Table 2: Aggregate accuracy evaluation for
C-FFPan and C-FFPde
0.18 0.72
0.11 0.81
A formalization of the method has been provided by
suitably revising some basic concepts of the method,
The results of the initial empirical analysis that we
have carried out are encouraging, suggesting that the
counting of data movements can be useful for
estimating the development effort of dynamic web
applications. In particular, the application of the
method on design documents exhibits a slightly
better performance than its application to analysis
documents. This is not surprising, since during
analysis less details are usually available. For that
reason, we suggest to apply the method at the
beginning of the development process, during the
analysis phase, in order to obtain a preliminary effort
estimation, which can be later refined during design,
when further information is available, by employing
the suitable rules defined for class diagrams.
Several research directions can be planned as future
work. First of all, further analysis is needed for the
assessment of the method. Indeed, the empirical
evaluation provided in the paper has to be
considered a preliminary analysis, useful for
encouraging us in further investigation. More data
coming from the industrial world are presently being
collected, in order to obtain more reliable results.
Such data will be also used to perform a comparative
analysis with respect to other proposals, such as Web
Objects (Reifer, 2000).
Moreover, we plan to consider possible use of
adjustment factors similar to those used in the FP
approach, in order to verify their usefulness to
improve the performance of the proposed method in
the cost estimation process.
Furthermore, we focused our attention mainly on
web applications, where multimedia aspects were
marginal. It could be very interesting to tune up the
3rd rule, to better describe the efforts needed for
multimedia productions. As an example, we could
classify the digitalized media (easy to make) from
the ones created from scratch (requiring more
resources). The final result could be a taxonomy of
multimedia objects, depicting for each media the
estimated effort.
Another interesting extension of the work may come
by taking into account page templates. The sites we
considered were characterized by many structurally
different pages. Probably, if a site is composed by a
number of static pages using the same template, the
1st rule may require some tuning.
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