Boris Shishkov
Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, 5 Drienerlolaan, Enschede, The Netherlands
Jan L.G. Dietz
Department of Software Technology, Delft University of Technology, 4 Mekelweg, Delft, The Netherlands
Keywords: SDBC; Software broker; Cultural heritage
Abstract: An actual cultural-heritage-related problem is how to effectively manage the global distribution of digitized
cultural and scientific information, taking into account that such a global distribution is only doable through
the Internet. Hence, adequately designing software applications realizing brokerage functionality in the
global space, particularly concerning digitized cultural/scientific information, is to be considered as an
essential cultural-heritage-related task. However, due to its great complexity, the usage of the existing
popular modelling instrumentarium seems insufficiently useful; this is mainly because the realization of a
satisfactory cultural-heritage brokering requires a deep understanding and consideration of the original
business reality. Inspired by this challenge, we have aimed at exploring relevant strengths of the SDBC
approach which is currently being developed. SDBC’s being capable of properly aligning business process
modelling and software specification, allowing for re-use and being consistent with the latest software
design standards, are among the facts in support of the claim that SDBC could bring value concerning the
design of cultural-heritage-related brokerage applications. Hence, in this paper we motivate and illustrate
the usefulness of SDBC for the cultural-heritage sector.
The latest ICT (Information and Communication
echnology) developments could bring numerous
societal benefits, among which is the possibility for
a global access to cultural/scientific manuscripts
located at any place. The actuality of this issue could
be seen from a number of (currently progressing)
culture-heritage-related projects, such as the project
DigiCult (DigiCult, 2004). According to such
projects (to most of them), several types of activities
are observed, concerning the digitization of cultural
and scientific heritage, among which are:
the classification of existing cultural heritage
the recognition and processing of images from
such materials;
the specification and maintenance of the
metadata related to digitized materials;
the management and distribution of the
digitized cultural/scientific materials.
In the current paper, we report further studies
related to the last of the above mentioned issues. A
previous study (Shishkov, 2004) has started the
exploration of the strengths of SDBC concerning
this particular cultural-heritage-related problem.
As stated in the above-mentioned study, in tune
with the current technological possibilities and user
demands, such management and distribution (of
digitized cultural materials) is to be considered in
global respect. It is essential that the digitized
cultural/scientific materials are globally available to
the public. Next to that, their accessibility must be
adequately regulated, which adds complexity: some
materials are to be accessible freely by anyone,
others should be accessible only by authorized users,
still others are to be distributed commercially, and so
on. Thus, an advanced brokerage functionality needs
to be realized in this regard. As far as the ‘global
information space’ is concerned, this job is to be
done by a software broker. By ‘software broker’ it is
meant a software application which realizes a
brokerage functionality. As it is well-known,
software brokers are built and used for a number of
purposes, for instance, flight/accommodation
reservations, e-Business, Tele-Work, and so on.
Shishkov B. and L.G. Dietz J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 394-398
DOI: 10.5220/0002513603940398
However, a global management and distribution of
digitized cultural (and scientific) data, which is
characterized by a number of restrictions (as
mentioned above), makes the brokerage task more
complex than what is usually observed in brokerage
systems. It is essential, therefore, specifying such a
(software) brokerage system, based on a sound
consideration of the original business system, to be
supported by it. This leads to a more general actual
research problem, namely the alignment between
business process modelling and software
The SDBC (SDBC stands for S
oftware Derived
from B
usiness Components) approach has been
introduced (Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-1; Shishkov &
Dietz, 2004-2) and considered also in another paper
from the current Proceedings, as an approach being
capable of adequately addressing the business-
software alignment by considering ‘logical’
components that represent the logical building
blocks of a software system. In particular, the
approach allows for deriving pure business process
models (called business coMponents) and reflecting
them in conceptual (UML-driven) software
specification models (called software coMponents).
In the business coMponent identification, SDBC
follows a multi-aspect business perspective,
guaranteeing completeness. In the business
coMponent – software coMponent mapping, SDBC
follows rigorous rules, guaranteeing adequate
alignment. Being UML-driven, SDBC is in tune
with the current software design standards.
The aim of this paper is to add further evidence
in support of the claim that the (SDBC) approach
could be useful with regard to the cultural-heritage
sector. The paper uses and further considers the
example presented in (Shishkov, 2004).
The paper’s outline is as follows: Section 2
considers relevant cultural-heritage information.
Section 3 illustrates the application of SDBC, using
a small example. Section 4 contains the conclusions.
Among the institutions (in most countries) which are
mainly concerned with the cultural heritage issue are
the archival, library, and museum institutions. Such
is the case in The Netherlands, for instance, where
these institutions take part in the specification of the
Dutch national long-term cultural strategy,
addressing the cultural-heritage-related issues (it is
called in The Netherlands, Cultuurnota
( The situation in other
countries (such as Bulgaria, for example) is similar.
In the majority of the national cultural strategies the
actuality of the cultural heritage issue is recognized,
and especially the need to allow the cultural heritage
sector adequately benefit from the current technical
and technological possibilities. That is why more
and more (EU) projects appear, addressing cultural-
heritage-related problems. An example of such a
project is the DigiCult project (DigiCult, 2004). It is
claimed (not only within this mentioned project) that
the mere existence of technical and technological
possibilities does not mean that they are
straightforwardly utilizable, particularly in such a
specific domain. What is required is that a clear
perception of the original business (cultural heritage)
is reflected in the technical/technological
consideration. Otherwise, the (technical) support
realized would only partially reflect the original
requirements and its effect would be much limited.
There are many examples for such partially
successful cultural-heritage-related initiatives, such
as the project American Memory
(; it has delivered a digital
collection of cultural materials. A gateway has been
built to rich primary source materials relating to the
history and culture of the United States of America.
Through the web site of the project, one could
access more than 7 million digital items from more
than 100 historical collections. However, the project
has not considered at all how the realized system
could handle complex situations, such as dealing
with different access levels. The project has not
considered as well how such kind of system could be
built for other analogous purposes and how it could
operate in the context of a global cultural-heritage-
brokering environment.
It is agreed in the cultural heritage community
that a way to bring improvements in this direction is
to succeed in designing (cultural-heritage-related)
software systems which are soundly rooted in an
adequate model of the original business reality.
Thus, taking into account that:
1. most of the current popular software design
methods are insufficiently capable of adequately
aligning business process modelling and software
specification; and
2. there is an approach proposed, namely the SDBC
approach, which is reflecting this particular problem,
we have been inspired to explore some strengths of
SDBC, relevant to the cultural heritage sector.
In the following section, we will present and
partially illustrate our view on applying SDBC for
solving some cultural-heritage-related problems.
Offering useful advantages concerning the
specification of software systems intended to
support complex business systems in different
domains, the SDBC approach has been applied
successfully in test cases concerning the domains of
e-Business and Tele-Work. It has been demonstrated
how (using SDBC) a software brokerage system
could be specified. As it is well known, software
brokers are currently of great interest because of
their wide applicability resulting from their actual
(brokerage) functionality. They usually facilitate
(Shishkov, 2004): the match-making of globally
available information; the management of digital
archives; the globalization of used data networks.
Through software brokers, users could have a quick
and effective match-making at low costs.
Because of the relevance of software brokers to
the (discussed above) cultural-heritage-related
problem, SDBC is applied (as an approach which
possesses strengths concerning the business-
software alignment in general and the specification
of software brokers, in particular) in building a
cultural-heritage-sector (software) broker being able
to effectively handle the management and global
distribution of metadata as well as of digitized
cultural/scientific information. Such a broker is to be
usable on a global scale through the Internet.
In this way SDBC would stimulate the global
availability of cultural/scientific information.
The particular role of SDBC in building such
brokers will be only partially illustrated below,
because of the limited scope of this paper. Because
of the same reason, just the essential issues will be
mentioned. And also, no explanations will be offered
concerning the modelling techniques used. Such
explanations are to be found in the SDBC sources
which were mentioned before.
We first consider the cultural-heritage brokerage
system-to-be very generally: we could view such a
system as consisting of a number of ‘sellers’
(distributors) of anything and a number of ‘buyers’.
If we consider a general broker, it should match
appropriate seller and buyer information based on
some criteria.
A further analysis should follow, based on this
general view, considering the particular cultural
heritage information (discussed already). In SDBC,
the results of such an analysis are reflected in the
SCI model (interested readers could read of the SCI
model in the SDBC materials).
The general SCI model relevant to the current
situation is depicted, just for illustrative purpose, in
Figure 1. The model is incomplete, only some basic
issues are there. Among them are: units within the
General Broker (AU (Acceptance Unit): responsible
for accepting and handling submissions from sellers
and buyers; FU (Financial Unit): responsible for
handling the fee payments done by sellers/buyers as
a compensation for the work of the broker; MM
(Match-Maker): responsible for performing the
match-making concerning the seller and buyer
information) and actors outside the General Broker
(Seller: offering/distributing something, for
example, digitized cultural materials; Buyer: being
interested in something, for example, in particular
digitized cultural materials; Expert: responsible for
assisting the broker in some complex situations (in
which, for example, ‘human’ cultural heritage
experience is required); Insurer: responsible for the
insurance of relevant issues, for instance, insurance
against fraud).
1 3
1 0
Figure 1: The General Broker (GB): SCI Model.
Hence, the GB SCI model facilitates the structuring
of the initial case information to be reflected in the
identification of a business coMponent.
In this particular case, it is suggested that a
general business coMponent is identified. The
reason relates to the wide usage of software brokers
in a number of cases; thus, identifying a general
model would allow for re-using it many times. Our
(DEMO-based) general business coMponent is
depicted in Figure 2. The model is incomplete
because of its having just an illustrative purpose.
More information on the DEMO modelling and the
derivation of a DEMO model within SDBC could be
found in the SDBC materials, mentioned before.
As seen from the Figure, two internal GB actors
(actor-roles) are depicted and also two external
actors (‘seller’ and ‘buyer’: they are modeled as an
aggregated actor because of their having the same
general attitude towards the broker). As for the
internal GB actors depicted, they are the match-
making unit (‘match-maker’) and the financial unit
(‘payment controller’). Two transactions are
specified, concerning all the mentioned actors: T01
match-making (executed by the match-maker) and
T02 payment (executed by seller/buyer). One
transaction is specified, taking place within the GB:
C3 (it concerns the periodical self-activation of the
payment controller in handling all the payments
related to a particular period of time). There is also a
data bank depicted (EB01), containing the necessary
data (concerning both buyers and sellers) that the
match-maker should have in order to be able to
realize a match-making.
transaction type resulting fact type
T01 match-making
T02 payment
F01 match <M> is made
F02 the fee for period <P> by <S/B> is paid
Figure 2: DEMO-based (GB) general business component.
Once built, this general business coMponent needs
to be extended, according to SDBC, aiming at the
identification of a particular business coMponent, in
this case: Cultural heritage sector broker (built again
with the DEMO notations). However, because of the
limited scope of this paper, the transformation from
the general business coMponent (The General
Broker) to the particular business coMponent (The
Cultural heritage sector Broker) is not presented.
Information on how such an extension is carried out
within SDBC could be found in the (mentioned)
SDBC materials.
According to SDBC, a DEMO-based business
coMponent (The Cultural heritage sector Broker)
should be reflected in a use case software
specification model. An example of such a model is
depicted in Figure3. The model is incomplete,
containing only some of the use cases characterizing
such a broker. The broker is to use a database. It is
virtually divided in two parts: one concerning the
data submitted by distributors (of digitized cultural
heritage materials) and the other one, concerning the
data submitted by users. They are represented on the
Figure by ‘DBD’ and ‘DBU’, respectively (‘DB’
standing for database; D(U) standing for distributor
(user)). On the Figure, it is just illustrated how a
software specification model would look like. The
use case model will not be explained since it is
expected that most of the readers are familiar with
UML. As for the DEMO – use case derivation
mechanism, information on it could be found in
(Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-3).
Perform Match
Check Data Accuracy
Remove Data
from DBD
Remove Data
from DBU
Request Additional
user’s info
Add Data in DBD Add Data in DBU
Figure 3: The Cultural-heritage-sector broker: use case
software specification model.
This paper has provided further evidence on the
practical applicability of the SDBC approach, by
considering its usefulness for the cultural heritage
sector. In this way, the paper complements the other
SDBC-related paper within the current Proceedings.
Among the further research goals of the authors
is the generalization of the results concerning the
usage of SDBC for specifying brokerage systems in
different domains, including Cultural heritage, e-
Business and Tele-Work. This would not only bring
further evidence about the values of SDBC
concerning software specification but would also
result in a deliverable (a thorough general brokerage
model) which is helpful for developing useful
software products. To realize this, it is essential to
complement the general brokerage model with
rigorous rules on how to extend it depending on the
particular purpose of use. The existing examples
(within the mentioned domains) are to be considered
as appropriately complementing such rules. The
rules themselves would be defined based on the
general SDBC application guidelines (Shishkov &
Dietz, 2004-1; Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-2).
However, generalizing further, towards SDBC
models which are general for any domain and
concerning any functionality, would add little value
mainly because the extension of such models would
require significant efforts. Therefore, we look
towards functionality/domain-specific general
business coMponents through which SDBC could
adequately accomplish business-software alignment
and proper re-use. Otherwise said, we envision a real
re-use value of applying SDBC:
- either if it grasps the core of a functionality, to
be reflected in different domains;
- or if it captures essential issues for a domain,
allowing for further specializations depending on the
particular needs.
It is expected that these and further SDBC-
related (research) achievements would be greatly
useful for the current service development which has
significant societal relevance (Pires et al, 2003).
SDBC could facilitate the specification of services
not only by providing business-software-alignment
and re-use mechanisms but also through a support
towards the grasping of the context concerning the
services’ operation. Taking into account that such a
context grasping requires a sound business
modelling and its further adequate reflection in a
(service) specification, it is logical to expect that
SDBC (itself developed around such desired
properties) might be helpful.
Therefore, the essential values of the SDBC
approach, namely adequate business modelling,
proper business-software alignment, and re-use, do
prove to be relevant both scientifically and
DigiCult, 2004:
Pires, L. F.; M. van Sinderen, C. de Farias, J.P.A.
Almeida. Use of models and modelling techniques for
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Shishkov, B. Designing cultural heritage sector brokers
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Shishkov, B. and J.L.G. Dietz, 2004-1. Aligning business
process modelling and software specification in a
component-based way, the advantages of SDBC. In
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Shishkov, B. and J.L.G. Dietz, 2004-2. Design of software
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HICSS’04, 37th Hawaii International Conference on
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Shishkov, B. and J.L.G. Dietz, 2004-3. Deriving use cases
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