Francisco J. Torres-Rojas and Esteban Meneses and Alexander Carballo
Computing Research Center - Costa Rica Institute of Technology
Escuela de Ingenier
ıa en Computaci
on, Instituto Tecnol
ogico de Costa Rica,
POBox 159-7050 Cartago, Costa Rica
Web Caching, Consistency Protocols, Timed Consistency.
In recent years, Web Caching has been considered one of the key areas to improve web usage efficiency.
However, caching web objects proposes many considerations about the validity of the cache. Ideally, it would
be valuable to have a consistent cache, where no invalid relationships among objects are held. Several alter-
natives have been offered to keep consistency in the web cache, each one being better in different situations
and for diverse requirements. Usually, web cachers implement just one strategy for maintaining consistency,
sometimes giving bad results if circumstances are not appropriate for such strategy. Given that, a web cacher
where this policy can be adapted to different situations, will offer good results in an execution with changing
conditions. A web caching architecture is proposed as a testbed for consistency models, allowing both timing
and ordering issues to be considered.
The most important traffic carried by today networks
certainly belongs to world-wide-web. Every second
millions of users exchange gigabytes of information
by browsing, downloading, buying, playing, talking,
etc. Much of the current efforts aim to alleviate the
delay experienced by users when surfing the web.
While increasing the bandwidth available to users
helps reducing latency, bottlenecks are found every-
where, user preferences and events (natural, econom-
ical, social, etc.) also rule the behavior of network
congestion. One solution is to upgrade the congested
network components or even performing load balanc-
ing techniques on them. However finite speed nature
of signals crossing transoceanic or even satellite links,
package queuing due finite processing time and stor-
age, etc. impose limits on the expected response time.
Information been locally accessible will clearly im-
prove the user experience while imposing reduced
load on the external network. Many of the web ob-
jects exhibit access locality meaning that once re-
quested they are most likely to be requested in the
near future. So instead of visiting the source server,
they could be locally stored and locally served. A
large group of users with overlapping interests may
request those locally stored objects without the bur-
den of long delays.
However, caching and replication of web objects
can produce inconsistencies, as it is known from the
distributed systems literature. For example, consider
a client requesting two pages: one from ESPN about
the NBA playoff final game (which has not yet fin-
ished) and another from CNN with a link to the ESPN
one (cached on the CNN site). After the match is over,
suppose the ESPN page is changed so the result is pre-
sented, but the CNN one is using the cached version,
thus offering a stale information about the game and
making inconsistencies in the whole caching system.
On the other side, there are some applications where
such requirements are not needed and a more relaxed
consistency policy is sufficient.
Several caching strategies have been published
mostly based on the distributed nature of web ob-
jects (Wessels and Claffy, 1998; Cao and Liu, 1997;
Yu et al., 1999; Tewari et al., 2002; Kawash, 2004;
Shim et al., 1999). While previous work is mostly
based on timing requirements for consistency, to our
knowledge, only (Bradley and Bestavros, 2002) ad-
dresses both ordering and timing, fundamental con-
cepts on distributed objects consistency (Ahamad and
Raynal, 2003). Our aim in this paper is to present a
proposal for an infrastructure allowing several consis-
tency models to be tested, considering time and order.
J. Torres-Rojas F., Meneses E. and Carballo A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 110-116
DOI: 10.5220/0001231801100116
Section 2 introduces the web caching problem,
while in section 3 some approaches for this problem
are presented. In section 4 the main consistency pro-
tocols are reviewed and some useful techniques are
presented. Section 5 presents a proposal to introduce
consistency models in web caching. Finally, conclu-
sions and future work are left for the last section.
As already mentioned, information being accessible
in the cache will improve the user experience. Ac-
cording (Wang, 1999) there are several advantages for
using web caching: it reduces bandwidth consump-
tion so network traffic decreases and lessens network
congestion; it reduces access latency due frequently
accessed objects are fetched by a near proxy and non-
cached objects are fetched in a relatively faster net-
work; it reduces the work load of the remote server;
if the remote server is no available, a copy of the re-
quested object could be retrieved from a local proxy;
it provides an option to monitor web access patterns.
The increased performance or efficiency of intro-
ducing some caching level could be measured by
counting how many objects were locally accessed
(from the cache) among the total number of requested
objects, the cache hit rate. Another useful indicator
of cache efficiency is the byte hit rate, the number of
byte actually provided from the cache as a percentage
of the total number of bytes transferred. The higher
the byte hit rate the less traffic is injected on the ex-
ternal network or the backbone saving bandwidth.
Nevertheless, some disadvantages emerge as web
caching is implemented (Wang, 1999). One of these
is cache consistency. This issue has been considered
in previous work (read section 3). Those schemes
can be categorized into three different philosophies
(Kawash, 2004):
Expiration Protocol A client p requests object X
from its owner q at time t, q sends a copy of the
value of X with a time-to-live value . So, every
requests for X could be satisfied by the local cache
of p during the interval [t, t+∆]. After that interval,
the copy of X in the cache expires and the next
request must be transmitted into the remote server.
Polling Protocol A client p must be checking ob-
ject X from its owner periodically in order to see if
X has changed.
Invalidation Protocol The owner q of X remem-
bers all the clients p of object X so when X
changes q sends an invalidation message to all its
users. The next read for X at a specific client p
suppose downloading a fresh value for X from q.
These policies have several performance and scal-
ability implications (Kawash, 2004; Gwertzman and
Seltzer, 1996; Cao and Liu, 1997). But, more im-
portant, it is often obviated what order protocol these
models induce. Particularly, expiration and polling
protocols implement coherence (a relaxation of se-
quential consistency model) and invalidation protocol
implements Sequential Consistency or SC (read sec-
tion 4).
Dilley et al (Dilley et al., 1999) recognize four
levels where caching plays an important role in the
web information infrastructure: (1) at the browser
level, catching user preferences as to aid the render-
ing process of web contents; (2) at LAN level, collect-
ing requested objects of a community of users; (3) at
ISP or carrier level, reducing the injection of unneces-
sary traffic on the backbone; (4) at the source site, re-
ducing the server load by caching the most requested
objects avoiding unnecessary delays recomputing al-
ready served data. Figure 1 depicts those scenarios.
Figure 1: Web caching levels
The HTTP/1.0 specification (Berners-Lee et al.,
1996) comes with basic features helping web caches.
For example the uniform resource locator (URL) pro-
vides a mean of object identification, when a client
issues a GET command the cache server easily ver-
ifies the object existence using URL as key in a flat
or a hash table. The time-to-live (TTL) value estab-
lished a simple mechanism of object freshness and if
coupled with the If-Modified-Since header more con-
sistent results could be achieved.
Figure 2 clarifies the use of the TTL value in web
caching. The client issues an object X read r(x)
which is attended by the proxy, since no cached ver-
sion of X exists then the proxy issues the request to
the source server returning a copy of the web object
valid through the TTL value. Future requests from
the client will be served from the proxy server until
the expiration of the TTL when a new read operation
to the source server is issued, thus TTL establishes a
basic level of consistency.
get(x) get(x)x x
Figure 2: Basic consistency by means of TTL values
In the last 10 years, several models have been
proposed for consistent web caching (Bradley and
Bestavros, 2002; Cao and Liu, 1997; Cate, 1992;
Duvvuri et al., 2000; Gwertzman and Seltzer,
1996; Mikhailov and Wills, 2003; Rabinovich and
Spatscheck, 2002; Tewari et al., 2002; Yin et al.,
1999; Yu et al., 1999), some of them are presented in
(Kawash, 2004). In this section some ideas of these
models are briefly reviewed.
Adaptive TTL is one of the first models, introduced
in the Alex file system (Cate, 1992) was favored by
the results of Gwertzman and Seltzer (Gwertzman
and Seltzer, 1996). They found this protocol reduces
network bandwidth consumption and server loads in
comparison to other protocols. On the other hand,
Cao and Liu (Cao and Liu, 1997) advocate a con-
sistency protocol based on invalidations of outdated
cached web documents initiated at the server side.
Yu, Breslay and Shenker (Yu et al., 1999) offer a hi-
erarchical architecture for web caching which is scal-
able and that uses an invalidation approach. Yin et al
(Yin et al., 1999) developed a different technique by
offering object leases. If a client p request an object
X from a server q then q grants a lease to this request
for X. The lease duration denotes the interval of time
during which the server agrees to notify the client if
the object is modified. After the lease expires, it must
be renewed. Volume leases groups some objects with
the same lease. Based on this idea, Duvvuri, Shenoy
and Tewari (Duvvuri et al., 2000) developed adap-
tive leases that improves the efficiency by adapting
the lease duration considering some characteristics of
the network.
Basis token consistency, developed by Bradley and
Bestavros (Bradley and Bestavros, 2002) is a mech-
anism that attach a header to each object in order to
keep consistency in the cache. Finally, Tewari, Niran-
jan and Ramamurthy (Tewari et al., 2002) developed
WCDP, a protocol where several levels of time con-
sistency are permitted.
Although web applications have very different re-
quirements than other areas of distributed comput-
ing, there is still room to introduce some ideas born
in distributed objects consistency protocols. In this
section, basic notions for consistency in distributed
systems, including time and order considerations, are
4.1 Order Models
A distributed system consists of N user processes and
a distributed data storage. Because of caching and
replication, several, possibly different, copies of the
same data objects might coexist at different sites of
the system. Thus, a consistency model, understood
as a contract between processes and the data stor-
age, must be provided. There are multiple consis-
tency models (Ahamad et al., 1995; Ahamad and Ray-
nal, 2003; Herlihy and Wing, 1990; Lamport, 1978;
Torres-Rojas et al., 1998; Torres-Rojas et al., 1999).
The global history H of this system is the partially
ordered set of all operations occurring at all sites. H
is the total ordered set or sequence of operations that
are executed on site i. If a occurs before b in H
say that a precedes b in program order, and denote
this as a <
b. In order to simplify, we assume
that all operations are either read or write, that each
value written is unique, and that all the objects have
an initial value of zero. These operations take a finite,
non-zero time to execute, so there is a time elapsed
from the instant when a read or write “starts” to the
moment when such operation “finishes”. Neverthe-
less, for the purposes of this paper, we associate an
instant to each operation, called the effective time of
the operation. We will say that a is executed at time t
if the effective time of a is t. If a has an effective time
previous to the effective time of b we denote this as a
b. Let H
be the set of all the operations in H
plus all the write operations in H. The partially or-
dered happens-before relationship for message
passing systems as defined in (Lamport, 1978) can be
modified to order the operations of H . Let a,b and c
H, we say that a b, i.e., a happens-before (or
causally precedes) b, if one of the following holds:
1. a and b are executed on the same site and a is exe-
cuted before b.
2. b reads an object value written by a.
3. a c and c b.
Two distinct operations a and b are concurrent if
none of these conditions hold between them.
If D is a set of operations, then a serialization of
D is a linear sequence S containing exactly all the
operations of D such that each read operation to a
particular object returns the value written by the most
recent (in the order of S ) write operation to the same
object. If is an arbitrary partially ordered relation
over D, we say that serialization S respects if a,
b D such that a b then a precedes b in S .
Intuitively, one would like that any read on a data
item X returns a value corresponding to the results
of the most recent write on X. In some systems this
could mean that after making an update, all other
processes may be notified about the change as soon
as it is required. Assuming the existence of absolute
global time, this behavior can be modeled with lin-
earizability (Herlihy and Wing, 1990):
Definition 1 History H satisfies Linearizability
(LIN) if there is a serialization S of H that respects
the order <
(Herlihy and Wing, 1990).
A weaker, but more efficient, model of consistency
is sequential consistency as defined by Lamport in
(Lamport, 1978):
Definition 2 History H satisfies Sequential Consis-
tency (SC) if there is a serialization S of H that re-
spects the order <
for every site in the system
(Lamport, 1978).
SC does not guarantee that a read operation returns
the most recent value with respect to real-time, but
just that the result of any execution is the same as if
the operations of all sites were executed in some se-
quential order, and the operations of each individual
site appear in this sequence in the order specified by
its program.
An even weaker model of consistency is causal
consistency (Ahamad et al., 1995).
Definition 3 History H satisfies Causal Consistency
(CC) if for each site i there is a serialization S
of the
set H
that respects causal order (Ahamad
et al., 1995).
Thus, if a,b and c H are such that a writes value
v in object X, c reads the same value v from object X,
and b writes value v’ into object X, it is never the case
that a b c. CC requires that all causally related
operations be seen in the same order by all sites, while
different sites could perceive concurrent operations in
different orders.
CC is a model of consistency weaker than SC,
but it can be implemented efficiently (Ahamad et al.,
1995; Torres-Rojas et al., 1998). Such implementa-
tion requires keeping track of which processes have
seen which write events. In fact, there is dependency
graph for determining which operation is dependent
on which other operations. So, this data structure
must be built and maintained. For fulfilling this need,
vector clocks (Torres-Rojas et al., 1998) can be used.
4.2 Time Models
In neither SC nor CC real-time is explicitly captured,
i.e., in the serializations of H or H
operations may
appear out of order in relation to their effective times.
In CC, each site can see concurrent write operations
in different orders. On the other hand, LIN requires
that the operations be observed in their real-time or-
dering. Ordering and time are two different aspects
of consistency. One avoids conflicts between opera-
tions, the other addresses how quickly the effects of
an operation are perceived by the rest of the system
(Ahamad and Raynal, 2003).
Timed consistency (TC) as proposed in (Torres-
Rojas et al., 1999) requires that if the effective time of
a write is t, the value written by this operation must be
visible to all sites in the distributed system by time t +
, where is a parameter of the execution. It can be
seen that when = 0, then TC becomes LIN. So, TC
can be considered as a generalization or weakening of
In timed models, the set of values that a read may
return is restricted by the amount of time that has
elapsed since the preceding writes. A read occurs
on time if it does not return stale values when there
are more recent values that have been available for
more than units of time. This definition depends
on the properties of the underlying clock used to as-
sign timestamps to the operations in the execution.
Let T(a) be the real-time instant corresponding to the
effective time of operation a.
Definition 4 Let D H be a set of operations and
S a serialization of D. Let w, r D be such that
w writes a value into object X that is later read by r,
i.e., w is the closest write operation into object X that
appears to the left of r in serialization S . We define
the set W
, associated with r, as: W
={w’ D | (w’
writes a value into object X) (T(w) < T(w’) < T(r) -
)}. We say that operation r occurs or reads on time
in serialization S , if W
= . S is timed if every
read operation in S occurs on time.
Definition 5 Let a, b D H with effective times t
and t
, respectively, be two operations over the same
object X. We say that a <
b if:
1. Both a and b are write operations and t
< t
, or
2. a is a write operation, b is a read operation and
< (t
Definition 6 History H satisfies Timed Consistency
(TC) if there is a serialization S of H that respects
the partial order <
(Torres-Rojas et al., 1999).
Now, we combine the requirements of well-known
consistency models such as SC and CC with the re-
quirement of reading on time.
Definition 7 History H satisfies Timed Sequential
Consistency (TSC) if there is a serialization S of H
that simultaneously respects the partial order <
and the partial order <
(Torres-Rojas et al., 1999).
Definition 8 History H satisfies Timed Causal Con-
sistency (TCC) if for each site i there is a timed se-
rialization S
of H
that simultaneously respects
causal order and the partial order <
Rojas et al., 1999).
Figure 3 presents the hierarchy of these sets. If an
execution satisfies LIN, it satisfies SC as well, but the
contrary is not always true. If a set of operations D
satisfies LIN, then it is always possible to produce a
serialization S of D such that all the operations are
ordered by the real-time instants when each operation
was executed. In turn, S satisfies Definition 4, even
for = 0. Then, LIN is a case of TSC where = 0,
and therefore LIN TSC. It is easy to see that SC
Figure 3: Consistency Criteria Hierarchy
4.3 Lifetime based model
This technique (Torres-Rojas et al., 1998) provides
consistency across different but related set of objects.
Let C
denote the cache of site i, which stores
copies of objects that have been accessed recently. If
a cache miss occurs when accessing object X, some
server provides a copy of its current version of X.
Once this copy is stored in C
, we denote it as X
The start time of X
, denoted as X
is the time when
the value of X
was written. The latest time when the
value stored in X
is known to be valid is its ending
time and it is denoted as X
. The interval [X
, X
is the currently known lifetime of the value stored in
The values of X
and Y
(cached in C
) are mutu-
ally consistent if max(X
, Y
) min(X
, Y
i.e., their lifetimes overlap and, thus, they coexisted
at some instant. C
is consistent if the maximum start
time of any object value in C
is less than or equal to
the minimum ending time of any object value in C
i.e., every pair of object in C
is mutually consistent.
In general, the lifetime of arbitrary object values is
not known. When site i updates object version X
time t, timestamp t is assigned to both X
and X
It must be discovered as it goes that no object copy X
(i 6= j) has been overwritten and use this information
to advance X
A local timestamp variable called Context
is asso-
ciated with C
. Its initial value is 0, and it is updated
with the rules:
1. When a copy of object X is brought into C
coming X
): Context
:= max(X
, Context
2. When object copy X
is updated at time t:
:= X
:= t
keep the latest start time of any object
value that is or has been stored in C
. When a copy of
object X is brought into C
, its ending time must not
be less than Context
, if necessary, other servers or
client sites are contacted until a version of X that sat-
isfies the condition is found. Furthermore, any object
such that Y
< Context
is invalidated. It is
proved in (Torres-Rojas et al., 1998) that this protocol
induces SC on the execution.
This proposal attempts to modify an existing web
cache software in order to implement an architecture
able to consider several consistency models by intro-
ducing timing and ordering requirements. It emerges
as part of the SPREAD research project, which is un-
der development in the Computing Research Center
at Costa Rica Institute of Technology. SPREAD is
oriented in applying consistency techniques and prop-
erties to areas as collaborative software, mobile com-
puting, distributed databases, web caching and others.
We selected the Wessels et al SQUID software for
several reasons. SQUID is one of the most widely
used caching solutions deployed in several huge net-
works. It supports a simple yet hierarchical cache
protocol allowing a testbed for research (for example
(Dilley et al., 1999; Wessels and Claffy, 1998; Shim
et al., 1999; Bradley and Bestavros, 2002; Duvvuri
et al., 2000)). It is Open Source, distributed under
GNU-GPL terms, meaning access to source code and
to a large community of programmers maintaining
this project.
Regarding consistency protocols of section 2, ex-
piration approach is achieved via adaptive time-to-
live or ATTL (Cate, 1992; Gwertzman and Seltzer,
1996). The ATTL, where the life-span of an ob-
ject is approximated to better reflect its behavior in
time, is implemented in most browser level caches
and in proxy cache servers, including SQUID, for it
is easy to implement using HTTP headers. Polling
consistency level, also handled in SQUID, is eas-
ily implemented by issuing conditional HTTP GET
commands with the If-Modified-Since header field,
here the server is expected to respond mainly with
the OK code (200) with the updated object (when
changes were made) or the Not Modified” code (304)
when object data is still valid. Recent SQUID ver-
sions support the HTTP/1.1 specification introduces
enhanced directives for caching (“Cache-Control” di-
rective): age and expiration calculation, freshness re-
quirements, stale control, cache extensions, cacheable
objects, etc. Although the invalidation approach is
not inherent to SQUID, several invalidation alterna-
tives (Bradley and Bestavros, 2002; Duvvuri et al.,
2000) have been implemented.
All these three approaches induce some level of
consistency, but they take into account only the time
axis. Our objective in this proposal is to introduce in
SQUID the lifetime based consistency of section 4,
which can be modeled to offer several levels of con-
sistency, using the order of events. These levels can
be selected among: sequential consistency (SC), co-
herence, causal consistency (CC) and no ordering at
Finally, the evaluation criteria to be used is not in-
creasing SQUID performance, but permitting several
levels of consistency to be applied dynamically ac-
cording to web usage requirements.
Several strategies for maintaining cache consistency
have been proposed, but they do not consider order
and time, so it is difficult to analyze the properties
such strategies offer.
Different web applications require different web
cache consistency protocols. More agile web en-
vironments need stronger consistency models, while
weaker models of consistency are sufficient for less
changing systems.
Our attempt is to build a web caching architec-
ture where several consistency models can be used in
order to satisfy the needs for different web environ-
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