ests, contributions, and ratings by others. By means
of ITSs, models of learners can be used to give feed-
back and to dynamically adjust learning modules to
the learners’ abilities. How to make use of a set of
learner descriptions to determine typical obstacles is
currently being researched.
Future work will extend the principles discussed
in this paper essentially in two dimensions. First,
we seek to extend the interaction patterns of the
WEL system by designing and evaluating the teacher-
teacher communication discussed above and group-
oriented student-student interactions. Second, we see
a need for interoperability with other e-learning sys-
tems through standardized e-learning formats such as
LOM, SCORM and the like. Furthermore, the use of
exchange formats based on XML will also allow gen-
eral sharing of any content. In our approach XML
schemas are dynamically generated out of user de-
fined asset models. A first prototype implementation
of an XML schema generator exists.
In a varity of application projects we are seeking
additional learning and research scenarios to acquire
further user demands that will challenge the architec-
tural decisions for our personalizable conceptual con-
tent management systems.
We would like to thank our colleagues from the Art
History Department of Hamburg University, first of
all Prof. Dr. Martin Warnke, for the extraordinary pa-
tience of a highly experienced user community. Fur-
thermore, we thank Hamburg County for its contin-
uous financial support of the Warburg Electronic Li-
brary Project (WEL grant) and Deutsche Forschungs
Gemeinschaft (DFG) for its WEL-related grant on
“Geschichte der Kunstgeschichte im Nationalsozial-
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ACTIVE LEARNING BY PERSONALIZATION - Lessons Learnt from Research in Conceptual Content Management