The third hypothesis is an answer to how important
is the retailer presence in this type of market, by
assuming his overtaking on the electricity
wholesaler market. Let’s suppose that the final
clients with real time price could have a direct
access to the wholesale market, what is a fact in
same traditional outlets markets (O´Sheassy, 2003).
There are some commodities where this happens but
the client is forced to acquire great amounts of the
product of his interest, in this case electricity.
Because it (electricity) is a continuous function in
time and couldn’t be stored, this must be done by a
bilateral contract, where all the parameters, like
prices, quantities, date and time periods are
previously settled. Besides that the final client could
not have the benefits of real time tariffs if he
overtakes the retailer. In addition to that fact,
electricity retailers could also have the distribution
structure to support which in that case a rent must be
established for the distribution lines if the final client
buys directly in the electricity wholesaler market.
After the choice of the market model it’s
important to deepen the electricity retail model to
understand what modules he must have for is
internal business run, and what connections he has to
establish with the wholesalers and on the other side
with their costumers. For an e-Business development
we should to distinguish two sides of the same
business, the B2Band the B2C sides. Their
interactions are of great importance not only for the
retailer but also to their clients. The good deals done
at the B2B market are reflected on the B2C services
In this section it is presented a UML model of the
electricity retailer. The interaction between this
model and the external entities are analysed in sub-
section 3.2 e-Business transactions. Ending this
section the security requirements of the model
analysed is discussed.
3.1 Electricity retail model
Fig. 2 shows an e-Business model for the electricity
retailer and the connections with the other entities.
Besides the wholesalers and the final clients, as
could be seen there is also an Independent System
Operator – ISO which coordinates the electricity
physical structure. From country to country, this
entity can have different levels of intervention in the
market. He (the ISO) could operate only the physical
structure or also the financial market, regulating the
transactions schedule in time. Electricity can be
traded in different periods of time ranged from
fifteen minutes to several months later, before
empowering the lines. The ISO acts like a regulator
of the commodity and also of the financial systems.
Following in the UML model several modules
are presented. The energy management use case, a
crucial module in the retail business, makes the
analysis of all the impact decisions. They are made
after the evaluation of the saving measures that can
be taken to avoid new purchases and a rigorous
definition of the quantities to buy.
At the clients load management use case, the
loads are elected for automatic cut off or rearm.
The client’s consumptions are the business
beginning, read by the power meter and sent to the
automatic meter reading use case. Every service to
the final client, besides electricity distribution and
sells, are processed at the financial services use case.
On the other hand, the bids at the wholesale
power market are done after the information passed
from the forecast consumption use case to the
energy management module. Bids are executed by
the retailer market management use case.
In the next section the transactions to the outside
of the retailer model are analyse.
3.2 e-Business transactions
In the traditional electricity industry the company
has to support generation, transmission and
distribution costs besides maintenance. The
company profit is granted by contracts that are made
by the distribution sector with their clients.
Deregulation brought the segmentation of the
electricity industry, all parts from generation to
distribution where separated and new markets where
created. Retailers buy electricity from the
wholesalers which is then sold to the final clients.
Retailer business is well suited to be supported by an
e-Business structure, where a B2B relation is
established between the wholesalers and the retailer,
on the other side a B2C platform is the retailer
solution to improve their competence and services to
the final costumers. Information and communication
technologies are essential for optimal performance
of a retailer. Retailers acquire electricity in two
ways, by a bilateral contract with