value to an atomic step st may be more precisely pre-
dicted using, for instance, the forward/backward cal-
culation technique based on the duration of activities
as proposed in (Eder and Pichler, 2002; Eder et al.,
2003). This would allow estimating an activity safe
point (t
) as a specific point in time (instead of in-
finite) even before reaching this point.
Another interesting application of the presented re-
sults arises in the context of process schema evolution
(Rinderle et al., 2004a) i.e., process schema changes
and their propagation to running process instances.
One important challenge in this context is to find cor-
rectness criteria in order to ensure correct process
instance migration after a process schema change.
According to the compliance criterion (Casati et al.,
1998; Rinderle et al., 2004a) it is forbidden to skip al-
ready running activities, i.e., the respective process in-
stances are considered as being non–compliant. How-
ever, if we transfer the concepts of safe interruption
of activities to the
safe deletion of activities
the num-
ber of process instances compliant with the changed
process schema can be increased.
We have proposed a framework to correctly ad-
dress the issue of safely interrupting running busi-
ness process activities in case of exceptional situa-
tions; i.e., interrupting running activities by preserv-
ing their data context, which is extremely important in
order to be able to provide adequate solutions in the
sequel. This work was motivated by the analysis of
data involved in the context of specific complex, yet
representative, process-oriented applications, namely
the container transportation application and the med-
ical application. Besides modeling logical work units
as process activities we have introduced another level
of granularity by defining the atomic step concept.
The latter is of utmost importance to build up the ba-
sis for a two-dimensional data classification scheme.
On the one hand, the definition of the
data relevance
dimension, distinguishing between exclusive applica-
tion data and process relevant data, is considered at its
pure level within the
safely interruption
criterion con-
ditions statement. On the other hand, we dug deeper
regarding the
data update frequency
dimension by
defining safe interrupt points for each of the discrete
and the continuous data update by activities. This has
led to the formal definition of the activity safe point
considered as the backbone for the
safely interruption
criterion. Preserving this criterion, in turn, guarantees
that if an activity is safely interrupted all necessary
data is kept and can be used to figure out an adequate
solution for the respective exceptional situation.
As future work, we aim to study extended transac-
tional issues (e.g., semantic rollback) at both the mi-
cro flow and the macro flow level. In particular, this
must be done in a way that enables flexible exception
handling procedures (incl. dynamic flow changes).
Respective facilities are indispensable for realizing
adaptive enterprise applications.
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