3: Fashion Ontology using RDF Graphs (partial
On the other side, the subject ontology could be
expressed through RDF-S where several nodes are
represented in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Fashion Ontology using RDF-S (partial view)
This paper has introduced a few pointers about
impact of the growing intelligent agent technologies
and the Semantic Web on the phenomenon of e-
commerce. In particular, we have resumed how the
integration of ontologies and intelligent agents could
provide a new environment for e-commerce
applications. To conclude, the key advantages of our
outlined framework are:
(i) The use of techniques based on ontologies is
very important in order to enable concept
identification used more often in the knowledge
domain that e-commerce applications use. Then,
such techniques allow identifying core properties
and basic relationships existing among the concepts
in a given domain, becoming a powerful knowledge
representation metadata for knowledge repositories.
(ii) Well recognized technologies like RDF and
RDFS allow constructing refined knowledge
representations, even also providing a full set of
primitives in order to represent different kinds of
BUILDING E-COMMERCE WEB APPLICATIONS: Agent- and Ontology-based Interface Adaptivity
information resources which are part of any e-
commerce operation process.
(iii) Software agent technologies offer an
enormous potential of managing the information that
potential consumers use and generate. For that
reason, common tasks such as product search and
retrieval could be delegated to agents.
As a result, our prototype promises very good
results although our ongoing work clearly deals with
testing deeply our framework even also with more
powerful semantic languages like Ontology Web
Language (OWL) or the well-recognized Darpa
Agent Markup Language and Ontology Inference
Language (DAML-OIL). Another parallel future
goal being in progress is offering semantic
resolution and searching from new wireless
communications interface methods like PDA´s or
Screen Mobile Phones.
This work has been partially funded by PBC-03-003
grant supported by Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha and by R.R.1256/04 grant
supported by University Miguel Hernández of Elche
– Bancaja.
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