In NDT the work started with the storage
information requirements patterns. The problem of
monuments was completely developed with NDT in
(Escalona et al., 2004)). In table 1, we can observe
one of them. From them the conceptual model A in
figure 1 was gotten. To apply the composition
method, the first task was to build the matrix. In
table 2 we present a part of the matrix for this
system. Applying the algorithm, we got the
conceptual model B in the figure 1. After the
application of the algorithms and, if we continue the
process in NDT and in the Composition method, we
can find that the final model is the same for both
methods. The classes Piece, PieceDescription,
PieceSituation and also PieceAnalysis, are joined in
the model of the Composition method and the
cardinalities of the other associations are the same as
in NDT. In NDT, the final distribution of the
methods is the same as in the Composition method.
In this way, the final model in both techniques is
shown in figure 2.
The necessity of offering systematic process and
tools to get class diagram, in an easy and cheap way,
has been detected by several research groups. This
work has presented two proposals that offer a guide
reference to build class diagrams.
The first one, NDT, is focused in patterns,
specific data and relations. The second one is
focused in methods and attributes. After applying
both proposals, it is very interesting to observe that
the results are quite similar, although they are
focused in different aspects. Moreover, the final
result in each of them is the same and also similar to
the real solution found in the IAPH.
These similar results allow us to guarantee that
both proposals are based on correct processes, they
only offer different ways to build class diagrams.
The application of both models is not difficult. Each
of them offers tools that allow us to apply them
automatically. For these reasons, in very complex
systems, with a lot of attributes, methods, uses cases
or storage requirements, it could be interesting to
apply both of them and compare the results.
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