SMS Communication and Announcement Classification
in Managed Learning Environments
Ross Clement
, Mark Baldwin
, Clive Vassell
and Nadia Amin
Harrow School of Computer Science, University of Westminster, Northwick Park, Harrow,
Harrow Business School, University of Westminster, Northwick Park, Harrow, UK
Keywords. Managed learning environments, Text classification.
Abstract. A prototype system for sending SMS text messages to students
telling them about announcements has been designed and partially
implemented. Experiments have been performed to test whether automatic text
classification can be used to decide which announcements posted by tutors are
urgent and that a SMS text message should be sent informing students. The
accuracy of a naive Bayes classifier is not sufficient in itself to decide this, but a
flexible classifier and the ability of tutors to override its decisions has promise.
How the system would be used would depend on management policies
concerning the effects of classification errors.
1 Introduction
In this paper we investigate using machine learning based text classification in
managed learning environments. In particular, we report experiments designed to
evaluate the feasibility of using text classification to decide which announcements
made by tutors on a managed learning environment should be sent to students as SMS
text messages.
There has been considerable research into the use of Managed (and Online) Learning
Environments [7] in higher education. These allow the publication of course
materials, creation of interactive revision aids, and also communication between
people enrolled in courses and modules. The authors of this paper have noticed that
student participation in MLE mediated communication was initially good, but rapidly
declined over time. Perhaps because the novelty factor wore off. Beasley & Smyth
[1] investigated the real-world usage of MLEs and found a number of problems,
including that even students who found the learning environment valuable did not
interact with them properly. Research such as that of Ubon and Kimble [9]
investigates the participation of students in MLEs and “online learning communities”
from a human viewpoint, investigating what they call “social presence” of tutors and
Clement R., Baldwin M., Vassell C. and Amin N. (2005).
SMS Communication and Announcement Classification in Managed Learning Environments.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 116-124
DOI: 10.5220/0001422201160124
students. We take a much simpler approach to addressing the problems of students
failing to make use of the materials posted on MLEs. If students are occasionally, but
not too frequently reminded of the existence of the MLE by text message, then they
may be more likely to make better use of the MLE.
Mobile phones are being increasingly important vehicles for accessing online services
of various types. The authors believe that the mobile phone will become the vehicle of
choice for conducting online transactions. Mobile phones are frequently carried by
students at all times, and therefore we believe that material sent to phones has the
highest probability of being read by students in a short time span, including in
comparison to email messages. The sending of SMS messages would also mean that a
data “push” aspect is added to the MLE environment, rather than the current “pull”
scenario, where the student will not receive information from the MLE or even be
aware that such information is waiting until they choose to view it.
2 Context
The Blackboard managed learning environment divides content into a number of
sections, storing course documents such as lecture slides, assignment and coursework
information, general module details, dicussion groups, and many other educational
In this paper we concentrate on the Announcements section where short
announcements are posted. An example announcement is:
New Assignment 2 Deadline – Assignment 2 is now due in on the 27
of April 2004,
at 4pm.
Announcements are frequently used to communicate urgent material such as lecture
timetable changes, as well as less urgent material Announcements are typically very
short, making them far from ideal for text classification which relies on counting the
frequencies of words in text.
A prototype system is being developed that will be able to send SMS messages to
students when new announcements are added to Blackboard sites for modules they
are taking. We assume that it is not sensible to send an SMS message for every
announcement posted to Blackboard because; (i) of the cost involved, approximately
5.5p per message per student, and (ii) because students may object if they are sent a
continuous stream of largely non-urgent messages.
The Blackboard system is easily extensible. Extensions to the system can be written
as Java Server Pages (JSPs), or Java Servlets, and easily integrated into a Blackboard
installation. These extensions can add new functionality, interface between
Blackboard and external software systems, and perform other functions.
Should our initial prototype system be a success, we intend to implement a full
Blackboard extension that can send SMS text messages to students when “important”
changes are made to the content of relevant Blackboard sites. Our initial prototype is
not implemented as an extension because we have not yet obtained “buy-in” from the
relevant technical and management personnel to modify the university's Blackboard
installation. Our current system uses HTML pages and JavaScript to poll the
announcement pages of modules. The page source is then submitted to a CGI
application written in Perl that can then serve the announcement text upon request to a
'bot also written in Perl. It is this 'bot that will send SMS messages. The
implementation of this 'bot has not yet progressed to the point where it actually sends
SMS messages, but rather this is simulated through a GUI.
The default method that our system will use is the use of special keywords. An
instructor entering an urgent message into Blackboard adds the keyword “[sms]” into
the announcement. This will be noticed by the 'bot, and a SMS message sent to
students on that module. This paper describes experiments investigating whether
automatic text classification can be used to remove the necessity of labelling
announcements. The effort required to label texts is small. However, we believe that
it is worthwhile investigating machine learning approaches for the following two
reasons. First, a fully automated approach would allow all modules to be connected to
the SMS messaging 'bot whether or not the instructors are aware of or willing to use
the “[sms]” syntax. Even if an instructor is using the syntax, it is possible that they
may forget to mark up urgent announcements. It would be useful if an automatic
system could identify these and send a message anyway.
Messages are classified as either low priority, where no SMS message need be sent,
and high priority, where a message should be sent. In the remainder of this paper we
view the task of classifying announcements as that of identifying which messages are
low priority such that no message need be sent. Because Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curves are used to visualise results, we arbitrarily abstract this
classification task as that of deciding that a message is of low priority and no message
need be sent. In this abstraction a true accept is a true low priority message identified
as such, a true reject a high priority message correctly identified. Two types of error
can occur; a false accept is a high priority message identified as low priority, and a
false reject is a low priority message identified as high priority. The two types of
errors will not be equally deleterious. A false reject incurs expense and inconvenience
to the student, while a false accept may result in students missing vital information.
For a fully automated system, we expect that the text classification procedure should
be biased towards reducing the number of false accepts at the cost of increasing false
rejects. Hence we should assume that messages are high priority, and send the
message unless there is strong evidence that the message truly is of low priority. If the
text classifier is to be used to catch accidentally unlabelled high priority messages,
then the the 'bot should only send a message in the case where an announcement is
unlabelled, but there is strong evidence that the message is of high priority.
Over and above the application to MLEs and SMS messages, another motivation for
this research is to measure the limit of “background knowledge free” artificial
intelligence techniques. The text classifier used does not use any information about
announcements and teaching other than the content of a set of announcements. A
skilled human attempting to classify announcements would bring a large amount of
both common sense knowledge and domain (teaching and education) knowledge to
bear on the task. Comparing and contrasting human and machine performance on
tasks such as that described in this paper will hopefully throw light on the importance
of such knowledge in short text classification.
3 Experimental methods
In this paper we detail experiments that will investigate whether it is possible to use
Machine Learning based text classification techniques to identify high and low
priority announcements on Blackboard.
The classifier used in our experiments is a standard naive Bayes' classifier (NBC).
The use and derivation of the NBC is described in [5]. The implementation of the
NBC used in this research is currently being used extensively in research on
authorship attribution [3]. The NBC was selected for experiment as unpublished
research into text suggests that the NBC performs better than other popular text
classifiers on short texts.
If we assume that w
is the i
word from an announcement, and p( w
| P ) is the
probability of w
appearing in an announcement of priority P, then we assign a
priority to an announcement using (1).
)|(maxarg (1)
Note that (1) makes both the naive Bayes assumption of independence between
evidence, and also assumes that low and high priority messages have equal prior
probability. This latter assumption is true in our training sets which include equal
numbers of low and high priority announcements.
As of yet we have not established the acceptable error rates for potential users of the
system. As a substitute benchmark for evaluating the accuracy of any such system, we
have evaluated the accuracy of human classification of messages. Both of the first two
authors (RC and MB) created two files of announcements each. The files all
contained 10 high priority announcements and 10 low priority announcements,
making a total of 80 announcements. These were a combination of real
announcements taken from our own Blackboard sites, and fictitious announcements
made up for this experiment.
The announcement files were anonymised by stripping (using a program) the labelling
of high and low priority, and randomly reordering the messages. Each of RC and MB
then classified each other's messages. Note that there was no “training” data, and
hence we were using our knowledge of education and common sense to classify these
messages. We were aware that each file had ten high priority messages and ten low
priority messages, making classification slightly easier than if we were not aware of
this. The reason for measuring human accuracy on this task is because we expect that
most instructors would be prepared to accept a human as being sufficiently accurate to
judge whether SMS messages should be sent.
The first automated experiment was to use a NBC on all 80 announcements, using 10-
fold cross-validation. Experiments were also performed to measure the accuracy of
the classifier on announcement training sets of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80
announcements. A 20 announcement training set can be constructed by simply
choosing 10 random announcements each for the two authors. Note that as we only
have 80 announcements in total, the 100 randomly sampled 80 announcement training
sets all had the same 80 announcements. The results for different training sets still
differed due to selection of announcements in the 10-fold cross-validation. These
experiments were intended to show whether prediction is more accurate when text
classifiers are trained using a single instructor's announcements, and also how fast the
accuracy of the classifier improves as the amount of training data increases. The latter
results should allow a prediction as to whether performance of the text classification
system would improve significantly given additional training data.
We have previously discussed biasing the classifier to change the balance between the
two types of error. When using (1) an announcement is classified as low priority when
the product of p( w
| low priority ) is greater than the product of p( w
| high priority )
and vice versa. This is equivalent to classifying an announcement as low priority
when the ratio in (2) is greater than 1, and classifying as high priority when the ratio
is lower than 1.
We can raise the strength of evidence required to classify an announcement as low
priority (and hence not send an SMS message) by requiring this ratio to be greater
than a number other than 1.0. If we raise the required threshold to 1.05, then we raise
the strength of evidence required to classify a message as low priority. If we lower the
ratio to 0.9, then we reduce the amount of evidence required to classify a message as
low priority. In this latter case it is possible that we would classify an announcement
as low priority even though we have greater evidence that the announcement is high
priority. As this threshold is adjusted up and down the balance between the false
acceptance rate (FAR) and the true acceptance rate (TAR) will change. Note that we
could also have adjusted the amount of evidence required to conclude that an
announcement is low priority by defining a risk function and minimising risk rather
than maximising probability, or by assigning unequal priors to the two priorities. This
method of adjusting the standard of evidence required for classification has been
previously used in experiments on authorship attribution, but have not yet been
submitted for publication [2].
For each threshold value, the TAR and the FAR can be measured. By allowing the
threshold to vary across all possible values, a number of (FAR,TAR) pairs can be
gathered. Some examples can be seen in Table 1. These (FAR,TAR) pairs are plotted
to create a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve [8] summarising the accuracy of
the system for all values of this threshold. Any particular value for this threshold will
give us TAR and FAR values for that threshold. We plot a ROC curve by mapping the
FAR values to the x-axis, and the TAR values to the y-axis.
4 Results
In the human classification experiments, we achieved 0.8 (80%) accuracy. There were
16 misclassified announcements out of the total 80, with there being exactly 8 false
accepts, and 8 false rejects. This gave as a FAR of 0.2, a FRR of 0.2, and hence an
equal error rate (EER) of 0.2.
When the NBC was used for the full set 80 announcements , the accuracy was 0.65.
The EER was 0.275. The accuracy of prediction for the files written by one author
were 0.70 for announcements written by RC, and 0.625 for announcements written by
MB. This compares with an average of 0.64 for training sets of 40 announcements
selected from those written by either RC or MB. Figure 1 shows the results of
experiments for training sets of different sizes.
Table 1.Thresholds and Error Rates
Threshold FAR FRR
1.028 0.050 0.800
0.991 0.275 0.275
0.945 0.800 0.050
There were 1226 distinct words in total in the 80 sample announcements. The words
most indicative of each class of announcement were extracted according to the
probability ratios in (3).
The top 30 such words are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Most Indicative Words
Word Indicates Ratio
deadline High 40.3148
3 High 36.2832
two High 32.2518
presentation High 28.2204
file Low 27.7831
hand High 24.1888
timetable High 20.1574
monday High 20.1574
discussion Low 19.845
take Low 19.845
Note the performance decreasing for the full 80 instances. This was unexpected as, all
else being equal, more training data usually results in higher accuracy. Investigating
the raw data shows that of the 100 experiments, there were 56 results with 0.65
accuracy, and 24 results with 0.687.
Fig. 1. Classification Accuracy Versus Training Set Sizes.
Fig. 2. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for Classification of All Announcements.
Figure 2 shows the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve obtained when the cut-
off for the probability ratio for accepting an announcement as low priority is allowed
to range across all possible values.
Finally we extract some useful information from the raw data used in Figure 2.
Arbitrarily choosing 0.05 as an “acceptable error rate”, we look for the cut-off values
that give us an 0.05 FAR, and a 0.05 false reject rate (FRR), and the equal error rate
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Training set size
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000
False Accept Rate
True Accept Rate
5 Conclusions
The accuracy of automated classification is currently insufficient for a fully
automated system with no input from the tutor as to which announcements are sent to
students. This is not surprising given the short length of most announcements. In the
experiments showing how performance improved with increasing amounts of training
data the performance appears to still be steadily improving, although the accuracy for
the single data point for 80 announcements does confuse this issue. Also, it is not
unusual for automated systems to perform worse than humans and yet prove to be of
use. This can be due to cost implications, or if there is a problem getting tutors to
manually label announcements. Language translation systems are an example of a
technology where although human translators produce results of much higher quality,
they still have many uses. Either as a “first pass” later improved by human translators,
or in situations where a human translator would be too expensive and slow, such as
when browsing foreign language documents on the internet.
However, it is important to note that the human classification was also quite low.
Since the two authors who created the training data had taught together on a number
of modules over some years, higher accuracy near to 100% might have been expected.
The fact that only 80% accuracy was achieved suggests that the content of the
announcements is insufficient for very high accuracies, no matter how much
intelligence and background knowledge is bought to the task.
It was noted that many of the most indicative words had meaning in the context of the
module, rather then being generally applicable across many modules. This is a serious
problem, as if the system needs to be trained on a module by module basis, even the
80 announcements used here then many announcements will be required before the
system starts working. This is a strong indication that background-knowledge free
text classification will not be applicable in this domain.
Hence both human classification, applying full human intelligence and background
knowledge, and a good machine classification technique indicate that announcement
classification is unlikely to be useful. Our conclusions are that there does not appear
to be enough information in announcements themselves to classify correctly, and
larger amounts of context knowledge will be necessary.
Despite these negative results, several enhancements to the classifier are planned,
most of which are fed by parallel research into author attribution. In particular,
information fusion [4] approaches have shown promise in improving the confidence
we can have in automated authorship attributions, if not the total accuracy. Like much
technology, we would expect steady improvements in the performance of the
automated system, while human requirements and performance are likely to remain
static. We are encouraged by the comments of Christensen et al (2001) who argue that
technology advances faster than user requirements. However, our results from human
classification do call into question whether any amount of technology will really be
able to solve this problem.
Whether sending a SMS text that should not be sent, or failing to send an SMS text
that should not be sent is a greater error is a question for management, not technology.
The ability to tweak the classifier to achieve different balances between false accept
and false reject means that different management policies can be implemented in the
system. This is also important given that tutors may (or may not) choose to override
the system with [sms] and [nosms] messages in different ways, and may prefer the
ability to customise automatic text sending according to their own preferences.
At present we are using a generic text classification method and implementation. It
may be possible to improve performance by building a recogniser that extracts
features from the text particularly relevant to the classification being performed. For
example noting text patterns such as “URGENT MESSAGE” and “must
immediately”, “no rush”, atypical use of all capitals, and other features might be
useful in improving classification.
Announcements on Blackboard and other MLEs are not the only web-based
applications where very small sections of text need to be classified. Therefore we feel
that work on short text classification, as well as the management and usability issues
concerning text classification of limited accuracy, will have wide application in many
online contexts.
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