3 Enlarging Products and User Profile Description
Since e-Bay.NET only considers bivaluated evidence items, a product is described by
means of a list of keywords matching each of its features. For instance, let us suppose
that a set of movies are the products to be recommended. In this case, the set of fea-
ture keywords used to describe the film Schindler’s list might be: concentration camp,
ghetto, Holocaust, Polish, rescue, survivor, war, Jewish, German, and Nazi. In addition,
and in order to express interest in a feature, users have two alternatives: either the item
matches or it does not match their preferences, although they can express a belief in
each feature in the profile by assigning a weight λ, with 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, to the feature. For
instance, a user might believe that the movie he is looking for has a 0.7 probability of
being located in Poland (p(location=Poland |user needs ) = 0.7 and p(location=Not
Poland |user needs ) = 0.3), and that its subject matter is the Nazi Holocaust with a
probability of 1 (p(theme=Holoc. |user needs ) = 1.0 and p(theme=Not Holoc. |user
needs ) = 0.0).
In this paper, our objective is to enable the system to handle evidence items with
a finer granularity. With this approach, we are closer to real situations where the de-
scription of a product feature is very often not crisp. For example, we would describe a
movie by indicating that it has a high, medium or low level of romance or, in a different
domain, when describing a car we should distinguish between sports, small cars, vans,
etc.. Although in both cases, the variables RomanceLevel and CarType are associated
to domains that might be described with different values, there is some difference be-
tween them. On one hand, the set of labels used to define the variable RomanceLevel
are ordered (low < medium < high). If we classify a movie as having a high level of
romance, we are therefore also quite confident that “the level of romance in the movie is
medium” and less confident that “the movie has a low level of romance”. On the other
hand, the values taken by the variable CarType are mutually exclusive in the sense that
if a car is described as a small car it will not be described, as a van or a sports car.
Regarding the user profile, it will also be also described by means of multi-labeled
variables. For example, users can express their preferences for a movie about the Nazi
Holocaust but with a low component of comedy by considering that p(theme=Holoc.
|user needs ) = 1.0 and p (theme=Not Holoc. |user needs ) = 0.0 and that p(comedy=low
|user needs ) = 0.8, p(comedy=medium |user needs ) = 0.2 and p(comedy=high |user
needs ) = 0.0. In order to facilitate system interaction, users should also express their
preferences by means of a product list, such as “Schindler’s list” and “The Pianist”,
expressing interest in products (movies) which are similar to the ones given.
Although this generalization has no effect on the topology of the model, it does
have certain implications for the estimation of the probability distributions (see Section
4) and also for the inference process where the propagation algorithm must be reformu-
lated (see Section 5).
4 Estimating Probability Distributions
For each variable X
, we must estimate a family of conditional probability distributions
P (X
| pa(X
)), with pa(X
) being a configuration for the variables in the parent set