The predictive powers of the network monitoring
agent has been evaluated using live Internet
experiments, between hosts in the US, the UK,
Spain, Germany and Eastern Europe. Figure 5 shows
the predicted verses the actual levels of congestion
experienced. The metric used is the proportion of
Implicit Congestion Notifications (ICNs). Packet
loss is taken as an implicit indication of congestion.
Yet in a single congestion event several packets may
be lost, consequently in these experiments only the
first packet loss in a window of packets is taken as
an ICN.
It is of interest that on links experiencing high
levels of congestion the accuracy of prediction
increases. Further more it was found that the
correlation between prediction and result remained
high for periods of time in excess of 20 minutes.
These results suggest that it is possible to use the
measurement of past traffic to predict the network
conditions that are likely to be experienced by future
traffic. Consequently the approach adopted here is
We have presented the design, implementation and
evaluation of a framework for making the Web QoS
Aware. The approach adopted is to use passive
monitoring of transport level headers to make
predictions about the QoS that is expected to be
experienced by a particular location. A mechanism
for translating a single high fidelity Web Site into a
set of Web Sites that are appropriate for different
bandwidths has been outlined. When a user session
starts the Web Server uses QoS information to
determine which bandwidth is appropriate. It then
serves up Web Pages from the appropriate Web Site.
This approach allows Web Designers to leverage the
increasing bandwidth many client have available
without producing Web Pages that are inaccessible
to others.
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