Sylvain Castagnos, Anne Boyer, Franc¸ois Charpillet
LORIA - INRIA Lorraine
Campus Scientifique, B.P. 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-l
es-Nancy Cedex, France
Collaborative filtering, user profiling, distributed algorithm, internet broadcasting per satellite, privacy.
This paper is a preliminary report which presents information filtering solutions designed within the scope
of a collaboration between our laboratory and the company of broadcasting per satellite SES ASTRA. The
latter have finalized a system sponsored by advertisement and supplying to users a high bandwidth access
to hundreds of web sites for free. This project aims at highlighting the benefits of collaborative filtering by
including such a module in the architecture of their product. The term of collaborative filtering (Goldberg et al.,
2000) denotes techniques using the known preferences of a group of users to predict the unknown preference
of a new user. Our problem has consisted in finding a way to provide scale for hundreds thousands of people,
while preserving anonymity of users (personal data remain on client side). Thus, we use an existing clustering
method, that we have improved so that it is distributed respectively on client and server side. Nevertheless, in
the absence of numerical votes for marketing reasons, we have chosen to do an innovative combination of this
decentralized collaborative filtering method with a user profiling technique. We have also been submitted to
constraints such as a short answer time on client side, in order to be compliant with the ASTRA architecture.
The ASTRAcompany
, located in Luxembourg, has
conceived a service of Web sites broadcasting per
satellite called Sat@once. This service is spon-
sorised by advertisement and free for the users, pro-
viding that they are equipped with a DVB receiver.
The satellite bouquet contains hundreds of Web sites
which are sent to about 118.000 persons
via a high
bandwidth and one-way transmission.
Users who have a standard internet connection, in
addition to the satellite reception, can select (through
the client application called Casablanca) Web sites
that particularly interest them, either by choosing
items in a list provided by the server or by suggesting
new contents. This means, the users receive above all
those sites of the bouquet for which they have shown
a particular interest. The users votes are also sent to
server, in order to do a classification of the most popu-
lar sites. These ones will then be included in the bou-
This estimation has been done in November 2004, ac-
cording to number of persons who have downloaded the
client application.
during the next update which takes place every
This approach however presents two major draw-
backs for users. On the one hand, the amount of
available sites is very important. This makes it dif-
ficult for the users to consult all of these documents
(also called ”items”) in order to spot, in a reasonable
amount of time, pieces of information which preoc-
cupy them. Consequently, votes are often based on
some presumed interest for an item, and not according
to an experience feedback. Results provided by such
a system are thus not always satisfying enough. On
the other hand, people generally don’t take the time
to skim through the whole list of items and restrict
possibilities from the beginning.
In order to cope with these problems, our goal con-
sists in designing both the client and the server mod-
ules which provide users with documents likely to
interest them but that they shouldn’t have consulted
spontaneously. These processes of investigation re-
quire techniques of collaborative filtering. In practical
The bandwidth of satellites being limited, it is not pos-
sible to include all the sites. Hence the need to select the
most popular ones.
Castagnos S., Boyer A. and Charpillet F. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 299-304
DOI: 10.5220/0001231302990304
terms, it amounts to identifying active user to a set of
persons having the same tastes and, that, in function
of his/her preferences and his/her past readings. This
system starts from the principle that users having ap-
preciated the same documents have the same topics of
interests. Thus, it is possible to predict pieces of data
likely to live up users’ expectations by taking advan-
tage of experience of a similar population.
The common feature of most of existing collabo-
rative filtering methods is to be centralized. Even if
the research of nearest neighbors among some thou-
sands of candidates in real time is no longer a prob-
lem, the transition to hundred thousands of users or
more remains an open issue. According to (Breese
et al., 1998), the bottleneck due to a large user pop-
ulation of potential neighbors in conventional collab-
orative filtering algorithms is problematic. (Sarwar
et al., 2001) have paved the way by proposing an al-
ternative: they suggest to compute recommendations
by identifying items that are similar to other items the
user has liked. They suppose that the relationships
between items are relatively static. Nevertheless, this
approach is unlikely to work in the context investi-
gated in this paper, since the number of users is there
far more important than the number of items. More-
over, the bouquet (that is to say items it contains) can
change radically from one week to the next. There-
fore, we have chosen to explore ways to distribute
Furthermore, centralization of data is in contra-
diction with the agreement of 28 January 1981
of the Council of Europe and with instructions of
the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des
(CNIL), unless users are handled with
anonymity. As a matter of fact, the confidentiality
of any information related to the users constitutes an
european legal obligation. In France, it is the CNIL
organization that is responsible for the protection of
private life and for the preservation of personal data.
In order to distribute the model, we have thus
decided to split a clustering collaborative filtering
method into client and server parts. However, this is
not enough to solve all the problems ASTRA is con-
fronted with, since this filtering method requires to
have explicit numerical or boolean votes. For mar-
keting reasons
, this kind of votes is not suitable, be-
cause it underpins some negative valuations of items
by users. We will show, in section 3, how to bypass
this difficulty with an assistance function to the votes.
We then present the clustering algorithm in section 4.
Part 5 is dedicated to a discussion about the advan-
tages and drawbacks of the model. At last, Part 6
ASTRA doesn’t want that users could positively reject
items for which companies have paid the inclusion in the
presents our perspectives of research. Beforehand,
we would like to familiarize reader with the global
architecture of our information filtering system in the
following section.
The architecture of our information filtering system
is shown on figure 1. This model associates a user
profiling method based on the Chan formula (Chan,
1999) (cf. infra, 3 Assistance to votes, p. 3) and a new
version of the hierarchical clustering algorithm, also
called RecTree (Chee et al., 2001) (cf. infra, 4 Clus-
tering algorithm, p. 3). This new version presents the
advantage to be distributed.
Figure 1: Architecture of information filtering module.
Web sites are sent via satellites from the
Casablanca server to the client. Moreover, users
who also have a standard internet connection can sent
non-numerical votes (cf. infra, 3 Assistance to votes,
p. 3) and suggestions for new contents to the server.
This system interfaces itself with our information fil-
tering module thanks to DLL files.
In order to distribute the system, the server part has
been separated from the client side. The assistance
function to the votes determines numerical votes for
the items according to the users’ actions. Then, these
numerical votes are sent to the server, together with
the non-numerical ones. The server thus has at its dis-
posal, as input parameters, the matrix of users votes
and a database including sites and descriptors. In this
way, the server has no information about the popu-
lation, but anonymous votes. Users preferences are
stored in the profile on clients. Thus, the confidential-
ity criterion is duly respected.
The RecTreealgorithm aims at reducing quantity
of data that needs to be processed. The offline compu-
tations of RecTree allow to build typical users pro-
Adapted Chan formula:
Interest(item) = F requency(item) . (1 + IsF avorite(item)
+ Duration(item) + Recent(item) + P ourcentV isitedLinks(item))
With: Duration(item) = max
visited items
time spent on pagesof item
size of the item
And: Recent(item) =
date(last visit) date(log beginning)
date(present) date(log beginning)
Interest(item) must be normalized to correspond to scale of votes.
IsF avorite(item) equals 1 if the item has been voted by the user (non-numerical vote) and 0 else.
At last, P ourcentV isitedLinks(item) corresponds to the number of visited pages divided by the number of
pages on the item.
files. In this way, it is no longer necessary to consider
the whole votes matrix, but only the votes of those
persons belonging to the group of the active user. This
not only reduces the number of people that need to be
considered, but also the number of items: it is point-
less to keep documents that none of the group mem-
bers has read. In this way, we avoid the problem of
bottleneck of collaborative filtering on client side: the
active user can very quickly be assigned to one of the
typical users groups.
In the Casablanca client application, users have
the possibility to check boxes corresponding to the
sites that interest them most among those contained in
the bouquet. However, we can’t describe these non-
numerical votes as boolean. Indeed, we can’t differ-
entiate in the system items which don’t interest the
active user (negative votes) from those he/she doesn’t
know or has simply omitted to check. This kind of
votes is not sufficient to do relevant predictions with
collaborative filtering methods.
For this reason, we have chosen to determine nu-
merical marks without any rating
from the users. An
other advantage of this method is to increase the num-
ber of votes in the matrix. In order to do that, we have
chosen to develop an assistance function to the votes
based on the formula of Philip CHAN (Chan, 1999).
We have adapted this formula so that it can deal with
items (cf. infra, formula 1, p. 3). Whereas the orig-
inal formula was designed for Web pages, the items
we are focusing on correspond to Web sites, that is to
say sets of pages. The duration of consultation for a
Ideally, the numerical votes should be submitted to
their approval for checking.
specific item thus corresponds to the cumulative time
spent on each of its pages for example.
This assistance function undertakes to estimate
marks that user is likely to allocate for different sites
from implicit criteria (such as time or frequency that
user takes to consult a page
). The system analyses
log files of the active user to get back useful data. But
all pieces of informations consulted in these log files
remain on client side. Only numerical votes which
have been deduced from this process are sent anony-
mously to the server. They are required for the use of
RecTree clustering algorithm.
The hierarchical clustering algorithm, also called
RecTree(Chee et al., 2001), tries to divide the set of
users into cliques. The algorithm of Chee et al was
purely centralized, such as most of existing collabo-
rative filtering methods. Our contribution consists in
distributing this process: in this section, we explain
how to build typical users profiles on server side and
how to identify the active user to a group. From now
on, this second step takes place on client side. More-
over, the identification phase has been optimized so
that answer time is very short. the client part thus
provides predictions in real time.
Table 1 proposes an example of votes characterized
by integers going from 1 to 10. This graduation is
arbitrary. The precision of this scale must be chosen
by the designer of the system, providing that users
could make the distinction between items they like,
they don’t like or those whose let them indifferent.
Figure 2 illustrates organization forms of groups in
These are pieces of information easily and legally sal-
vageable in Web browser of client.
Pearson correlation coefficient:
, u
) =
, r) v)(eval(u
, r) v)
, r) v)
, r) v)
With: w(u
, u
) the distance between u
and u
, r) the valuation of r by u
v the average mark of the resource;
the items marked by u
Table 1: Example of matrix of votes.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
User 1 6 7 6
User 2 4 7 7
User 3 7 6 5
User 4 6 6 7
the above example. Users are divided up in clusters
according to a distance calculated between them.
Figure 2: Hierarchical organization of users.
The RecTree algorithm is a model-based ap-
proach, described as a clustering method. However,
it is managed as a memory-based approach because
all the pieces of information are required for similar-
ity computation. It allows, within the scope of our
architecture, to limit the number of persons consid-
ered in the prediction computations. Thus, process-
ing time for the sorting of site (cf. infra, 6 Perspec-
tives, p. 6) will be shorter and results will be poten-
tially more relevant since observations will be about a
group closer to active user (Ungar and Foster, 1998).
A way to popularize this process amounts to consid-
ering that active user asks a group of persons having
same tastes as him/her for their opinions
. Each leaf
of the RecTree tree corresponds to a profile of typi-
cal users.
The computer process is obviously transparent for
The first step consists in associating the global
matrix including users votes for each resource to
the root of the tree. Afterwards, the set of users
is divided up into two sub-groups using the nearest
neighbours method, also called K-means(Herlocker
et al., 1999). The latter consists, firstly, in choosing
randomly k centers in the users/items representation
space. In our case, the number k equals 2, since we
must subdivide population into two sub-sets. Then,
each user is positioned in the cluster of nearest center
(figure 3).
Figure 3: Users/items representation space.
Metrics used to determine distance in comparison
with these centers is the Pearson correlation coeffi-
cient (Resnick et al., 1994) (cf. infra, formula 2, p. 4).
Literature shows that Pearson correlation coeffi-
cient works well (Shardanand and Maes, 1995), be-
cause it only takes into account items commonly val-
uated by compared users and disregards missing data.
Once groups of persons have been formed as previ-
ously mentioned, the position of isobarycentre is re-
calculated for each cluster and this operation is re-
peated from the beginning until we have obtained a
stable state (where centers no longer move after re-
calculation of their position). The nearest neighbours
algorithm complexity is in o(k
n) for k clusters and
n users. Once this first subdivision has been done,
operation is renewed on each of the two obtained sub-
groups until we have reached the wished tree depth.
Thus, the more we go down in the structure and the
more clusters are specific to a certain group of similar
users. Consequently, the more we glance through the
tree in depth, the more persons share the same opin-
ion concerning the assignment of a certain mark for a
given article. The whole complexity of the construc-
tion of the tree yields o(n.log
n), where n is the num-
ber of users.
Subsequently, the identification phase of the active
user to one of cliques is in o(2p) on client side, where
p corresponds to depth of the tree. The latter is built
so that cliques hold just about the same number of
persons for a given depth.
The novelty of our model lies in the fact that we have
mixed a distributed collaborative filtering with a user
profiling technique. In this way, we tackle problems
of scale and of anonymity in information filtering sys-
tems. Furthermore, we have adapted to constraints of
satellite broadcasting in order to highlight the benefits
of such a system for industry.
To assure that answer time on client side will be
short is essential too. But it is difficult to conform to
this requirement if database contains a great number
of users. Indeed, in order to secure confidentiality of
data concerning active user, the identification phase
of those to a group must be done on client side. That
means we must retrieve pieces of data relating to pop-
ulation on clients. To avoid an overloading of user
terminal by sending all of the votes matrix, typical
users profiles are created with the help of RecTree
algorithm (cf. supra, 4 Clustering algorithm, p. 3).
In a first time, the server undertakes to split all of
users in cliques from the votes matrix (algorithm in
n)). Then, the tree structure is sent to client
where the identification phase of the active user to
a group takes place (algorithm in o(2p)). Thus, the
number of persons taken in consideration is limited,
because only those belonging to the same clique than
active user are retained
The figure 4 shows the answer time comparison
done in (Chee et al., 2001) between correlation-based
collaborative filter, called CorrCF (Resnick et al.,
1994), and RecTree with different partition sizes
b. The data for this study was drawn from the
EachMovie database
We can note that answer time increases linearly
in function of the number of users. If we extend
this straight line to 120,000 users, we will obtain in
theory around four days and half of computations.
This estimation seems huge. Nevertheless, this value
has been calculated by considering that the matrix of
We call back that it is possible to choose depth of the
tree: if the latter is not excessive, studied groups will be
smaller than the entire population but still disparate and
consequently able to suggest novelties to user.
Figure 4: Offline performance of RecTree (Chee et al.,
votes was almost full
. But statistics of ASTRAshow
there are only around 6,000 regular voters and 50,000
occasional voters. Moreover, the estimated answer
time remains much lower than a standard method
(CorrCF) and is less than the period of bouquet up-
date. Renewing periodically the server side compu-
tations can of course augur for slight differences bet-
ween last votes and preferences taken into account in
prediction computation. But these differences should
be minimal because of the great number of users. This
way to proceed also assures that the system is stable
in case of addition of documents, because these ones
will only be considered after reiteration of server side
computation. Furthermore, RecTree algorithm has
two major advantages:
this method was easily divisible in two parts, re-
spectively runnable on client and server side;
the online part of computations, that is to say iden-
tification of user to a group, is in o(2p). Thus, an-
swer time on client side won’t be penalized by the
use of this algorithm. This part of computations
has been optimized in our model, in comparison
with the centralized RecTree algorithm of Chee
et al. The online part of Chee’s algorithm was in
o(b), where b was the number of users in each par-
tition. Users had consequently to wait for a few
seconds. In our version, the complexity of client
Indeed Chee et al have selected randomly, in the
EachMovie database, users who have marked at least 100
items which is approximately the number of sites included
in the ASTRA satellite bouquet. We can also notive that
these tests have been done in 2001 and that, according to
Moores law, the performance of microprocessors doubles
approximately every 18 months.
part only depends on the depth of the tree and the
answer time will be much faster.
We have presented an algorithm that carries out dis-
tributed collaborative filtering on large databases and
in relatively short time. This project is still in progress
and we are currently working on validating the assis-
tance function to the votes. There is to check if the
user profiles built with this function are in agreement
with the marks that users would chose for the same
items if they were authorized to do it. This evaluation
requires the use of the system by real users.
Moreover, thanks to our collaboration with Jean-
Charles Lamirel and Randa Kassab (Kassab et al.,
2005), we are considering combining this distributed
collaborative filtering model with content-based fil-
tering techniques to sort items in increasing order of
importance for active user on client side. Indeed, the
cache size of the client application is limited and it can
be useful to favour the most relevant items if there is
not enough space. Content-based techniques will also
allow us to manage suggestions of new contents in the
bouquet: for the moment, when a user suggests a site,
nobody has voted for it and we can’t include it in the
RecTree computations.
We want to thank the company ASTRA and the re-
search center Henri Tudor which have encour-
aged this work.
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