(Shaw & DeLone, 2002) in order to record end-
users’ perception of usability. Studies on e-
commerce systems quality also focus on more
specific quality characteristics such as issues that
warrant successful transactions (Bidgoli, 2002),
maximize the perceived trustworthiness (Egger,
2001; Slyke et al., 2004), or ensure e-commerce
systems reliability (Elfriede & Rashka, 2001).
Although, all the above factors are affecting the
quality of e-commerce systems and are prerequisites
for their success, they are not the only ones that
relate to e-commerce systems quality. In order to
model e-commerce systems quality, a global
approach, such as the one discussed in this paper, is
required combining all factors affecting quality.
Some related works are using questionnaires to
detect users’ opinions, the data from which are
statistically analyzed in order to lead in values
measuring quality characteristics such as usability
(Sauro & Kindlund, 2005). This is a common
practice, since users’ opinion is very important for
the assessment of e-commerce systems (Julian &
Standing, 2003), as well as the active involvement of
users into the evaluation process (Henfridsson &
Holmstrom, 2003; Chen et al., 2004).
The work presented in this paper, differs from
questionnaire-based surveys in that it uses a process
aiming to limit subjectivity and frequent errors in
similar surveys. Furthermore, thanks to the nature of
the used model, the assessment process can be used
forwards and backwards, i.e. during the quality
design phase for setting the quality goals of an e-
commerce system.
In order to assess the quality of e-commerce systems
as perceived by the end-users, one must focus on the
user oriented quality characteristics of ISO 9126
(ISO/IEC 9126, 2001), which are functionality,
usability, reliability and efficiency, and their sub-
characteristics. The model used in this process is
based on Bayesian Networks, which are a special
category of graphic models where nodes represent
variables and the directed arrows the relations
between them. In this case, the model’s nodes are
the above mentioned quality characteristics as well
as e-commerce characteristics that are connected to
the appropriate quality characteristics, forming a
number of relations between them. For each node of
this model the dependent probabilities that describe
the relations between the variables is determined.
The model can be used both forwards and
backwards. In the forward use, the user inserts
evidence to the nodes of the e-commerce
characteristics, which have only two possible states:
‘yes’ and ‘no’. In this way, the model estimates the
system’s quality providing the probabilities for the
possible states of the nodes that represent the quality
characteristics and the overall quality. The backward
use of the model provides assessments regarding the
child nodes (e.g. nodes of e-commerce
characteristics) when the value of a parent node (e.g.
node of ‘quality’ characteristic) is defined. Since the
purpose of this paper is to present the process
followed for assessing the quality of already existing
e-commerce systems, we focus mainly on the
forward use of the model.
This process, which is also represented in figure
1, consists of 4 different steps: a) the assignment of
an e-commerce system to two evaluators and the
filling of an appropriate evaluation sheet by them, b)
the examination of the identity between the two
evaluation sheets, c) the forward use of the model
and d) the classification of the e-commerce system.
These steps are described more analytically
The most important benefit of applying this
model is the fact that it provides an easy and non-
subjective way to rank an e-commerce system
according not only to the overall quality, but to each
quality characteristic as well. The limitation of the
subjectivity while evaluating such a system is
achieved because of the values of the possible states
of the nodes that represent the e-commerce
characteristics in the model. In other words, the
evaluators are asked to determine the existence, or
not, of these specific characteristics answered in the
evaluation sheet by a simple yes or no. Although the
contribution of the evaluators to the assessment of
the quality of e-commerce systems is trivial and
non-subjective, the first step of the process is to
assign this task to two evaluators. In this way,
possible errors while filling the evaluation sheet,
mainly because of careless mistakes or because of
the possibility of misunderstanding a question of the
sheet, are avoided. It must also be stressed that the
evaluators chosen for this process must be experts.
This does not necessarily indicate that they should
be experienced in judging or estimating the quality
of a software product. But they should be expert
users of such e-commerce systems and they should
also be aware of the used terminology. Besides, they
examine these systems only from their customer’s
The evaluation sheet is in the form of a simple
questionnaire, where the possible answers of each
question are only two: ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Although the
aspects that it is concerned with are trivial, the
questions must be clearly stated, and in some cases
more specifically commented on, in order to avoid