order to achieve a market share of 10 percent for a
particular product segment ”. It is important to devise
the business strategy in consensus with the various
departmental heads, because ebusiness is going to
change the way of doing business in all of the
departments. Therefore there arises the need of
communicating the vision and business strategy to
the organizational members in order to have a
common understanding about the overall strategy of
an organization.
Business strategy consists of three components
business scope, distinctive competencies, and
business governance. Business scope, focuses on the
type of business the organization is engaged in, the
products and services it offers, market segmentation,
competition and the values and mission of the
organization. Distinctive competencies include the
areas in the company excels i.e its distinguishing
strengths. The third component, business governance,
focuses on ownership. It specifically looks at the
establishment of business alliances and partnerships
with other firms, government regulations and their
effect, as well as outsourcing strategies (Raymond,
Company wide business strategy is reciprocated
on the technological side by its IT counterpart i.e IT
strategy. IT strategy is devised out of the business
strategy of the organization. Importance must be
given to IT strategy because it is the IT strategy
which tell us how to implement the business strategy
in its real context.
IT strategy consists of technology scope,
systematic competencies, and IT governance.
Technology scope, like business scope, focuses on
the key technologies and applications the business
should and / or must employ. Systematic
competencies include information about the
company’s customers and clients, accessibility,
reliability, and other vital characteristics and
strengths of information technology. The third
component, information technology governance,
addresses many of the same issues as business
governance. Specifically, it focuses on the decision to
make-or-buy, the prioritization of applications, and
the possibility of technological alliances and
partnerships including outsourcing (Raymond,2001).
As, organization wants to make a web presence
of its own at level 1. Therefore a website must be
installed and maintained by the company. The model
of the website is developed, implemented and
uploaded, and the company makes its first transition
from zeroth to fist level successfully.
At its first level a company has acquired a web
presence of its own and starts giving out the
information about its products and services. The
focus at this level is on information dissemination
rather than information collection. E-mail contacts
are maintained with the customers. it is after the
successful transition to this level that, the
organization starts thinking about the next stage of
8.3 Second transformation stage and
transition from level 1 to level 2
The next phase of transformation will take the
company to second level on the maturity diagram.
Our transformation matrix say that the organizational
and IT domains of concern during this transformation
stage are business strategy and IT infrastructure.
IT infrastructure consists of information
technology architecture, processes and skills.
Information technology architecture includes the
hardware, software, data, applications, and
communications platforms that the organization uses
to achieve its information technology and business
strategies. The processes focus on the development of
specific information technology practices and how
they can be improved. They include application
development, systems management, and maintenance
functions. The final component, information
technology skills, addresses the experience,
competence, and values of technology employees. It
includes the information technology culture and its
associated norms, employee salaries, and hiring and
training practices(Raymond,2001).
At the second level of maturity, the company
wants to be engaged in electronic commerce.
Therefore there is the need of many IT systems to
facilitate this type of commerce. The company must
be able to offer transactions online, communicate
with its customers, provide for purchase of goods and
services online. Thus the two domains of
transformation matrix must work closely in order to
make the transformation successful. Organizational
domain ( business strategy )mentions the
requirements for IT infrastructure, it sets out the
assessment / performance metrics to evaluate the
performance, budget is allocated for different
ecommerce initiative. On the technology side IT
infrastructure is layed out ( either developed or
acquired ). Electronic commerce projects are
implemented that facilitate the transactions on the
website, databases are built to collect information,