Lorenzo Blanco, Valter Crescenzi, Paolo Merialdo
a Roma Tre
Via della Vasca Navale 79, I00146 Roma – Italy
Information Extraction, Wrapper Induction, Web mining.
Many large web sites contain highly valuable information. Their pages are dynamically generated by scripts
which retrieve data from a back-end database and embed them into HTML templates. Based on this obser-
vation several techniques have been developed to automatically extract data from a set of structurally homo-
geneous pages. These tools represent a step towards the automatic extraction of data from large web sites,
but currently their input sample pages have to be manually collected. To scale the data extraction process this
task should be automated, as well. We present techniques to automatically gathering structurally similar pages
from large web sites. We have developed an algorithm that takes as input one sample page, and crawls the
site to find pages similar in structure to the given page. The collected pages can feed an automatic wrapper
generator to extract data. Experiments conducted over real life web sites gave us encouraging results.
Many web sites represent authoritative information
sources for several domains. Unfortunately, the pre-
cious information they provide is spread across thou-
sands of HTML pages, connected by a complex net-
work of hypertext links. Such an interface is suitable
for a human consumer, but it makes the published
data not easily accessible to applications. However,
there is a relevant and increasing number of Web sites
that are built automatically, possibly dynamically, by
scripts that create pages by encoding into HTML tem-
plates data usually coming from a back end database.
The automatic nature of the page generation
process confers a certain degree of regularity to the
internal structure of the pages. Roughly speaking,
we may say that pages generated by the same script
share a common structure, while they differ one each
other in the data they present. Motivated by this
observation, recently several researchers have stud-
ied techniques that exploit similarities and differences
among pages generated by the same script in order to
automatically infer a Web wrapper, i.e. a program
to extract and organize in a structured format data
from HTML pages (Arasu and Garcia-Molina, 2003;
Crescenzi et al., 2001; Crescenzi and Mecca, 2004;
Lerman et al., 2004; Wang and Lochovsky, 2002).
Based on these techniques they have developed tools
that, given a set of pages sharing the same structure,
infer a wrapper, which can be used in order to extract
the data from all pages conforming to that structure.
These tools represent a step towards the automatic
extraction of data from large Web sites. However to
scale up the approach an open issue is how to crawl a
web site in order to automatically locate collections
of pages to wrap. To give an example, consider a
Web site providing information about the stock mar-
ket, such as http://www.axl.co.uk. The site con-
tains more than 20,000 pages. Among these, there
are about 3,750 pages containing descriptions of the
UK companies (one page per company): the data pro-
vided by these pages can be an important information
source for many applications. As these pages are gen-
erated automatically, their structure is likely to be reg-
ular, and they can be wrapped in order to extract and
organize the data about all the companies in a struc-
tured format, e.g. in XML. This goal can be accom-
plished by manually choosing all the company pages,
and then generating one wrapper for them. However,
due to the dimensions and the complexity of the site
graph, the manual collection of the company pages
results neither feasible nor scalable.
We sketch a big picture of the data extraction
process in Figure 1: (1) given one page, represent-
Blanco L., Crescenzi V. and Merialdo P. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 247-254
DOI: 10.5220/0001234202470254
Figure 1: The Web Data extraction process
ing one sample of the class of pages from which data
should be extracted, a module, called Page Finder,
crawls the target Web site, and (2) locates and collects
pages that are similar in structure to the input sample;
(3) pages collected in the previous step are used to
generate a wrapper: we use our ROADRUNNER sys-
tem, but any other automatic wrapper generator could
be used; (4) once a wrapper has been generated, (5) it
is run over the collected pages and (6) the data offered
by these page are extracted.
This paper concentrates on the development of an
efficient algorithm to implement the Page Finders
functionalities. We present techniques to automati-
cally crawling a web site in order to reach pages con-
taining data of interest. The only input we require is
one sample Web page: the system picks out from the
site all the pages that obey to the same structure of
the input sample. Then, the output set of pages can be
used to feed an automatic wrapper generator system.
Our goal is to effectively and efficiently obtaining
the largest coverage, while minimizing the total num-
ber of downloaded pages. The main idea underlying
our approach is that of incrementally building an ef-
fective yet simple local model of the site structure dur-
ing the crawling. The site model is used to focus the
crawling towards the desired target pages according
to the evidence provided by the pages already down-
Contributions The main contribution of the paper
is an efficient method for retrieving from a large web
site useful pages for data extraction purposes. Our
method is based on (i) a simple yet effective model
that abstracts the structural features of web pages, and
(ii) an efficient algorithm that navigates the site to
fetch pages similar in structure to one input sample
page. Combined with an automatic wrapper gener-
ation system, our method provides infrastructure for
efficient and scalable data extraction from the web.
Paper Outline The paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a simple model to abstract the
structure of web pages, and the topology of a web site.
Based on the model, in Section 3 we present an al-
gorithm for crawling the site focusing the exploration
towards the pages structurally similar to an input sam-
ple page. Section 4 presents an experimental experi-
ence we have conducted to evaluate our approach on
real-life web sites; Section 5 discusses related works,
and Section 6 concludes the paper.
We now introduce the main intuition at the basis of
our model by means of an example. Consider the of-
ficial FIFA 2002 world cup Web site, whose roughly
20,000 pages present information about teams, play-
ers, matches, and news. The site contents are or-
ganized in a regular way; for example, there is one
page for each player, one page for each team, and so
on. These pages are well-structured. For instance,
all the player pages share the same structure. Sim-
ilarly, all the team pages share a common structure
(and, at the intensional level, the same information).
However, the information as well as the structure of
the team pages are different from those of the player
pages. Pages also contain links to one another; these
links provide effective navigation paths, and usually
they reflect semantic relationships among the pieces
of information offered by the connected pages. In our
example, every team page has a list of links to the
pages of its players (and vice versa), a list of link to
the matches it played, and so on.
A key observation for abstracting and modelling
in a simple way the structure of pages of automati-
cally generated Web sites, is that they usually contain
a large number of links, and these links reflect the
regularities of the structure. In particular, we argue
that the set of layout and presentation properties as-
sociated with the links of a page can characterize the
structure of the page itself. Whenever a large majority
of links from two (or more) pages share the same lay-
out and presentation properties, then it is likely that
the two pages share a common structure. Consider
the Web page of Figure 2, which is taken from the
FIFA Web site: it presents information about a na-
tional team. In this site, every team page contains a
sequence of links to the player pages organized on a
table on the left, an itemized list of links to the news
located in the central part of the pages, and so on. Dif-
ferently, pages such as that shown in Figure 3, which
offer statistics about players, are characterized by a
collection of links placed in the left most column of a
large table.
We model pages in terms of the presentation and
layout properties of the links they offer, and we mea-
sure the structural similarity between pages with re-
spect to these features.
More precisely, in our model, a web page is de-
Page p
Page p
Page p
Figure 4: DOM trees
player pages
news pages
Figure 2: Example of HTML page: a team pages
scribed by considering only the paths of the corre-
sponding DOM tree that start from the root and ter-
minate into an anchor node. We call link collection
one of such DOM paths together with all the <url,
anchor> pairs that share that path. Also, we call
tag-list the root-to-anchor path of each link collection,
and the page-schema of a page p, denoted ∆(p), is the
set of tag-lists in p.
To give an example consider Figure 4: it shows the
(simplified) DOM trees of three fictional pages p
, p
and p
. According to our definition, only paths lead-
ing from the root node to anchor nodes (these paths
are marked in bold) are taken into account, and the
three pages are modelled by link collections, as fol-
, Xi, hurl
, Y i}
HTML-UL-LI {hurl
, Ei, hurl
, F i}
, Xi, hurl
, Y i}
HTML-UL-LI {hurl
, Gi}
, Hi, hurl
, Ki,
Actually, we also consider the name and value of
HTML attributes associated to the nodes of the path. How-
ever, for the sake of simplicity, we present examples includ-
ing only HTML elements.
player pages
Figure 3: Examples of HTML pages: a stats pages
, Ji}
HTML-P-B {hurl
, Li}
Observe that according to our model, p
and p
have identical page-schemas:
) = ∆(p
the page-schema of p
Pages can be grouped by their schema into clus-
ters. A cluster of pages is a (possibly singleton) set of
pages with identical schema. Consider again the three
pages in Figure 4: pages p
and p
form a cluster, as
they have identical schemas. Also, page p
gives raise
to a singleton cluster.
Finally, we introduce the concept of class-link to
model at the intensional level a set of link collections
sharing the same root-to-anchor path. Thus, given
a cluster of pages, i.e. a set of pages with identical
schema, each tag-list identifies a class-link.
Page similarity To have a measure of the structural
similarity between two pages we consider the distance
between their schemas. Since schemas have been de-
fined as sets (of tag-lists), we consider well known set
similarity methods (Van Rijsbergen, 1979). In partic-
ular we adopt the Jaccard coefficient; given two sets
X and Y , the Jaccard coefficient is defined as:
J(X, Y ) =
|X Y |
|X Y |
In our context, let ∆(p
) and ∆(p
) be the schemas of
pages p
and p
, respectively; then:
, p
) = J(∆(p
), ∆(p
Note that if ∆(p
) = ∆(p
) (i.e. the two pages
have identical schemas), then sim(p
, p
) equals 1;
conversely, if the two schemas are disjoint, then
, p
) equals 0. Given two pages, p
and p
, we
say that they are similar if sim(∆(p
), ∆(p
)) T ,
where T is a threshold value determined empirically.
We now conclude the presentation of our model
with an observation that plays a relevant role in our
approach for efficiently collecting structurally homo-
geneous pages: usually links in the same link collec-
tion lead to similar pages. For example, consider the
Web page in Figure 2: all the links contained in the
large table on the right side of the page lead to player
pages; similarly, all the links located in the central
part of the page bring to news pages. Then, given a
cluster of pages, we can make the conjecture that most
(possibly all) of the links contained in the link collec-
tions of a class-link are homologous, that is, they lead
to structurally similar pages. In our running exam-
ple, given a cluster of team pages, it is reasonable to
suppose that all the links belonging to the link collec-
tions corresponding to the large table on the right side
of the page lead to similar pages (in fact, they lead to
player pages).
With these ideas in mind, we can now introduce the
algorithms to crawl a web site focusing the search on
pages structurally similar to one input sample page.
Given one sample page containing data of interest,
our goal is to pick out from the site the largest number
of pages similar in structure to the input page. A first
intuitive approach is to fetch pages that are reachable
from the sample page, and to select those that fall in
the cluster which would include the sample page.As
pages of large web site are widely connected one each
other, it is likely that one page contains links leading
to pages sharing the same structure (i.e., offering, at
the intensional level, the same information content).
For example, consider the team pages the FIFA Web
site: they contain links pointing to the other teams
they played (or will play) against. As another ex-
ample, consider the pages describing products in any
In our experiments, we have set T = 0.85.
e-commerce Web site: they usually contain links to
pages of related items, as well. This technique is very
simple, but it usually gathers a small number of pages,
so it is not effective for our purposes.However, we ob-
serve that some of the pages that we have reached,
though not directly target pages, may result useful be-
cause they contain links that point backward to the
target page; it is likely that these pages also list links
to other pages belonging to the target set. Continuing
our FIFA example, from every the team page several
pages containing back links can be reached; for ex-
ample, from every team page there are links to pages
listing matches, and links to referee pages; all these
pages contain links pointing back to the teams. So,
it could be convenient to focus the crawling towards
the outbound links of these pages. However, observe
that one page can offer a large number of links, and
just a subset of them could be useful for our purposes.
To define such a subset we still rely on our model:
namely, we only consider links belonging to the link
collections that contain some pointer to pages in the
target cluster, as it is likely that other links of the same
link collection point to similar pages.
Other target pages might be reached by following
the link departing from new index pages. Actually,
the searching of new index pages is another instance
of the original problem: the goal is now to collect all
the pages with the same structure as those serving as
indices over the original target.
The above approach is simple but it is not effi-
cient (in terms of number of total pages to down-
load). Since it visits any page that can serve as an
index to the target, it may crawl a large portion of the
target Web site, just to discover that most of down-
loaded pages are either completely useless or redun-
dant. Some of the fetched index pages could be very
effective, as they can provide a quick access to a large
number of new pages; others simply go to pages that
have been already reached, adding the cost of search-
ing such index pages without any benefits. Also, an-
other problem that limits the efficiency of this ap-
proach is related to the depth at which index pages
should be searched. As we assume the structure of
the site is not known, we have to statically set up the
depth of the recursive step in order to visit a large por-
tion of the site; in many cases, the searching involves
a large number of pages that do not carry any contri-
bution to the overall result.
In order to overcome these limitations, we have de-
veloped a more involved algorithm, called INDESIT.
3.1 Learning Promising Paths
INDESIT has been designed in order to follow only
paths to effective index pages, i.e. pages containing
links that lead to a large number of new target pages.
The underlying idea of INDESIT is that while crawl-
ing, it is possible to acquire knowledge about the nav-
igational paths the site provides and to give higher pri-
ority to the most promising and efficient paths.
The INDESIT algorithm performs four main steps,
as summarized in Figure 5. In order to clarify its
recursive nature, it is more convenient to restate the
problem as if we aimed at obtaining all the pages of
clusters similar to a given cluster (namely, that of the
sample page). The algorithm starts with the (single-
ton) cluster C
containing the input sample page p
In the first step, Neighborhood cluster discovery,
the link collections of the input cluster are used to
discovered as many neighborhood clusters as possi-
ble. In order to minimize the number of downloads,
whenever more that n links
of the same collection
lead to pages of the same cluster, the remaining links
of the collection are not followed. The rationale is that
for large link collections it is likely that the skipped
links will lead to clusters already met at the begin-
ning of the collection. In essence, we are checking
the homologous link conjecture.
In the second step, Neighborhood clusters evalua-
tion, the neighborhood clusters are analyzed to select
the most promising directions. As discussed above,
we can look for navigational paths pointing back to
pages of the target cluster. At the intensional level
of clusters, paths are represented by class-links, i.e.
sets of link collections with the same tag-list. So we
now search for class-links leading back to the target
cluster. We could consider all the class-links made by
link collections with at least one link pointing back
to pages of the target cluster. However, a simple op-
timization consists in anticipating the navigation of
class-links that provide access to a large number of
new target pages. To this end, for every class-link we
compute a score indicating a measure of earn, in terms
of new target pages, the class-link carries on.
The score of a class-link is computed by navigating
its link collections, and then counting how many new
pages with schema similar to that of p
are reached. A
page is considered as new if it was not already present
in C
. Observe that during the evaluation of one link
collection, it may happen that a page has been already
downloaded to evaluate another link collection; but,
if such a page was not in C
at the beginning of the
evaluation, it will be considered as new. Note that
in this way the evaluation order does not affect the
scores. The scores of class-links are finally computed
as the average scores of its link collections.
Most collections can be evaluated by following
only a small fraction of its links: as soon as a link
leads to a page whose schema is not similar to the
schema of C
, the collection and its class-link are im-
mediately scored 0 without downloading any other
page. At the end of this step we have a score as-
We set n=3.
Algorithm INDESIT
Input: a cluster containing page p
Output: a set of pages structurally similar p
1. Neighborhood clusters discovery links of the initial cluster are followed
to gain knowledge of as many neighborhood clusters as possible
2. Neighborhood clusters evaluation neighborhood clusters are evaluated
and ordered: the best cluster concentrates in a small number of pages the
largest number of links leading to new target pages
3. Recursion to catch index pages a new instance of our initial problem is
triggered. Pages similar to the best neighborhood cluster are the target of
the new problem. They will serve as indices over target pages of the original
4. Iteration discovered index pages are used to fetch as many target pages
as possible. Other neighborhood clusters are eventually considered
Figure 5: Summary of the INDESIT algorithm
sociated with every class-link. Only class-link lead-
ing to fresh target pages will have positive scores; we
call them back class-links. The overall score of each
neighborhood cluster is finally computed as the sum
of the scores of its back class-links. A cluster with a
high score corresponds to an effective index for our
target pages.
In the third step of the algorithm, Recursion to
catch index pages, a new instance of our problem is
recursively triggered. The target of the new search
is the neighborhood cluster with the highest score,
which we call index cluster. The recursive invoca-
tion will return a set of index pages (possibly of dif-
ferent clusters) all similar to the pages of the index
cluster. The link collections of these index pages with
the same tag-list as the back class-links in the index
cluster are followed to gather up as many target pages
as possible.
Once these pages have been collected, the last step,
called Iteration, considers the remaining neighbor-
hood clusters. As after the last evaluation several
pages have been downloaded, the scores can signif-
icantly decrease. Usually in few iterations all the
scores equals zero. Otherwise a new index cluster is
chosen and the algorithm goes on along the same way.
We have implemented the INDESIT algorithm and
have used it in order to conduct experiments on real-
life web sites. The goal of the experiments was to
evaluate the performances, in term of effectiveness
and efficiency, of the algorithm. We now present the
sites and the input sample pages that we have used
in our experiments, and the metrics we use to evalu-
ate the performance of our algorithms against this set-
tings. Then we report the results of our experiments.
Site Target Class |Class|
www.fifaworldcup.com player 736
teams 32
www.supercarsite.net car 294
www.sendit.com dvd 1,011
www.olympic.org/uk sport 36
hero 292
www.guitaretab.com guitar tab 29,032
group 3608
www.axl.co.uk company 3,744
www.nba.com player 648
access.euro2004.com team 16
www.euro2004.com team 16
Figure 6: Site and classes of the test bed
4.1 Sites and sample selection
As there are no analogous experiences in the litera-
ture, we could not rely on any reference test bed. We
have therefore selected a bunch of sites, and for each
of them we have identified one or two pages to be
used as input samples. As our studies concentrate on
large automatically built web sites, we have chosen
sites for which there is evidence that their pages are
generated by scripts. We selected sites from different
domains and of different sizes (ranging from 5,000 to
more than 30,000 pages). For all the sites we have
built a local mirror. Since we aim at measuring the
coverage of our output, we restricted our experiments
to sites for which we were able to determine the size
of the classes of searched pages. For some of the sites
it is possible to derive this information as classes of
pages describe real-world entities whose number is
known; for example, we have used the official web
sites of some relevant sport events, for which the num-
ber of athletes and teams is given. Also, we have cho-
sen sites with pages generated by scripts such that the
urls were able to classify the pages (e.g. the url of
a page contains the name of the generating script);
based on the urls, we have computed the cardinalities
just counting the number of files with a given pattern
on the file system storing the local mirror.
We have chosen pages belonging to classes with
different cardinalities. For every class, we have run
the algorithm three times, each starting with a differ-
ent sample page; the goal is to verify that the behavior
of the algorithm does not depend on specific features
of the starting page. As we describe in Section 6, we
have also run the algorithm in order to find pages of
singleton classes. The description of the sites is given
in Figure 6. Note that, for the Uefa2004 web site we
have considered also the WAI version. The peculiar-
ity of this version is that it offers the same contents
and the same site topology as the standard version,
but the HTML code of its pages is extremely simple.
4.2 Metrics
The effectiveness of our approach can be measured
in terms of precision and recall. Let C
be the set
of pages to be retrieved, and C
the set of retrieved
pages. Precision P , and recall R are defined as fol-
P =
R =
As our algorithm aims at minimizing the pages to
fetch, a straightforward measure of the efficiency is
given by the total number of downloads.
4.3 Experimental Results
The experimental results of our evaluation are sum-
marized in Figure 7, that illustrates the performances
of the INDESIT algorithm over several samples. For
each sample page, we report recall (R), precision (P ),
and the number of downloaded pages (#dwnl).
As we can see, recall values are rather high for
every experiment. This means that INDESIT is able
to retrieve most of the pages with the same structure
as the input sample page. The values of precision are
more interesting. The precision is related to the num-
ber of false positives produced by the search. Overall,
the results are good and the pages collected by our
approach are structurally homogeneous, as required.
The worst results are those obtained in the WAI ver-
sion of the UEFA2004 web site. The extremely low
value of precision (0.02%) indicates that almost all
the downloaded pages have been considered as mem-
ber of the target class. This is not surprising: as the
HTML code of these page is extremely simple and
uniform, the algorithm is confused, as it is not able
to distinguish pages. On the contrary, observe that in
the standard version of the same Web site, INDESIT
produces sharp results, with good performances.
Comparing the numbers of downloads with the car-
dinalities of the target classes, INDESIT is able to
learn quickly the most promising navigation paths,
confining the crawling around a small yet useful por-
tion of the site. This is particulary evident for small
classes, such as, for example, the 32 FIFA team pages.
Another important comment on the experimental re-
sults is that the approach is rather stable with respect
to the input page. As shown in Figure 7, we obtain
convergent results though starting from different sam-
ples of the same class.
The issue of extracting information from the web
has been the subject of several studies. Most of the
Sample Results
R P #dwnl
FIFA: player
“Ronaldo” 100% 100% 1,046
“Lovenkrands Peter” 100% 100% 1,079
“Luna Braulio” 100% 100% 1,104
FIFA: team
“Turkey” 100% 100% 249
“Mexico” 100% 100% 248
“Germany” 100% 100% 265
Supercars: car
“Ferrari 360 Modena” 100% 99.32% 351
“MG TF 160” 100% 98.98% 352
“Jaguar XKR 100” 100% 98.98% 350
SendIt: dvd
“Mystic River” 85.95% 100% 3,377
“M.A.S.H. 84.37% 100% 3,333
“Big Jake” 74.38% 100% 3,209
Olympics: sport
“Tennis” 100% 100% 125
“Skating” 100% 100% 140
Athletics” 100% 100% 128
Olympics: hero
“Stefania Belmondo” 100% 100% 489
Abele Bikila” 100% 100% 465
“Gregory Louganis” 100% 100% 458
Guitar tabs: song
“Smells like ... 87.29% 100% 29,099
“Wish you were here” 87.30% 100% 29,110
“Oribidoo” 87.04% 100% 29,037
Guitar tabs: group
“Led Zeppelin tabs” 100% 95.98% 3,809
“Quaye Finley” 100% 95.98% 3,811
“John Fogerty” 97,22% 93.56% 3,583
AXL: company
“Imperial Chem. 99.89% 98.09% 3,835
“Pacific Media” 99.89% 98.09% 3,835
“Xaar” 99.89% 98.09% 3,835
NBA: player
“Marc Jackson” 76.23% 100% 936
“David Brown” 75.93% 100% 946
“Kevin Willis” 75.93% 100% 938
NBA: coach
“Jerry Sloan ” 100% 100% 764
“Scott Byron” 100% 100% 764
“Rick Adelman ” 100% 100% 764
UEFA2004: team
“Portugal” 100% 100% 163
“Sweden” 100% 100% 157
“England” 100% 100% 152
UEFA2004-WAI: team
“Portugal - WAI” 100% 0.02% 755
Figure 7: Experimental results
work concentrates on the generation of wrappers (for
a survey see, e.g. (Laender et al., 2002)). Most re-
cent studies have focused on the automatic genera-
tion of wrappers. The ROADRUNNER system is based
on a grammar inference approach (Crescenzi et al.,
2001; Crescenzi and Mecca, 2004). Based on differ-
ent techniques, systems for the same goal have been
developed also by Arasu and Garcia-Molina (Arasu
and Garcia-Molina, 2003) and by Wang and Lo-
chovsky (Wang and Lochovsky, 2002). All these sys-
tems are based on the observation that data published
in the pages of large sites usually come from a back-
end database and are embedded within a common
template. Therefore the wrapper generation process
consists of inferring a description of the common tem-
plate. To the best of our knowledge, both automatic
and semi-automatic approaches currently known as-
sume that the pages containing the data have been col-
lected by some external module (possibly they have
been manually chosen).
Our work is related to recent research for discov-
ering the structure of web sites. Liu et al. model a
web site as a hierarchical structure, whose nodes are
either content pages, i.e. pages providing information
contents, or navigation pages, i.e. pages containing
links to content pages (Liu et al., 2004). A combina-
tion of several domain independent heuristics is used
to identify the most important set of links within each
page. Based on these heuristics they have developed
an algorithm to infer the hierarchical organization of
navigational and content pages. Kao et al. (Kao et al.,
2004) have studied methods to address a similar prob-
lem; they focus on news web sites with the objective
of distinguishing pages containing indexes to news,
and pages containing news. Compared to our ap-
proach, these proposals aims at finding paths to all
generic content pages, while we aim at finding all the
pages of a specific class. In addition, the approach by
Kao et al. is tailored for web sites of a specific domain
(news). In (Crescenzi et al., 2003), a preliminary ver-
sion of our page model has been adopted in order to
infer an intentional description of a web site. In that
work, a crawler navigates the web site starting from
the home page and an agglomerative clustering algo-
rithm groups pages into classes. The goal is to iden-
tify all the classes of pages offered by a site and to
collect a minimal characteristic sample for the whole
web site.
The notion of link collection is close to that of
“pagelet”, which was first introduced by Chackrabati
et al. to denote a contiguous set of links (Chakrabarti
et al., 1999a). Chackrabati et al. make the hypothe-
sis that links from the same pagelet more tightly fo-
cus on a single topic than links from the entire page
can do. This hypothesis has been exploited in sub-
sequent works (Chakrabarti et al., 1999b), with the
goal of driving a crawler towards pages of a given
topic. Compared to their work we may say that, in
some sense, our crawler is specialized in recogniz-
ing structures, rather than topic-relevant pages. The
notion of pagelet has been formalized by Bar-Yossef
and Rajagopalan, who introduce a semantic and a syn-
tactic definition, and an algorithm to extract pagelets
from a web page, as well (Ziv Bar-Yossef and Ra-
jagopalan, 2002). According to their syntactic defini-
tion, a pagelet is a DOM subtree such that none of its
children contains more than k links, and none of its
ancestor elements is a pagelet. We argue that such a
definition is weak for our purposes, as it depends on
a parameter (k) and limits the number of link that can
be contained in a pagelet.
Our assumption that links from the same link col-
lection point to related pages is reminiscent of the
co-citation principle, first described in (Small, 1973),
which claims that the relationship between two doc-
ument can be rated by the frequency at which they
appear together in citation lists. In the context of
the Web this principle has been exploited by several
authors (e.g. (Spertus, 1997; Dean and Henzinger,
1999)): the overall idea is that two pages are likely
to be related if they are linked by the same page. In
the context of large web sites, we claim that, as sites
are built automatically, this principle can be restated
by saying that pages pointed by the same link collec-
tion are likely to be structurally homogeneous.
In this paper, we have developed an automatic tech-
nique for retrieving web pages similar in structure to
one only sample page. The output set of pages, as
structurally homogeneous, can be done as input to a
wrapper generator system. Our approach relies on
the observation that in Web sites made by automati-
cally generated pages, a degree of regularity occurs
also on the overall topological structure of the site
graph. Though large and complex, the site graph is
organized according to tricky yet regular networks of
links. Our techniques aim at exploiting such regular-
ities. One could think that a different approach for
collecting pages is to download all the pages of the
target web site, and then to cluster them according to
their structure (the cluster containing the sample page
would be the expected output). We observe that such
an approach would not be efficient, due to the number
of pages of the Web site, which can be several mag-
nitudes higher than the number of the searched pages.
We have experimented our method over several real-
life web sites obtaining interesting results. We are
currently integrating the presented techniques with
ROADRUNNER, our web wrapper generation system.
We believe that this step can lead to significant im-
provements in the scalability of data extraction from
the web.
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pages. On the other hand it is not designed to crawl
pages behind forms. In order to extract data also
from these important sources, our system could co-
operate with specific techniques, such as, for exam-
ple, those proposed in (Raghavan and Garcia-Molina,
2001; Palmieri et al., 2002).
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