An application scenario was chosen to
demonstrate the usability of the approach. It is
assumed that many e-shopping web services are
available on the Web. These can be any kind of
services e.g. Amazon, eBay, etc., wrapped as web
services offering different goods to buy such as
Books, Bikes and CDs. It is furthermore assumed
that in most cases a client searches for a service not
knowing the service name. The user only specifies a
service request with a few keywords describing the
service needs. For this scenario a context ontology
was created supplying the categories of services for
e-shopping. The context ontology contains
categories representing Food, Clothes, Bikes, Cars,
Shoes, Books and CDs. The underlying classes
contain many associative relations to each of the
categories. Each of the classes belonging to one of
the categories contains attributes describing the class
further. E.g. class Business (belonging to context
Books) contains the attributes computer, reading,
etc. For a special application domain two identical
attributes in more than one class could be
eliminated. However, if context ontologies would be
reused from other sources this ambiguity can not be
disqualified. The prototype implementation solves
this problem by taking the additional context
parameters into account to eliminate the “wrong”
context. If the user only specifies one context
parameter which matches two categories then the
prototype returns a mismatch statement.
The context ontology (Context Ontology, 2005)
is written in OWL (W3C Working Draft, 2004)
description containing class and subclass
relationships. The structure of the e-shopping
services ontology is the following: The first level
contains the corresponding categories of the context
ontology. The second level represents the actual
service implementation with the attributes below.
For example, one service specification outlines the
Books web service. Different service
implementations are BookBuy, Bookshop, BuyBooks,
Books and BookSale.
In the services ontology (Services Ontology,
2005) not only class and subclass relationships are
declared but also data type property relationships
describing the attributes of the service.
In order to demonstrate how the process from
service request to service response works is shown
next. The user issues a service request consisting of
context and service attributes. The context attributes
(e.g. computer and reading) are taken first and the
context ontology is queried using these search
attributes resulting in the context keyword Books
which is used for the service search part. The
services ontology is then reasoned using the context
keyword and the service attributes specified in the
service request query. The retrieved services are
BookBuy, Bookshop, BuyBooks, Books and
BookSale. After these services are matched the
service details are retrieved from the registry and
returned to the user.
The evaluation is done by calculating precision
and recall rates. Precision is the fraction of
advertised services which are relevant, i.e. the
highest number is returned when only relevant
services are retrieved. Recall is the fraction of
relevant services which have been retrieved, i.e. the
highest number is returned when all relevant
services are retrieved.
For the evaluation of precision and recall values
a comparison of a keyword-based approach with the
prototype approach was conducted. The focus for
this evaluation was on book services.
Table 1: Relevant Services.
service1 service2 service3 service4 service5
title heading name writing title
author writer authors maker composer
number issue no product id
category class family concept category
price cost amount worth value
publisher owner proprietor publisher owner
pages page
page pages pages
Table 1 shows the relevant services. All
attributes shown in the table are the service attribute
parameters used for this evaluation. Matches are
indicated in bold.
Table 2: Irrelevant Services.
service6 service7 service8 service9 service10
title issue name product composer
number owner proprietor pages id
isbn issn book
drink shop meal
book pixel colour point book
shop font paragraph space food
colour space bold font colour
Table 2 shows the irrelevant services. The
attributes indicated in bold match with the extended
context ontology taken for this experiment; however
the context parameters do not match the Book
category. The number of service attributes is the
same for relevant and irrelevant services.
ENHANCED DISCOVERY OF WEB SERVICES - Using Semantic Context Descriptions