SELF-ORGANIZING AND SELF-REPAIRING MASS MEMORIES FOR AUTOSOPHY MULTIMEDIA ARCHIVING SYSTEMS - Replacing the Data Processing Computer with Self-Learning Machines based on the Autosophy Information Theory

Klaus Holtz, Eric Holtz



The programmed data processing computer may soon be eclipsed by a next generation of brain-like learning machines based on the "Autosophy" information theory. This will require a paradigm shift in memory technology, from random addressable memories to self-organizing failure-proof memories. The computer is essentially a blind calculating machine that cannot find "meaning" as our own brains obviously can. All that can be achieved are mere programmed simulations. The problem can be traced to an outdated (Shannon) information theory, which treats all data as "quantities." A new Autosophy information theory, in contrast, treats all data as "addresses." The original research explains the functioning of self-assembling natural structures, such a chemical crystals or living trees. The same principles can also grow self-assembling data structures that grow like data crystals or data trees in electronic memories without computing or programming. The resulting brain-like systems would require virtually unlimited capacity, failure-proof memories. The memories should be self-checking, self-repairing, self-healing, clonable, both random and content addressable, with low power consumption and very small size for mobile robots. Replacing the programmed data processing "computer" with brain-like "autosopher" promises a true paradigm shift in technology, resulting in system architectures with true "learning" and eventually true Artificial Intelligence.


  1. Holtz, K., 2004. Autosophy Failure-Proof Multimedia Archiving. IS&T's 2004 Archiving Conference., San Antonio Texas, April, (2004)
  2. Holtz, K., 2003. Replacing Data Processing Computer with Self-Learning Autosopher: Impact on Communication and Computing. SCI 2003 The 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Orlando FL. July (2003)
  3. Holtz, K., 2002. The Emerging Autosophy Internet. SSGRR 2002s, L'Aquila Italy Aug. 2 (2002), Paper 140.
  4. Holtz, K. 2001. An Autosophy Image Content-Based Television System. IS&T's 2001 PICS Montreal (2001)
  5. Welch, T., 1984. A Technique for High Performance Data Compression. IEEE Computer, June (1984)
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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Holtz K. and Holtz E. (2005). SELF-ORGANIZING AND SELF-REPAIRING MASS MEMORIES FOR AUTOSOPHY MULTIMEDIA ARCHIVING SYSTEMS - Replacing the Data Processing Computer with Self-Learning Machines based on the Autosophy Information Theory . In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 2: ICETE, ISBN 972-8865-33-3, pages 177-182. DOI: 10.5220/0001412201770182

in Bibtex Style

author={Klaus Holtz and Eric Holtz},
title={SELF-ORGANIZING AND SELF-REPAIRING MASS MEMORIES FOR AUTOSOPHY MULTIMEDIA ARCHIVING SYSTEMS - Replacing the Data Processing Computer with Self-Learning Machines based on the Autosophy Information Theory},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 2: ICETE,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 2: ICETE,
TI - SELF-ORGANIZING AND SELF-REPAIRING MASS MEMORIES FOR AUTOSOPHY MULTIMEDIA ARCHIVING SYSTEMS - Replacing the Data Processing Computer with Self-Learning Machines based on the Autosophy Information Theory
SN - 972-8865-33-3
AU - Holtz K.
AU - Holtz E.
PY - 2005
SP - 177
EP - 182
DO - 10.5220/0001412201770182