Electronic Programming Guide Recommender for
Viewing on a Portable Device
Matthew Y. Ma
, Jinhong K. Guo
, Jingbo Zhu
, Guiran Chang
Panasonic Digital Networking Laboratory
Two Research Way, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Institute of Computer Software and Theory, Northeastern University
Shenyang, P.R. China
Abstract. With the merge of DTV and the exponential growth of broadcasting
network, an overwhelmingly amount of information have become available at
views’ homes. Therefore, it becomes increasingly challenging how consumers
can receive the right amount of information at the right time for their enter-
tainment needs. We proposed an electronic programming guide (EPG) recom-
mender based on natural language processing techniques. Particularly, the re-
commender has been implemented as a service on a home network that facili-
tates the browsing and recommendation of TV programs on a portable remote
device and such system is found to be feasible. Preliminary experiments have
shown a precision of 81%.
1 Introduction
As the number of channels available on the broadcasting network increases, it be-
comes more challenging to deal with the overwhelmingly expanding amount of in-
formation provided by the electronic programming guide (EPG) and delivering per-
sonalized information to the consumer. Consumers can access the EPG via subscrip-
tion based cable network, the Internet, or services offered by device vendors such as
Tivo. However, existing method of multicasting of EPG feeds static contents to users
on the same network and do not provide personalized contents. Additionally, EPGs
provided through the cable operators are proprietary and do not interface with other
data format on the Internet or from other sources. Thirdly, set-top boxes with pro-
gram suggestion are generally primitive as most systems employ simple category,
title, and keyword matching on the EPG contents.
To address such problems, previous work such as Ehrmantraut et. al. [0] and Gena
[0] adopted both implicit and explicit feedback for personalized program guide. Ta-
kagi et. al. [0] proposed a conceptual matching scheme to be applied to TV program
recommendation by fusing of conceptual fuzzy sets and ontology. This work is lim-
ited to drama category and the approach is primarily based on program sub-categories
of drama as the top layer of the ontological structure to represent user’s taste. In re-
cent research, Isobe et. al [0] described a STB based scheme that associates the de-
Y. Ma M., K. Guo J., Zhu J. and Chang G. (2005).
Electronic Programming Guide Recommender for Viewing on a Portable Device.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 79-88
DOI: 10.5220/0001422800790088
gree of interest of each program with viewer’s age, sex, occupation, combined with
favorite program categories in sorting the EPG. Yu et. al [0] proposed an agent based
system for program personalization under TV Anytime environment [0] using simi-
larity measurement based on VSM. This work, however, assumes that the program
information is available on a large storage media and does not address the problem of
data sparseness and limited categories supported by most EPG providers. Pigeau et.
al. [0] presented a TV recommender system using fuzzy linguistic summarization
technique to coupe with both implicit and explicit user profile. This system largely
depends on the quality of meta-data and solely on DVB-SI standard [0].
Cotter et. al [0] describes an Internet based personalized TV program guide using
an explicit profile and a collaborative approach. Xu et. al [0] also presented some
interesting conceptual framework for TV recommendation system based on Internet
WAP/SOAP. For portable devices, however, this system inherits the limitations of
SOAP/HTTP based technologies, which are considerable network overhead on a
portable device.
Our work attempts to address two important perspectives in EPG recommender
systems: 1) a home network based framework to support the EPG recommender sys-
tem for viewing on a portable device; 2) a linguistic based approach to extract from
available information source good feature vectors that can be utilized for recom-
mender classifier. Details are discussed in the later sections.
2 Overview
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the EPG recommender system. A portable device
communicates with the EPG recommender system via various network protocols,
such as infrared, Wi-Fi, WAP or SIP [0]. The EPG recommender consists of pro-
gram information acquisition module, user profile module, EPG recommendation
module, and EPG management and query modules.
Fig. 1. EPG recommendation system architecture.
The EPG management module is responsible for packing and unpacking data bun-
dles to and from the portable device. The data bundle generally refers to a package
that includes application types (such as user requests) and associated data (such as
user defined EPG categories for browsing).
Program information acquisition module collects program information from web
sites, parses the text data, converts the data into structural data, and stores the struc-
tured data in the EPG database. Meanwhile, user profile acquisition module collects
user profile data and stores it in the user profile database.
The EPG query module receives and parses the XML data in the bundle to get the
content information specified by the user. The query result is packaged in XML
format, and delivered to EPG management module in a data bundle. One copy of the
query result is delivered to the user profile acquisition module for acquisition of user
profile data.
EPG recommendation and learning module dynamically adjusts the parameters of
the recommendation algorithm according the user profile. EPG recommendation
module recommends programs in the database based on users’ preferences.
3 EPG Recommendation System
Fig. 2. EPG recommendation.
The EPG recommendation system utilizes the EPG data and user profile to rec-
ommend programs. Automatic recommender combined with user preset filters are
used to enhance the accuracy of the recommended programs and decrease the search
range. The overall architecture is shown in Fig. 2. Five filters: time, station, category,
domain, and content filter, are implemented in the recommendation process. The user
can predefine a filter setting, for example, a time period from 2004-10-6::0:00 to
2004-10-8::24:00. A default time setting can also be defined, such as the current
week. Time filtering can remove all programs that do not play within the specified
time period. Station filtering removes the programs that are not on the defined sta-
tions from the remaining candidate programs.
Category refers to the genre of the program. Domain information, on the other
hand, refers to users’ area of interest. Examples of domain information include sports,
politics etc. If a user is interested in sports, he may be interested in all the categories
that are related to sports, for example, sports news, movies about sports, and docu-
mentary about sports.
In both category and domain filter setting, user is provided with three choices: to
bypass recommendation; to use automatic recommendation; or to manually select one
or more categories/domains. Trained classifiers are used to recommend the program
once the user selects to use automatic category or domain recommendation.
Content filter is designed to recommend programs based on the EPG contents. It is
more comprehensive as the contents are comprised of all information in an EPG data
such as station names, program titles, program descriptions, time interval, and actors.
Similarly, in content filter setting, a user can choose to bypass or use automatic con-
tent recommendation, which invokes a trained content recommendation classifier.
The recommendation classifiers are further explained and illustrated in Fig. 3.
Three classifiers are built for the recommendation via a learning process. Program
category data is extracted from user profile database for a particular user by category
data extractor. The probability of these extracted categories is computed as:
cP ,
where C denotes the set of categories, c
denotes a category, and N(c
) denotes the
frequency of c
. Trained category classifier can therefore recommend the programs
using the sorted category list in the order of these probabilities.
Fig. 3. EPG recommendation learning.
Similarly, at the program domains level, the probability of these extracted domains
is computed as:
dP ,
where D denotes the set of Domains, d
denotes a domain, and N(d
) denotes the
frequency of d
. .
At the program content level, a corpus is constructed that includes preferred and
non-preferred programs. The content classifier is trained from the corpus using
maximum entropy. The details of maximum entropy classifier will be described in the
next section.
After the filtering process, recommended program generator places the recom-
mended programs into a human readable format, e.g. XML format. The formatted
program information are packaged in a data bundle and sent to the portable device for
presentation according to the user’s predefined style sheet.
4 Maximum Entropy Classifier
Maximum entropy classifier has been employed in two processes. Since domain in-
formation is not readily available from the EPG data, maximum entropy technique is
used for text classification. Domain information is classified from EPG data via a
maximum entropy text classifier that is trained from a corpus. In the second process,
maximum entropy model is used to obtain the content classifier for recommendation
as shown in Fig. 3. Such maximum entropy model is obtained from a trained EPG
database with integrated user profile.
A. Domain Information and Text Classification
We utilize detailed program information (abstract or description) in EPG to further
extract characteristics of programs, particularly the domain information. Program
information data can be obtained either directly from the service providers or from
Internet professional websites, such as TV Guide [0] and TitanTV [0]. This informa-
tion forms the basis of the EPG database and is in a semi-structural text format such
as HTML and/or XML.
For text classification, a training corpus is collected by tagging a collection of pro-
grams into predefined domains. Fig. 4 shows the classification process. First, program
vectors that construct the vocabulary are formed by using the bag-of-words model.
Because the count matrix is high dimensional in the feature space due to the complex-
ity of high dimensional text data, feature selection is performed to lower the feature
space. When constructing vocabulary, stop words are removed from the list in the
training corpus.
Fig. 4. Classification from detailed program information.
The χ2 statistic measures the lack of independence between a word t and a domain
c. Using the two-way contingency table of a word t and a domain c, where A is the
number of times t and c co-occur, B is the number of time the t occurs without c, C is
the number of times c occurs without t, D is the number of times neither c nor t oc-
curs, and N is the total number of documents, the term “goodness measure” is defined
to be:
()() ()
Ν× Α − Β
Α+ × Β+ × + × +
The χ2 statistic is zero if t and c are independent. For each domain, the χ2 statistic
can be computed between each entity in a training sample and that domain to extract
the features.
The programs can be represented as a vector of features and the frequency of the
occurrence of that feature in the form of P = <tf1, tf2, …, tfi,… , tfn >, where n de-
notes the size of features set, and tfi is the frequency of the i
Maximum entropy (ME) model is a general-purpose machine-learning framework
that has been successfully applied to a wide range of text processing tasks [0][0].
Given a set of training samples T={(x
, y
), (x
, y
), …, (x
, y
)} where x
is a real
value feature vector and y
is the target domain, the maximum entropy principle states
that data T should be summarized with a model that is maximally noncommittal with
respect to missing information. Among distributions consistent with the constraints
imposed by T, there exists a unique model with highest entropy in the domain of
exponential models of the form:
21 n
Λ are parameters of the model, ),( yxf
's are arbitrary
feature functions of the model, and
yxfxZ ]),(exp[)(
is the
normalization factor to ensure
)|( xyP
is a probability distribution. Furthermore,
it has been shown that the maximum entropy model is also the Maximum Likelihood
solution on the training data that minimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between
and the uniform model. Since the log-likelihood of
)|( xyP
on training data
is concave in the model's parameter space
, a unique maximum entropy solution is
guaranteed and can be found by maximizing the log-likelihood function:
is an empirical probability distribution. Our current implementa-
tion uses the Limited-Memory Variable Metric method, called L-BFGS, to find
Λ .
Applying L-BFGS requires evaluating the gradient of the object function L in each
iteration, which can be computed as:
fE denote the expectation of f
under empirical distribu-
and model
The feature function in our algorithm is defined as the following:
where, n(w,d) denotes the frequency of the word w in program d.
The training programs are represented as follows:
TP: tp
, tp
, …,tp
, …, tp
-> T = (V, C): (v
, c
), (v
, c
), …, (v
, c
), …, (v
, c
where TP denotes training programs set, tp
denotes training program i, V denotes
the vectors, and C denotes the domains. The feature function set F can be constructed
using Equation (2) and the parameters
21 n
of the ME model are
estimated using the feature function set F and the training samples (V, C). Using
Equation (1), P(c
|tp), P(c
|tp), …, P(c
|tp), …, P(c
|tp) for each domain can be com-
puted. Finally, the domain
c: c = argmax(P(c
is selected.
B. Content Classifier for Recommendation
Unlike some existing systems that prompt user to provide keywords to establish a
user profile, we utilize explicit feedback system that allows mobile users to indicate
their preferences relating to each program information viewed. The user preference is
later integrated into the EPG database. The EPG recommendation process is also
utilizing maximum entropy model and works in a similar way as shown in Fig. 4.
In EPG content recommendation, upon user’s choice of preference on each pro-
gram, several features were extracted from the raw EPG database. These features are
divided into several groups. 1) Station-Name Feature: The corresponding value for
the selected station is 1. 2) Time Feature: time the program is played. We divide a day
into 24 intervals. 3) Lexicon Feature: Title, Episode Title, and Program Information.
First, we construct a vocabulary using these three fields in training data. The string of
the token w, which is included in the vocabulary, is used as a feature. 4) Category
Feature: This information is usually contained in EPG data from content providers. 5)
Actors Feature.
As shown in Fig. 4, feature functions are obtained from feature vectors. EPG rec-
ommendation and learning module dynamically adjusts the parameters of the recom-
mendation algorithm according to the user profile by calculating the maximum en-
tropy model
. The calculation of
parameters requires the use of feature vectors
and training corpus, which consists of raw EPG database and added user profile. In
an extreme case, if user is only interested in one domain, the recommendation classi-
fier would be a binary classifier that only outputs “like” or “dislike” for all input
program content.
5 Prototype and Experiments
In our experiments, EPG recommender was implemented on a small corpus, about
one month’s EPG for 30 channels, resulting in 1Mbytes of EPG data. In addition, we
built a prototype framework to enable the downloading of EPG from home network
and viewing on a portable device. The EPG collection and recommendation system is
implemented on a home network, where EPG algorithm is running on a home server
that supports OSGi[0] framework. The OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative)
framework provides an open execution environment for applications to run on het-
erogeneous devices, particularly, it provides flexibility for content providers to up-
load updates to consumers’ devices. The portable device is a mobile device that sup-
ports SIP[0], which allows simple text based messages to be carried between the
mobile device and the home network devices. Additionally, it provides streaming
support for our future extension.
The prototype also enables a mobile client with three functions - EPG browsing
(by date, channel etc.), Program Details (for specific program) and EPG recommen-
dation. Fig.5 shows a mobile user interface for (a) EPG program details and (b) a
recommended program list. As shown at the bottom of Fig.5(a), a “like” and “dislike”
button is provided so user can give some relevance feedback to the recommendation
module after reviewing the program details.
Fig.5. (a) EPG program details and (b) recommended program list on a mobile device.
We have conducted a preliminary experiment and used only program information
in the training. Among the four weeks of EPG data, one week is used for generating
user's profile data as training corpus, whereas the other three weeks are used for test-
ing. The training corpus is collected when a user provides relevance feedback to the
training EPG. In our experiment, user is only concerned with sports domain in both
training and recommendation. The recommendation on the other three weeks EPG
data is judged by the same user. A precision rate of 81% was achieved. Because each
recommendation for a specific domain is likely independent from that of another
domain, we can expect similar performance once we expand the recommendation
engine to multiple domains in the future.
6 Conclusion
Among home entertainment services, electronic programming guide (EPG) is perhaps
the most appealing applications for television, and its services continue to grow in the
emergence of new digital TV market. Our proposed system features EPG collection
from non-proprietary data sources (i.e. HTML on the Internet) and an EPG recom-
mender based on text classification and maximum entropy model. As we are aware,
the proposed work is the first of its kind using natural language processing techniques
for TV recommender and the result is promising. A relevance feedback is also im-
plemented to provide dynamic personalized EPG service. The prototype of EPG re-
commender is implemented under OSGi environment and the viewing of EPG on a
portable device is enabled through SIP network.
The presented work and prototype have suggested a feasible architecture and tech-
nology for providing personalized home network based EPG service. Our next step is
to systematically collect EPG training corpus and also conduct text classification and
EPG recommender evaluation. In addition, how relevance feedback can be best pro-
vided through user’s daily TV viewing experience implicitly on the portable device or
on a home server would be a challenge. Third, there is a future need to address
browsing/sending graphics and streaming in EPG information via the home network.
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