To activate the bought product
The client must introduce the data of chosen
software and the code of purchase obtained
when paying
The site sends to the client the code of
activation to the specified email.
Figure 4: Purchase steps within the web site.
In order to assure this process unloading - sale -
activation, the products of the site are sold in
individual way giving back for each one of them a
purchase code that allows its later activation. By this
the concept of "shopping cart" has not been used, it
is to say products are sold separately and by means
of independent processes of purchase.
The data necessary to make the activation,
information of products and the client are stored in a
centralized data base. The architecture of the system
therefore is structured in three levels, light client -
servant of applications - database Server.
6.1 Personal data storage
The effective legislation in Spain, LOPD, establishes
that it is necessary to notify in the Data Protection
Agency all the files that contain personal character
data (clients, suppliers, associate, personnel, etc)
which they allow to identify physical people.
In the case of the created web site, the only data
that is stored is the email of the purchaser, which by
itself does not consider information that can cause
lost or damages to the client. This single data is used
to make the dispatch of the activation code, in this
sense is recommendable, but no obligatory, to
communicate the article 5 of the LOPD (MI, 1999),
including a clause in the own electronic mail (of this
form, a greater security about the origin of the data
and the identity of the file owner is obtained).
If the purpose of the email stored was to make
indiscriminate shipment of mails containing
publicity or promotions, is due to consider that its
prohibit from the approval of the LSSI (MITC,
2002). In this point LLSI, says that the Spam made
by Spanish companies or which they have an
establishment in Spain is prohibited.
On the contrary, if they only want to send
electronic advertising, it’s necessary to obtain the
express consent of the user (making click in a field
specifically prepared for it), not being valid those
abusive clauses that they suppose a consent no
emitted specifically.
In the case of collecting more personal data, as
for example the full name if it would be obligatory
to register the data base used to store the data of
activated products. To clarify in this point, that the
data gathered in this form are not going to be
provided to third parties and the user has the
possibility of modifying them or of eliminating them
through the contact section of the web site.
This paper make a revision of the aspects most
important to consider in the processes associated to
the electronic commerce. In this sense the electronic
commerce is a useful tool to make businesses, but
the existing distrust has put in doubt its
development. Therefore a very important aspect, due
to the type of information that is handled, is the
relative one to the security necessary to guarantee
the transactions.
Is an interesting fact that in all activity of
purchase, which continues worrying is the operation
of payment, that is to say, the moment in which the
buyer faces the window where has introduced its
credit card data and doubt at the time of pressing the
button "Send". Therefore, one of the main
conclusions extract is that the true barriers that
restrain the ecommerce development are not as
much technological as human. At the present time
the existing technology is able to guarantee the
privacy and the security of the made transactions.
As fundamental conclusion, the propose solution
innovates no single in the implemented modality of
payment, but that in addition considers the effective
legislation and makes agile and assures the process
purchase with the activation of each product in an
individual way. When activating the product we
improved the scalability, customisation and
availability in real time of the same one, since at any
moment it allows to know unloaded and activated
copies of software. The developed system has been
designed in such a way that in future new
functionalities and improvements can be introduced
easily and quickly. Among them, emphasizes the
possibility of including in all the pages of the site
compatibility with standard WAI
( and access multi device.