Comparative evaluation of personalization algorithms
for content recommendation
Carlos R. C. Alves, Lúcia V. L. Filgueiras
LTS – Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Sistemas Digitais – Escola
Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo – Av. Luciano Gualberto, 158, trav. 3 – 05508-900
Abstract. Personalization techniques that combine user characteristics, user
behavior, and content organization can be used to help users on finding
objectively content on the web. The main contribution of this text is the
multidisciplinary study that was conducted integrating different areas on human
knowledge in order to find the best way to direct content, including some wide
research on personalization concepts and applications. This study also presents
the development of the Argo software which is formed by a web site, a
component that captures and stores information about the user navigation, and
three different personalization algorithms. Using navigation data it is possible
to generate user profile, which is used to recommend content. Tests were
conducted to check efficiency of the personalization algorithms.
1 Introduction
Nowadays there is a huge amount of available information on the Internet. This
growth increases difficulty for users on their task of content search. Within a
particular web site the content may be organized, following its author’s point of view
[11]. Quite often this perspective is different from the users’, making their objectives
even harder to achieve. Personalization is applied in these situations, preserving one
of the best characteristics found on content search: the user individual and unique
We have developed the Argo system, in order to answer three questions: what are the
factors that characterize a user and his/her behavior, during his/her navigation
experience; how these factors interact, defining users profiles; and what is the
influence of content organization over these profiles.
In this paper, section 2 presents personalization concept in its different ways, as found
on technical literature. Section 3 and 4 describe how this concept may be represented
and turned into computational variables. The way to combine these variables is shown
in section 5, as the three different personalization algorithms developed by the
authors. Section 6 presents the proposed test environment, used to compare and verify
efficiency of the algorithms. Section 7 brings evaluation results and section 8 contains
R. C. Alves C. and V. L. Filgueiras L. (2005).
Comparative evaluation of personalization algorithms for content recommendation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 56-65
DOI: 10.5220/0001421900560065
2 Personalization concept
There are several approaches to face personalization to the web [17][19][20]. On
technical literature it is usual to find basically three kinds of definitions. The first one
is user based, i.e., personalization is a way to capture behavior patterns and interests
from the user, based on his/her navigation experience. Mobasher et al. [15] say it is
based on modifying user’s experience based on his/her preferences.
Another group defines personalization as content based. This means that the
organized content within a web site is the base to direct it to users. Finally there is the
hybrid definition that merges user information with content organization, making up
an integrated base of knowledge about users attached to a determined context (i.e., the
web site).
For this work, it is found that Eirinaki et al. [8] definition to reflect better the author’s
application of personalization, as any action that can adapt information to the user. It
is accomplished combining user behavior and content structure.
3 Personalization application
Based on definitions given on section 2, the authors decided to work in a system that
could recommend pre-organized content to the user based on his/her preferences.
For this work Argo system has been developed, that is a software environment able to
apply personalization concept on an engineering articles magazine (named Revista
Politécnica), which has 138 articles grouped into 108 content categories.
To reach a better understanding of which factors could be considered on this task, a
multidisciplinary study was conducted, as shown in figure 1.
Fig. 1. Interaction representation among knowledge areas studied to apply personalization
Using study results from communication theory and cognitive psychology it is
possible to establish factors that define user’s profiles, his/her way of thinking and the
way that information must be transmitted to communicate more efficiently. These
factors can be converted into computational variables using artificial intelligence
techniques, as it presents mathematical models for them. Based on software and
usability engineering methods, it was possible to develop a system to test these
factors, which must represent the user, the content and their interaction.
The user is characterized as being adaptable, i.e., he/she can perform within different
tasks and evolve (change) in time. Usually other works found on technical literature
Communication theory
Cognitive psychology
Artificial Intelligence
Software engineering
Usability engineering
[6][20] generate users profiles based on demographic researches. For this work it is
said that a user profile is a representation of his/her behavior due to the task of content
search, based on navigation, within a web site. Some related works were used to
develop the way to obtain user information [6], such as using a proxy [7], test
methods [21], and system architecture [1].
Content is characterized based on its organization, its meaning, and context. For this
work, net structure was used, defining parent, child, and jump relations between
content nodes. Some works in literature are based on content organization [5][15],
and information that was directly used on Argo, as using crossed-references among
nodes [18] and giving points due to content relevance, based on its semantic
relationship [12].
3.1 User-content integration
It is necessary to use the context where user is into when recommending content. This
context is represented by user and organized content metadata. User data is based on
his/her identification (such as login or cookie) and his/her metadata are obtained
through his/her behavior while navigating on the web site. Content data are the
magazine’s articles, and metadata is their semantic relationship, represented by
content categories. Based on [19], Figure 2 brings a general view of personalization
techniques used in Argo (marked as dark boxes).
Fig. 2. Used technologies for web personalization, based on [19]
The technologies are divided in two groups: client-driven (user) and business-driven
(content). Search mechanism is based on key words that are input in a query by users.
Profile filter agents use information about groups of users to drive content based on
them. Data storage may contain information such as user behavior during a session,
using logs or online processing. Content-based filter behaves the same way profile
filter agent does, but it uses information on content organization. Collaborative
filtering [13] uses opinions (as marks or concepts) of other users about a specific
content node, due to its relevance.
Intelligent agents is the technique that is being more commonly used [2][3][4][13]
due to its ability to implement adaptability, i.e., to generate environments that are able
to store information about users and combine them with content organization,
Personalization technologies
Client-driven systems Business-driven systems
profile filter
client data
rule-based filter
search by
keyword /
free search
4 Personalization factors
The implementation of personalization concept is necessary to follow four basic steps,
represented on figure 3.
Fig. 3. Steps to implement personalization concept
The user is recognized by cookies or login. Data collection is done extracting
navigation information to form users’ profiles. Data analysis is conducted, in this
work, with three different algorithms combining user profile and content organization.
Content recommendation is the result of the process, delivering content to a specific
user based on his/her preferences.
To establish data analysis it is necessary to define what piece of information will be
collected, from the user experience with the web site. Figure 4 represents the
interaction among personalization factors.
Fig. 4. Information flux through personalization algorithms
Evidences are directly related to information that may be captured during each one of
user navigation on the web site. These factors are based on the context in which the
user is being held:
Accessed content: article that has been accessed.
Accessed meta-content: which category of content has been accessed.
User profile weights create a historic base, i.e., characterize user and his/her
preferences according to access done in the web site. These factors are defined based
on cognitive aspects of the user.
Access time (Ta): time spent by the user to read an article. Using fuzzy logic, z is a
parameter defined from experiments found in [16], representing a time mark where
the extension of the access is cut off.
User profile
, when Ta < z
, when Ta
Access chain (Cc): access sequence of the articles and categories read by a user,
during a session [5][17]. It is used data from other users accesses, based on the
longest one. Fuzzy logic was used to represent the sequences to try to predict
user’s next step. In this work, c=4.
Source (Or): content node from which the user reached the actual one. It is
represented using a probability distribution.
Recommendation (Or(r)=0.6): access to recommended content by system.
Structure (Or(e)=0.1): based on the web site menu.
Search (Or(b)=0.3): content reached from a search result.
Source order (Oo): which list item that had been accessed. It applies only to
recommendation and search. Based on [14], a variance is established according to
the relative importance due to the way it was accessed. The factor is represented by
using a probability distribution:
Oo(s)=0.90: for selected and viewed article.
Oo(i)=0.09: for an ignored article (e.g.: articles there are below the selected one
on a list).
Oo(k)=0.01: for skipped articles (e.g.: when the third one of a list is selected, the
first two are considered skipped).
Recommendation weights are used to establish which content node would be
presented to the user, based on its organization.
Content relation (Rc): relation between the actual accessed content and all other
content nodes, based on the net structured content. It is represented by a
probabilistic distribution:
)=0.0: no relation.
Rc(p)=0.1: actual content is parent of the recommended one.
Rc(f)=0.2: actual content is child of the recommended one.
Rc(i)=0.35: actual content is sibling of the recommended one.
Rc(j)=0.35: actual content is jump of the recommended one.
Content node distance (Dn): net length between actual accessed content and the
other content nodes, present on original content structure. Dijkstra algorithm was
used to calculate the optimal path between content nodes. To determine the factor,
fuzzy logic was used establishing relevance between content and user profile.
Parameter h was determined by experiences found on related work [12]. In this
work h=10, to limit length search on the net structure.
, when Cc < c
, when Cc
, when Dn < h
, when Dn
A control to differ content recommendation calculation was created. The trigger (Ga)
defines a point from which the recommendation weights would be calculated, i.e., the
number of accesses of a specific user determines his/her experience on using the web
site. From similar experiments presented in literature [11], Ga>10 accesses was used.
The score (Pl) represents the result of the algorithms for content recommendation,
integrating users profiles and content nodes. This calculation uses a feedback
mechanism to consider users history and evolution in time. So it is able to combine
factors found during current user navigation and his/her history (profile).
User profile: a new access (Na) is defined by the navigation chain of the user,
during a session.
Na = Ta × Cc × Or × Oo (4)
Calculating again, to consider user’s history:
Pl(t+1) = Pl(t) × Na (5)
Content recommendation: if the trigger is activated (Ga>10), score is calculated to
all content nodes on the database, except for the one that has been accessed,
considering user’s history also.
Pl(t+1) = Rc × Dn × Pl(t) (6)
The following section presents three different ways to calculate these shown
equations, i.e., how symbol × may be replaced by artificial intelligence techniques.
5 Personalization algorithm
Three different algorithms were developed to verify which artificial intelligence
techniques would be more adequate to personalization solutions; to build a system
that may be implemented in different environments, since it is developed with
components; to obtain results on a comparative way to check their efficiency. The
algorithms combine different factors described on section 4, to form users’ profiles.
Bayes (BY): using conditional probabilities theory from Bayes [9] it was possible
to combine the factors by multiplication.
Certain factors (CF): the values assumed by factors are used as weights of such
certain factors [9]. Calculation is done as this equation, considering feedback to
adjust its value:
, CF
) = Pl(t+1) = CF
+ CF
(1 – CF
) = Pl(t) + Pl(t+1) (1 – Pl(t)) (7)
And fuzzy (FZ): it is applied to the AND fuzzy operation to combine the variables
[4]. It was adapted because in this work the variables may value zero, so it was
introduced a conditional term. The following equations were used for user profiling
and content recommendation:
If Pl=0, then Pl(t+1) = Na * Pl(t) + 1 - Na
else, Pl(t+1) = Na * Pl(t) + 1 - Pl(t)
6 Test environment
Only users within the target audience of the web site were considered, i.e., engineers.
Behavior profile is determined by navigation of the users through the site. Users were
recruited by e-mail to participate on final tests phase, and data were collected from ten
of them. This number is considered valid, according to Nielsen [apud 10].
Each user received ten articles to be ordained according to his/her preferences. The
answers were collected five days later.
The three algorithms were run over the same content sent to the users. Their results
were evaluated against the lists ordained by users, using scoring criteria that should
aim 30% of equivalence between users’ lists and algorithm classification.
7 Results and discussions
Results were evaluated on two aspects: statistical analysis, checking values obtained
for factors; and efficiency test, to compare the algorithms.
7.1 Statistical analysis
When users navigated through the web site, data was collected to form their profiles.
This evaluation was done using four criteria:
Absolute value of scores.
Relative value of the difference between maximum and minimal scores.
Algorithms similarity.
Ability to classify direct hits (that are volunteer accesses from a user to a specific
content node).
As shown in table 1, CF and FZ presented a larger absolute difference between
results. This represents the trust on algorithms responses, because the interval of
scores is used to differentiate among content nodes of the web site.
Table 1. Score values obtained by the personalization algorithms
score (Pl
score (Pl
- Pl
Relative difference
( 1 - Pl
/ Pl
BY 0.009 0.001 0.008 89.0%
CF 1.000 0.184 0.816 81.6%
FZ 0.904 0.030 0.874 96.7%
Analyzed results indicated that BY scores tend to 0, while CF’s tend to 1. This is
obtained due the calculation structure of these algorithms, based on multiplications.
Another statistical analysis was conducted comparing obtained scores from each
algorithm, presented on table 2.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics study over obtained scores by each algorithm
Mean 0.006 0.805 0.563
Standard variation 0.002 0.234 0.192
Variance 4.6 . 10
0.055 0.037
Amplitude 0.008 0.808 0.710
Sample distribution does not correspond to common probabilistic functions (such as
normal, t-student, or others). However these data confirm that BY algorithm
concentrate its scores in a range smaller than 0.10. CF and FZ present a larger
distribution, with closer results. If the variance is high, difference between scores of
content nodes is clearer. As CF mean is greater than 0.50, FZ is shown more
adequate. This statistical distribution shows the ability of the algorithm to
differentiate among content nodes, to recommend to the user.
Algorithm similarity was verified when trying to separate scores within the ten
articles sent to users. Obtained results were equivalent for all three algorithms, and it
was not possible to put in order the preference list in order to compare it with user
sent data. For this reason a new test was conducted, as seen in next section.
Direct hits were masked on final score evaluation, because the use of a feedback
mechanism. It was not possible to determine on this proposed testing condition if
direct hits increase scores, however it was verified when evaluating individual
equations to score calculation.
7.2 Efficiency test
Continuing algorithms evaluation, a new test was conducted by selecting six users
that accessed more the web site. Three categories and three articles were sent to each
of them, which should be classified by his/her preferences. To compare the lists
answered by users and those obtained by the three algorithms, the following points
criteria was used: 0, if were all wrong; 1, if the second one is right; 2, for one right
(being first or third on the list, once it demonstrates algorithm and user’s position in
list for the node is the same); 6, for all right. Table 3 presents these results.
Table 3. Points obtained by test sending articles and categories
User points (article) points (category)
10 2 6
11 1 6
5 2 6
8 6 2
2 6 6
9 0 6
Using the same criteria of 30% (points greater than or equal to 2), it was obtained
83% (10 out of 12) of accuracy on these tests. It confirms that the algorithms are
efficient for personalization.
8 Conclusions
Considering questions presented on section 1, it had been proven that personalization
factors developed in this work represent user profile related to what he/she does, i.e.,
his/her behavior. Based on experimental results, the proposed way on combining
factors is coherent, due to similarities found among the three algorithms. It is possible
to verify that content organization, defined by the site’s author, interferes on scores.
However the users’ point of view is also considered when integrating to score
calculation factors related to his/her behavior. In summary, it is necessary to join user
profile defined by his/her behavior and content organization, that represents the
context in which the user is inserted when trying to perform his/her tasks.
The use of a feedback mechanism to calculate scores presents benefits to final results,
because user history, i.e., past accesses, acts as a weight on pondering actual access
and system database, containing information on user behavior.
Artificial intelligence techniques allow to combine personalization factors that can be
measured as numeric results, represented by the scores (Pl). These can be used to
differentiate content nodes based on users’ preferences.
On algorithms evaluation, FZ has proven to be more adequate to be used on
personalization application environment, because it presented greater variance,
allowing differentiating among content nodes on recommendation.
On research method, combining software and usability engineering methods was
positive. Multidisciplinary research proved to be a determinant tool on analyzing on
depth factors that contribute to personalization and their interaction. Using disciplines
as communication theory and cognitive psychology enhance knowledge on users and
their way of interacting with the environment.
9 Future works
It is necessary to dissociate content structure proposed by the web site author to its
presentation to users. It can be done applying human-computer interaction techniques
to modify dynamically the interface.
It is possible to enhance tests scope with other algorithms, due the modular structure
of this system development. Numeric calculus may be applied to simulate and to
obtain partial results. To improve content organization it must be used onthologies
and data mining techniques.
Authors thank Thomas Ufer, Mauricio de Diana and Alexandre Veiga Gimenes for
their collaboration on work development; and to professors Junia A. Silva and Selma
S. S. Melnikoff for their valuable reviews.
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