A new information access system for truly mobile
access was conceptually designed and developed
during the recent years. In our former investigations
on this, the concept, which shall customers provide
an efficient and convenient access, was tested and
developed mainly on base of simulations. The
advance of the work presented here is the
application of the information retrieval system in
true networks under real conditions. On base of
these experiments, it can be derived that the claimed
properties, like increased access speed and improved
handling, can be achieved with the proposed kind of
information access structure.
Future work will stepwise regard quality of
information by means of AI, and it shall further aim
to reduce the information access costs, e.g. by
applying AI controlled proactive PUSH
mechanisms. Although the wireless JAVA platform
defines a standard API, the experience with true
devices is that it is not a straightforward task to
develop applications, which are running truly
sufficiently on all devices. Extra effort is required
for achieving this, and therefore alternative
technologies, e.g. C++-based software on Symbian
devices, shall be investigated in future for obtaining
best overall performance.
Also the application fields shall be expanded.
Besides information on public transportation and car
traffic, we are working in actual projects on weather
channels for a customized retrieval of local recent
information and forecasts. Furthermore, we are
currently investigating how Web service technology
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