Adrian Spalka, Armin B. Cremers
Institute of Computer Science III
University of Bonn
omerstr. 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany
Marcel Winandy
Horst G
ortz Institute for IT-Security
Ruhr-University Bochum
atsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany
Multilateral security, mobile computing, adaptive applications.
Adaptive mobile applications are supposed to play an important role in the future of mobile communication.
Adaptation offers a convenient and resource-saving way of providing tailored functionality. But to make this
technology a success, the security of all concerned parties must be addressed. This work presents a multilateral
security examination in two stages. We first introduce a co-operation model and state the security requirements
from the perspective of each party. In the second stage we investigate the set of all requirements with respect
to conflicts, state each party’s role in the enforcement and suggest a realisation. The result is a comprehensive
picture of the security aspects of adaptive applications in mobile environments.
Today’s applications in mobile computing consist of
voice, text and video communication. Several Java or
operating system specific applications exist as well.
All applications are installed by the hardware manu-
facturer or must be downloaded by the user.
Network operators and service providers are enga-
ged in fierce competition. They constantly enhance
their services to satisfy customer needs: the require-
ments change, services evolve and software applica-
tions must be adapted. Therefore, flexible software
architectures and adaptive applications are needed to
quickly adopt these changes.
Future applications in mobile computing must al-
low for unanticipated evolution. In particular the sup-
port of context-sensitive behaviour, eg location-based
services, requires a frequent adaptation of the soft-
ware. To avoid re-installation of the whole appli-
cation, adapting parts of it is more convenient and
resource-saving. New techniques for software adap-
tation are developed now (M
ugge et al., 2005).
To give an example, consider a user equipped with
a smart-phone running a adaptive application. He can
take the application to any other device, eg a desktop
computer or a laptop. His mobile device will also be
able to connect to external displays with different pro-
perties. The application should be automatically ad-
apted according to the changing environment. If new
features are introduced, the application must be adap-
ted accordingly.
This work considers technologies for mobile app-
lications with adaptable and replaceable components.
To make them a success, the security of all involved
parties must be addressed. The following parties are
regarded as stakeholders: users (U), software produ-
cers (SWP), content providers (CP), service providers
(SP), network operators (NO), and hardware manu-
facturers (HWM).
The aim of this work is to identify party-specific se-
curity requirements and to extract non-conflicting and
possibly conflicting requirements in a multilateral ex-
amination. In the subsequent section we identify indi-
vidual security requirements from the perspective of
each party. In section 3 the requirements are exami-
ned with respect to conflicts. We state each party’s
role in the enforcement and suggest a realisation.
In adaptive mobile applications components thereof
can be replaced or adapted. We assume that a party
does not trust the other parties.
Spalka A., Cremers A. and Winandy M. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 133-137
DOI: 10.5220/0001420101330137
2.1 Stakeholder 1: The Users
In our scenario the user has a mobile device which
can execute adaptive applications and receive updates.
The user wants to make the best use of the services
at the least cost. The user also wishes to retain in-
tegrity, confidentiality, availability and privacy of his
data. These constraints result in the following secu-
rity requirements with respect to the other parties.
Software producer
1. The software is written by the intended authors
Verification of the authors’ authenticity.
2. The software accesses and modifies only authori-
sed resources Preservation of confidentiality and
integrity of his data.
3. The software passes only data admitted by the user
Respect for his decisions on his privacy.
4. The software performs only intended modifications
Verification of the semantic integrity of data (sa-
fety of the software).
5. The software does not block access to previously
accessible data Preservation of availability.
6. The software does not prevent future adaptations
Preservation of availability of software adaptations.
The first requirement can be satisfied with digital
signatures. Access control mechanisms can be used
to enforce requirement 2, or cryptographic hash func-
tions can be used, at least, to discover a violation of
integrity. Data outside the intended working set can
be encrypted to preserve confidentiality. To satisfy
requirement 3, the user must be able to confirm or ob-
ject to a data transmission. This implies the provision
of a trusted input and display by the hardware and the
operating system. Since the general user cannot verify
the safety of software, a recovery mechanism is indis-
pensable to achieve requirement 4. This also supports
requirements 5 and 6.
Content provider
1. Software is not modified during distribution Ve-
rification of software integrity.
2. The process of the software transmission is not re-
vealed for privacy reasons.
The first requirement can be satisfied with digi-
tal signatures. The second requirement implies the
ability to buy content anonymously. On the other
hand, content providers may need to identify a user
to process payment.
Service providers and network operators Here,
the requirements are the same as for the content pro-
viders. If the user’s identification is not needed, en-
cryption of the transmission preserves privacy.
Hardware manufacturers
1. The software does not disable critical hardware
functions Maintenance of their availability.
2. The hardware device prevents the execution or ad-
aptation of software at the user’s request.
3. The software transmission process is not revealed
for privacy reasons Prevention of identification.
To partially satisfy requirement 1 the manufacturer
can provide a function to reset the mobile device in a
safe state. Requirement 2 cannot be enforced by the
user without the help of the hardware manufacturer.
Requirement 3 calls for a device which can switch
off hardware identification at the user’s request. Ho-
wever, (Rannenberg, 2000) mentions that it may not
solve the problem.
2.2 Stakeholder 2: Software
The software producer can be author of a complete
program or a part thereof. We assume a traditional
vendor model, in which software is sold as a product.
Content providers, service providers and network
1. The producer’s profit depends on his reputation
Proof of software integrity and authenticity.
2. To charge for software usage, the producer wants
to prevent unlicensed software distribution.
Again, requirement 1 can be satisfied with digital
signatures along the distribution chain. The second
requirement can be satisfied in this setting in several
ways (the detailed description of which will be given
in a separate paper).
Users and hardware manufacturers
1. Licence compliant usage Verification of licen-
This requirement relies on the verification of the
execution environment, eg, device identification.
2.3 Stakeholder 3: Content
The content provider’s role resembles that of a mer-
chant in the traditional world. His primary goal, pro-
fit, implies the following security requirements.
Software producers
1. Reputation of selling genuine software Verifica-
tion of authenticity and integrity.
Simple solution: digital signatures.
Service providers
1. Reliability of the services.
2. Genuineness of the offered products.
While requirement 1 cannot be enforced by the CP
with technical means, digital signatures are sufficient
for the second one.
Network operators
Should distribute CP’s data:
1. without modification (integrity)
2. in a timely fashion (availability)
3. only to the designated address (fraud prevention)
4. having access only to data germane to the transmis-
sion (business privacy).
Solutions are already presented.
Users We take the users to be the primary source of
profit for the content provider.
1. Self-verification to build up reputation
2. Licence compliant usage Verification of licen-
Solutions already discussed.
Hardware manufacturers No apparent security
2.4 Stakeholder 4: Service Providers
A service provider offers technical services to con-
tent providers for the distribution of products to cu-
stomers. To put it simple, a service provider puts the
products of content providers in data packages, which
can be transmitted by network operators. Its main ob-
jective, profit, dictates the following security require-
Network operators
1. The profit depends on the availability of its services
The satisfaction of this requirement relies on
quality-of-service mechanisms. Otherwise, compen-
sation of downtime can be regulated by contract.
Content providers
1. Authentication of the content provider for accoun-
ting purposes Digital signatures.
In contrast to a traditional carrier, eg UPS, a network
operator need not have access to the contents or value of a
Software producers
1. Software updates or adaptations do not affect the
availability of the services. If it cannot be enforced,
the service provider must verify the origin of the
software Digital signatures.
Hardware manufacturers No apparent security
1. Identify users and devices for billing purposes.
2.5 Stakeholder 5: Network
A network operator exchanges data between a service
provider and a user. Its main goal is profit, which he
generates by charging fees for network usage. It is
also inclined to provide services, which attract custo-
mers. From its perspective there is no need to discern
between the service provider and the user.
1. No bypassing of the billing mechanism.
2. High quality of transmission.
3. Provision of attractive services.
The first requirement is stated on the grounds of re-
cent fraud, cf (Prasad et al., 2003). Requirement 2
calls for quotas, eg limited bandwidth allocation. The
last requirement is optional; to give an example, regis-
tered mail can be realised with digital signatures and
express delivery resorts to a priority-based allocation
of resources.
2.6 Stakeholder 6: Hardware
A hardware manufacturer provides to a user a mobile
device with an operating system. Its basic objective
is profit. In view of this article’s focus, it is directly
concerned only with its reputation among users. Indi-
rectly, it can be favoured by other parties if its devices
provide trusted functions or services that support their
security requirements.
1. The device remains operational irrespective of soft-
ware behaviour.
This requirement relates to the quality of the design
and manufacturing, which is the sole responsibility
of the manufacturer and does not imply any specific
Table 1: Multilateral evaluation of security requirements.
Requirement Required by Objected
to by
Participation Supported
Conflict Possible realisation
1) Authenticity of the software
producer and integrity of the soft-
ware product
CP and U no party SWP SP no Software product is digitally signed by
SWP; digital signature can be verified
by each party in the distribution chain.
2) Limitation of access to data U no party HWM SWP no Access control in the operating system.
3) User privacy: Limitation of
distribution of data by the appli-
U no party
HWM SWP no Access control in the operating system;
manual confirmation data transmission;
trustworthy hardware display and input.
4) Safety of SW functionality. U no party HWM SWP no Undo function of the operating system.
5) Privacy of software transmis-
U (optio-
CP, optio-
nally SWP
no party no party yes Mediated payment scheme.
6) Availability of equipment U, HWM no party HWM all parties no Reset function of the operating system.
7) Limitation of sources of soft-
U (optio-
no party HWM, CP,
N/A no Selective installation of digitally signed
applications from white-listed sources.
8) Unlicensed distribution of soft-
ware by the content provider
SWP no party U N/A no User must register the application at the
software producer.
9) Unlicensed software usage/re-
distribution by the user
SWP and CP no party HWM and U N/A no User must register the application with
an ID of the execution environment,
which is provided by the HWM, at the
10) Availability of services resp. party no party no party all parties no Controlled resource allocation.
11) Accounting for services resp. SP possibly U
using party
N/A possibly Authentication of service-requesting
12) Fraud prevention by eaves-
droppers and business privacy
SWP and CP no party U all other
no Encryption of the software by CP with
the user’s public key.
Other parties
1. The mobile device provides security related functi-
ons, which are not under the control of the user.
This optional requirement depends on the manufac-
turer’s commitment to perform security related opera-
tions on behalf of other parties, eg, the provision of a
serial number or a service, which limits the usage of
an application to the terms of its licence.
We now extract the intersections, ie non-conflicting
security requirements. They constitute the minimum
set of requirements that can be supported in an envi-
ronment with adaptive mobile applications. And, se-
condly, we extract conflicting security requirements,
ie those that are demanded by one party but opposed
by another. See table 1 for the evaluation results.
The idea to use adaptive applications in mobile envi-
ronments is in its early stage. This provides a unique
opportunity to include security techniques in their de-
sign. The starting point for this paper is the assump-
tion that the security requirements of all parties must
be considered in order to make it a success. We have
introduced a co-operation model, in which all par-
ties are considered: the software producer, the con-
tent provider, the service provider, the network opera-
tor, the user and the hardware manufacturer. The first
stage of the investigation concentrated on the state-
ment of all individual security requirements from the
perspective of each party. In the second stage we have
combined all these requirements into a set. We have
found that nearly all security requirements are satis-
fiable without a conflict and that most of them can be
enforced with accredited security mechanisms. We
have identified the role and effort of each party in the
enforcement with the insight that a concerted contri-
bution results in a secure mobile environment for ad-
aptive applications.
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