Eva Blomqvist
School of Engineering, J
oping University
P.O. Box 1026, SE-551 11 J
oping, Sweden
Kurt Sandkuhl
School of Engineering, J
oping University
P.O. Box 1026, SE-551 11 J
oping, Sweden
Ontology Engineering, Ontology Patterns, Pattern Classification.
In Software Engineering, patterns are an accepted way to facilitate and support reuse. This paper focuses on
patterns in the field of Ontology Engineering and proposes a classification scheme for ontology patterns. The
scheme divides ontology patterns into ve levels: Application Patterns, Architecture Patterns, Design Patterns,
Semantic Patterns, and Syntactic Patterns. Semantic and Syntactic Patterns are quite well-researched but the
higher levels of pattern abstraction are so far almost unexplored. To illustrate the possibilities of patterns on
these levels some examples are discussed, together with ideas of future work.
Recent developments in the area of Ontology En-
gineering involve semi-automatic ontology construc-
tion to reduce time and effort of constructing an on-
tology. In particular for small-scale application con-
texts, reduction of effort and expert involvement is an
important requirement.
Ways of reducing this effort are to further facil-
itate semi-automatic construction of ontologies, but
also to introduce reuse in Ontology Engineering. Pat-
terns have proved to be a fruitful way to handle the
problem of reuse. In Software Engineering it is al-
ready the commonly accepted way to build software
and there are not only Software Design Patterns, but
also Data Model Patterns, generic Problem Solving
Methods, Object System Models, and many other ap-
proaches. Classification of ontology patterns is a first
step towards a structured use of patterns in Ontology
Engineering. The main contribution of our research,
and focus of this paper, is the classification and cate-
gorisation of patterns for Ontology Engineering.
In section 2 the background of the research is pre-
sented. Further, in section 3, our approach for classi-
fying ontology patterns is described and some exam-
ples of the different levels are discussed. In the final
part, section 4, our research is summarised and some
ideas for future work are presented.
Ontology is a popular term today, used in many ar-
eas and defined in many different ways. In this paper
ontology is defined as:
An ontology is a hierarchically structured set of
concepts describing a specific domain of knowledge
that can be used to create a knowledge base. An on-
tology contains concepts, a subsumption hierarchy,
arbitrary relations between concepts, and axioms. It
may also contain other constraints and functions.
Even using this definition, ontologies can be used
for many different purposes, and they can be con-
structed and structured in many different ways. One
of the most common ways to describe the level of
generality of an ontology is by using the structure in
(Guarino, 1998). The structure shows how a general
Top-level Ontology can be specialised into a Domain
Ontology or a Task Ontology, which in turn can be
combined into an Application Ontology (describing a
certain task specialised for a specific domain).
Another categorisation of ontologies can be ob-
tained by classifying them by their intended use (van
Heijst et al., 1997). There are three main levels, Ter-
minological Ontologies, Information Ontologies and
Knowledge Modelling Ontologies, where each level
adds further complexity to the ontology structure. For
Blomqvist E. and Sandkuhl K. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 413-416
DOI: 10.5220/0002518804130416
example, in a Terminological Ontology often a simple
taxonomy of terms is enough, while in a Knowledge
Modelling Ontology more advanced axioms and con-
straints are very often required.
The ontology community has not yet adopted the
pattern idea on a broader scale. There exist a few pat-
terns for ontologies, and all of them are specialised for
some specific kind of ontology (with respect to both
level of generality and usage area, as defined above).
For specific ontology languages, patterns are be-
ing developed, e.g. the OWL-patterns of (W3C-
SWBPD, 2004). Examples of meta-structures for on-
tologies, which can be denoted patterns, are Seman-
tic Patterns for describing implementation indepen-
dent logical constructs (Stuckenschmidt and Euzenat,
2001)(Staab et al., 2001). These patterns can for ex-
ample describe notions like locally inverse relations
and composition of relations. Similar to Software De-
sign Patterns are the Ontology Design Patterns dis-
cussed in (Gangemi, 2004), and the Design Patterns
developed for ontologies in Molecular Biology (Re-
ich, 1999). These patterns are quite general and de-
scribe for example how to keep track of updates be-
tween different partitions of an ontology.
In order to study the use of ontology patterns in a
broader perspective, there is need for a general clas-
sification of patterns. In this section such a classifica-
tion is presented and discussed.
3.1 Classification
Our classification of ontology patterns uses the fol-
lowing levels (an illustration of the levels and their
interdependencies can be seen in Figure 1):
Application Patterns - Purpose, scope, usage and
context of the implemented ontology or ontologies,
including interfaces and relations to other systems.
Architecture Patterns - A description of how to
combine or arrange implemented Design Patterns
in order to fulfill the overall goal of the ontology.
Design Patterns - A small collection of Semantic
Patterns that together create a common and generic
construct for ontology development.
Semantic Patterns - Language independent descrip-
tion of a certain concept, relation or axiom. A
meta-description of a Syntactic Pattern.
Syntactic Patterns - Language specific ways to
arrange representation symbols, to create a certain
concept, relation or axiom.
To really benefit from ontology patterns they
should be studied, and used, at all these levels. As
noted in section 2, there are some ontology pat-
tern approaches present today, but these are mostly
connected to the lower levels, such as Syntactic
Patterns (W3C-SWBPD, 2004), Semantic Patterns
(Staab et al., 2001) and Design Patterns (Gangemi,
2004) (Reich, 1999).
Ontology Application Patterns aim to describe
generic ways to use the implemented ontologies, in
terms of purpose, context, interfaces etc. This idea
of abstracting the best ways to apply and use an on-
tology, or several ontologies, within some context or
application is an important issue. Here many mod-
els and common practices exist, but not formalised as
patterns. A simple generalisation of existing models
could result in initial Application Patterns for ontolo-
gies. The application level patterns will be very much
dependent on the ontology usage area, and may also
be domain dependent.
Ontology Architecture Patterns aim to describe a
generic way to design the overall structure of an ontol-
ogy, in order to fulfill the goal of the ontology in ques-
tion. So far, no Architecture Patterns for ontologies
have been presented. Important questions are whether
to divide the ontology into components or modules, or
to divide it into layers or use other construction prin-
ciples. On the architecture level there could be great
possibilities to draw from experiences in other ar-
eas. Architectures tend to be similar whether it comes
to Problem Solving Methods, software or ontologies.
Architectures also do not tend to be application or do-
main specific, but the patterns created certainly need
to be adapted to either manual or automatic use.
Ontology Design Patterns aim to describe a
generic recurring construct in ontologies. When im-
plemented, the construct will form a small piece of
the complete ontology (perhaps a component or mod-
ule). There exist patterns that are generic and domain
independent, for manual construction of domain on-
tologies. Such patterns can be very useful but there is
also a need for more specific patterns, e.g. domain
dependent patterns, both for manual and automatic
use. The main idea of patterns for automatic use is
to be specific enough, allowing them to be used auto-
matically or semi-automatically, and at the same time
generic enough to be useful in several ontologies of a
certain domain.
A continuous application of all levels of the pattern
classification above would require defined patterns for
all different kinds of ontologies (both level of general-
ity and usage area as defined in section 2). Yet another
aspect to be taken into account is whether the patterns
will be applied manually or automatically. In Ontol-
ogy Engineering today, the approaches tend more and
more toward semi-automatic construction, even more
so than in Software Engineering. Automatically ap-
plied patterns will probably play a very important role
in the future. Thus, when exploring and developing a
full-covering system of patterns for ontologies, it is
important to consider both the ontology categorisa-
tion, the pattern categorisation and the notion of man-
ual or automatic pattern usage.
Application Level
Architecture Level
Design Level
Semantic Level
Syntactic Level
Figure 1: Illustration of the classification levels as a
continuous increase of granularity.
3.2 Discussion of Selected Examples
Our research mainly has a focus on ontology patterns
for automatic use, and specifically for Information
Ontologies on the domain or application level within
One can imagine two different approaches when
addressing this problem. The first one is to take all ex-
isting ontologies and derive patterns from them. The
other one is to develop criteria of ”good design” and
construct patterns that reflect these principles. Unfor-
tunately, the second approach is not practically feasi-
ble since it is almost impossible to derive criteria of
how to design ontologies for all situations. The first
approach is the common way, in for example Soft-
ware Engineering, to ”discover” patterns using exist-
ing structures. Unfortunately, enterprise ontologies
are so far quite scarce and often sparsely documented,
which makes it hard to extract patterns this way.
One ”middle course” is to draw from knowledge
already accumulated in other areas. Many patterns in
Computer Science also describe some kind of knowl-
edge, although they might have a different purpose.
Our approach is to study those patterns in order to de-
velop ontology patterns. So far the focus has been
to develop an overall picture of the ontology area, by
developing the classification structure discussed pre-
viously, and to put existing approaches into this cat-
egorisation. In the following sections first ideas for
populating the higher pattern levels are presented.
3.2.1 Ontology Application Patterns
No Application Patterns have so far been formalised
for ontologies, as noted earlier, but there exist many
models of ontology usage. The models typically show
how different ontologies interact and depend on each
other in a specific system. As a starting point, these
types of models (for example like in (Levashova et al.,
2003)) could be abstracted into Ontology Application
3.2.2 Ontology Architecture Patterns
At the next level, some Software Architecture Patterns
might be quite easily adopted by the ontology com-
munity. There are several approaches to modulari-
sation of ontologies (Stuckenschmidt, 2003) (Rector,
2003), which in combination with a Software Archi-
tecture Pattern, for example similar patterns to those
developed by Shaw (Shaw, 1996), could become an
architecture for ontologies. An example could be
the Implicit Invocation Architecture Pattern (Shaw,
1996), which instead of objects or processes could be
used with ontology modules.
3.2.3 Ontology Design Patterns
The third level in focus is the Ontology Design Pat-
terns. Here patterns similar to Software Design Pat-
terns have already been suggested, so the interesting
areas to explore involve more domain and application
specific patterns for semi-automatic use. For testing
the suitability of different patterns in Computer Sci-
ence to act as templates when constructing Ontology
Design Patterns, some example ontologies were cre-
ated. These were evaluated against real-world appli-
cations in order to decide which patterns to focus on.
Some patterns considered interesting for constructing
Ontology Design Patterns are Data Model Patterns
(Hay, 1996) (Silverston, 2001), Object System Mod-
els (Sutcliffe, 2002) and Analysis Patterns (Fowler,
3.2.4 Remaining Issues
So far our focus has been on Ontology Design Pat-
terns in practice, and currently an evaluation is being
conducted to see how useful the ontologies suggested
above can be, and how they might be generalised into
ontology patterns. The evaluation has shown that one
problem is to transfer constraints in the existing pat-
terns into axioms of the ontologies in a structured
way. Another problem is the differences in general-
ity of the existing patterns. Also, the underlying as-
sumptions that the patterns are based on might differ
between the ontology field and the field where the pat-
tern originated.
The main contribution of this research, so far, is the
classification of ontology patterns into five different
levels. When using these levels it is also impor-
tant to consider the kind of ontology to be built, its
intended usage, and especially how it will be con-
structed. The notion of semi-automatic construction
poses new and different requirements on possible pat-
terns, they need to be more specific, appropriately for-
malised and maybe even domain dependent.
Our work has so far focused on testing patterns
from other Computer Science areas in order to eval-
uate their usefulness when adapted to the ontology
area. When considering future work, it has been
shown that many areas of the ontology pattern field
require more research efforts, in order to reach a full-
covering system of patterns. Our research will con-
tinue to focus on the patterns intended for automatic
use since they are the natural next step in further fa-
cilitating semi-automatic ontology construction.
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