Jianping Zeng, Donghui Guo
Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, P.R. China
Keywords: Intrusion Detection, Agent-based, KQML, IDMEF.
Abstract: More and more application services are provided and distributed over the Internet for public access.
However, the security of distributed application severs is becoming a serious problem due to many possible
attacks, such as deny of service, illegal intrusion, etc. Because of weakness of the firewall systems in
ensuring security, intrusion detection system (IDS) becomes popular. Now, many kinds of IDS systems are
available for serving in the Internet distributed system, but these systems mainly concentrate on network-
based and host-based detection. It is inconvenience to integrate these systems to distributed application
servers for application-based intrusion detection. An agent-based IDS that can be smoothly integrated into
applications of enterprise information systems is proposed in this paper. We will introduce its system
architecture, agent structure, integration mechanism, and etc. In such an IDS system, there are three kinds of
agents, i.e. client agent, server agent and communication agent. This paper is also to explain how to
integrate agents with access control model for getting better security performance. By introducing standard
protocol such as KQML, IDMEF into the design of agent, our agent-based IDS shows much more flexible
for built in different kinds of software application system.
Many applications, such as e-business, remote
education and Internet-based design, are becoming
popular. As you can see, it becomes a trend to
deploy software application systems in the Internet
to make full use of its all kinds of advantages.
However, because the Internet is an open society so
that anyone can access the resource on it, then the
application may confront with all kinds of attacks or
intrusions, such as Deny of Service (DoS), port scan,
illegal intrusion by hacking user information, etc.
Of all these security events, illegal intrusion is a
more serious issue. But standard security
deployments such as firewalls are limited in their
effectiveness because of simple access control mode
and the evolving sophistication of intrusion methods.
Once an attacker has breached the firewall, he can
roam at will through the network (Loshin, P., 2001).
This makes intrusion detection very important and
necessary. Traditionally, there have been two main
classes of IDSs: host-based and network-based
systems. A host-based IDS monitors the detailed
activity of a particular host, while network-based
IDS monitors networks of computers and other
devices such as, routers, gateways, and primarily
uses data sniffing from network traffic. Network and
host-based IDSs, can be further classified based on
two methods of detection (B. Mukherjee, T. L.
Heberlein, and K. N. Levitt, 1994): anomaly
detection and misuse detection.
However, Masquerading attack is a typical
intrusion and it can be a more serious threat to the
security of computer systems and the computational
infrastructure (Roy A. Maxion, and Tahlia N.
Townsend, 2004). By this kind of attacks, an
assailant attempts to impersonate a legitimate user
after gaining access to this legitimate user’s account.
So, the assailant can understand the exact meanings
of the information he gets, while by other kinds of
attacks, he may just get some segment of data or
encrypted data. A well-known instance of
masquerader activity is about a FBI mole (Roy A.
Maxion, and Tahlia N. Townsend, 2004). Since
masquerading attack happens exactly at application
layer, we call detection methods applied to it as
application-based intrusion detection. And
application-based detection is more difficult to
achieve for the following reasons:
(1) Data of user action are difficult to be
obtained compare to network-based and host-based
ondence: Prof. Don
hui Guo
Zeng J. and Guo D. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 176-181
DOI: 10.5220/0002516401760181
detection, because this kind of data can only be got
from application, while the independency of
application makes an application-based user action
more difficult to acquire.
(2) Application-based detection can affect the
performance of corresponding application due to the
extra work that should be done on data generating
and analysis.
(3) A masquerader may happen to have similar
behavioral patterns as the legitimate user of an
account to which he or she is currently logged,
therefore escaping detection and successfully
causing damage under the cover of seemingly
normal behaviour ( Coull, S.; Branch, J.; Szymanski,
B.; Breimer, E., 2003).
Fortunately, There have been several attempts to
tackle the problem of detecting masqueraders.
Several masquerade-detection algorithms, such as
Sequence-Match, IPAM, Bayes 1-Step Markov, etc
are presented by Schonlau and his colleagues (M.
Schonlau, W. DuMouchel, W.-H. Ju, A. F. Karr, M.
Theus, and Y. Vardi, 2001). However, researches on
data acquiring and overall system structure have
seldom to mention. So, in this paper, we mainly
focus on these topics.
An agent-based intrusion detection system is
proposed. Being different from other agent-based
IDSs, this system can be integrated with enterprise
information system very well. The system mainly
consists of three kinds of agents: client agent, server
agent and communication agent. The system
architecture, agent structure, integration mechanism,
etc, are mainly discussed. And we explain how to
integrate agents with access control model to
achieve better security performance.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
describes related work and discusses previous efforts
to utilize agent techniques for intrusion detection.
Section 3 introduces our system that can be
integrated with actual application and performs
application-oriented intrusion detection. Section 4
discusses the overall system performance and design
issues. Finally, Section 5 briefly concludes.
Agent technology is a very active field of distributed
artificial intelligence (DAI) research in the recent
years. A software agent can be defined as (J. M.
It’s a software entity that functions
continuously and autonomously in a particular
environment, and is able to carry out activities in a
flexible and intelligent manner that is responsive to
changes in the environment. Ideally, an agent that
functions continuously would be able to learn from
its experience.
Although agent may not improve the techniques
for intrusion detection directly, it can change the
means of applying detection techniques, which will
lead to high efficiency and validity of intrusion
detection. Recently, there has been an accretion of
approaches for building agent-based IDSs for
Internet applications. In such a system, agents with
differing capabilities can interact with each other to
perform data acquiring, analysis, reporting. Several
related agent-based IDSs can be listed as follows:
(1) Autonomous Agents For Intrusion Detection
(AAFID) (Balasubramaniyan, J.S.; Garcia-
Fernandez, J.O.; Isacoff, D.; Spafford, E.; Zamboni,
D., 1998)
The AAFID system consists of three essential
components: agents, transceivers and monitors.
Agents are used as the lowest-level element for data
collection. All agents in a host report their findings
to a single transceiver. However, the communication
between agents or transceivers is based on SNMP,
System V IPC, this may lead to extra work when
developing a new agent.
(2) Multi-agent based intrusion detection system
(Hegazy, I.M.; Al-Arif, T.; Fayed, Z.T.; Faheem,
H.M, 2003)
The system employs sniffing agent, analysis
agent, decision agent and report agent to detect three
kinds of attack: the Denial of Service attack, the
ping swept attack and the secure coded document
theft. It can be treated as a network-based detection
(3) An intelligent agent security intrusion system
(Pikoulas, J.; Buchanan, W.; Mannion, M.;
Triantafyllopoulos, K, 2002)
The system is an application-based detection
one. It utilizes the Bayesian multivariate statistical
model to predict user action. In such a system, a user
agent resides in a user workstation, while a core
agent resides on the server. User agent monitors and
analyzes the user action according user profile file
downloaded from server via core agent. The file
contains rules that describe the legal past behavior of
the user and the statistical predictions. Therefore, the
file must be kept secure by itself, however, it’s
difficult to ensure this in this system.
Although these IDSs may be effective in
detecting some kinds of intrusion, but how to
integrate them with all kinds of application in
enterprise information system remains a difficult
3.1 System Architecture
We propose an architecture (which we call AIDSI
for ‘Agent-based Intrusion Detection System for
Integration’) for building IDSs that can be
distributed over Internet-based applications. In this
system, we use Markov model to predict the
probability of user action and then make a fuzzy
decision whether the user is illegal one. The system
consists of three types of agents: client agent,
communication agent and server agent. The
relationship among them is shown in figure 1. All of
the configuration and the information necessary for
prediction and decision are stored in the knowledge
base, and the base is located at the server side.
Client agents are installed on client workstation,
and responsible for collecting extra user information
and then sending to server agents with the help of
communication agents. Also, client agents will
check the newest version of client agents stored on
server and decide whether to download and update
for themselves.
Figure 1: Relationship among agents
Server agents are running in the server process.
They process the message sent from client agents,
write and read from knowledge base, which stores
user information and prediction model presentation.
However, most important of all, server agents can
inference whether the current user is a legal one or
not according to the prediction model.
Communication agents monitor the client agent’s
sending request and check whether the client agent
is a legal one. After the received message is parsed,
the useful message is forwarded to the server agents.
Also, the communication agents can accept other
message that generated from access control module
or user authentication module.
Because the system can run well in client process
and work well with other security services, such as
access control, and exchange message in process-
level with those services. Thus the response time
will greatly decrease and a more security mechanism
will be achieved.
In the following section we describe each
component in more detail.
3.2 Client Agent
Application-based intrusion detection system should
set up a proper model for normal user, and Markov
model is used in this paper. However, in order to
achieve an excellent prediction accuracy, only
knowledge about user’s action on the application is
not enough. So, the main function of client agent is
to collect extra user authentication information.
However, this raises many privacy concerns (Millett,
L.I.; Holden, S.H., 2003), which is a hot topic
recently. In AIDSI, the client agent gets extra
information and sends to the server. This process
needn’t to be disturbed by user or system
administrators, so the user privacy can be kept. Extra
information about client’s machine, such as
Operating System, network card, etc. is used to
improve the decision accuracy.
The structure of client agent can be described in
figure 2. Layer 1 collects extra information by
calling operating system API when the user login
into the application. Layer 2 translates the message
into special format defined by Knowledge Query
and Manipulation Language (KQML), which is a
relatively mature agent communication language
(Liu Yong, Xu Congfu, Chen Weidong, Pan Yunhe,
2004.). Layer 3 simply transmits the KQML
message to remote server.
Figure 2: Structure of client agent
However, the client agent should identify itself
for the server agent that it is a legal agent after
connecting to the server. This is especially important
in such an IDS, because abnormal user may corrupt
the client agent and report wrong message to server.
To achieve this goal, a distinguish ID code is
assigned to each client agent. But when the user
login to server in different workstation, he has to
install the client agent on every workstations. To
avoid this kind of unconvenience, the client agent is
designed to dynamically download from server after
the user logins to server in his own application
Another important feature of the client agent is
reliability in communication. Each client agent is
connected to a default communication agent.
However, when the communication is busy or fails
to response, the client agent may select from local
setting for communication agent lists and then tries
to connect to another communication agent.
From above, we can see that the client agent do
not exchange more with user application, so it can
be well integrated with many kinds of user
3.3 Communication Agent
Firstly, the communication agent performs an
ordinal check to see whether the client agent is a
legal one. The checking process describes as follow:
(1) the communication agent gets the client
agent ID code;
(2) the communication agent checks if the ID is
contained in list of knowledge base; if so, then it
allows client to connect.
(3) however, if the ID is not in list, the
communication agent may give a message to the
user authentication module of user application to
notify the module to try another user session.
Secondly, it monitors the data sent from the
instance of access control model.
In application-based detection, user action can be
acquired from access control model and the user
authentication module. Here we take access control
model as an example.
Because access control model usually embeds in
application system, IDSs can’t get the data flow
from the instance of the access control model.
Although an access control model usually produces
log file which records details about user action, but
this log file can’t be used to perform real-time
detection. So, we define a standard event data
acquiring protocol based on Intrusion Detection
Message Exchange Format (IDMEF). IDMEF (D.
Curry, H. Debar, M. Huang, 2000) is a XML-based
language to describe intrusion events. An example
message about user’s access is as follow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
"-//IETF//DTD IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-
<IDMEF-Message version="0.1">
<Alert alertid="101" impact="attempted-user">
<Time offset="0">
<Analyzer ident="800">
<Node category="wfw">
<Address category="ipv4-addr">
However, in order to keep the expansibility of
AIDSI, all kinds of IDMEF message should be also
encapsulated into KQML package by assigning
IDMEF as the content part of KQML package.
3.4 Server Agent
The server agent has several main tasks to be
performed, described as follows:
(1) set up a suitable model for each user
In order to improve the overall effectiveness, the
AIDSI defines different models for each user. The
model is express by the following Markov:
,,MC X A
Ψ , where X is a discrete
stochastic variable, A is the probability transfer
matrix and
is the initial distribution of X.
where P
stands for the probability from status i
to status j.
So, setting up the model actually should
performs the calculation the values of P
The model is stored at the knowledge base,
which can be a small relational database.
(2) acquire the user action at a certain time
After the communication agent gets the KQML
package about user action from the instance of
access control model, the server agent can simply
perform a standard action on KQML package to
acquire the user action in real-time.
(3) predict the probability of user action and
make decision
This is calculated by n-order Markov by the
following equation:
(1) ()(1) (1)(2
Vt a Ht A a Ht A
aHtn An
+=× × +× ×
++× +×L
where, ,
()Ht stands for user status at time t
Then, the predict result can be got from V(t+1)
by checking the maximum value.
However, the predict accuracy may be limited.
AIDSI makes full use of extra information collected
by the client agents. And this extra information
reflects the user application environment, so a more
high accuracy can be achieved.
The following explains how to get the result.
Suppose V(t+1) = (0.54 0.43 0.03 0 ) and the
user’s current action is on object 1.
Because the probability difference between
object 1 (0.54) and object 2 (0.43) are small, we may
not make such decision that the user is a legal or an
illegal. So, extra information is used. For example,
AIDSI can check whether the address of network
card is in the lists of history frequent used address. If
not, the user may be illegal.
(4) maintenance the user model
In order to keep the user model in a correct state,
each variable in probability transfer matrix should be
updated every time. And this task is performed by
the server agent.
(1) ability for integration
The AIDSI is an agent-based intrusion detection
system, which is easy to be integrated.
The client agent just acts as an extra information
collector, and it need not exchange data with client
of user application. In system implementation, the
client agent can be written in Java language and a
complied language, such as C. Layer 1 of client
agent is written in C to integrate with operation
system API, while layer 2 and layer 3 are developed
by Java to reach the goal of dynamically download
to update itself.
The communication agent and server agent are
written in Java. And they can be deployed at
different computers. The instance of access control
model should send information about user action to
communication agent, so some code can be written
as DLL and export API for user application. By
doing so, the agent and access control module is
loosely coupled.
(2) inference ability
In AIDSI, the inference ability of agent is
important for accuracy detecting application-
oriented intrusion. Because the user’s action in
application forms a time series, Markov model is
suitable for such kind of analysis. And extra user
information is used to make a final decision when
the predict result of Markov model is in confuse
Because the calculation in the inference process
is much more expensive, so, multi-thread program
technology must be introduced when developing
server agent to ensure the overall performance of
user application.
(3) independency
Independency is especially a main requirement in
AIDSI for actual user application may vary from
each other in the software environment, and this is
achieved by introducing standard protocol, such as
KQML, IDMEF. These protocols are application-
oriented, so they are suitable for AIDSI.
Application-oriented intrusion is a kind of more
serious intrusion since masqueraders can get the
meaning of data in a visual mode. AIDSI, which is
different from other IDS, is proposed to deal with
such intrusion. Agent technology is introduced to get
extra user information to improve the predict
accuracy without influence user’s privacy. Also
standard protocols, such as KQML, IDMEF, are
used in the design of the agent communication
mechanism, so AIDSI is more flexible and can be
integrated with enterprise information systems well.
This paper is supported by the funding of Fujian
province of China NSFC Project No. A0410007 and
Corporation Start-up Project. We would like to
thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments,
which is helpful to improve the quality of the paper.
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