Noh-sam Park, Gil-haeng Lee
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Keywords: Service Level Agreement, SLA, SLM, QoS.
Abstract: With the evolution of wireless networks, the wireless community
has been increasingly looking for a
framework that can provide policy-based SLA management. In this paper we first construct such a
framework and then describe how SLA-based control can be used to achieve QoS in wireless environment.
We provide a common generic framework capable of components to interwork via XML. The proposed
framework offers effective WLAN QoS control and management using client-side agent.
In an environment of fast changing technologies and
uncertain business tendencies, network operators,
constructors, and organizations face new challenges
to keep up with the increasing needs of ubiquitous
network. This is a major driver for the technological
development of wireless networks.
A service level agreement (SLA) is a formal
ract between a service provider and a subscriber
that contains detailed technical specifications called
service level specifications (SLSs). An SLS is a set
of parameters and their values that together define
the service offered to a traffic stream in a network(F.
De Turck, 2001).
An SLA can be defined and used in the context
f any industry and is used to specify what the
customer could expect from the provider, the
obligations of the customer as well as the provider,
performance, availability, and security objectives of
the service, as well as the procedures to be followed
to ensure compliance with the SLA.
Some work has been done in defining SLAs for
traditional IP
networks(Verma, 2004). Because
wireless LAN(WLAN) technologies belong to an
emerging domain, until now, no SLAs have been
defined that are adapted to the specific needs of
This work focuses on defining these SLAs
ecifically adapted to the relationship between W
LAN operators and their diverse clients. Moreover,
we propose a policy-based SLA management
framework that provides effective QoS control and
The remainder of this paper is structured as
llows. Section 2 will discuss related works on SLA
management over other networks. After describing
the metrics related WLAN in section 3, we will
explain a framework of SLA Management system
for WLAN environment in section 4. Finally we’ll
summarize our work and sum up the conclusions
from this study
The importance of SLA has been recognized and
widely accepted by ASP’s, ISP’s, etc. In particular,
this section reviews features of various SLA
management systems for network services.
The work for service level agreement in optical
works has been done(Fawaz, W, 2004). It
proposes a service level agreement applied to the
optical domain (O-SLA), which is expected to be the
near- and long-term network technology thanks,
among other things, to the great bandwidth capacity
offered by optical devices. After an exposition of the
rationale behind an optical SLA, parameters that
could be included in this O-SLA, as well as their
values for four classes of services, are proposed.
Park N. and Lee G. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 173-176
DOI: 10.5220/0001409401730176
In traffic and performance parameters for O-SLS,
it describes the followings.
Connection setup time
Service availability and resilience
Routing constraints(Stability, Route
Differentiation, Confidentiality, Distance,
Classes of Service)
Service performance guarantees
Traffic conformance and excess treatment
Furthermore, some values for O-SLS parameters
are proposed for four classes of service (from
platinum to bronze, excluding best effort traffic for
which no guarantee at all is provided).
Different client (wavelength or subwavelength)
and service types (from leased wavelength to
bandwidth on demand) are distinguished when
In (Verma, 2004), it provides an overview of
service level agreements in IP networks. It looks at
the typical components of an SLA and identifies
three common approaches that are used to satisfy
SLAs in IP networks. It describes the components of
SLAs :
A description of the nature of service to be
The expected performance level of the service,
specifically its reliability and responsiveness.
The procedure for reporting problems with the
The time frame for response and problem
The process for monitoring and reporting the
The consequences for the service provider not
meeting its obligations.
Escape clauses and constraints.
Three common approaches are used to support
and manage SLAs. The first approach takes the
model of an insurance company toward monitoring
and supporting SLAs. The second approach uses
configuration and provisioning techniques to support
SLAs within the network. The third approach takes a
more dynamic and adaptive approach toward
supporting SLAs.
The implications of using the approaches in the
context of a network service provider, a hosting
service provider, and an enterprise are examined.
While most providers currently offer a static
insurance approach toward supporting SLAs, the
schemes that can lead to more dynamic approaches
are identified.
Core Network
AAA Server
Figure 1: Wireless LAN
Access to data services via wireless LANs at private
and public hot spot sites is becoming
commonplace(Acharya, 2004). Wireless access
solutions based on the IEEE 802.11 family of
standards are mushrooming in many different places
where people congregate, like airports, hotels, cafés,
train stations, and parks. These public congregation
areas constitute connectivity islands, or hot spots,
where broadband access services can be provided
wirelessly to one’s personal devices, such as
notebook computers and PDAs.
As usual, during the communication session at a
hot spot area, the following phases are experienced:
Personal device configuration : During this
phase, user devices are properly configured and
permitted access to the hot spot site’s intranet.
User Authentication : During this phase, users
provide identification credentials to the system.
These could be provided explicitly, where a user
explicitly provides personal information, or
implicitly, where a pointer to a stored log-on
profile is provided by the users or their devices.
- Order Manage
- XML Conversion
- Data Manage
- Daemon Job
- Metrics Manage
- Monitoring
- Messaging
- Presentation
- Policy Manage
Figure 2: Framework of SLMS
Service access control : During this phase, the
intelligence configures the hot spot site’s intranet
to allow users to access only services within the
service tier they have selected.
Session management : This is a supervisory
activity that keeps track of user sessions
including their service tier selections, the
duration of accessing services at a selected tier,
or traffic statistics.
We derive the SLA metrics related WLAN from
its inherent properties. In this environment, typical
clauses related to performance and availability may
look like the following.
The average delay measured monthly between
the hot spot and router in core network should be
less than 200 ms.
The customer will not have unscheduled
connectivity disruption within hot spots
exceeding 5 min.
The connection setup time, representing the time
between service ordering and service availability,
should be less than 30 seconds.
The framework for policy-based SLA
management(SLMS) supports the QoS control in
WLAN environment. The framework incorporates
two key ideas: a generalized monitoring concept,
and a contract negotiation and translation feature for
all the components. It includes automation of r-
SLAs(retail SLAs), not w-SLAs(wholesale SLAs).
4.1 Components
SLMS framework proposes the architecture that
partitions system functionalities into five major
components : an access manager, a data manager, a
monitoring manager, a user interface manager, and a
Agent(Fig. 2).
Access Manager (AM) : The AM is the entity
that receives the information related service opening,
trouble and performance. It is responsible for
translating the information into XML format,
pushing the translated XML document into the
message queue.
Data Manager (DM) : The DM reads the XML
data from the message queue, classifies the data
according to the SLA metrics. As the DM manages
the information in the database, it can response to
the UM the retrieve and save the SLA related data.
Monitoring Manager (MM): The MM plays
the important role of monitoring the violation of
SLA metrics. Periodically it monitors whether QoS
violates the SLAs. If the MM detects the violation, it
sends the violation information through the message
User interface Manager (UM): The UM
interacts with the operators, and provides the variety
of data including the alert messages. Operators can
configure the policy of SLM such as the execution
of monitoring or not.
Agent: The client-side agent collects the
performance data by polling the access router at the
core network periodically. And it records the
connection setup time per session. The agent sends
those information to the AM.
The combined role of these components is to
efficiently manage SLA of the service, present the
QoS information, and appropriately refund if the
violation of SLA happens.
4.2 Prevention of the SLA Violation
Monitoring is the core function of our framework to
prevent the violation of SLA. We developed the
monitoring function reacting not only when an SLA
is violated, but also before imminent SLA violations.
Our system has the monitoring component which
checks the threshold at first, and compares the
metrics value secondly. The threshold is the value
which can be alerted to the operator by sending the
‘warning’. If the operator receives the warning
message from the system, he/she reviews the details,
and can take an action to prevent the violation of
The MM has the following monitoring
functions : service opening, trouble, and
performance monitoring. At the system initiation
stage, the MM creates three threads in order to
monitor the categorized metrics.
At the defined thread invoke time, the MM
periodically creates threads. Threads retrieve the
monitored data, threshold and metric. Firstly, the
MM thread compares the data with the threshold. If
the current value is greater than the threshold, the
‘warning’ message is sent to the AM via XML
format. The MM thread will detect the violation of
SLA by comparing the issued time with metric value.
If the violation event occurs, the ‘violation’ message
will be sent, and the violation details is recorded in
the database through the DM. Finally, the threads
are disposed after execution.
Policy-based monitoring can be accomplished by
configuring the various preferences. The interval of
monitoring can be changed by using the UM. If the
operator changes the monitoring interval, the UM
sends the message to the MM. The MM receives the
event, and changes the thread invoke time.
Furthermore, the operator can have the metrics
monitored or not. Using the UM, the operator can
configure whether the metrics are monitored or not.
If the metric is set not to be monitored, the MM will
not execute the monitoring function. But if the
history of warning and violation is recorded in the
database, and can be retrieved via the UM.
We propose a form of architecture for an SLA
Management System using web service. We first
explore the SLA-related works in various network
environments. As describing the characteristics of
WLAN, we issued the metrics related WLAN. A
framework for SLM over WLAN are introduced
with detailed description of its components. Our
system has the capability to manage the SLA from
the service opening to the service termination. By
using the client-side agent which collects the
network performance information, we can easily
manage the SLA, and control the QoS.
According to the implications of the research,
future work has been conducted to interwork
Operation Supporting Systems (OSSs) such as the
refund system and NMS.
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