David Melendi, Manuel Vilas, Xabiel G. Pañeda, Roberto García, Víctor G. García
Computer Science Department, University of Oviedo
Campus Universitario de Viesques. Sede Departamental Oeste, 33204 Xixón-Gijón
, Asturies
Keywords: Audio, Evaluation, Internet, Live, Multimedia, Radio, Streaming.
Abstract: This paper presents a test enviro
nment designed to improve Internet radio services through the evaluation of
different service features. The environment comprises the generation of audio streams, the delivery of those
streams through different communication networks, and the access of final users to those contents. A broad
set of service architectures can be emulated, and several network configurations can be deployed using the
available communication devices. It is also possible to simulate users’ behaviour thanks to a workload
generator that can be configured using statistical information obtained from real service access data. A case
study is also presented, where a glimpse of the possibilities of the environment can be caught. This test
environment will allow service administrators or research teams to predict what will happen in a real service
if its configuration is modified, or if user behaviour changes. Furthermore, managers will be capable of
knowing whether an Internet radio service can be improved or not.
The emergence of the World Wide Web has changed
the Internet world. This service has become a
powerful medium. Daily, millions of users in the
world browse the web, produce an important number
of accesses, and a huge volume of information is
delivered to them. Like other communication
enterprises, traditional Radio companies have
discovered the Internet to be an important tool to
reach millions of users in the world without any
constraint related to commercial licenses, limited
frequency spectrums, high infrastructure costs, etc.
Now technology is not an issue for these companies.
The bandwidth increase in subscribers’ access
capabilities, and the development of the streaming
technology have given rise to the appearance of a
new complementary service: the Internet Radio.
There are two types of audio services on the
ernet: live-audio and jukebox (audio-on-demand).
In jukebox services, the user requests the
information at any time and the server delivers it
exclusively. This system allows users to interact
with information: Pauses, backward and forward
jumps are allowed. Its behaviour is similar to a CD
player, and it is the user who controls what to listen
to in every moment: these are user driven services
(Veloso, 2002). On the other hand, live-audio is
more similar to a traditional radio service. Contents
are received directly by a multimedia server, which
broadcasts them straight out to the audience. In these
services users cannot choose what to listen to, as
there is a previously established programme. These
are object driven services (Veloso, 2002).
Most radio services on the Internet are based on
reaming technology. The advantages of audio
streaming and the subscribers’ expectations are
important. However, this technology presents some
problems. Although audio delivering is not so
resource-consuming as video, it also requires a
constant quality of service. What is more, live-audio
services require greater transmission capabilities
than jukebox services, due to the fact that they tend
to suffer stress periods depending on programme
evolution, known as prime-time periods. In these
stress periods a wide range of users connect at the
same time to the same source of contents. To
maintain service quality under control, it is
important to select the best configuration parameters
possible. These parameters include, among others,
the quality of the produced contents, the architecture
of the service, the configuration of the network, etc.
Nowadays, all these parameters are usually
ablished by service managers based on their own
experience. These managers usually know what the
most appropriate configuration is, what qualities
must be generated, or where to place each service
device. Nevertheless, each service is usually
Melendi D., Vilas M., Pañeda X., Garcia R. and Garcia V. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 183-190
different to the rest: there are problems which can be
found in one service that would never affect others.
Furthermore, experience is knowledge based on the
past, but technology is constantly evolving and
producing solutions to solve old problems or to
improve previous solutions. Now the problem is to
answer the following question: how can managers
test these technology evolutions knowing what will
happen in a real service? It is very risky to make
changes in a working environment, as it can lead to
unexpected situations.
A solution for this issue may be to have a
reduced copy of the real service under a controlled
environment. This copy could be used to carry out
small tests. But some questions go beyond the
possibilities of such a copy: How does the service
behave under extreme conditions? How can real
users affect service performance? How do network
devices affect this type of services? What impact do
routing protocols have in heavy loaded radio
services? If a radical change is carried out in the
service, how will it behave? All these questions can
only be answered if a complete and flexible test
environment is available to service managers.
In this paper, a test environment for performance
evaluation of Internet radio services is presented.
The main aim of the presented environment is to
help service managers in planning, deploying,
configuring and improving live-audio services.
Furthermore, the paper has followed an interesting
practical approach, based on the evaluation and
improvement of a real Internet Radio service.
The problem of delivering live streams to end-
users with a certain degree of quality has long been
studied. There are abundant papers focused on
improving service architectures for live streaming,
such as (Jonas, 1998), (Dutta, 1999), (Chawathe,
2000), (Deshpande, 2001), (Padmanabhan, 2002),
(Dutta, 2001) or (Melendi, 2004). Other papers, such
as (Holbrook, 1999) or (Banerjee, 2002), try to
improve these services taking advantage of
technologies such as multicast. Others, such as
(Bolot, 1993), (Jian, 2000), or (Mena, 2000) study
the effects of network conditions in streaming
services and other types of applications. Users’
behaviour in streaming services has also been
studied in papers like (Chesire, 2001) or (Veloso,
2002). A flexible test environment could help
service managers to test the conclusions offered by
all these papers for a given service.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides a detailed description of an
Internet radio service. The presented test
environment is set out in section 3. Section 4 offers a
practical case study in the proposed environment,
where the impact of a network configuration option
on radio services is analyzed. Finally, conclusions
are presented in section 5.
There are mainly two possibilities while developing
an Internet radio service: to capture and distribute
live audio streams, or simulate live contents using
stored information.
Usually, when a live audio stream is captured to
be distributed over the Internet, the service provider
has an already existing transmission or the necessary
resources to generate one. This type of Internet radio
service is the most suitable for traditional radio
companies. These companies have an available
audio stream and require a secondary distribution
channel to reach a wider audience. As shown in
Figure 1, in this type of services two main software
components are used: a production tool and a
multimedia server. The production tool, also known
as producer, must capture live contents, probably
using the sound card of the machine where it is
being executed. While it is capturing those contents,
the producer applies the proper data conversions
using a specific codec and a pre-established set of
quality parameters. Once the conversions have been
made, the producer delivers the obtained audio
packets to the multimedia server. This server is in
charge of processing customers’ requests and
delivering them the audio stream generated by the
Figure 1: Radio Service with Live-Contents
On the other hand, if stored information is used,
the service provider only needs a set of stored files
coded with the necessary quality. These files are
later sequenced to form a continuous audio stream.
This type of services is based on the use of two
software modules: a simulated live transfer agent, or
slta, and a multimedia server. The slta generates a
continuous audio stream by sequencing several
stored multimedia files. This stream is then sent to
the multimedia server that will deliver the generated
contents to final users. In order to know which files
must be sequenced, the slta uses a text file as input
data. This file, also called playlist, has the path and
the names of the files that must be used, alongside
the meta-data that will be provided with the audio
stream to final users. Figure 2 shows the main
components in an Internet radio service with stored
Figure 2: Radio Service with Stored-Contents
It must be taken into account that these service
architectures are deployed on a communication
network. While installing an Internet radio on a
network, several alternatives are possible. All the
needed software components can run on a single
machine, or can be installed in dedicated computers.
If dedicated computers are used, these computers
can be in the same network, or in different networks
interconnected by several devices. Furthermore,
depending on the number of connected customers,
advanced architectures can be used. These
architectures are mainly based in the use of
redundant systems, and intermediate devices such as
multimedia proxies.
The test environment has been designed to emulate
the behaviour of a broad set of service architectures.
It allows service administrators or research teams to
deploy a simple radio service, test that service,
modify its configuration or architecture, and draw
conclusions about the impact of those changes.
Furthermore, several network configurations can be
tested using the available communication devices.
Figure 3 shows the equipment installed in this
Client E1
Client E15
Router 1
Router 2
Router 3
Router 4
Router 5
Switch 1 Switch 2
Client I1
Client I6
Client E1Client E1
Client E15Client E15
Router 1Router 1
Router 2Router 2
Router 3Router 3
Router 4Router 4
Router 5Router 5
Switch 1Switch 1 Switch 2Switch 2
Client I1Client I1
Client I6Client I6
Figure 3: Environment Physical Architecture
Providing a real service, using this test
environment will allow service administrators to
predict what will happen if a certain change is
applied, and whether the service can be improved or
not. In order to meet these expectations, the test
environment provides mechanisms to emulate the
main steps on every Internet radio: content
generation, content delivery and content access.
3.1 Content generation
In a real service, two possible sources can be used to
deploy an Internet radio: an existing radio
transmission, or a set of stored files sequenced to
obtain a continuous audio stream. Given the fact that
the source of audio may be irrelevant –it is not
affected by computing or networking issues-, the test
environment uses stored files to generate the
contents that will be broadcast.
Although it is possible to use a common
production tool, in its default configuration, this test
environment uses a simulated live transfer agent or
slta. This agent generates a continuous audio stream
by sequencing several multimedia files. The audio
stream is then sent to a multimedia server that will
deliver the generated contents to final users.
Service administrators will code the multimedia
files using the quality parameters they want to test.
Once the final files have been generated, the
administrators will only need to edit the playlist and
write the names of the files on it. If new quality
parameters are required, the contents must be
recoded and the old files need to be replaced.
The environment, shown in Figure 3, has a
machine running Linux called Producer, where the
slta is being executed and the multimedia files must
be stored. This slta produces an audio stream and
sends it to the multimedia server executed in the
machine named Server.
Moreover, the environment allows service
administrators to test advanced configurations in this
stage: redundancy and file sharing. Redundant data
sources can be used installing more Producer
machines with their correspondent slta application.
These machines could use their own audio files
stored locally-, or could use a common file-system
through NFS. So it is possible to test just software
redundancy –using file sharing– or a complete
redundancy duplicating everything: files and
3.2 Content delivery
Once we have generated the necessary contents, it is
time to deliver those contents to final users.
The slta generates an audio stream that is sent to
a multimedia server. In the test environment shown
in Figure 3 a streaming server has been installed on
a machine running Linux called Server. The task of
this server is to attend users’ requests and to
redistribute the audio stream under their commands.
Furthermore, the environment permits the testing
of advanced configurations in this stage such as
redundancy and intermediate devices. Redundant
servers can be installed in order to attend users’
requests. This is possible by adding new Server
machines to the environment. In the simplest case,
servers will inform users about other servers that
manage the same audio stream. If a problem is
detected in the main server, users will try to plug
into the redundant server.
A more complex scenario uses several
intermediate devices or proxies. Combining proxies
with redundant servers, users will first go to the
proxy and it will redirect their requests to the proper
server. If poor performance periods are detected in
one of the servers, the proxy can redirect users to a
more efficient server. This proxy configuration is
called pass-through mode: proxies are only
redirecting devices. Another way of using proxies is
a splitting mode, where proxies act as servers for
final users. The original servers send the audio
streams to proxies, and the proxies redistribute those
contents among users. Again, this service
configuration can be tested: new machines can be
added to act as redundant servers or as proxies.
Apart from servers and proxies, another
important element in any distributed service is the
communication network. Here we can find two
different scenarios for delivering audio streams to
users: an Intranet Scenario and an Internet Scenario.
In an Intranet Scenario, the audience connects to
the service using the same network where all the
devices are installed. The size of this network varies
from an office LAN to a network operator’s WAN.
Nevertheless, the owner of the network can usually
control three critical points: available resources –for
users and service devices-, service architecture, and
network configuration.
On the other hand, in an Internet Scenario, the
audience connects to the service using different
networks and technologies. The owner of the
network where service devices are installed does not
control everything that happens in the service, so he
would have difficulty in solving the problems that
may arise while delivering the contents to final
To emulate these two scenarios, several network
devices have been installed in the test environment
shown in Figure 3. The installed equipment is
broadly used in IP networks and allows service
administrators to test radio services using different
backbone and access technologies, where different
routing protocols can be found. Almost every
network device is from Cisco, mainly due to its
position in the market and to the flexibility of its
operating system CISCO IOS, which provides a
broad range of communications techniques and
standard protocols.
Two switches have been installed to give
network access to every device in the test
environment. These switches have 24 ports each and
are interconnected using a trunking protocol, acting
as one switch of 48 ports of 10/100 Mbps. Several
VLANs can be created in these switches. Each VLAN
has a set of ports assigned to the switches, so the
devices plugged into those ports are working as if
they were in different networks.
In order to interconnect the VLANs, several
routers are available in the test environment.
Furthermore, different models have been installed.
Simpler routers can emulate small office
connections, with firewall capabilities, QoS policies
based in WFQ or RSVP, NAT and PAT translation,
etc. Others are appropriate for larger companies or
small network operators, supporting up to 70
heterogeneous network modules and up to 225
Kpps. All these routers have been equipped with
different modules including Fast Ethernet
ATM and serial communications.
The test environment also includes an ATM
switch. This equipment simulates the behaviour of a
network backbone that uses this technology. Several
routers have been connected to this switch,
emulating the connections that large enterprises
contract to network operators under guaranteed
bandwidth policies, connections between different
network operators, or connections between network
segments of the same operator.
An ISDN and PSTN PBX device has also been
installed in the test environment. It allows routers to
receive connections from users that access through
ISDN or PSTN connections. Depending on the phone
number provided by those users, the PBX redirects
their calls to the proper router, simulating the
behaviour of different ISPs.
A firewall has been installed in the system. In
Figure 3 this firewall is restricting the access to the
test environment from an external network.
Nevertheless, if different networks are configured in
the test environment, this firewall can be moved to
apply restrictions in any of the existing connections.
Furthermore, the chosen device can apply advanced
firewall techniques working with statefull filtering.
It is able to support 128,000 concurrent connections
with a maximum throughput of 188 Mbps, and it can
apply NAT and PAT conversions.
3.3 Content access
The last phase in every test environment is that of
content access. In some way, customers’ accesses
must be simulated in order to produce requests in the
system. The proposed environment uses a workload
generation tool, designed to request the available
radio contents in the service.
This workload generation tool has been designed
with three main goals: to simulate a high number of
simultaneous accesses, to behave as real users do,
and to work in a distributed fashion. With these
goals in mind, the workload generator has been
structured in three different modules: a coordinator
module, a user module, and a player module. The
structure of the generator is shown in Figure 4.
The coordinator module is in charge of
generating a unique time line for a group of users
involved in the emulation, and launching all the
instances for those users. Several coordinator
modules can be executed simultaneously, in order to
control the workload process in different computers.
Thanks to an initial interchange of control messages,
the different coordinator modules are able to
establish the reference start time of the emulation.
After this initial coordination, these modules create
one independent thread for each simulated user.
Once the threads have been launched, the
coordinators only have to wait until these threads
reach their end. The number of users involved in the
emulation, and the duration of the workload
generation are the main parameters used in the
configuration of coordinator modules.
User 1 User N
User 1 User N
User 1 User N
PC 1
Making playbacks
Intercommunications network
User 1 User N
User 1 User N
User 1 User N
PC 1
Making playbacks
Intercommunications network
Figure 4: Workload Generator Structure
The user module emulates the behaviour of a
single user. Using a pseudorandom process
generation mechanism configured with information
obtained from real services, the user module decides
when to make a request to the server, the length of
the request, and finally, the number, length and start
time of the pauses to be carried out. All these
parameters are taken from an input XML file where
service managers can adjust the behaviour of the
users using information obtained from their actual
services. If this information is not available, works
like (Chesire, 2001) or (Veloso, 2002) propose
interesting characterization profiles which can be
utilized to fulfil this configuration task. In this XML
file several statistical distributions are configured
with their main parameters. The duration distribution
sets the length of the requests, while the inter-
request time distribution sets the time between
requests generated by the same user. Interaction
distributions permit the generation of pauses in
certain points of the reproductions. Also, if several
audio channels are available, the popularity
distribution sets which channels are most suitable to
be chosen by this user. Although other distributions
can be used, the loader calculates popularity using a
zipf-like distribution; managers only need to set the
proper θ parameter in this configuration file.
Once the user module has calculated all the
necessary values, it passes all this information to the
player module. The player module is in charge of
establishing the connections with the streaming
server. It is triggered by the user module, and it
connects to the streaming server, requests a resource,
negotiates session parameters, and receives the audio
stream sent by the server. This module is based on
the HelixDNA (RealNetworks, n.d.). This technology
is the result of the collaborative effort of
RealNetworks, independent developers and other
leading companies, and offers the first open multi-
format platform for digital creation, media delivery
and playback. The developed player module acts as
if it were the player of a real user. It does the same
operations, apart from the audio and video
rendering, which are not relevant for this
environment and can limit the number of concurrent
users per computer that can be emulated. Once the
player has received a data packet from the server, it
collects the necessary information and throws the
packet away.
As shown in Figure 4, one exact replica of the
workload generator runs on each of the computers
used in the tests.
3.4 Test evaluation
Once the tests have been executed, it is time to
analyze the obtained data and draw the proper
conclusions. There are several data sources that can
be used in order to extract detailed information of
the executions.
Every service device has a log utility that can be
used to retrieve information. Log files in multimedia
services usually provide detailed information about
users, resources, requests, and data packet
transmission (RealNetworks, 2002). Users’
information includes their identification –IP address
and player ID– and their environment specification –
e.g. type, release, language, and id of the player,
type and version of the operating system, etc.–.
Resource information includes the URI of the
stream, CPU throughput, memory consumption,
license utilization, etc. Requests information
comprises start and end dates and times, protocol,
the amount of delivered data –in seconds and bytes–,
the average bitrate, interactions made by the user,
etc. Data packet transmission information includes
number of data packets, disordered and lost packets,
early and late packets, resent packets, failed resends,
etc. An analysis tool such as our Fesoria (Pañeda,
2003) can be installed in the environment in order to
analyze the log files provided by the multimedia
server or any other service device.
It is also possible to retrieve information from
the network devices installed in the environment. In
Figure 3 a machine called NMS or Network
Management Station collects information from
network devices thanks to the SNMP protocol.
While the tests are running, this computer polls
routers, switches and firewalls to obtain traffic
statistics and performance information. It is possible
to track network latency, packet loss, traffic,
bandwidth, CPU loads, etc.
The workload generator also provides detailed
information about the incidents that occurred during
the executions. Its user module generates a trace file
with relevant information. This trace file holds
information about significant events that have
happened during the playbacks, and final statistics of
the reproductions. An example of trace file follows:
<trace id_user="0" delay=”32”>
<playback num="0">
<url time="1104915121">
Trace files are XML documents, and include the
types of events and the times when they occur.
Taking into account that the end of a given event
corresponds to the beginning of the following one,
the duration of those events can also be known. E.g.
when the buffering process ends, the playback
process starts, and when the latter ends, the stop
event happens. These files are easily readable and
can be used by analysis tools in order to generate
detailed reports of the emulations. These trace files
can also be installed on a web server in order to
publish the results and see them on-line. An XSL
template has been designed to generate SVG graphs
with the results of the simulations. Figure 5 shows
an example, where packet statistics are exposed.
Figure 5: SVG graph with packet statistics
Service managers can analyse the obtained
results through these graphs in a more intuitive way.
The digital news service Asturies.Com available
from the domain
www.asturies.com offers an
Internet Radio service with considerable success.
This service has been operating since April 2004 and
offers a 24 hour channel of contents closely linked
with Asturian culture: traditional and modern music,
special programmes, news, jingles, etc.
By installing the Asturies.Com service in the test
environment, we are able to estimate the maximum
amount of users with a certain behaviour that can be
supported by its current configuration and the
increase in the number of users if configuration
changes are applied to the service.
4.1 Service description
The Asturies.Com radio service is based on the
distribution of stored contents. This service has an
architecture similar to that shown in Figure 2.
Several files are stored daily in the main server. In
this machine, both an slta module and a multimedia
server have been installed. The slta generates a
continuous stream of audio using the available files,
and sends that stream to the multimedia server, in
charge of distributing the contents among service
users. The Helix Universal Server has been installed
as multimedia server, and a license that allows up to
10 Mbps of transmission rate has been acquired. No
intermediate devices have been installed.
The server machine has been installed in the
network of the cable operator Telecable, under a
housing contract. A service level agreement of 5
guaranteed Mbps has been established with this
operator, in order to attend users’ requests.
The utilized contents are coded using
RealNetworks’ surestream technology, which allows
service manages to include several qualities in the
same audio file. The responsibility of choosing the
correct quality from the file is delegated to the
multimedia server, which selects the most suitable
depending on the quality of the connection with each
client. Asturies.Com uses 11 kbps, 16 kbps and 20
kbps as reference qualities to produce the audio
After almost one year of life, the service has
registered thousands of users’ accesses. During this
period of time, we have been analyzing all these
accesses, and have extracted several conclusions
about the behaviour of the users of the service.
Although the main goal of this paper is not to offer
an extensive study on users’ behaviour it is
important for the case study to know certain details
of this behaviour.
The Asturies.Com radio service presents the
interesting characteristic that the length of the
requests can be represented using an exponential
distribution with parameter µ=1,470.15 seconds.
This feature is shown in Figure 6 and it will be used
to configure the workload generator during the tests.
Cumulated %
Figure 6: Length of reproductions
4.2 Case study description
Given the Asturies.Com service description and its
users’ behaviour, we would like to know the
maximum amount of users that could be supported
by its current service configuration.
There are principally two limits in the current
configuration that can influence the number of
accepted users: the contracted bandwidth and the
license of the Helix server. Depending on the
number of users, more bandwidth can be requested
from the network operator, and a higher license can
be acquired in order to increase the server limit.
Nevertheless, all these changes in the service are
expensive and must be studied in detail. In order to
know what changes should be carried out, it is
important to estimate the number of users that will
be supported by the service. An accurate estimation
is essential to calculate the investment profitability.
The service configuration of Asturies.Com Radio
has been deployed in the test environment, and the
workload generator has been configured for six
different workloads. Each workload simulates a
different amount of users behaving as shown in
Figure 6 during a period of one hour. These users
can make successive requests depending on the
inter-request time obtained from an exponential
distribution with parameter µ=600 seconds.
4.3 Results
The results obtained after running the tests are
shown in Table 1 and the evolution in the bit-rate
consumed in the server is shown in Figure 7.
Table 1: Maximum bit-rate values (Mbps)
Users Max. Bitrate Users Max. Bitrate
100 1.71 500 8.37
200 3.18 600 9.75
300 4.87 700 11.4
400 6.62
Bitrate (Kbps)
Figure 7: Bit-rate evolution
With the current limit of 5 Mbps of contracted
upload capacity, 300 users can be processed by the
service. On the other hand, if more bandwidth is
contracted and the current server license is kept, a
maximum of 600 users can be accepted by the
During the tests no performance issues were
detected in the main server, reaching a maximum
value of 5 % of CPU load.
The configuration and deployment of an Internet
radio is a complex process, due to the high resource
consumption of these services, the difficulty of
transmitting continuous information over a shared
data network, and the heterogeneity of cases that can
be found in users’ access connections. Nowadays,
the configuration of one of these services is mainly
based on managers’ experience. However, a test
environment flexible enough to predict what will
happen if changes are applied to actual services, is a
powerful tool for these administrators.
The presented test environment allows
administrators to emulate the behaviour of almost
any real radio service: different network
configurations can be tested, different service
architectures can be used, it is possible to work with
the quality of contents, etc. This test environment
can help managers to attain a service of quality,
increasing its performance and profitability, at the
same time as customers’ satisfaction.
Now that a test environment has been designed, it is
time to analyse the behaviour of service users. This
analysis will permit the configuration of the
workload generator in order to behave as users do.
Once the behaviour of users has been analyzed,
several studies will be undertaken in order to
estimate the impact of network configurations on
multimedia services: transport and routing protocols,
network address translations, proxies, firewalls, etc.
This research has been financed by the operator
Telecable de Asturias S.A.U. and the newspaper
La Nueva España within the Media XXI II project,
and the Spanish National Research Program
within INTEGRAMEDIA project (TSI2004-00979).
This research has also received the cooperation of
Asturies.Com and its Internet radio service.
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