in the social network domain have adopted collaborative filtering approaches. In this
paper, we have defined features of users and groups that can be identified from a col-
laborative filtering data set and that can be of use in providing more personalised rec-
ommendations. These features are represented using a graph model. We believe that
these features are of use in defining and formalising algorithms for recommendation in
collaborative filtering and social networking domains.
Ongoing work involves experimental evaluation of the usefulness of the graph model
presented and the identified user and group features. This will involve developing and
testing graph-based recommendation algorithms for collaborative filtering and compar-
ing these with more traditional collaborative filtering approaches. As briefly mentioned,
a spreading activation search approach is being used to highlight items, users and groups
for recommendation to users.
In addition, future work involves demonstrating that the graphs built from collab-
orative filtering data sets are structurally similar to small world networks. This will
strengthen the case for the application of graph-based recommendation algorithms to
modern social network communities.
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