Table 4: Search Results of ‘imago lab’
draco.cis.uoguelph.ca Rw= 13.8 100%
( www.cis.uoguelph.ca Rw= 10.65 77%
www.uoguelph.ca Rw= 4.6 33%
www.cas.mcmaster.ca Rw= 4.23 30.6%
When a mobile agent wants to locate certain
services, it first moves to the service discovery
server, then makes a local query and migrates to the
destination hosts after obtaining the itinerary. This
bring us a problem that as the central unit, the
service discovery server becomes a bottleneck when
it is handling thousands of web pages everyday and
simultaneously hosting as many incoming mobile
agents as possible. Can we balance the load in a
distributed environment? The answer is positive. For
this purpose, we installed several service discovery
servers. When an agent begins to search, it moves to
the first service discovery server, if the server is
shutdown or the movement fails, the agent
backtracks and moves to the second one, and so on.
This kind of organization makes our service
discovery mechanism very efficient and reliable.
Finally, we would like to express our
appreciation to the Natural Science and Engineering
Council of Canada for supporting this research.
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