Mapping Businesses and Applications to Servers and Processes
Dr. Tim R. Norton
Inovant LLC, A Visa Solutions Company, PO Box 266001, Highlands Ranch, CO 80163, USA
Keywords: Workload characterization, modeling, application analysis, business metrics, business drivers.
Abstract: Workloads are often defined differently within an organization, depending on the purpose of the analysis,
making it difficult to compare analysis from different points-of-view. WIRAM (Workload Information Re-
pository for Analysis and Modeling) is a preliminary implementation of a database repository to collect ap-
plication and system information about workload groupings and their relationships. This information can
then be used as a component of the ITIL CDB to define consistent workloads from business products to
computer systems, regardless of the analysis or modeling tools used or the objectives of the analysis.
The term “Workload Characterization” has been de-
fined, redefined, discussed, explored, categorized,
investigated and researched until it seems like there
would be little mystery left. Why then are there still
so many papers, articles and new techniques on the
subject? The initial reaction is to say that it’s be-
cause the “right” definition hasn’t been found. But
what if it has? What if ALL the definitions are
“right” definitions? Maybe the question shouldn’t be
“Which is the right definition?” but rather “When
should each definition be used?” Consider that each
of the proposed definitions is absolutely correct
given the perspective and point-of-view of its crea-
tor. Therefore, instead of addressing the term
“Workload Characterization” let’s look at the defini-
tion of the workload itself and the relationships be-
tween workloads.
To begin, we must ask what "workload" means?
It's a common term so everyone assumes they know
what it means, but are they using the same meaning?
The American Heritage Dictionary (1994) defines
“workload” as:
work·load (wûrkl½d) n. 1. The amount of
work assigned to or expected from a worker in
a specified time period. 2. The amount of work
that a machine produces or can produce in a
specified time period.
Modifying the above definition to fit the needs
of the computer systems capacity planner at the most
general level, the term "workload" means the work
(processor time, I/O’s, etc.) expected from a ‘com-
puter worker’ (a collection of processes, users, ap-
plications, etc.) that can be thought of as a single en-
tity. Using such a general definition means a number
of problem areas need to be considered. The first is
that different people have different objectives so
they tend to look at what things belong together dif-
ferently (Norton, 2002). Another is that the avail-
ability of measurements also influences what can or
should be grouped. The third is the meaningfulness
of any analysis to the business. The use of manage-
ment tools, such as Balanced Scorecard, that connect
all aspects of the business (company financial per-
formance, customer satisfaction, employee perform-
ance, Information Technology resources, etc.) (Leb-
sack, 2002) require a consistent set of definitions
across the entire company. One source of such defi-
nitions is the ITIL (Information Technology Infra-
structure Library) framework (OGC, 2003). The
ITIL Service Delivery book includes a section that
describes the general requirements of the CDB (Ca-
pacity Database) (OGC, 2003, Section 6.5 Planning
and Implementation). A detailed analysis of all
these areas is beyond the scope of this paper, but we
can touch on all of them by looking at a practical
approach to identifying and tracking workload in-
© 2005 Visa USA. All rights reserved.
Permission is
ranted to
ublish this article in the 2005 International Conference on Enter
rise Information S
stems P
R. Norton T. (2005).
USING A WORKLOAD INFORMATION REPOSITORY - Mapping Businesses and Applications to Servers and Processes.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 403-408
DOI: 10.5220/0002516304030408
Given these constraints, what’s really needed is a
way to capture all the important information about
these entities and their relationships so that views of
what’s going on can be generated from different per-
spectives. Some initial work was done at MCI to de-
velop a system called AITS (Application Informa-
tion Tracking System) that would collect informa-
tion about applications into a single repository
(Boyd, 1996). AITS was intended to interconnect
existing information sources, such as the security
database, naming standards and the inventory con-
trol system, with system configurations and applica-
tion details. AITS was never completed due to or-
ganizational changes and the eventual outsourcing of
most of the IT staff.
This paper presents a preliminary implementation of
WIRAM (Workload Information Repository for
Analysis and Modeling), a database repository of
definitions and relationships that provides workload
consistency from business products to computer sys-
tems. While inspired by AITS, WIRAM has a much
narrower scope with focus on just the information
necessary to understand the workload definitions
used in performance, capacity and modeling reports.
The high-level objectives of WIRAM are:
1. Define what is in workloads.
2. Define what drives workloads.
3. Define what measures workloads.
WIRAM provides consistency across a company
whenever computing resources are discussed. For
example, a business level report might show that an
application is extremely profitable because it uses so
few computer resources but managers may not agree
with the assessment of what resources are used. In
addition, if there is disagreement as to what consti-
tutes the application, or even worse, widespread con-
fusion because other presentations have used the
same application name but shown vastly different
resource usage values, then the focus shifts from
presenting a positive business situation to bickering
about the meaning of data points. By creating a
WIRAM, a company has a central repository of re-
cord that defines what resources each application
uses and how applications are combined into busi-
ness products.
The ITIL CDB requirements identify a number
of general areas for data collection that include
“business data from the business plans and strategy”
(OGC, 2003, Section 6.5), but do not address a
mechanism to connect the business information with
actual resource consumption data. The WIRAM
provides that connection.
The design of a WIRAM is based on the concept
that everything should support the business.
means that all of the computing resources used in a
company should be accounted for as part of what is
required to implement the objectives of the business.
The purpose is simply to report on current usage and
predict future usage based on business forecasts in-
stead of system measurements. What’s the differ-
ence? Consider that the product line business man-
agers have a better view of growth projections based
on their sales objectives. After all, those are the
numbers the sales staff is trying to make happen be-
cause that’s what their commission (or whatever per-
formance review measurements the company use) is
based on. The problem is that product projections
cannot be directly correlated to resource usage. The
WIRAM defines what the business is called, what
drives the volume and what components that make it
work (applications, systems, computers, etc.) should
be included. The repository does not contain the ac-
tual business forecast or performance data but does
define the source of that data and the relationship to
the business. This allows everyone in the company
the opportunity to provide input into the definitions.
The end result is that everyone agrees about the
meaning of a business or product, how it’s projected
to grow and what gets rolled into it.
Of course the implementation of a WIRAM will
depend on the specifics of each individual company.
The author has chosen to use the Business Metric of
Interest (BMI) approach (Kaminski, 2003) but other
techniques for quantifying business activity could be
used. How to identify and measure appropriate busi-
ness metrics is beyond the scope of this paper.
Techniques for actually measuring resource usage
and reporting it are beyond the scope of this paper as
well, but there are many excellent papers that ad-
dress these areas (Domanski, 2002; Johnson, 2003;
Kaminski, 2003).
Throughout this paper the term “business” is used to
mean any structured organization with defined objectives.
While commonly used to mean a for-profit company, such
as Visa USA, it can also mean a non-profit company, a
military organization or a service club. Each of these has
“products” (goods, services, or bombs) that they deliver. If
computing resources are used in the creation and delivery
of the products then a WIRAM could be used.
As stated above, the design of a WIRAM should be
tailored to the requirements of the company. How-
ever, there seems to be a general design that could
provide a starting point for customization and it may
work as is in many cases. This design is based on a
layered approach that puts a business product at the
top. The term ‘layer’ is used because each is built
on, or layered on top of, what’s below it. Figure 1
shows an entity relationship diagram with these lay-
ers, called Major Categories, down the center (the
other entities, called Modifier Categories, will be
discussed in the following subsection).
The Major Categories are:
1. Business
2. Product
3. Application
4. Application Component
5. Workload
4.1 Major Categories
Each business is composed of individual related
products. Products are implemented with applica-
tions, which are composed of application compo-
nents. Notice that the top three levers are totally
business focused. They describe things that everyone
in the company should be able to relate to because
they are what the company does. These levels allow
us to talk about resource usage and capacity re-
quirements in broad business terms but still have
enough granularity to address idiosyncrasies unique
to each application. The Application Component
layer is where we start mapping the business to the
computing infrastructure. Application Components
are associated with workloads in the more traditional
sense. It isn’t until this level that we start looking at
things we can measure with all of the wonderful per-
formance and modeling tools at our disposal.
4.1.1 Business Layer
A Business defines an overall, or strategic, objective
of the company. A Business is a set of one or more
related products that are available to customers and
address a common set of customer needs and re-
quirements. For example, a company may be con-
sidered in the automotive business because it sells
new cars, used cars and car parts. A company does
not have to include all of the possible or usual prod-
ucts in a Business (as the above example does not
include car repair or manufacture) and in fact may
have only a single product (a company only selling
new cars would still be in the automotive business).
The name used for a Business is unique throughout
the company and usually the industry.
4.1.2 Product Layer
A Product is a conceptual customer deliverable and
is associated with something a customer can buy or
subscribe to. A Product is generally what the mar-
keting or sales staff offers to customers (a car or a
part or a service contract). The name used for a
Product is unique throughout the company and pos-
sibly the industry. A Product name is often trade-
marked and identified with both the business and the
4.1.3 Application Layer
An Application is the implementation of a Product
that provides a tangible customer deliverable. An
Application can be a product in itself (a used car
sold as is) or one of several different deliverables
that may be either required by the nature of the
Product (the new car) or provide optional “extras”
that enhance the Product (such as a specific trim
package). An Application name is unique throughout
the company because it identifies a unique imple-
mentation within the company. Even if a COTS
(Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software) product is
Zero to many
Zero or one
At least one
One and only one
(Implementation of a
(Implementation of a
(How workload
is used)
and O/S
(Business Metric
of Interest)
Globally unique
Name can reoccur
Figure 1: WIRAM Entity Relationship Diagram.
USING A WORKLOAD INFORMATION REPOSITORY - Mapping Businesses and Applications to Servers and
used, the implementation name (which may or may
not be the same as the COTS product name) only
identifies something internal to the company. The
Application name is generally not unique in the in-
dustry, and may or may not be known to customers.
4.1.4 Application Component Layer
An Application Component is one of the parts of an
Application that has meaning only within the context
of a specific application. It is more about the imple-
mentation and working of the Application than about
the Product objectives. Even though an Application
Component is associated to only a single Applica-
tion, the name of the Application Component may be
used as the name of a Component of another Appli-
cation. Two Application Components having the
same name means that the two components perform
the same type of function for their respective Appli-
cations, not that they are the same component. Be-
cause one of the objectives of a WIRAM is to pro-
vide aggregation of low-level workloads into busi-
ness functions, an Application Component can be
part of only one Application. If it appears that an
Application Component needs to be associated with
two Applications then those Applications are proba-
bly defined too granular and should be merged into a
single Application. Following on the automotive
analogy, an Application Component could be a fi-
nancing package that would have the same name and
function for both new and used cars but the term de-
tails would be different (shorter for a used car be-
cause it isn’t expected to last as long). An Applica-
tion Component name may or may not be unique
throughout the company, is almost certainly not
unique in the industry, and is seldom known to cus-
4.1.5 Workload Layer
A Workload identifies how resources are used, or
consumed, by an Application Component. The exact
meaning of a Workload is dependent on the associ-
ated Application Component but it can also be mean-
ingful to refer to the Workload as a general category.
Each of the required forms to buy a car can be con-
sidered a workload; each car needs the same forms
but how they are completed will differ with each
type of car (Application) and each specific car (Ap-
plication Component). We can note how long it
takes to fill out the form for a car in general, for a
sedan vs. an SUV, or for a specific car. We can also
note how much time is spent each month filling out
a specific form. All are valid views into how the re-
source (the salesman’s time) is used. A Workload
name may or may not be unique throughout the
company. While a Workload name is almost cer-
tainly not unique in the industry there are many
standard names that have generally the same mean-
ing throughout the industry, such as ‘database’ and
‘OLTP’ (on-line transaction processing) and may be
known to customers in that context. Care should be
taken when assigning these names so that they do
not conflict with the implicit meaning of the name or
that they are not so general that they are not useful.
A Workload name of “Database” would be so gen-
eral, and used by so many Application Components,
that it would loose its meaning. A Workload name of
OE-DB” would be more meaningful, even if it was
used by several Application Components, because it
would be more specific to the processes, user-ids,
etc. associated with the O
NLINE-ORDER Application
Component. Because a Workload Name is not
unique, it requires the associated Application and
Application Component Names for identification.
Using “OE-DB” does not identify a specific Work-
load because that name can be used in several Appli-
cation Components. Examples of fully qualified
Workload Names could be names like O
NTRY.INVENTORY.OE-DB, both of which are part
of the same Application (O
RDER-ENTRY) but in a
different Application Component (O
INVENTORY). They are different workloads be-
cause they contain different processes, or different
user-ids, or different terminals, or different some-
thing. If both Application Components actually use
the same workload, then there would have to be a
proration amount at the Application Component
level. While the WIRAM does not require or enforce
uniqueness of names, it is suggested that unique
names be used wherever possible. It is the responsi-
bility of the implementer to insure name uniqueness
and to derive proration rules.
A workload is defined by anything that can be
identified, such as process names, user-ids, terminal
addresses, accounting codes, system names, etc.
Therefore, the definition can become quite large and
hard to maintain if everything is explicitly identified.
Wildcards or patterns can be used but care must then
be taken to avoid double counting (i.e., if workload
X includes process=ABC and workload Y includes
process=*, then process=ABC is really included in
both workloads). There is deliberately a great deal of
flexibility in these workload definitions because real
applications are seldom very orderly. Shared data-
bases and reuse efforts can lead to a workload being
spread across many application components. The
proration field allows multiple Application Compo-
nents to reference the same workload definition (al-
though it would look like different definitions be-
cause the name in part of the key and therefore in
multiple records). However, there is nothing in the
design of the WIRAM to prevent the sum of these
proration from exceeding 100% and the implementer
should use this feature with care.
4.2 Modifier Categories
Modifier Categories apply an additional level of
constraint to one of the Major Categories so that it
can be viewed differently for a specific purpose.
The Modifier Categories are:
1. Group
2. Purpose
3. Platform
4. BMI
4.2.1 Group Modifier
The Group Modifier Category provides granularity
at the Application level that is independent of how
the application works. A Group Modifier could be
used for business reasons (car rental Premier clients
versus normal clients) or for load balancing (east
region versus west region) or anything else that
makes sense. An Application can be view as a whole
(all new cars) or as a modified group (all four-door
red sedans). It is generally more meaningful if the
groups are such that an Application belonging to one
Group cannot belong to another Group, but this is
not a requirement. It is also possible to have multiple
Group level modifiers, in which case each would
have a unique name instead of “Group” (such as the
Color Group and the Body Style Group).
4.2.2 Purpose Modifier
The Purpose Modifier Category provides granularity
at the Workload level that is independent of how the
workload is defined; instead, it addresses how a
workload is used (a four-door red sedan could be
used as personal car, a taxi or the fire chief’s official
car). When looking at computer systems, common
Purpose Modifiers might be production, test, devel-
opment, etc. The objective of the Purpose Modifier
is to allow an application to be viewed from differ-
ent business perspectives. For example, when look-
ing at the total cost of the O
RDER-ENTRY applica-
tion it doesn’t matter if it’s production or test, it all
goes into the cost. On the other hand, when looking
at the resource requirements for an increase in the
number of orders processed, we only want to look at
the part of the application (production) that applies.
The same can be said for adding new features (de-
velopment) or tracking down a major problem (test).
Each of these uses the same definition of the work-
load but distinguishes what should be included in the
study by how it is used. A BMI is associated with a
Purpose to provide the meaningful context for the
BMI. As in the above example, the number of orders
placed by customers would be a good indicator for
only the part of the application associated with the
Purpose P
RODUCTION. Workloads associated with
other Purposes would not be affected by changes in
the number of orders placed but might change with
some other BMI, such as the number of developers.
4.2.3 Platform Modifier
The Platform Modifier Category provides granular-
ity at the Workload level that is dependent on how
the workload is implemented at the hardware and
operating system level. For example, a component of
the OE-DB workload might be an entity called D
that is defined as service class DB01 on
MVS and process
DATAB-MAIN1 (with all child proc-
esses) on Unix. The Platform Modifier Category
fills two key requirements: first, it allows for plat-
form specific definitions of workload entities and,
second, it allows analysis to be done at the platform
level (“How much will the MVS part of O
NTRY grow?”).
4.2.4 BMI Modifier
The BMI (Business Metrics of Interest) Modifier
Category connects the Application Component level
to the business by identifying what part of the busi-
ness affects the workloads that apply to the Applica-
tion. In the example of the O
RDER-ENTRY applica-
tion, by tracking the Business Metric of O
NTERED against the resources consumed for the
NLINE-ORDER workloads (the workloads defined
by the O
NLINE-ORDER Application Component) we
can see the resources required for each order. In ad-
dition, other organizations within the company can
often provide very accurate forecasts of these busi-
ness metrics because they are related to sales goals
and quotas. If we know what it takes to process an
order, and we know how many orders the sales staff
expects to enter, then it is a relatively easy calcula-
tion to determine the resources that will be needed
on each platform. (Kaminski, 2003)
The BMI Modifier Category is not a modifier in
the same way as the other modifier categories. No-
tice in Figure 1 that the BMI entity is connected to
both the Application Component entity and to the
Product entity. While the Application entity con-
nects the Product entity to the Application Compo-
nent entity (and through it to the Workload entity) in
a functional or procedural sense, the BMI Modifier
Category connects them in a behavioral sense. The
BMI modifier is a more formalized than the tradi-
tional workload driver because of this connection to
USING A WORKLOAD INFORMATION REPOSITORY - Mapping Businesses and Applications to Servers and
WIRAM is currently implemented as a Microsoft
Access database because that was the tool the author
had. There is no requirement that Access be used but
it was an obvious choice because of the relatively
small size of the WIRAM database, the flexibility of
using Access with an IIS web server and the fact that
Access is standard in the company’s desktop soft-
ware installation.
This conceptual description of WIRAM (Workload
Information Repository for Analysis and Modeling)
shows the preliminary implementation of a database
repository of workload definitions and relationships.
The objective of WIRAM is to provide workload
consistency from business products to computer sys-
tems by defining each of the workloads, what about
the business changes resource usage and what met-
rics can be used to measures the workloads. The
WIRAM is designed in layers from Businesses at the
top to Workloads at the bottom. Modifiers Catego-
ries allow views of the relationships for specific
purposes. This database design provides a starting
point for customization specific to a company’s
needs and objectives. Once implemented, a WIRAM
will provide a consistent set of definitions for per-
formance and capacity planning studies. Presenta-
tions can simply refer to the WIRAM without hav-
ing to spend time on workload explanations and ar-
guments. Studies can be meaningfully compared.
Using WIRAM to map businesses and applications
to servers and processes improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of application analysis and system
American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition, (Software)
Version 3.6p, 1994, SoftKey International Inc.
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NV, December 8-13, 2002.
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2002. How do you eat an elephant? or How to digest
application performance in bite-size chunks, Proceed-
ings of the Computer Measurement Group, CMG2002,
Reno, NV, December 8-13, 2002.
Kaminski, Ron; Ding, Yiping, 2003. Business Metrics and
Capacity Planning, Proceedings of the Computer
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Lebsack, Rick, 2002. The Value Of It: A Strategic Per-
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OGC, 2003. Proprietary commercial electronic re-
publication of the ITIL (Information Technology In-
frastructure Library) documentation (
by HMSO, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Nor-
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