payload. This provides the Security Parameter
Index (SPI), sequence number and other
authentication data required (RFC1826).
2.3.2 IPSec Encapsulated Security Payload
In IPSec Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP)
transport mode, an ESP header is inserted between
the IP header and IP payload. An ESP trailer and
authentication MAC are added to the end of the
packet. In tunnel mode ESP, the entire packet is
encrypted and appended to a new ESP header and IP
header, with an authentication trailer added (Intel
Networking, 1999).
2.4 Internet Key Exchange
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is defined as an IPSec
(IP Security) standard protocol used to ensure
security for Virtual Private Network (VPN)
negotiation. IKE defines an automatic means of
negotiation and authentication for IPSec SAs
(Security Associations). Security Associations are
security policies defined for communication between
two or more entities (Harkins, 1998). A key
represents the relationship between the entities. IKE
in essence, enables the establishment of a symmetric
key between two entities using a cryptographically
secure key exchange mechanism. This exchange is
called Diffie Hellman, and a key is established in the
following manner:
1. Alice and Bob select a prime
number p and calculate p’s generator g.
These two calculated values are public
2. Alice chooses a large private
number, such that x < p and transmits Bob
the remainder x from the equation:
x = g
mod p
3. Similarly Bob chooses a large
private number, such that y < p and
transmits Alice the remainder y from the
y = g
mod p
4. Alice calculates the remainder:
s = y
mod p
5. Bob calculates the remainder:
s` = x
mod p
6. The remainders s and s` are equal
s = s`= g
mod p
7. Thus Alice and Bob now share a
symmetric key s, which can be used for
fast encryption by both parties.
8. It is not possible to obtain the
value s from the two public keys passed
over the Internet, since the final value s
also depends on the two private values,
which remain secret (Diffe Hellman, 2004).
IKE also grants the ability to change encryption
keys during an IP Security session. This is useful in
situations where the lifetime of the key should be
changed frequently for security purposes.
2.5 General Comment
The security components discussed are necessary in
order to provide confidentiality, integrity,
authorisation and non-repudiation for the secure
mobility architecture. The final component, Mobile
IP, enables the transparent network connectivity
between mobile nodes and the ‘home network’.
Mobile IP, while not a viable solution by itself, can
be used in conjunction with other protocols such as
those already discussed, to provide a secure
cryptosystem that completes the overall architecture.
The fundamental need for Mobile IP arises when a
node connected to the Internet changes its point of
attachment (Redi, 1998). This means, when a
mobile node moves from its home network to a
foreign network, such as a public wireless hotspot,
there will be transparent network connectivity to the
home network from the new location.
TCP/IP was not designed to support this type of
connectivity. However, with the use of Mobile IP,
the mobile node can configure itself with the aid of
devices called ‘agents’ for such connectivity. This
process is transparent to users, allowing them to
maintain contact with the ‘home network’ at all
times by any network media.
Each agent device in Mobile IP carries out a
specific function. The ‘Home Agent’ resides on the
users ‘home network’. This device acts as a packet
forwarder. If the Mobile Node is attached to a
‘foreign network’, any packets destined for the
Mobile Node will be intercepted by the Home Agent
using proxy ARP (Address Resolution Protocol),
and forwarded using IP-in-IP encapsulation to the
‘foreign network’ using the mobile nodes Care-Of
Address (Perkins, 2002). Hence, the Home Agent
acts as the Mobile Nodes point of attachment to the
Internet when it is located on a ‘foreign network’.
Once the tunnelled packet reaches the ‘foreign
network’, a Foreign Agent decapsulates the data and
forwards it to the Mobile Node residing on its
network. Figure 2, illustrates the triangular route the
Mobile IP protocol typically uses between the
SECURE TRANSPARENT MOBILITY - Secure Mobility Infrastructure using Mobile IP