by the evolutionary techniques proposed. Our algo-
rithm showed a better accuracy in comparison to any
of the existing prediction methodologies. We have
compared the two evolutionary techniques namely the
genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimisation
in terms of convergence. Each of these search tech-
niques on its own has its specific problem dependent
strengths and weaknesses. GA’s, for instance, are
widely applicable and particularly powerful when do-
main knowledge can be incorporated in the operator
design. However, particle swarm optimisation (PSO)
can achieve clearly superior results in many instances
of numerical optimisation, but there is no general su-
periority compared to GA’s.
We can conclude that, to our context problem the
GA did not perform as well as the PSO because a GA
needs a bigger population size. The GA algorithm
works better for more individuals (increased popu-
lation size) to find a good solution that it can mu-
tate. The PSO, on the other hand, has particles which
are there ‘forever’ and can locate better results in the
search space. Thus, our proposed prediction tech-
nique performs best with particle swarm optimisation
rather than the traditional Genetic algorithm. In future
work, we shall attempt to improve the performance of
the evolutionary algorithms so that they converge at a
faster rate.
The authors wish to thank the Australian Telecommu-
nications Co-operative Research Centre (ATcrc) for
their financial support of this project. We would also
like to thank the people of the CATT Centre, Robert
Suryasaputra and Dr. John Murphy for their helpful
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