An SNMP-based Solution
Rodrigo S. Alves, Clarissa C. Marquezan, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Lisandro Z. Granville
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, Porto Alegre,Brazil
Keywords: High Performance Clusters, Network Management, Cluster Management.
Abstract: The management of high-performance clusters, in several situations, needs to be integrated with the
management of computer networks. In order to achieve such integration, a network management
architecture and protocol, such as the SNMP, could be used for cluster management. This paper investigates
the required integration through the implementation of SNMP agents deployed in the cluster infrastructures,
as well as the development of a management system for these SNMP agents.
Cluster Computing research has been growing in
recent past years, mainly when clusters are used as
substitutes for supercomputers in some applications
that require high performance processing (Buyya,
1999). The popularization of clusters has occurred
due to their relative low price and their capacity of
easily increase the amount of processing power
through the addition of new worker nodes.
The difficulty in maintain a cluster infrastructure
is usually proportional to the number of nodes that
compose the cluster. Managing a cluster without any
tool that automates the management tasks can be
prohibitive, mainly when the number of nodes is
high. Thus, it is essential the use of management
tools that help the administrator to deal with the
growing number of nodes.
Today, there are some tools that automate cluster
management. However, many of them have their
own associated language and their own way of
work: currently there is no standardized way to
support cluster management procedures.
This problem turns the integration of cluster
management tools and others management tools
hard. This situation is still more difficult because
clusters are network components usually located in
computer networks universities and companies. So,
is not rare the case in which the network
administrator is the same person that administrates a
cluster. Considering the difficulties to integrate
management tools, the network/cluster administrator
is forced to use a set of tools to manage the network,
and other set of tools to manage clusters.
Thus, there is the need of a new approach for
integrated cluster and the network management.
Since the traditional and widely used solution for
network management is based on the SNMP (Simple
Network Management Protocol) framework
(Harrington et al., 2002), the integration with cluster
management could be obtained through the use of
SNMP in the cluster domain. This work presents an
SNMP-based cluster management system used to
manage two clusters of our testing labs. The system
is composed by SNMP agents and one Web-based
management system. The work presented in this
paper is the evolution of the paper (Alves, 2004).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents related work concerning
common cluster management issues. In Section 3 we
present two cluster MIBs (Management Information
Base) supported by the implemented SNMP cluster
agents. Section 4 shows a case study where the
Web-based cluster management system and its main
operations are presented. Finally, we finish this
paper with conclusions and future work in Section 5.
According to Buyya (Buyya, 1999), a cluster
consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone
computers (nodes) that work together like a single
integrated computational resource. The front-end is
the cluster node that presents to the user the
integrated and single resource image. The front-end
S. Alves R., C. Marquezan C., O. A. Navaux P. and Z. Granville L. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networ ks, pages 318-323
DOI: 10.5220/0001417503180323
is crucial for the cluster operation because it
implements a single access point from where the
users submit applications to be executed in nodes.
Often, nodes are personal computers interconnected
with each other through the cluster network. This
network is responsible to allow the communication
among processes running in different nodes.
Differently from what happens in the network
management area, there is no consolidated and
widely accepted notion of what cluster management
exactly means. In this scenario, we try to organize
the current cluster management tools in three broad
and general classes: cluster monitoring, user task
management, and administrative tools. Since the
functionalities found in these tools may be very
similar, is not rare that some tools implement
functionalities that would fit in more than one class.
Cluster monitoring tools are used to check the
internal status and utilization of the cluster
resources. Ganglia (Massie, 2005), the most spread
monitoring tool, is a distributed system able to
monitor inter-cluster and intra-cluster information.
Another tool is SIMONE (SNMP-based Monitoring
System for Network Computing) (Subramanyan et
al., 2000), that offers node description, processes
information (e.g. CPU time, memory usage), nodes
information (e.g. percentage of CPU usage, memory
usage, network interfaces) and information about
traffic on each node. Basically, SIMONE
implements most of the management information
that Ganglia does.
User task management tools are designed for job
scheduling. Such tools allow the allocation of a
subset of the cluster nodes for the execution of the
tasks of a user. The most spread tool here is Open
PBS (Portable Batch System) (PBS, 2005). The
basic PBS operation is implemented as a FIFO
queue. It offers mechanisms to view and interact
with the execution queue, and uses policies to
control the abusive use of clusters resources by just
one user, harming others users.
Administrative tools automate cluster operation
tasks such as node image replication and parallel
commands. Basically, the main objective of these
tools is to offer scalable operations for clusters.
System Imager (System-Imager, 2005) is a tool of
this group. It offers functionalities for maintenance
of a same operating system in all cluster nodes.
From a network management perspective, all
these cluster tools may not always be identified as
management tools in the strict word mean, but in
cluster terms it is not rare to find such denomination.
A more critical problem is the fact that these tools
can not be integrated with network management
without complex adaptation work. SIMONE is the
unique cited tool that offers facilities for SNMP
integration, however it is focused in the management
of general distributed systems, and does not deal
with specific cluster issues such as nodes allocation
and internal/external network interation.
The developed management system handles SNMP
agents inside clusters. The cluster management
information supported for each SNMP agent is
defined in MIBs for clusters. These defined MIBs
relay on the analysis of information required to
manage a cluster and on the analysis of other
existent MIBs. Two already standardized MIBs were
important in this work: MIB-II (Mccloghrie and
Rose, 1991) and HostResources (Grillo and
Waldbusser, 1993). They allow us to use several
data of these MIBs, instead of redefining them on
the clusters MIBs. From MIB-II we borrowed the
system group, which provides general machine
information. The network information is obtained
from the interfaces group. From the HostResources
MIB we borrowed information from three following
groups: (a) hrSystem: provides information related to
the system status; (b) hrStorage: provides
information about disk and memory usage; (c)
hrDevice: provides data about disk partitions.
Complementarily, the specific information
related to clusters, not covered by MIB-II and
HostResources, were defined in two new MIBs: one
referring to nodes management and the other
referring to front-end management. The
functionalities supported in the current version of
these new MIBs include some features of two
management groups (described in the previous
section): monitoring tools and users tasks
management tools.
3.1 Cluster MIBs Description
Figure 1 presents the MIBs designed to manage
cluster nodes and front-ends. As showed in Figure 1,
ClusterNode MIB is composed by four groups:
clAllocation, clCpu, clTemperature and clProcesses.
Node allocation and deallocation are performed
through clAllocation group. The read-and-write
object clNodeAllocUser stores the name of the user
who has allocated a node or the special value “ALL”
if the access to the node is free. After allocation, any
user, except the one that allocated the node, is
unable to login in the node. The node deallocation is
performed by the system administrator, whom must
attribute the value “ALL” in clNodeAllocUser
object. The clNodeAllocDuration should be adjusted
to indicate the number of hours the allocation is
valid. Such adjustment must be performed before the
effective allocation. Finally, the reading object
clNodeAllocEndTime inform the date and time that
the allocation will end up according the
clNodeAllocDuration value.
The clCpu group exposes data related to node
CPU(s). clCpuNumber inform the number of CPUs
the node possesses, and clCpuDescr presents a
description of each CPU. The amount of cache
memory of each processor is presented in
clCpuCache. CPU utilization data are obtained with
four objects: (i) clCpuLoadAvgOne, (ii)
clCpuLoadAvgFive, (iii) clCpuLoadAvgFifteen and
(iv) clCpuLoadInstant. The objects (i), (ii), (iii)
present the processing load average in the past
minute, past five minutes and past fifteen minutes,
respectively. The last object (iv) informs the
processing load in a given moment. These data are
computed based on an arithmetic average among the
CPUs usage percent of each node.
The clTemperature group informs the values
obtained through temperature sensors of the node
motherboard. The reading object
clTemperatureCurrent indicates de current processor
temperature in Celsius scale. The reading object
clTemperatureHyst indicates an alert limier, which
over it some proactive actions must be executed.
clTemperatureMax inform the maximum
temperature limier allowed from which the machine
must be turned-off. As temperature limier can be just
changed by complex manual interventions in each
node, clTemperatureHyst and clTemperatureMax
can only be used to obtain such values, but can not
be used to perform changes.
Information related to nodes processes is located
in the clProcesses group, which is composed by
clProcessesUserRemove and clProcessTable. The
leaf clProcessesUserRemove is used to finish all
user processes that are running in a node (specifying
the username) or to finish the processes of all users
that are running some process in the node
(specifying the string “ALL”). The processes can be
finished individually using the clProcessState
object. The clProcessTable contains information
about the processes running in a node. A part of this
information is provided by the HostResources MIB,
however, other important data (e.g. owner of process
and elapsed time the process is running) are not
provided by this MIB. This leads to the necessity to
extend the information contained in HostResources
by defining the clProcessesTable in ClusterNode
MIB. An optimization inserted in this work is based
on the fact that, concerning cluster context, generally
the interest in the running process are related to
users processes and not system processes. Thus, we
decided to implement in ClusterNode MIB data
already supported by HostResources MIB.
Nevertheless, only user processes will be exported in
our MIB, providing an economy in network traffic.
Each line in clProcessTable refers to a process
executing in a node. clProcessID index each process
in the table and gives the process identifier (PID).
The clProcessName object indicates the process
name and clProcessUsername object informs the
username of the process owner. Process status (e.g.
running, IO, stoped or zoombie) is given by the
read/write clProcessState object. It is also used to
enable the ending of a process, when the “kill” value
was set in this object (this is based on
HostResources MIB). In addition, clProcessCPU
and clProcessMem objects inform the percentage of
CPU and memory the process is consuming. The
object clProcessTime indicates the amount of
processor time used by the process, and the
clProcessElapsedTime object indicates elapsed time
the process is running.
Figure 1: ClusterNode and ClusterFrontEnd MIBs.
The ClusterFronEnd MIB is too similar to
ClusterNode MIB, beging formed by an scalar
object (clTarget), by four groups
(clAllocationPolicy, clCpu, clTemperature,
clProcesses) and by a table (clNodeTable). The
differences between these two MIBs are related to
the existence, in the ClusterFrontEnd MIB, of the
following elements: clTarget object,
clAllocationPolicy group and clNodeTable table.
The clTarget object will be discussed in section 3.2.
The clAllocation group from ClusterNode MIB
was substituted by clAllocationPolicy in
ClusterFrontEnd MIB. That was required due to it
makes no sense allocate the front-end for a user. On
the other hand, it is the front-end responsibility to
store the cluster allocation policy. An allocation
policy is a set of rules that aims to provide a better
sharing of the cluster resources; allowing most users
as possible to use the cluster at the same time and
trying to reduce the waiting time to get access to the
resources. In this way, clAllocationPolicy group
stores the allocation policy and is composed by the
read/write leaves clNodeAllocMaxTime and
clNodeAllocMaxNodes, which indicate, respectively,
maximum hours and maximum nodes per allocation.
Finally, clNodeTable stores in clNodeHostname
object the sysName value from MIB-II of the nodes.
clTarget and clNodeHostname are key objects in the
routing of SNMP messages to target nodes.
3.2 SNMP Agent Implementation
The SNMP agents have been developed in Linux
environment, implemented in C language and using
the facilities of the NET-SNMP package (NET-
SNMP, 2005) to build agents based in SNMPv3
protocol (Blumenthal and Wijnen, 1998), which
enables the support for several security issues, such
as user authentication and data integrity assurance.
Two different, but complementar, SNMP agents
were implemented: (i) one running inside each
cluster node and (ii) another running in the front-
end. In this way, the cluster components (nodes and
front-end) have SNMP agents. Nevertheless, only
the front-end agent is accessible directly through the
management system. Node agents can only be
accessed through the front-end agent. In this case,
the front-end, besides providing support for
managing itself, also acts as an SNMP proxy.
The need to implement an SNMP proxy is
derived from a difficulty intrinsic of most clusters
configurations: generally the single machine
accessible from the external to the cluster is the
front-end, while its nodes are confined inside the
cluster internal network, hidden behind the front-
end. Therefore, the goal of our SNMP proxy is to
allow the front-end to perform the interaction
between cluster internal and external networks.
Figure 2 presents an example of integration
through the SNMP proxy. In this example, a
manager software needs to get the value of
clCpuNumber object from ClusterNode MIB.
However, before performing this operation the
manager needs to manipulate clTarget object from
the ClusterFronEnd MIB to prepare the front-end
SNMP agent to handle SNMP messages designed to
cluster nodes. In this example the manager must set
clTarget to forward the SNMP messages to node 2.
Receiving an SNMP request the front-end agent
must, before proceeding with the standard SNMP
message processing, examine the value of clTarget
object. Whenever the clTarget value is the same of
one of the values stored in clNodeHostname of
clNodeTable, the front-end agent forwards the
SNMP message to the node identified in clTarget
and then waits the reply from the target node, to sent
it back to the management software.
This indicates that the manager software needs,
before interacting with a node, change the clTarget
value in the front-end to inform the node that will
effectively take care of the request. In Figure 2, (1)
the cluster manager asks the writing of “Node 2” in
clTarget object and (2) receives a reply confirming
the operation. After, all SNMP messages arriving in
the front-end will be forwarded to the node 2 of the
cluster. In this example, (3) the manager asks the
value inside clCpuNumber. This request is
forwarded (4) to the agent of node 2 that answers (5)
informing the number of CPUs from node 2. Finally
the reply (6) is sent back to the software manager.
The SNMP-based cluster management system is
composed by a set of PHP scripts (PHP, 2003) that
1) SetRequest (clTarget.0 = “Nodo2”)
2) Response (clTarget.0 = “Nodo2”)
3) GetNextRequest (clCpuNumber)
6) Response (clCpuNumber.0 = 2)
4) GetNextRequest (clCpuNumber)
5) Response (clCpuNumber.0 = 2)
Figure 2: Basic operation schema of SNMP proxy
the cluster administrator can access via a Web
interface. Web-based management is largely
discussed and its advantages are well-known in the
network management area.
The graphical interface allows a progressive
interaction between the administrator and the
system. Initially, information allows the verification
of global cluster data (Figure 3), such as front-end
hostname, the number of nodes and processors
(obtained in clNodeTable from ClusterFrontEnd
MIB and in clCpu from ClusterNode MIB), and the
cluster total amount of memory and hard disk
(obtained via HostResources MIB).
Clicking in the cluster image, the administrator
accesses an HTML page where the nodes are
presented (Figure 4). It presents images that show
two basic information of each node: the running
workload and the allocation status. According with
the node CPU workload, the node image assumes a
different colour (green, yellow or red) that
represents, respectively, a low (fewer than 30%), a
medium (between 30% and 80%) or a high workload
level (higher than 80%). The other information
presented is the node allocation status. If the node is
currently allocated to a user, then the node image
will be changed adding to it the figure of a small
lock. This information is obtained accessing clCpu
and clAllocation groups of ClusterNode MIB.
The “Allocate Nodes” presents a new interface
(Figure 5) where the user can allocate cluster nodes
and obtain allocation status of all nodes, including
the user that has allocated a node and the time when
the allocation will expire. With this information,
obtained from ClusterNode MIB, it is possible to
perform an allocation choosing desired duration and
number of nodes. The allocation duration options are
offered according to the cluster allocation policy,
and the nodes limit is informed below the nodes
table (this information are obtained accessing
clAllocationPolicy group from ClusterFrontEnd
MIB). If an allocation request exceeds the cluster
allocation policy, the request is performed partially.
The user interface is different for cluster
administrator and cluster user, since the first can, for
example, change the cluster allocation policy. Thus,
the button “Change Policy” is available only for
administrators. Selecting it, it is showed a new
interface where it is possible to set the cluster
allocation policy.
In the interface presented in Figure 4 it is also
possible to obtain specific information about nodes
and front-end. Clicking on this figure, an HTML
page is presented with the six main categories of
information offered by the management system.
These categories are: hardware, running processes,
temperature, resources utilization, node allocation
and node disk partitions (Figure 6).
The first option is “Hardware”. In this option,
the user visualizes details of machine hardware and
gets information about CPU nodes; information
about memory, disks and swap memory size, and a
list of the network interfaces available. Through this
interface, the user obtain a global characterization of
the node. These information are obtained from
HostResources MIB and ClusterNode MIB.
The “Processes” option presents a list of user
processes running in the machine. This interface
presents the process name, the owner (user), the
Figure 3: Interface of Management System.
Figure 4: Interface showing front-end and nodes.
Figure 5: Multiple allocation of nodes.
identifier (PID), the state, the CPU usage
percentage, the memory usage percentage, the time
elapsed since execution started and the execution
time. It is also possible to kill processes, selecting
the correspondent checkbox and clicking on the
Kill” button. The data presented in this option are
obtained from clProcesses in ClusterNode MIB.
The “Temperature” option presents the current
temperature information of a node, the temperature
threshold from which the node requires care and the
maximum temperature supported by the node,
obtained from the clTemperature group of the
ClusterNode MIB. This group information is
available only for nodes with hardware support for
temperature sensors properly configured.
The fourth option is “Resources Usage”. In this
option, the user gets information (obtained from
HostResources and ClusterNode MIBs), about the
nodes resources utilization such as CPU, main
memory usage, hard disk usage and swap memory
usage. Considering the CPU usage, four parameters
are presented: the first indicates the percentage of
CPU usage in that moment and the second, the third
and fourth present the average CPU utilization
(loadavg) during the last one, five and fifteen
minutes, respectively. The free main memory and
free swap memory are presented in terms of
percentage and megabytes.
The “Allocation” option deals with node
allocation individually, instead of global allocation
shown in Figure 5. If the node is already allocated,
the user is notified about the time when the
allocation will expire. Finally, in the “Partitions
option are presented information about active disk
partitions of the computer. The interface presents,
for each partition, the total length and the partition
usage (kilobytes and percentage), obtained from
HostResources MIB.
The management objects defined by ClusterNode
and ClusterFrontEnd MIBs encloses the necessities
of a cluster manager. Other necessities are covered,
complementally, by MIB-II and HostResources
MIB. The developed solution allows us to conclude
that cluster management can be based in a network
management protocol. The agent proposed allows
the easy integration between cluster and network
management, since it uses SNMP to access devices,
and now, to access clusters as well.
The use of an SNMP proxy imposes a CPU
overhead in the front-end. However, this overhead is
tolerable, since the front-end, in general, has only
administrative functionalities. An important
argument in favor of the SNMP proxy approach is
that it allows the installation of other SNMP MIBs in
the nodes, without changes in the front-end agent.
Finally, the continuous cluster monitoring is a
work in progress. The goal is to verify the resources
usage history through polling-based management.
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Figure 6: Interface for resource usage information.