Cosimo Antonio Prete, Pierfrancesco Foglia
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Pisa, Via Diotisalvi 2
56126 Pisa (PI), Italy
Michele Zanda
Scienze ed Ingegneria dell’Informatica, IMT Alti Studi Lucca, V. San Micheletto 3, 55100 Lucca (LU), Italy
Keywords: Web usability, development tool, navigation, fast prototyping, presentation, colour.
Abstract: This paper describes the actual methodologies to develop usable web sites. We consider significant tools to
model web sites and pages, and then we propose an innovative approach to create usable web sites rapidly
and easily. Our goal has been the inclusion of new methodologies in the web application development
Making a site that follows the guidelines of the web
usability theory is one of the key factors to have a
web site with a high goal completion rate (Nielsen,
2003). Despite the simplicity of the statement, it's
hard to find a good approach to make web sites
usable. The two main reasons may be: researchers
and web developers have focused their attention on
code generation and in a second phase on web
presentation; web usability is thought to be mainly
an 'art' and thus it cannot be managed by the
software. The first part of this work wants show the
actual tools, while in the second one we present
Easy Usable Web sIte (EUWI), a new development
environment for web sites.
The main problem in the industrial approaches is
that usability is usually faced at the end of the web
development process, with high costs and growing
times to the final release. The lifecycle of a web
application has been well depicted in figure 1
(Fraternali, 1999), and we are showing his scheme
slightly changed.
High costs and growing development times are
generated by the two loops. These refinement loops
are caused by different opinions and visions about
the final structure and presentation of the web site
between the web developer, the client and the final
users (if asked).
Figure 1: The lifecycle phases of a web application. It can
be seen that there are two close loops that postpone the
implementation phase
This paper tries to propose a methodology and a
tool to avoid these loops by including usability
factors at the beginning of the web development
process, rather than at the end.
At the moment there are a lot of development tools
and methodologies, already released or under
Antonio Prete C., Foglia P. and Zanda M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 373-376
DOI: 10.5220/0001236503730376
Rapid Application Design and Testing (RAD-T (
Becker, 2002)) is an innovative development tool
mainly thought to include usability requirements
inside the HTML source code. Since the traditional
HTML provides little support for the usability
constraints, the Berkeley researchers have created
the Self Testing - HTML (ST-HTML) to extend the
HTML functions. ST-HTML pages acts as a sort of
active ones. The main drawback in this approach is
that ST-HTML is not supported by current browser,
so at the moment it can be used only as a
specification tool. The research group is trying to
map ST-HTML onto XML to use it with XML
enabled browsers.
Web Modelling Language (WebML (Ceri, 2003)
models data intensive applications in short time. Its
main purpose is code generation, so as to obtain a
working site, possibly even the definitive site. Later
the CASE tool WebRatio has been developed to
work with WebML. The web pages are rapidly
structured and traversed in a GUI, and then
presented by page templates or by XSL descriptions.
At the end, with XML and XSL, the pages source
code is generated. In the overall process, usability
aspects are faced at the end, when the web developer
writes or imports the presentation code.
The tool DENIM (Newman, 2000), considering
the common practice of paper prototyping,
especially in the initial phases of a web site
development, wants to combine the paper
prototyping properties with the digital qualities.
DENIM consists of an electronic blackboard with
pages drawn roughly and connected with arrows.
The blackboard area has different zoom levels, to
visualize different aspects of the site: from a general
navigation structure, to storyboards, to single pages.
It is also present a simple navigation facility.
To provide a better support to the
communication between web designers and
developers, the traditional UML Use Case diagrams
have been enriched to include new features: usability
requirements, pre and post conditions, controls
properties, tab order, colours range ... (Hammar
Cloyd, 2001) The use of WWW Use Cases can help
to reduce the web applications time to market.
The need to model the interaction between web
application and final user has brought Conallen to
develop his User eXperience modelling (Conallen,
2003). The UX diagrams model the storyboards and
the dynamic information of the web pages; by
looking at the diagrams it is clear how the user will
reach his goals and how wide and deep is the web
Looking at the actual development tools and
methodologies, we have realized that the market
needed a web pages fast prototyping tool, enriched
with a navigation editor and a way to naturally
enforce the usability requirements.
The Easy Usable Web sIte (EUWI) tool manages
to automate many areas. Here is a short list:
- storyboard depths, according to the users
access frequency and goals;
- pages maximum sizes (in terms of bytes and
screens), according to the type of page, to ensure a
short loading time;
- presence of web objects (links to home page,
backward and forward buttons,…);
- ‘alt’ text that must be included within the
- the elements of the menus must be between 3
and 10 units;
- font family and size to ensure good
- text colour and background colour chosen to
ensure good readability;
- ‘tab’ order, as to ensure that a first form field
would have the focus selected automatically;
- status bar notifications.
The EUWI tool has been developed under the
framework of the Model View Controller (MVC), so
the web site can be seen with 5 different views: the
navigation editor where the pages are created and
linked, the fast prototyping environment, the ‘style
and colour’ chooser, the source code window and a
simple browser preview window.
The navigation editor (figure 2) is thought as a
Figure 2: The UXX Navigation Editor. In this
environment the web developer can depict the navigation
structure of the site. Once the site pages are dragged in the
central area, they are linked according to the required
paths. The diagrams offer a navigation facility, and a table
to choose the right wizard length.
'drag&drop' environment based on the User
eXperience eXtended model.
The main UXX features are an easyreading
layout (with class stereotypes being represented by
different frames and start and end icons) and strong
form data typing to be easily integrated in a
development environment. The data types that have
been codified for the forms fields are: String,
Password, Text, Number, Date, Time, CCN (Credit
Card Number), Email.
Multiple elements are handled with the suffix [].
Further input specifications can be included with
three keywords: combobox, checkbox, radiobutton.
The UXX navigation editor is used to draw
navigation diagrams. The navigation diagrams
(figure 3) show the site depth and the storyboards;
these diagrams can be then presented to the web
developer client to give him a glance of the site
Once the pages are created and described in their
dynamic content, they can be completed by setting
the static information with the fast prototyping tool.
Figure 3: A navigation diagram with the User eXperience
eXtended (UXX) model. The access pages are composed
by input forms. If the Internet user inserts correctly login
and password, he can enter the restricted area with a
secure connection. The diagram has one entry point and
two exit points.
Figure 4: The Fast Prototyper environment. As shown by
the above screenshot, the web developer can choose (in
the top left corner) the page to describe among the pages
inserted in the UXX navigation diagrams. The developer
can draw rectangles in the central area to prototype the
static (with its presentation) structure of the pages. The
rectangles can be chosen with a check box from: image,
link, text, form, menu, table. The type of page can be
chosen between: Home page, Internal, Internal extra,
Wizard and Notify. In the bottom left corner there’s a
traffic light for usability warnings.
The fast prototyping tool (figure 4) is thought as
to provide a central window to define the page
working areas. Then the set areas can be specified
by choosing their types (checkbox choice at the top
right), their static information and relative attributes.
The attributes that can be set are suggested to follow
usability requirements.
For example, if the developer draws an ‘image
and link’ area, he will be able to set the relative
properties: image source file, alternative text, CSS
link selectors (link, visited, hover, active), tabindex
and status bar text.
The page structures can be saved and used later
as templates for new pages to accelerate the
development process.
Finally, it is foreseen an interface (an addon to
the former one) to set the colours of text and
background so as to ensure a readable text, and to
communicate the chosen sensations (figure 5). The
colours constraints have been taken from the W3C
(W3C, 2004) and included in the GUI based
The styles of the text characters are yet suggested
to satisfy usability guidelines: Times, Verdana,
Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica.
To ensure perfect readability, even the size of the
characters can be chosen among a minimum of 8 pts,
Figure 5: The fast style prototyper. In this environment
the web developer can choose some presentation aspects
about the page areas drawn before. The developer can set
text and background colours to ensure a good reading. The
colours can also be chosen according to the sensations that
the site must transmit, depending on the culture of the
typical Internet user. On the left the created styles can be
associated with the page areas drawn in the prototyping
10 pts (preferable), 12 pts for people with visual
deficiencies or bigger ones. Since at the moment the
human computer interaction is not as complete as in
real world, every web object must be carefully
chosen to make the final user feel fine. So it is
important to choose colours correctly to
communicate the right sensations. Our software
helps the web developer by giving him the
correspondence between every colour and its
meaning in various cultures (western, oriental, ...).
That is very useful if the web site is not a world site,
but a regional site or a site for a specific group of
The idea to include the colours constraint for text
and background proves to be valuable, since,
according to a web analysis, at least the 33% of the
observed pages doesn't satisfy the colours
requirements. Forcing (or warning) the web
developer to follow usability guidelines, produces
better web presentations, and shorter release times.
However it must be kept in mind that the presence of
usability professionals might still be a necessity, as
in complex cases the software can only help the
human decisions.
The code generation has been thought to be
based on HTML plus CSS, since the CSS and the
box model are an easy way to generate the page
areas drown in the fast prototyping environment.
The tool under evaluation, and the
methodologies illustrated, will improve the Internet
users satisfaction and will shorten the web sites
time-to-market with advantages for developers and
The EUWI CASE tool still needs to be properly
tested for a final release. The usability
methodologies (the ones that could be automated)
have been identified, specified and included in our
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