Jean-Louis Boulanger
Universite de technologie de compiegne
Laboratoire Heudiasyc centre de recherche de royallieu
compiegne 60205
Keywords: Formalization, Level Crossing, Risk analysis, System Requirements, Traceability, UML.
Abstract: In the European railways standards (CENELEC EN 50126, (199
9); EN 50128, (2001); EN 50129, (2000)),
it is required to obtain evidence of safety in system requirements specifications. In the railway domain,
safety requirements are obviously severe. It is very important to keep requirements traceability during soft-
ware development process even if the different used models are informal, semi formal or formal. This study
is integrated into a larger one that aims at linking an informal approach (UML notation) to a formal (B
method) one.
Ambiguities and defects in system requirements
specification may have consequences on the whole
system development. We investigate how the Unified
Modelling Language (UML), can be used to formally
specify and verify critical railways systems. A benefit
of using UML is it status as an international standard
(OMG) and its widespread use in the software indus-
tries. The reader interested by more details in syntax
semantic aspects can refer to the reference guide
of UML). Even if UML notation is a language in
which models can be represented, it doesn’t define
the making process of these models. Nevertheless,
several dedicated tools have strengthened the popu-
larity of UML. These tools allow graphic notation
and partial generation of the associated code and
documentations. The UML notation is known by
most computer scientists and is now used in several
domains. Using UML class diagrams to define infor-
mation structures has now become standard practice
in industry. Recently, the critical application domains
have used the notation and several questions exist
around this use. Safety invariants can be derived from
hazard analysis and can be supported by a system
model in diagrams of UML.
To illustrate our approach, we will choose to design a
level crossing. This example is inspired by Jansen, L.
and Schneider, E. (2000). The term level crossing, in
general a crossing at the same level, i.e. without
bridge or tunnel, is especially used in the case where
a road crosses a railway; it also applies when a light
rail line with separate right-of-way crosses a road; the
term "metro" usually means by definition that there
are no level crossings. Firstly, a single-track line,
which crosses a road in the same level, is modelled
(figure 1). The crossing zone is named danger zone.
The most important security rule is to avoid collision
by prohibiting road and railway traffic simultaneously
on level crossing. The railway crossing is equipped
with barriers and road traffic lights to forbid the car
passage. Two sensors appear on the railroad to detect
the beginning (train entrance) and the end (train exit)
of the level crossing protection procedure. The level
crossing is not in an urban zone this implies a sound
signalisation. Traffic lights consist of two lights: one
red and one yellow. When they are switched off, road
users (drivers, pedestrians,…) can cross. When the
yellow light is shown road users (drivers, cyclists,
pedestrians etc.) shall stop at the level crossing if
possible. In the other case, the level crossing is closed
and railway traffic has priority. The yellow and red
light never must be shown together.
Boulanger J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 108-111
DOI: 10.5220/0002507801080111