Daniel Rocco
Department of Computer Science, University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA 30118 USA
James Caverlee, Ling Liu
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
XML compression, path queries.
XML is an increasingly popular data storage and exchange format whose popularity can be attributed to its
self-describing syntax, acceptance as a data transmission and archival standard, strong internationalization sup-
port, and a plethora of supporting tools and technologies. However, XMLs verbose, repetitive, text-oriented
document specification syntax is a liability for many emerging applications such as mobile computing and dis-
tributed document dissemination. This paper presents XPack, an efficient XML document compression system
that exploits information inherent in the document structure to enhance compression quality. Additionally, the
utilization of XML structure features in XPack’s design should provide valuable support for structure-aware
queries over compressed documents. Taken together, the techniques employed in the XPack compression
scheme provide a foundation for efficiently storing, transmitting, and operating over Web documents. Initial
experimental results demonstrate that XPack can reduce the storage requirements for Web documents by up
to 20% over previous XML compression techniques. More significantly, XPack can simultaneously support
operations over the documents, providing up to two orders of magnitude performance improvement for certain
document operations when compared to equivalent operations on unencoded XML documents.
The XML document format (Bray, 1998) is emerging
as a popular document encoding for online informa-
tion exchange. Standardized Web document formats
like XML are advantageous for a variety of reasons.
XML has well-defined semantics, strong internation-
alization support (Savourel, 2001), and a plethora
of developer tools for managing and exchanging
data. In addition, XML derived languages, such as
WSDL (Christensen et al., 2001) and SOAP (Mitra,
2003), provide higher level interaction standards that
leverage existing XML technology. XML data is self-
describing and authors are encouraged to use clear en-
tity names to assist other users in understanding the
data (Bray, 1998). Since many parties interested in
data exchange interact with different entities during
the course of a transaction, predefined data exchange
standards are a must. In the highly dynamic world
of the Web, the set of data exchange partners an en-
tity may use will evolve over time, which provides a
strong argument for the use of industry-standard com-
munication technologies rather than ad hoc solutions.
However, XML has two disadvantages that present
obstacles to widespread adoption as an information
exchange medium for many applications: the size
penalty and textual representation. Many entities that
might consider XML would need to convert existing
proprietary document formats into XML, which typ-
ically produces an undesirable and dramatic increase
in the size of the stored data (Liefke and Suciu, 2000).
Another concern stems from the fact that XML is
stored in a text document encoding like ASCII, which
incurs significant computational costs for parsing and
Many applications exist that could benefit from the
standardization of XML but require a more efficient
document representation. For example, data distri-
bution and routing applications require large num-
bers of documents to be handled quickly (Altinel and
Franklin, 2000), while today’s mobile devices have
limited processing power, communication bandwidth,
and storage capacity. For these and other applications,
it is advantageous to minimize the storage space re-
quired by documents and to provide efficient access
to application-specific areas of interest. While XML
provides advantages with its self-describing charac-
teristics and universally recognized format, these ap-
Rocco D., Caverlee J. and Liu L. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 32-39
DOI: 10.5220/0001233000320039
plications cannot afford the performance penalty that
has previously been the price of converting to XML.
There have been several efforts to reduce the stor-
age impact of converting to or otherwise utilizing
XML. XMill (Liefke and Suciu, 2000) is an XML
document compressor designed to alleviate the con-
cern of data expansion due to XML conversion. The
WAP Binary XML Format (World Wide Web Con-
sortium, 1999) and its extension Millau (Girardot and
Sundaresan, 2000) have been introduced for the effi-
cient encoding and streaming of XML structure, par-
ticularly in a wireless environment. These compres-
sion schemes addressed the data expansion concern
but do not provide explicit support for querying com-
pressed documents. There have been subsequent ef-
forts to provide query support over compressed XML
documents with systems that compress the content of
the document (Min et al., 2003) or its structure (Bune-
man et al., 2003).
This paper presents XPack, a document compres-
sion system providing both good compression and
strong query support for compressed documents. The
design goal of XPack is to support the acceptance of
XML as a viable data exchange mechanism by min-
imizing the performance penalty incurred by appli-
cations that use it. XPack’s compression and query
techniques are built upon these fundamental design
1. Redundancy Elimination. XPack reduces much of
the redundancy found in XML documents, yielding
a smaller document footprint.
2. Binary Format. XPack’s binary encoding requires
no parsing when loading a document from disk.
Document parsing and verification is a resource
intensive operation, so applications using XPack
can expect better performance when loading doc-
3. Compartmentalization. XPack separates various
document components to provide faster access to
interesting aspects of a document, such as its tree
structure information or node tag list.
4. Compressed Data Access. Unlike other widely
used document compression systems, XPack pro-
vides general query facilities that operate over the
compressed documents. Compressed data access
allows applications to store data in a compact,
space-saving format without sacrificing the ability
to do ad hoc querying.
The XPack document encoding leverages ideas from
our previous work on the Page Digest system (Rocco
et al., 2003) for efficient representation of HTML
Web pages. The Page Digest was designed to support
efficient document processing in applications such as
Web change monitoring (Buttler et al., 2004; Buttler
et al., 2003). XPack is an extension of this work that
targets XML documents, in particular, by providing a
more flexible framework that supports containerized
document compression and efficient path querying.
The foundation work for modern data compression
was done by Ziv and Lempel (Ziv and Lempel, 1977),
who proposed the idea of the dictionary compres-
sor. Dictionary compressors operate by substituting
repeated occurrences of a given string with a shorter
sequence; the original file can be reconstructed by re-
versing the substitution. This technique and its vari-
ants have become integral components of many stan-
dard computing tools such as the Gzip (loup Gailly
and Adler, 2004) file compression tool. For a more
general introduction to data compression, we refer the
reader to (Sayood, 2000; Witten et al., 1999).
Recently, there have been several efforts to de-
sign XML-specific compression algorithms. The first,
XMill (Liefke and Suciu, 2000), was designed to pro-
mote standardized document storage and transmission
formats while alleviating the concern of data expan-
sion that is often the penalty of converting data to
XML. The XMill compressor achieves this goal by
creating a container for each document tag and plac-
ing the data values for each tag into the same con-
tainer. The containers are then compressed using
a standard dictionary compression library. The in-
tuition behind this approach is that grouping values
by their tag names would arrange repetitious sections
of the document closer to each other, which would
yield greater compression efficiency from the dictio-
nary compressor. The fundamental problem with the
XMill approach is its opaque nature: data compressed
with the XMill compressor is only available for use
after being decompressed, a costly overhead step that
must be added to the overhead of parsing the text doc-
The Millau (Girardot and Sundaresan, 2000) bi-
nary format—an extension to the WAP Binary XML
Format (World Wide Web Consortium, 1999)—has
been introduced for the efficient encoding and stream-
ing of XML structure, particularly in a wireless envi-
ronment. A technique using multiplexed hierarchical
PPM models was introduced in (Cheney, 2001). It
has been shown to be slower than XMill, but in some
cases achieves a higher degree of compression.
There have been several recent efforts to provide
query support over compressed XML documents,
typically by making a trade-off between the degree
of compression and support for queries. The first
of these techniques, XGRIND (Tolani and Haritsa,
2002), compresses XML documents by using Huff-
man encoding for non-enumerated types. If a doc-
ument conforms to a known DTD, additional com-
pression may be achieved by encoding the enumer-
ated types listed in the DTD. XGRIND supports exact
match and range queries over the compressed XML
document. Similarly, XPRESS (Min et al., 2003)
maintains the original structure of each XML doc-
ument to support path queries, but instead uses a
technique called reverse arithmetic encoding for com-
pressing labeled paths of the document. In exper-
iments, the XPRESS system is shown to be faster
than XGRIND for compression and query resolu-
tion. In (Buneman et al., 2003), the authors present
an XML compression technique that supports path
queries over the compressed XML. Their technique
relies on the identification of shared subtrees across a
single document.
XPack is a document encoding and compression sys-
tem designed to operate over XML data. In this sec-
tion, we construct a formal model of an XML doc-
ument to facilitate the explanation of the techniques
that XPack employs. Using this document model,
we define a set of document operators, which are re-
versible functions that transform the XML data to re-
duce representation redundancy and provide efficient
access to interesting document components.
3.1 Reference Document Model and
Design Concepts
We model an XML document as an ordered tree of
nodes where each node has a name and optionally
contains a namespace qualifier, attributes, and text
content. More formally, an XML document D is a set
of tags {t
, . . . , t
}; each tag t
is a string of char-
acters denoting the tag’s name and value. We say that
tag t
is a closing tag if the tag name begins with the
slash character ‘/’; otherwise the tag is an opening tag.
A document D is required to have the same number
of opening and closing tags, which occur in tag pairs.
A tag pair describes a node used in a document’s tree
model: a node is a descendent of the tag pairs that
enclose it and an ancestor of the tag pairs that it en-
closes. The document Ds tag set {t
, . . . , t
} must
satisfy the following invariants:
1. opening tags t
, t
Actual XML documents can also have “self closing”
tags which combine the opening and closing tag. We model
such tags as a tag pair t
, t
; in the ASCII version the
closing tag t
is implied.
(a) i < j
(b) t
is a closing tag for t
(c) a tag pair t
, t
s.t. i < k < j < l, and
(d) a tag pair t
, t
s.t. k < i < l < j
2. D contains the same number of opening and clos-
ing tags
3. t
is an opening tag
4. by extension of the above, t
is the closing tag for
Invariants 1 and 2 require all documents to contain a
balanced tag set, i.e. each open tag must have a corre-
sponding close tag. (a) and (b) state that open tags are
required to preceed their closing tag. (c) and (d) are
concerned with the proper nesting of tags; Figure 1
demonstrates proper nesting along with two examples
of improper nesting. Finally, invariants 3 and 4 state
that the first tag must be an open tag and that the last
tag must be the corresponding closing tag.
Figure 1: Examples of improperly nested tags (a) and (b)
along with a properly nested example (c).
3.2 XPack System Overview
The XPack encoding system operates over this docu-
ment model to produce an XPack-encoded version of
the document that retains the same structural elements
and semantic meaning as the original document rep-
resented in a more efficient format. XPack espouses a
container-oriented document structure that is created
and modified by a set of unary document operators:
PagePack (φ): document container encoding
PathPack (ψ): path structure encoding
NamePack (ρ): node tag name encoding
URLPack (γ): document URL encoding
AttributePack (α): attribute encoding
ContentPack (χ): content encoding
XPack’s document operators are designed to support
flexible redundancy reduction. The PagePack oper-
ator is unique in that it operates over the original
XML, while the remaining operators take a docu-
ment that has already been containerized as their in-
put. PagePack’s purpose is to transform the text-
oriented representation of an XML document into
a compact tree-oriented representation of the docu-
ment’s structure augmented by a series of content
containers. These containers can then be transformed,
augmented, or replaced by subsequent operators. To
as great an extent as possible, the remaining operators
are designed to work in parallel so that overlapping
computation can be used on parallel machines.
Figure 2 shows the XPack document compression
process. When a document enters the system, a type
detector module determines the document’s type and
loads a document type profile. The document type
profile determines the default set of operators XPack
will use in the redundancy elimination phase and also
specifies how the document is split into components.
Next, the document enters the redundancy elimination
phase, which uses the selected XPack document oper-
ators to reduce the redundancy, and therefore the size,
of the document. The minimized document compo-
nents are then passed to the aggregator for reassem-
bly and compressed to yield the final XPack-encoded
The heart of the XPack system is the redundancy
elimination operators. The PathPack operator tries to
reduce the space consumed by the document’s tree
structure. This encoding works best on documents
that utilize structure more than content to convey
meaning. PathPack is also designed to provide ef-
ficient access to the paths between document nodes
for faster path matching and query operations. The
NamePack operator utilizes observations about the
tag names in XML documents to reduce their size.
The URLPack operator reduces the space consumed
by a document’s URLs. The AttributePack operator
combines the concepts found in the NamePack and
URLPack operators and reduces the space consumed
by element attribute names and values. AttributePack
performs identifier substitution on attribute names and
substitution and prefix production on attribute values.
PagePack The PagePack operator φ creates a node
structure container S by assigning a unique identifier
to each node in the document and extracting the struc-
ture information inherent in the opening and clos-
ing tag sequence. φ(D) = (S, M ) is a reversible
function mapping an XML document D to a com-
pact tree-structure representation and a set of contain-
ers for the document’s content. S = {a
, . . . , a
where a
is the number of child nodes under the open-
ing tag t
. S preserves the document’s tree structure
by recording the relationship between opening tags.
Node content is placed into a list of containers M =
, . . . , m
}, which retain the information from the
original document regarding each node’s name, asso-
ciated attributes, and content. The PagePack trans-
formation stands as the basis upon which the other
document operators are constructed.
Conceptually, PagePack encodes the document in
File Type
Operator Selection
PathPack URLPack NamePack
XPack Aggregator
Compressed File
Aggregation &
Figure 2: XPack system overview.
three steps. First, the document tree is traversed in
depth-first order and each node in the tree is assigned
a unique identifier. For the sake of convenience, we
choose an identifier equal to the visit order of each
node; the root of the tree is assigned identifier “1. Af-
ter each node has an ID, PagePack constructs a struc-
ture array that succinctly encodes the relationships be-
tween document nodes. Finally, node containers are
constructed for each node in the document.
The remaining containers in the PagePack structure
hold the information contained in the original nodes
of the document tree, such as each node’s tag name,
attributes, and any associated content. Node contain-
ers are stored in index order, so the first node con-
tainer holds the data belonging to the node with index
“1,” the root node.
PathPack Path structure encoding transforms the
tree structure of an XML document into a sequence
that encodes the paths found in the document tree
to support efficient execution of path-style queries.
Given a node structure container S, PathPack ψ(S)
is a reversible function that generates a sequence
, 1 j m, where m n and each x
is a
subpath tuple of the form < start
, end
, parent
Each subpath in the sequence represents a nonbranch-
ing fragment of a root-leaf path; later paths in the se-
quence are further to the right and further down the
tree than earlier paths in the sequence. For example,
the subpath < 2, 3, 1 > represents a two-node non-
branching path between nodes 2 and 3; the start node
of path, 2, is a child of node 1. Given a node structure
container S for document D, the following algorithm
sketch highlights the main components of the Path-
Pack operation:
1. set the start of the next path to the root node a
2. for each node a
(a) if a
is a branch or leaf, output the current path.
for each child c, set c to the start of the next path
and run PathPack with it as the root.
(b) otherwise continue.
NamePack The NamePack operator ρ eliminates
document tag name redundancy by storing each
unique tag name once and assigning a short reference
to each name. For a document D with node container
M = {m
, . . . , m
}, ρ(M ) = (I, M
) is a reversible
function that generates a set of tag name identifiers
I = {i| unique tag names in M }, stored in lexical
order for efficient tag name searching.
NamePack reduces the redundancy of a Web docu-
ment by generating tag name references and substi-
tuting the shorter references for the occurrences of
the name in the document, eliminating the extra char-
acters needed to store long and repeated tag names.
NamePack is effective because the opening and clos-
ing tags that are the main structural feature of XML
documents require tag names to be repeated; this ne-
cessity stems from the design of the document storage
model but is not fundamental to representing struc-
tured documents in a computer system. Repetition of
tag names can amount to a considerable proportion of
the document’s size.
NamePack collects the tag names from the node
container M and stores each unique name in a new
container. Occurrences of the names in the document
are then replaced with a name reference that indicates
which container and what name from that container is
being referenced. M
is the new node container for D
where tag names have been replaced with the appro-
priate index into the tag name container I.
<m:alert xmlns:m="http://example.org/alert">
<m:msg>Pick up Mary at school at 2pm</m:msg>
Figure 3: Example SOAP Message
URLPack A common feature found in many Web
documents is the hyperlink reference, which directs
the application processing the document to further in-
formation or provides additional material for an end-
user to explore. Hyperlinks are described via a URL
that typically specifies a protocol, a target site, and a
document reference. Figure 3 shows an example of a
SOAP message used to invoke a remote Web service.
SOAP messages make heavy usage of namespace ref-
erences, which are externally linked documents that
define the semantics of the call. The example mes-
sage contains three such references.
We have observed that many URLs contain com-
mon prefixes. For example, two of the URLs in
the SOAP message in Figure 3 start with the prefix
“http://example.org/alert” and all three have the same
“http://” protocol specifier. The URLPack operator
γ is designed to eliminate repetition in a Web doc-
ument’s URLs by factoring out these common pre-
fixes. URLPack uses a modified dictionary substi-
tution mechanism (Bharat et al., 1998) for encoding
URLs that is restricted to start of string prefixes to
maximize efficiency.
In general, the URLPack operator γ(M ) =
(U, M
) where U = {u|u extractU RLs(M)};
extractURLs encodes the document’s URLs
through the following steps:
1. Retrieve the document’s URLs from the node con-
tainer M
2. Sort the URLs into lexical order, remove duplicates
3. For each u
, replace the prefix shared with the ex-
panded form of u
with the count of shared char-
AttributePack The AttributePack operator α is
a logical combination of the ideas found in the
NamePack and URLPack operators that is used to
compress document attributes and expose them for
faster processing. Attributes are associated with
nodes: a single node can have zero or more attributes,
each of which consists of a name and a possibly empty
value. Attribute names are frequently reused through-
out the document; certain attribute values—hyperlink
reference URLs, for instance—will also appear mul-
tiple times in a document’s attributes.
Consistent with the approach we have espoused
with the other XPack operators, AttributePack ex-
tracts attribute names and values from a docu-
ment Ds node containers M. For a document
D with node container M = {m
, . . . , m
the AttributePack operator α(M) = (X, Y, M
where X = {x| unique attribute names in M},
stored in lexical order for efficient searching, and
Y = {y|y extractAttributeV alues(M )};
extractAttributeV alues operates identically to the
function extractU RLs used in the URLPack opera-
tor γ.
ContentPack The ContentPack operator χ elimi-
nates duplication of document content and organizes
the content to achieve better document compression.
ContentPack χ(M ) = (C, M
) is a reversible func-
tion mapping a document Ds node containers M to
a content list C and an updated list of node contain-
ers M
. The updated node containers replace each
node’s content with a reference to the appropriate en-
try in the content list for that node. Any duplicated
text nodes in the original document will receive refer-
ences to the same entry in C. It is common for ASCII-
encoded XML documents to contain many equivalent
whitespace nodes for formatting purposes to assist hu-
man readability of the document. ContentPack elim-
inates this and any other content redundancy that is
present in the document’s non-markup content.
The experiments in this section are designed to test
the features of the XPack system. Due to space limi-
tations, we restrict our experimental evaluation to two
sets of experiments that are designed to provide a rep-
resentative sample of XPack’s performance character-
istics. The first set of experiments demonstrate the
compression performance of XPack over several doc-
ument sets. The second set of experiments test the
query performance of XPack and demonstrate that it
is possible to achieve both good compression and per-
formance. The experiments show the power of the
XPack encoding system: many interesting document
operations can be completed with only a partial de-
compression of the document.
4.1 Experimental Environment
To test the XPack design experimentally, we have
implemented a prototype XPack encoder and query
processor. The prototype is implemented in Java.
All experimental results presented here were con-
ducted on a PC with an AMD Athlon XP proces-
sor at 1.4GHz with 512MB RAM running Windows
XP Professional. The experiments were run on Sun’s
Java virtual machine for Windows, version 1.4.2. The
Apache Foundation’s Xerces XML parser was used
for testing SAX and DOM document materialization
performance and the Xalan XSLT library provided
XPath query evaluation support for DOM documents.
4.1.1 Experimental Data
Random Walk. The random walk data set consists
of approximately 2000 Web pages gathered by an au-
tomated crawler. To gather the data, the crawler’s
URL frontier was seeded with a small set of start
pages. At each iteration, a URL was chosen at ran-
dom from the frontier and the corresponding docu-
ment retrieved. The document was then converted
from HTML into XML and annotated with a single
comment tag recording the originating URL of the
document and a timestamp. The document’s links
were then added to the URL frontier for possible se-
lection in the next iteration. The average size of the
documents collected after normalization to XML was
43,888 bytes with a minimum of 161 bytes, maximum
of 898,924 bytes, and standard deviation of 37,150
Shakespeare. The Shakespeare data set is a pub-
lic domain collection of Shakespeare’s plays that
have been converted into XML. The tag set is small
and consists of such tags as LINE, SPEECH, and
SPEAKER. None of the nodes have attributes. The
data set contains 37 documents whose average size
is 213,448 bytes with a minimum of 141,345 bytes,
maximum of 288,735 bytes, and standard deviation
of 36,345 bytes.
4.2 XPack Compression
Our first set of experiments test the aggregate perfor-
mance of the XPack compression system. The data
sets that we have selected are intended to represent a
broad cross-section of the types of XML documents
typically used by applications. The random walk data
set contains documents representative of the XHTML
format used by modern, standards compliant Web ap-
plications. An important characteristic of this data
set is the large number of attributes containing long,
somewhat similar values. In contrast, the Shakespeare
data set is characterized by a large amount of text con-
tent with no attributes and a small, terse tag set.
The documents in these experiments were con-
verted from XML to three compressed document for-
mats: gzip compressed XML, XMill, and XPack. The
XPack documents were encoded with the PagePack,
NamePack, and AttributePack redundancy elimina-
tion operators. The resulting XPack document con-
tainers, including the node containers holding the text
content of the document, were then sent through a
gzip compression filter and written to disk.
The random walk data set contains documents hav-
ing a relatively small tag dictionary consisting of
short names—each document employs a subset of the
HTML tag set. These documents contain many at-
tributes with repeated or similar values, such as hyper-
link URLs. The documents also have significant text
content but are not dominated by it as in the Shake-
speare data set. Figure 4 demonstrates the effective-
ness of the XPack encoding system for compressing
the random walk data set. The graph shows the size
of the XMill, gzip, and XPack compressed versions of
the documents, whose original sizes appear on the x-
1 27 34 40 46 55
Average Document Size (kilobytes)
Compressed size (bytes)
Figure 4: XPack document compression, random walk
data set.
142 179 194 209 221 250 282
Document size (kilobytes)
Compressed size (kilobytes)
Figure 5: XPack document compression, Shakespeare
data set.
axis. The documents have many repetitive attributes,
such as navigation URLs, that provide a significant
opportunity for redundancy elimination by Attribut-
ePack, allowing XPack to achieve compression rates
up to 20% better than the other systems’ rates.
In contrast with the random walk dataset, the
Shakespeare data set is content-heavy, with the ma-
jority of the size of the documents occupied by ac-
tors’ lines. None of the documents contained node
attributes, eliminating any potential savings from At-
tributePack. The tag dictionaries are composed of a
few short names. Even in the Shakespeare data set,
with its limited redundancy, XPack achieves compres-
sion rates comparable to the other systems. Com-
pression results for the Shakespeare data set are pre-
sented in Figure 5, which demonstrates that XPack
can achieve compression rates comparable to XMill
and gzip. XPack enjoys a significant usability advan-
tage over the systems due to its query-capable format.
4.3 Query Performance Experiments
The next experiment evaluates the XPack system’s
ability to provide query support over compressed doc-
uments by testing the performance of XPath path ex-
pression queries on XPack documents. Path queries
over XML documents using the XPath node selec-
tion language are a popular means for extracting data
from XML documents. Table 1 presents the per-
formance results obtained for two test queries over
the Shakespeare data set and compares these results
with the performance of the same queries over stan-
dard and compressed XML. The first query, “//PER-
SONA, selects all the nodes in the document with
the name “PERSONA while the second selects all
SCENE nodes with a parent ACT and a root grand-
parent PLAY. For each of the three document types
used in the experiment—DOM, compressed DOM,
Table 1: XPath Evaluation Time, Shakespeare data set.
Time (ms) DOM gzDOM XPack
100 0 0 15
101–200 0 0 22
201–500 0 0 0
501–600 28 8 0
601–700 9 29 0
100 0 0 15
101–200 0 0 22
201–500 0 0 0
501–600 29 5 0
601–700 8 32 0
and XPack—Table 1 lists the frequencies of query ex-
ecution times obtained executing the query over each
of the 37 documents in the Shakespeare data set. Note
that these are “cold start” measurements: the time
recorded for each test is the sum of the time needed to
load the document from disk, parse it into an internal
memory representation, and execute the query.
These results indicate that XPack can support ef-
ficient evaluation of path queries while simultane-
ously reducing the storage and materialization costs
for XML documents. For many types of interesting
queries, XPack’s compartmentalization and separa-
tion of document components supports faster query-
ing than the original documents: as shown in Ta-
ble 1, document queries requiring more than 500 ms
using a standard XML parsing and querying library
can be executed in less than 200 ms with XPack. Be-
cause the queries in question require only the docu-
ment structure and tag names to be satisfied, XPack
can service the query without reading the entire doc-
ument, which is an impossibility with XML. These
measurements also demonstrate XPack’s advantage
over opaque XML compression systems like gzip
and XMill, which must add document decompression
overhead to the cost of a complete parse of the docu-
The XPack document encoding and compression sys-
tem achieves both good compression and strong query
support for compressed documents. Redundancy
elimination allows XPack to significantly reduce the
size of Web documents, while compartmentalization
separates the components of a document into logical
containers. XPack’s binary encoding scheme elim-
inates the expense of parsing XML text into mem-
ory objects by instead storing the document in a for-
mat that can be read directly into memory and im-
mediately operated upon. XPack’s compression per-
formance compares favorably with other widely used
XML compression systems in testing with document
sets having considerably different structural and con-
tent characteristics. XPack’s document compartmen-
talization enables efficient document querying using
XPack’s aggregate document operators and the more
general XPath query mechanism, which enjoys up to a
95% performance increase over queries using a stan-
dard XPath processor and text-based XML.
Altinel, M. and Franklin, M. J. (2000). Efficient filtering
of xml documents for selective dissemination of in-
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