Software Engineering Aspects of an Intelligent User
Interface based on Multi Criteria Decision Making
Katerina Kabassi
and Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus,
80 Karaoli & Dimitriou, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
Department of Ecology and the Environment, Technological Educational Institute of the
Ionian Islands, Kalvos Sq. 2, 29100 Zakynthos, Greece
Abstract. Decision making theories have been proved to be very successful for
evaluating the users’ interests and preferences in Intelligent User Interfaces
(IUIs). However, their application and incorporation in the reasoning of an IUI
requires empirical studies throughout the software life-cycle that lead to re-
quirements analysis and specification, important design decisions and evalua-
tion of the resulting IUI. This paper presents a life-cycle model of how a deci-
sion making theory can be applied effectively in an IUI and gives detailed in-
formation about the experiments conducted. More specifically, the Simple Ad-
ditive Weighting (SAW) model has been used as a theory test bed and has been
applied in an IUI that is called MBIFM. MBIFM is a file manipulation system
that works in a similar way as Windows/NT Explorer. However, the system
constantly reasons about every user’s action and provides spontaneous advice,
in case this is considered necessary.
1 Introduction
Among the alternative approaches proposed in the literature for incorporating intelli-
gence in user interfaces are neural networks [19], fuzzy systems of inferences [9] as
well as rule-based [7] and case-based reasoning [1]. All these techniques try to model
the user’s reasoning process and have proved to be rather effective. However, a user
interface that provides intelligent advice should use many criteria to be able to diag-
nose user problems. For this purpose, decision making theories seem very promising.
Indeed, decision making theories have been used for selecting the best information
source when a user submits a query [14], modelling user preferences in recommender
systems [15] or individualising e-commerce web pages [1, 5, 10, 12].
Despite the high potential of the usage of multi-criteria decision making theories in
user interfaces, these theories have not been used as extensively as expected. A possi-
ble reason for that could be that little is known about the actual life-cycle process
through which these theories have been adapted in these systems despite the fact that
the life-cycle plays an extremely important role in their adaptation. Therefore, in this
paper we aim at presenting a life-cycle model of how a decision making theory can be
applied effectively in an Intelligent User Interface. This model gives detailed infor-
Kabassi K. and Virvou M. (2005).
Software Engineering Aspects of an Intelligent User Interface based on Multi Criteria Decision Making.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 154-163
DOI: 10.5220/0001420601540163
mation about the experiments conducted, the design of the software, the selection of
right decision making theory and the evaluation of the user interface.
The life-cycle model presented in this paper is divided in four consecutive phases:
the requirements specification, the design, the implementation and the evaluation
phase. During the first phase, an empirical study is conducted in order to select the
criteria that are used in the reasoning process of the human advisors. The set of crite-
ria selected is further used by an empirical study conducted during the design of the
system, which aims at specifying the weights of these criteria. The phase about the
design of the system also involves making design decisions about how the values of
the criteria are going to be estimated using the information stored in the user model.
As soon as all these design decisions have been made, the adaptation of the multi-
criteria decision making model and the implementation of the system can take place.
Then, the resulting intelligent user interface is evaluated. The evaluation phase is very
important in order to ensure the effectiveness of the decision model used in the user
interface. However, as Chin [4] points out, empirical evaluations are not so common
in the user modelling literature although the evaluation seems to be the most impor-
tant phase of the software’s life cycle. In the case of user modelling based on decision
making, if the decision making theory does not prove successful, then another itera-
tion of the life-cycle has to take place and the decision model should be altered, re-
fined, readapted and re-evaluated until the evaluation phase gives satisfactory results.
During the life-cycle model proposed, an intelligent Graphical User Interface
(GUI) for a program that manipulates files has been developed. The system is similar
to a standard file manipulation program, such as Windows Explorer [13] and is called
MBIFM (Multicriteria-Based Intelligent File Manipulator). The particular domain
was selected because it is of general use by a very wide range of users. In order to
facilitate users, especially novice ones, MBIFM generates hypotheses about users’
intentions and in case it suspects that a user deviates from his/her goal, it provides
spontaneous advice [18]. For this purpose, every time the system suspects that the
user has issued an unintended action it generates alternative ones. MBIFM extends a
previous version of a system called IFM [19] by incorporating a whole new user
modelling component based on Multi-Criteria analysis. In order to select the most
appropriate alternative action to be proposed to the particular user, MBIFM uses a
decision making theory. As a theory test bed we have used the Simple Additive
Weighting model (SAW) [8]. This method was selected in the first place due to its
simplicity and effectiveness in solving diverse problems in virtually any topic, for
example public policy making [11], medical science [3], computer science [14] etc.
2 Empirical Study for requirements specification
In the first phase of the software life-cycle model, the primary executable release of
MBIFM was developed. MBIFM is a file manipulation program that works in a simi-
lar way as the Windows 98/NT Explorer. Additionally, MBIFM constantly reasons
about users’ actions in order to diagnose problematic situations and gives advice
concerning the error identified. For the provision of intelligent advice, the system
incorporates a decision making theory. However, decision making theories provide
precise mathematical methods for combining criteria in order to make decisions but
do not define the criteria. Therefore, in order to locate the criteria that human experts
take into account while providing individualised advice, we conducted an empirical
The empirical study should involve a satisfactory number of human experts, who
will act as the human decision makers and are reviewed about the criteria that they
take into account when providing individualised advice. Therefore, the empirical
study conducted involved 16 human experts. The study revealed several criteria that
human experts usually take into account when providing advice in computer applica-
tions. The criteria that were selected for the application of the multi-criteria analysis
method were proposed among other criteria by the majority of human experts that
participated in the experiment. Some other criteria were also mentioned by a minority
of human experts but were not selected since they were not representative of the hu-
man experts’ reasoning. The criteria selected were the following:
Frequency of an error (f): The value of this criterion shows how often a user
makes a particular error. Some users tend to entangle similar objects, other us-
ers entangle neighbouring objects in the graphical representation of the file
store and others mix up commands. As the frequency of an error increases,
the possibility that the user has repeated this kind of error increases, as well.
Percentage of the wrong executions of a command in the number of total exe-
cutions of the particular command (e): The higher the number of wrong execu-
tions of a command, the more likely for the user to have failed in the execution
of the command once again.
Degree of similarity of an alternative action with the actual action issued by
the user (s): Similar commands or objects of the file store are likely to have
been confused by the user. Therefore, the similarity of the object and the
command selected with the object and the command proposed by the system is
rather important in order to locate the user’s real intention.
Degree of difficulty of a command (d): It has been observed that some com-
mands are not easily comprehensible by the user. Therefore, the higher the de-
gree of difficulty of a command, the more likely for the user to have made a
mistake in this command.
Degree of relevance to the user’s goals (g): An alternative action may be pro-
posed to a user if it confirms the user’s goals and plans or if it does not influ-
ence them. The actions that complete or continues an already declared and
pending plan have the highest degree of relevance to the user’s goals.
3 Design decisions concerning the criteria
As soon as the experiment for design specification is completed, important design
decisions should be made. Such decisions involve among others the calculation of the
weights of the criteria, the method of acquisition of the information about the user,
the way of calculation of the values of the criteria, etc. This information can only be
acquired if a system incorporates a user model.
3.1 Empirical study concerning the weights of the criteria
The selected criteria are not equally important in the reasoning process of the human
experts. For this purpose, a second experiment was conducted in order to identify
how important each criterion is in the reasoning process of human experts. For this
purpose, human advisors were asked to rank the five criteria with respect to how
important these criteria were in their reasoning process. However, SAW does not
propose a standard procedure for setting a rating scale for criteria weights. Several
researchers have used different scale rating. For example, Zhu & Buchmann [20] use
a scale from 1 (least desirable) to 9 (most desirable) for six different criteria.
In view of the above, a scale from 1 to 5 is proposed for rating the criteria in this
empirical study. More specifically, every one of the human experts was asked to
assign one score of the set of scores (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to each one of the four criteria and
not the same one to two different criteria. The sum of scores of the elements of the set
of scores was 15 (1+2+3+4+5=15). For example, a human expert could assign the
score 5 on the degree of relevance to the user’s goals (criterion g), the score 4 on the
frequency of an error (criterion f), the score 3 on the percentage of the wrong execu-
tions of a command in the number of total executions of the particular command
(criterion e), the score 2 on criterion s (similarity of an alternative action with the
actual action issued by the user) and the score 1 on the criterion d (difficulty of a
As soon as the scores of all human experts were collected, they were used to calcu-
late the weights of the criteria. The scores assigned to each criterion by each human
expert were summed up and then divided by the sum of scores of all criteria (16*15
human experts = 240). In this way the sum of all weights could be equal to 1.
As a result, the calculated weights for the criteria were the following:
The weight for the degree of similarity (s):
The weight for the frequency of an error (f):
The weight for percentage of the wrong executions of a command in the num-
ber of total executions of the particular command (e):
The weight for the degree of difficulty of a command (d):
The weight for the degree of relevance to the user’s goals (g):
3.2 Application of the decision making model into the GUI
MBIFM is a graphical user interface for file manipulation that provides intelligent
help to its users. MBIFM monitors users’ actions and reasons about them. In case it
diagnoses a problematic situation, it provides spontaneous advice. When MBIFM
generates advice, it actually generates alternative actions, other than the one issued,
which was problematic. In this respect, MBIFM tries to find out what the error of the
user has been and what his/her real intention was.
In order to make hypotheses about each user’s possible intentions, the system uses
a limited goal recognition mechanism [19]. Using this mechanism, MBIFM evaluates
each user’s action with respect to its relevance to the user’s hypothesised goals. If an
action contradicts the system’s hypotheses about the user’s intentions or it is wrong
with respect to the user interface formalities, then the system tries to generate an
action other than the one issued that would fit better in the context of the user’s hy-
pothesised intentions.
However, this process usually results in the generation of many alternative actions.
Therefore, MBIFM uses SAW in order to find the alternative action that seems more
likely to have been intended by the user. For this purpose, MBIFM first calculates the
values of the criteria for each alternative action for the particular user and then ap-
plies the decision making model of SAW. However, the user is not obligated to fol-
low MBIFM’s advice. S/he can execute his/her initial action or generate a new one.
MBIFM maintains one user model for every user that interacts with the system.
The user model contains information that involves the user’s level of knowledge of
the domain, his/her common errors, the correct and wrong executions of a command,
etc. This kind of information is further used by the system in order to calculate the
values of some of the criteria.
The value of the criterion f that refers to the frequency of an error is calculated by
dividing the times a particular user has made an error by his/her total errors. The
value of the criterion e that represents the percentage of the wrong executions of a
command in the number of total executions of the particular command is calculated
by dividing the times the user has made an error in the execution of a command by
the total number of the command’s execution. The degree of relevance to the user’s
goals is estimated by taking into account the information about the user’s goals and
plans that is stored in the individual short term user model. If the alternative action
that is evaluated results in the completion or continuation of a plan then the value of
the particular criterion is 1 otherwise, its value is just 0.5. Finally, the values of the
other two criteria, s and d, are calculated by taking into account the information that
is stored in the knowledge representation component of the system. For example, the
degree of difficulty of each command is a prefixed value that is maintained constant
for all users.
As soon as the decisions about the calculation of the values of the criteria have
been made, the theory may be adapted to the system. As already been mentioned, the
theory that has been selected to be adapted to the system is SAW. In SAW, the alter-
native actions are ranked by the values of a multi-attribute function that is calculated
for each alternative action as a linear combination of the values of the n attributes. So
MBIFM calculates the values of the multi-criteria utility function U for each alterna-
tive action generated by the system. More specifically, the function U takes its values
as a linear combination of the values of the five criteria described in the previous
+=)( (8)
X is the evaluated alternative,
wwww ,,, are the weights of the at-
tributes and
dcve ,,, are the values of the criteria for the i alternative. As the
weights of the criteria are already known the multi-criteria utility function is trans-
formed to be:
+= (9)
4 Implementation
In this section, we give an example of a user’s interaction with MBIFM and how
SAW is used to select the alternative action that is going to be presented to the user.
The user of the example is a female novice user that had used a file manipulation
program for only a few times. The initial file store state of the user is presented in
Figure 1.
The user deletes the contents of the folder ‘A:\project\’. Then she selects the folder
‘A:\projects’ and issues the command delete. However, MBIFM finds the particular
action as not intended as the particular folder contains many folders and files with
useful information about the projects of the user. As a result, the system generates the
following alternative actions to be suggested to the user.
AA1. Cut(C:\projects\)
AA2. Copy(C:\projects\)
AA3. Delete(C:\project\)
Fig. 1. The user’s initial file store state
Table 1. The values of the criteria for every alternative action
s g f e d
0.2 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.7
0.2 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.4
0.9 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.5
The first two alternative actions, AA1 and AA2, result from the assumption that
the user has tangled up the command she wanted to issue (e.g. in AA1 the user may
have clicked and selected the command delete instead of the command cut because he
is not aware of the usage of the commands). The other alternative action, AA3, was
generated after substituting the selected target (folder) with another possible target of
the user (e.g. the user may have made an accidental slip and selected the wrong
folder). For every alternative action that has been generated, the system uses the in-
formation from the user model as well as the information of the knowledge represen-
tation component in order to calculate the values of each criterion. Table 1 presents
the values of the different criteria for every one of the three alternative actions.
The user of the example is novice and very prone to errors that are related to the
selection of the wrong command. Therefore, the highest value of the criterion f is
taken for the alternative actions AA1 and AA2, which have been generated based on
the assumption that the user has selected the wrong command. However, the user is
also prone to tangling up objects that are both similarly named and neighbouring in
the graphical representation of the file store. Therefore, the value of the criterion f is
0.4 for the alternative action AA3 and it reveals that for the particular user accidental
slips are less common than errors due to lack of knowledge.
The alternative action AA3 also confirms the deletion plan of the user and, there-
fore, the value of the criterion g is 1, whereas the value of this criterion for the other
alternative actions is just 0.5. The value of the criterion e is being estimated based on
the percentage of wrong executions of a particular command. The command that
seems to be very difficult for the particular user is the command cut as the 80% of
this command’s executions were erroneous. However, this percentage is a bit ficti-
tious, as the user executes the particular action very rarely in contrast to the command
delete that has been issued by the particular user many times. This is probably why
human experts gave a lower degree of weighting to that criterion.
However, the command cut is generally considered very difficult. This is also veri-
fied by the knowledge representation component, which assigns 0.7 to the value of
the criterion d for the command cut. Meanwhile, other commands, such as copy or
delete, have lower values for the particular criterion as they are considered to be more
easily comprehensible by the user. The value of the criterion s shows how similar an
alternative action is to the one originally issued by the user. The most similar alterna-
tive to the one issued by the user is AA3 as the target folder is very similar to the
initial selection of the user; they are both similarly named and neighbouring in the
graphical representation of the user’s file store. Therefore, the degree of similarity for
that alternative is 0.9. Finally, the two first alternative actions have lower degrees of
similarity and this due to the fact that their similarity to the user’s initial action lies
only on the similarity of the commands.
Applying the values of the criteria, which are presented in table 1, in formula (8),
MBIFM calculates the values of the multi-criteria utility function for the alternative
actions that has previously generated:
501.0)1( =AAU
, 378.0)2(
, 718.0)3(
The multi-criteria utility value is maximised for the third alternative action and,
therefore, this action is considered to be more likely to have been intended by the
user. The particular action is presented to the user, who confirms that this was the
action she intended to issue.
5 Evaluation and testing
After designing and implementing the user interface, the evaluation of the system
should take place. The evaluation is the most important phase of a user interface’s
life-cycle. This is due to the fact that only by evaluating a user interface one can be
sure that an IUI really works and addresses the needs of real users. Especially when
the user interface incorporates a decision making model, the need for an evaluation is
greater so as to decide whether the particular theory is effective or not. The evaluation
of a decision making model could only take place in comparison with the human
advisors’ reasoning, as it is their reasoning that the system tries to model.
For the evaluation, a satisfactory number of users should interact with a prototype
of the system, which does not contain any reasoning mechanisms. The protocols
collected are given as input to the system that incorporates the decision making model
that is to be evaluated. In case of a unintended action, the system applies the decision
making model and selects which alternative action seems more appropriate to be
presented to the user.
The evaluation of the system should put emphasis on the efficiency of the decision
making model in generating the alternative action that human experts would propose.
However, different human experts may propose different alternative actions. There-
fore, the protocols collected should be commented by a satisfactory number of ex-
perts so that the opinion of the majority of them may be used as a metric for compari-
Each human expert reasons about every user’s action and in case s/he considers
that an action is unintended by the user, each expert proposes an alternative action.
Finally, for every action that was considered as unintended, the alternative action
proposed by the majority of the human experts is compared with the alternative action
selected by the system using the decision making model. This comparison will reveal
how successful the decision making model is in reproducing the human experts ad-
vice. In case this comparison reveals that the decision making model is not adequate,
another iteration of the life-cycle takes place and the decision model is adapted, ap-
plied and tested. This is repeated until the evaluation phase gives satisfactory results
and that particular decision making model is selected.
In view of the above, in the case of the evaluation of MBIFM, 25 users of different
level of expertise interacted with a standard explorer and their actions were video
captured. The protocols collected were given to MBIFM, which reasoned about every
user’s action and in case of an action that is considered to be problematic, it generated
alternative actions. These actions were evaluated using the SAW model and the one
with the greater value of the multi-criteria function was selected and presented to the
user. The protocols collected were also given to 10 human experts, who found some
actions as possibly being unintended by the user and for every one of these cases they
proposed an alternative action. Finally, in every case of an unintended action, the
alternative action proposed by the SAW model was compared with the alternative
action proposed by the human experts.
The application of SAW in MBIFM managed to select the same advice as the hu-
man experts in 76 out of the 107 cases where MBIFM succeeded to identify the alter-
native action that the majority of human experts proposed. This means that the degree
of success for the particular theory is 71%, which is considered to be rather satisfac-
tory. What seems also rather important is that the application of SAW increased the
effectiveness of the system to great extent. Indeed, if the IUI did not incorporate a
decision making model then the corresponding degree of success would be 45.79%.
6 Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented and discussed software engineering aspects for the
adaptation of a multi-criteria decision making theory in an Intelligent User Interface
(IUI). The IUI is called MBIFM and is a file manipulation system that works in a
similar way as Windows/NT Explorer. However, the system constantly reasons about
every user’s action and provides spontaneous advice, in case this is considered neces-
sary. The particular user interface was selected because it is addressed to a very large
number of computer users of varying backgrounds and, therefore, the need for per-
sonalisation is greater than in other less common interfaces.
Decision making theories have been used successfully in order to evaluate the users’
interests and preferences in intelligent user interfaces for application areas such as e-
commerce. However, their application and incorporation in the reasoning of an IUI
requires empirical studies throughout the software life-cycle that lead to requirements
analysis and specification, important design decisions and evaluation of the resulting
IUI. Despite the importance of this process for the effective adaptation of a multi-
criteria theory into an IUI, very little has been reported in the literature about it.
In this paper, we have argued that the application of multi-criteria decision making
theories requires conducting two experiments during requirements engineering. The
first experiment aims at capturing the criteria that human advisors take into account
while helping users in their interaction with computers and the second aims at deter-
mining the weights of importance of these criteria. The first experiment is essential
for the application of any multi-criteria decision making theory, since multi-criteria
decision making theories provide exact mathematical models but do not define the
criteria. Similarly, the setting of the second experiment described in the context of
MBIFM, can be used as has been described for the application of many multi-criteria
decision making theories. However, there are also theories that require a different
kind of experiment for the calculation of the weights of importance of the criteria but
these theories embody the setting of the experiment (e.g. MAUT [16]). Finally, there
are theories that support dynamical calculation of the weights of the criteria and in
such theories the second experiment could be completely omitted (e.g. DEA [6]).
Then we have argued that after finding the criteria and their weights of importance,
the adaptation of the multi-criteria decision making theory and the implementation of
the system should take place. As soon as the final product is ready, emphasis should
be given on its evaluation. If the evaluation reveals some problems in the adaptation
of the model then the decision model is altered, refined, readapted and re-evaluated.
This iteration continues until the evaluation phase reveals satisfactory results. In the
case of MBIFM the results of the evaluation were quite satisfactory and, therefore,
the life-cycle was completed after the first iteration.
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