potential value, channels also need to be properly
implemented and operated.
The design and implementation complexity is
rising significantly with the many channels and their
varying capabilities and limitations. Network issues
include low bandwidth, unreliable connectivity, lack
of processing power, limited interface of wireless
devices and user mobility. On the other hand, mobile
devices issues include small size, limited processing
power, limited memory and storage space, small
screens, and restricted data entry.
The anticipation of faster and cheaper W4 (Wireless
World Wide Web), the third generation (3G)
wireless networks as well as the more sophisticated
mobile devices will soon establish mobile broadband
services as the future trend. At the same time there is
a growing number of organizations that plan to
deploy parts of their traditional Web sites for multi-
channel access. This can be an overwhelmingly
difficult task, since several problems have derived in
building and maintaining business applications for
access by heterogeneous platforms. The mobility
emergence has brought to light mBusiness, which
could be easily considered as the logical extension
of eBusiness. mBusiness will create tremendous
opportunities for most innovative companies
allowing them to promote their products and
services effectively and efficiently, by cutting the
cost, increasing employee productivity (working
while they are off-site) and addressing return on
investment on their applications and services. At the
same time, mBusiness will enable them to increase
customer retention, by establishing valuable direct
links with them and strengthen important
relationships by improving to an “anywhere,
anytime and anyhow” interaction achieving the
competitive difference. Moreover, mBusiness could
be considered as a new kind of front-end access to
Adapted and Intelligent Web-Based Systems with
specific capabilities of delivering on demand real
time information, orders, products, and payments
adapted to the individual customer as well as the
context of customer’s work.
Evidently, the demands of mobile users differ
significantly from those of desktop users. Getting
personalized information “anytime, anywhere and
anyhow” is not an easy task. Business Analysts and
Practitioners have to take into account new
adaptivity axes along which the personalized design
of e- and mBusiness services would be built.
However, creating and maintaining a Web site to
support multi-channel access is proved to be quite
costly and also requires significant amounts of work.
Further to this, mobility applications can suffer from
a handful of problems such as: local mobility,
limited mobility, closed mobility and interrupted
mobility. To overcome such problems personalized
intelligent techniques have to be implemented to
enable the development of an open Adaptive
Personalized Mobile Web (Brusilovsky, & Nejdl,
2004). The "Mobile" generation extends the basis of
adaptation by adding models of context such as
location, time, computing platform and bandwidth to
the classic user model and exploring the use of
known adaptation technologies to adapt to both an
individual user and a context of their work. Now,
customer needs imply both, the thematic preferences
(i.e., the traditional notion of profile) the device
profile (i.e., the characteristics of the mobile
device),.To this end, adaptive personalization is
concerned with the negotiation of customer
requirements and device abilities.
Indisputably, the user population is not
homogeneous, nor should be treated as such. To be
able to deliver quality services, eBusiness Services
should be tailored to the needs of individual
customers providing them with personalized and
adaptive information upon request. Although one-to-
one service provision may be a functionality of the
distant future, customer segmentation is a very
valuable step towards that direction. Customer
segmentation means that the customers are
subdivided (ideally per service or group of related
services, based on their demographic
characteristics, socio-economic characteristics,
psychographic characteristics, or individual
physical and psychological characteristics), into
more or less homogeneous, mutually exclusive
subsets of customers who share an interest in the
The issue of personalization is rather complex.
And it becomes even more complicated once viewed
from a moving user’s perspective. The new issues
now also include: what content to present to the
user, how to show the content to the user, how to
eBusiness Services Sustainability