example, a person who is trying to model a system
that is based on existing document standards (e.g.
EDIFACT), might want to start at the lower levels
and work his or her way up. On the other hand, a
person trying to model an entire industry segment
would start at the highest level and work his or her
way downwards.
Another major strength of UMM is the definition
of business documents to be used and exchanged
between trading partners. This allows to use existing
standards (for example UN/EDIFACT, xCBL, UBL,
RosettaNet, OBI, ANSI X12 850, etc). This use of
standards promotes standardisation in the e-
commerce arena, but at the same time UMM allows
for the adaptability of these standards to the
particular e-commerce application being modelled.
Another advantage of using UMM is the ability
to choose the level of the modelling details
according to the audience and use intended. For an
overview of the system to be built it suffices to show
the first couple of levels of the modelling effort, for
example the Business Reference Model, Business
Areas and Process Areas. For a more refined view of
the system the use case views and collaboration
patterns may be shown. If the modelling effort is
targeted to the developers of the system, the lower
levels of the UMM have to be shown, for example
the definition of the transactions in the system, as
well as the definition of the business documents to
be used by the trading partners.
UMM is also fully compliant with the ebXML
specifications, and its constructs (UMM worksheets)
can be stored in an ebXML-compliant registry. The
output from the UMM analysis can therefore be a
direct input to the specification of an ebXML
Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS), that
includes the transactions carried out between trading
partners, and the choreography (sequence of steps
and order) necessary in order to carry out those
transactions. UMM is in fact the chosen modelling
methodology by the ebXML team.
In addition, as UMM is fully compliant with the
ebXML specifications, this means that the modelling
of certain business processes can be reused. This
adds to the ease of use of UMM, as well as to the
standardisation efforts with respect to the e-
commerce community.
Finally, as the table below shows, UMM can be
considered as a subset of the Rational Unified
Process (RUP). This means that UMM is compatible
with the RUP, which is a proven methodology for
the whole software life-cycle. UMM however, can
be more compact than RUP, which allows for the
ease of its use.
Table 1: Phases and Workflows used in UMM (Source:
UMM Specification)
Rational Unified Process Phases
Workflows Incepti
Business Modelling
4.2 UMM Weaknesses
Having described the major strengths of UMM, as
those were evidenced in the LAURA project, we
will now describe what we consider to be some of
the weaknesses of this modelling methodology.
As it was mentioned, UMM fits very well with
the ebXML technical specifications. As ebXML’s
Technical Architecture document (ebXML &
OASIS, 2001) mentions, Business Process and
Information Modelling is not mandatory. However,
if implementers and users select to model Business
Processes and Information, then they must use the
UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology (UMM) that
utilizes UML.
Although UMM fits very well within the ebXML
technical specifications, there is no evidence to
suggest that it does so within other, non-ebXML
environments. As UMM contains a mixture of
analysis and design considerations, various levels of
abstraction can be used to describe the e-commerce
platform to be built. At the higher levels of
modelling, the analysis part contains such
components as the business and process levels of the
system, as well as the individual processes to be
carried out. On the other hand, as one gets closer to
the lower levels of the UMM methodology
(collaboration / transaction patterns, business
document structures), which are more design-
related, the independence from the underlying
technology starts to fade out. As an example, the
UMM methodology defines transactions according
to pre-specified transaction patterns, for example
Query / Response, Notification, Request / Confirm,
etc. Each of those patterns has a set of semantic
values associated with it, for example if the
transaction is legally binding, if authorization for
carrying out the transaction is required, if non-
repudiation of receipt of messages is compulsory,
the time allowed to perform the transaction, etc.
There are defaults for each of the semantic values of
the transaction patterns, which can be overwritten by
the designer of the system. However, the logic of