each decision agent can make a judge independently.
This is desirable because the system should be
scalable to very large networks.
We propose the immunity-based security
architecture for mobile ad hoc networks. Inspired by
immune system, we compare mobile ad hoc
networks to body and invaders as pathogens. Mobile
agents corresponded to lymphocytes detect and
isolate the invader. Just as immune system, our
architecture owns some advantages, such as
distributability, autonomy, adaptability and so on.
In future, we will develop the architecture in two
directions. Firstly, we have designed an efficient
algorithm to find the invader behaviour(Ping Yi,
2005). Secondly when an invader is found, killer
agents want to surround and isolated it. How killer
agents quickly move to the neighbour node of the
invader and surround it is also our further work.
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