Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method
Simon Tan, Kecheng Liu
Informatics Research Centre, University of Reading, Whiteknight, Reading, RG6 6AY, UK
Keywords: Enterprise Infrastructure Planning, Enterprise Modelling, Simulation, Problem Articulation
Abstract: Current systems development costs rise almost exponentially as development time increases, underlining the
importance of effective project management and enterprise planning. Enterprise infrastructure planning
offers an avenue to efficiently improve and shorten design time; and to develop a system of high quality and
with considerably lower operating and development costs. The Problem Articulation Method (PAM) is a
method for articulating business and technical requirements in an organisation. It is capable of assimilating
the internal systems changes in response to the dynamics and uncertainties of the business environment. The
requirements and specifications from this analysis constitute as a baseline for managing changes, and
provide the mechanism by which the reality of the enterprise and its systems can be aligned with planned
enterprise objectives. An illustration of planning and development of a procurement system will be used to
demonstrate the enterprise infrastructure requirements using a discrete-event enterprise simulation package
“Enterprise Dynamic”. This paper will examine the capability of PAM in the articulation and simulation of
complex enterprise requirements.
The evolving business environment has caused a
paradigm shift in the way business operates. The
traditional business paradigm has changed
significantly with the integration of IT, business and
organisational systems. This transformation has
accelerated in response to the evolution and
globalisation of information and communication.
Unlike the business view of the old, which focused
on a one dimensional business domain, today’s
enterprise paradigm is dynamic and multi-
dimensional. It is more crucial then ever for
enterprise to remain agile and to integrate seamlessly
across the technical, business and organisational
functions. Enterprise infrastructure planning can be
used to adequately address the evolution of
requirements and the convoluted behaviours of the
Enterprise engineering as defined by Liles and
esley (1996) is referred to as the body of
knowledge, principles, and practices having to do
with the analysis, design, implementation and
operation of an enterprise. It uses a multi-
disciplinary engineering approach for analysis,
design, and implementation of enterprises. For
enterprise engineering to be effective it has to
address three fundamental issues. Firstly, the ability
to capture complex enterprise requirements and its
evolving needs. Secondly, the capability to embed
organisational behaviours in the enterprise
‘conceptual’ model. And thirdly, the ability to
incorporate and translate the enterprise model into
simulation software for the purpose of analysis and
An enterprise model is a dynamic representation of a
usiness organisation, in which activities, processes,
relationships, constraints, information, resources,
people, behaviour and goals are modelled. It must
therefore be able to represent organisational
behaviours and reflect the diverse enterprise
requirements. Tan and Liu (2004) have identified the
weakness of information requirements, attributing it
to the inability of requirements engineering to elicit
complex organisational behaviours. The dynamics of
process, however, cannot be sufficiently expressed
using either linear computation or graphical
representation alone, which is unfortunately still in
practice by many modellers. The existing problems
with most modelling method can be attributed to the
following reasons:
Tan S. and Liu K. (2005).
ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING - Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 240-245
DOI: 10.5220/0002519802400245
Lack of a comprehensive method to describe
and valuate the stakeholders’ feedback.
Emphasis placed on hierarchical
decomposition of a system without placing
analysis of other related systems that form an
integral part of the organisational
Scalability is difficult, and often incompetent
in addressing the different levels of
enterprise modelling.
Difficulty in estimating project resources
such as time, cost, and expertise in a
dynamic manner.
Problem in integrating the diverse functions
of business and IT infrastructure within the
This paper proposes an enterprise infrastructure
model, and examines the capability of Problem
Articulation Method (PAM) in the articulation of
problem situation, using simulation for analysis and
validation. Section 2 describes the integration of
enterprise model with simulation model. Section 3
highlights the problems associated with enterprise
modelling methods and explains how PAM may be
used to address these issues. Section 4 provides an
illustration of the collateral structuring technique
and explains how simulation model can be used for
enterprise requirements analysis and validation.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with findings
and further work.
In traditional simulation model building, the
simulation software application acts as a model
development environment. The simulation
development environment is a non-specific
modelling environment that supports an infinite
variety of modelling problem situations. It is
precisely this characteristic of modelling, with its
infinite scenario that makes enterprise simulation
extremely difficult. The simulation-based
application is likely to adopt different functions to
model the different aspects of an enterprise.
Enterprise infrastructure planning (EIP) model
(Figure. 1) provides a high-level model using PAM
for the capture of enterprise requirements using a
generic discrete-event simulation environments, and
the associated requirements of the model functional
layers as the basis for organisational simulation
standard. The requirements places upon this
software program allows the attributes to be
embedded within the simulation applications and are
therefore a better representation of the ‘real’
organisation, as oppose to one where the
requirements and attributes of the system are pre-
determine by the users. EIP uses PAM as an
enterprise model for assimilating the internal
systems changes in response to the dynamics of
enterprise requirements. The requirements elicited
from the enterprise must be able to interpret the
attributes directly from the modelling method.
The simulation model thus needs to provide the
attributes and parameters of human and software
agents to correctly model the enterprise. This
requires an interface, which could seamlessly
translate between the conceptual model and the
simulation software. Aalst (1990) realises the crucial
need to model the specification of concurrent and
dynamic systems, and has developed a framework
with a modelling language called ExSpect, which
serves to describe and simulate business processes
using discrete event systems. ExSpect is executable
in application and thus design for prototyping and
simulation modelling.
Enterprise Dynamic (Enterprise Dynamics 2003) is
an object-oriented software program for discrete-
event simulation to model, simulate, visualise and
control dynamic processes. This software is
designed for enterprise modelling where the user can
use the 4D-script programming language to create
and customise the conceptual model. It allows a
predefined set of simulation objects referred to as
‘atoms’ and statistical distributions to create the
model. Current simulation software provides the
tools to model the ‘real world’, but do not provide
methods for modelling specific entities of the
Enterprise ‘Conceptual’
Simul ation
Simul ation Model
Simul ation
Control, Activation,
Modelling Entities
Relationships, Concepts
Problem (PAM)
Articulation Method
PAM Techniques
-Unit Definition
-Stakeholder Analysis
-Collateral Structuring
-Organisational Containment
-Valuation Framing
Soci al
Organi sat ion
Domai n
Mo del
Si mul at i on
Mo d el
Organisation Model
Ma ppi ng
Ma p pi n g
Req uir ements
Refi n ement
Enterprise Infrastructure
Enterprise Modelling
Ent e r p r i s e
Req uir emen t s
Figure 1: Enterprise Infrastructure Planning Using
PAM and Simulation
Enterprise ‘Conceptual’
Simul ation
Simul ation Model
Simul ation
Control, Activation,
Modelling Entities
Relationships, Concepts
Problem (PAM)
Articulation Method
PAM Techniques
-Unit Definition
-Stakeholder Analysis
-Collateral Structuring
-Organisational Containment
-Valuation Framing
Soci al
Organi sat ion
Domai n
Mo del
Si mul at i on
Mo d el
Organisation Model
Ma ppi ng
Ma p pi n g
Req uir ements
Refi n ement
Enterprise Infrastructure
Enterprise Modelling
Ent e r p r i s e
Req uir emen t s
ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING - Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method
Probably the most difficult tasks in designing and
building a discrete-event simulation models is in
addressing the ambiguity and defining the scope of
the system. The modeller must explicitly translate
the ‘real’ system into an abstract system-of-entities,
interactions-between-entities, and entities
interactions-with-system environment. A modeller
who desire to create an abstract representation of
processes has three possible options: (1) build a
detailed model to capture actual problem situation,
(2) comprehensive modelling to capture the specific
aspects of processes, or (3) operation through a
process model “black box”. A modeller will make
the “level of detail” decision based his discretion on
whether he deems that additional detail will
significantly affect the output statistics he is
attempting to model.
The Problem Articulation Method was designed for
the analysis and planning of enterprise infrastructure
developed by Stamper and his colleagues (Stamper
et al. 1988, Kolkman 1993), based on organisational
semiotics (Stamper 1993, Liu 2004) offers an
effective means for enterprise modelling. PAM
addresses the complex organisational issues and
provides for the cost-benefit analysis, project
management and project planning. It facilitates the
co-design of business and IT systems by identifying
relevant agents, eliciting the domain language and
valuate stakeholders’ feedback to uncover the gross
architecture of the enterprise. Liu and Sun (2002)
highlighted the importance of the co-design of
business and IT systems, which facilitate the
evolution of information systems.
Collateral structuring, one of the PAM techniques is
concerned with the definition of unit systems that
forms the constellation or supporting structure of the
focal system. A focal system can be broadly defined
as a kernel that revolves around the problem
situation (Checkland 1981). The collateral systems
(Figure 2) are systems that surround the focal
system. Collateral analysis helps to place the focal
system in its context and uncovers the infrastructure
in which the focal system fulfils its functions. The
method provides structure and will reveal the
incompleteness of the infrastructure. It is possible to
configure these structures as cycles. The method
provides a guide to safeguard against
inconsistencies, incompliant and incompleteness of
the infrastructure. Collateral structuring forces the
analyst to focus on the structure in relation to the
overall system intervention and to consider
scenarios, which include external environments e.g.
suppliers process, economy, demand and supply.
Focal System
Available System
Constructing Cycle
Launching Cycle
Backup Cycle
Operating Cycle
Focal System
Available System
Constructing Cycle
Launching Cycle
Backup Cycle
Operating Cycle
Figure 2: Collateral Structuring Model
In technological innovation, the
focal system starts
as a new technical ‘
system-in-operation’. But before
the system can be installed to serve the organisation,
it must first be available and launch from the
launching System; which periodically needs to be
taken down for maintenance or repair. The
system will eventually have to be taken down via
Terminating System, when the system-in-
is no longer required. However, before
this takes place, the system must be switched off-
line for it to be used/re-used as an
available system.
The new system will then be constructed from the
Resources; and at the end of the lifecycle of the focal
, it will be dismantled (refer to the
Construction Cycle in figure 2). In the operation of
Focal System, a Backup System is usually
required in the event of system breakdown, where
the system can be switch to
Backup System with the
help of the
Fallback system. Once the focal system is
repaired and launched, the Recovery system can
switch the operation back from the
Backup system
to the
Focal system.
Purchasing and procurement represent different
processes, although people tend to use the words
interchangeably. Purchasing refers to the actual
buying of materials and activities associated with the
buying process, which focused on generating, and
processing orders. In this paper we define
procurement to include both human procedures and
IT systems functions. It is especially testing in the
acquisition of hardware and software Information
Technology (IT) sector, where there are many
suppliers and a wide variety of products and
services. The purchaser has to select the best
options by collating product availability and price
information from different sources, and then
acquires the lowest price product, which meets the
requestor needs through a series of selection
Focal System
The focal system “procurement” represents the core
operation that provides services for the entire
organisation. At the inception of the system only the
central functions to be performed have to be given
attention. The focal system will have a start and
finish lifespan. The size of the focal system at this
stage is not significant, but a larger size will entail a
complex internal structure.
PAM addresses the planning of focal and collateral
systems (Figure 3), the attributes in the template
captures the resources and time required for building
each unit system. These attributes describe the
behaviours of the systems.
Figure 3: Procurement system and its collateral
The unit system template (Table. 1) defines the
objectives, stakeholders (skill-set, staff number,
responsibilities and estimated operating costs) of the
focal unit. The unit system templates also define the
unit system, objectives and comments on each
collateral unit.
Model Mapping
The process of developing a conceptual model and
attempting to represent this in the simulation
software has made a significant contribution towards
understanding the procurement process. The
conceptual model for simulation must address the
simulation’s context and how the entities and
relationship will be represented. It have to address
the issue of (1) assessing a simulation’s validity for
situation not explicitly tested and (2) determining the
appropriateness of a simulation (or its parts) for
reuse or use with other simulations. There are
currently no de-facto standards or approaches for
abstracting representation or translating the
conceptual model into the simulation model. It is
crucial to map the entities and relationship with the
aim of describing and documenting the conceptual
model, which must be incorporated in the simulation
Specifying Simulation Requirements Using
Collateral Structure
Collateral structure provides a supporting framework
within the enterprise model. It forces practitioner to
consider systematically the overall enterprise
‘conceptual’ model, specifying the architecture
requirements. The unit system is not analysed in
isolation but within the collateral life cycle, which
explicitly define the behaviours of entities and its
relationship in relation to the overall system
intervention. The enterprise requirements elicited
from PAM are directly applicable for use in the
implementation of simulation model, ‘atoms’ in the
enterprise dynamics software.
Acquisition of S/Ware
& H/Ware product
Social/Legislature, Technology,
Systems compatibility
Contact vendor, direct action,
By users dept - purchase
Revert to Procurement
Procurement System
EU Standard
Procurement of clients technological
& informational Requirements
Decommission Procurement
Commission of
Procurement System
Vendor contacts, price list,
Corporate account privileges
Scrape Procurement System
Establish policies, regulations
Standards, Procedures
Best practice / Code of conduct
Company regulations and policies, Consultants,
information database, Technological specifications
Requir ements
Notification of delays/
Constructing Cycle
Launching Cycle
Backup Cycle
Operating Cycle
Acquisition of S/Ware
& H/Ware product
Social/Legislature, Technology,
Systems compatibility
Contact vendor, direct action,
By users dept - purchase
Revert to Procurement
Procurement System
EU Standard
Procurement of clients technological
& informational Requirements
Decommission Procurement
Commission of
Procurement System
Vendor contacts, price list,
Corporate account privileges
Scrape Procurement System
Establish policies, regulations
Standards, Procedures
Best practice / Code of conduct
Company regulations and policies, Consultants,
information database, Technological specifications
Requir ements
Notification of delays/
Constructing Cycle
Launching Cycle
Backup Cycle
Operating Cycle
Table 1: Unit system template
Focal System (Procurement IT System)
UNIT SYSTEM Start Date: 01-05-04
Procurement System in Operation End Date: 05-07-04
Duration : 65days
1) Procurement of Software/Hardware/Services MTBF : 150days
2) Satisfy client requirements MTTR : 5 hours
3) Obtain product/services at best value FIFO/LIFO/Batch: Batch
4) Meet Procurement criteria Trigger(s) : Input (On Entry)
Import format: Requisition form
Stakeholders Skill-Sets #Staffs Responsibilities
Procurement Manager PAM method 2 Authorise and allocate projects
Procurement Supervisor ERP 3 Manage project
Consultant IT & Procurement 2 Consultancy services (integration)
Programmer C++ 4 Programming
Estimated Expenses:
(1) Programmer = £12 per/hr X4 person = £ 48per/hr [7x48x74=£24,864]
(2) Consultant = £100 per/hr X2= £200 per/hr [7x200x74=£103,600]
(3) Procurement Manager = £40per/hr X2 = £80 per/hr [7x80x74=£41,440]
(4) Procurement Supervisor = £30 per/hr X3= £90 per/hr [7x90x74=£46,620]
Total (Focal) Operating Costs £216,524
Actual Expenses £198,000
Balance (Surplus/Deficit) £ 18,524
Questions: 1) What is the required input for the system?
2) How should the input be presented?
3) What is the quality or quantity of input?
4) What are the alternative source of input?
Checklists: 1) Organisational policies?
2) Departmental budget?
3) Governmental laws?
Deliverables: 1) Lists of documents?
2) Work flow diagrams
3) Contracts (warranty)
Focal System (Procurement IT System)
UNIT SYSTEM Start Date: 01-05-04
Procurement System in Operation End Date: 05-07-04
Duration : 65days
1) Procurement of Software/Hardware/Services MTBF : 150days
2) Satisfy client requirements MTTR : 5 hours
3) Obtain product/services at best value FIFO/LIFO/Batch: Batch
4) Meet Procurement criteria Trigger(s) : Input (On Entry)
Import format: Requisition form
Stakeholders Skill-Sets #Staffs Responsibilities
Procurement Manager PAM method 2 Authorise and allocate projects
Procurement Supervisor ERP 3 Manage project
Consultant IT & Procurement 2 Consultancy services (integration)
Programmer C++ 4 Programming
Estimated Expenses:
(1) Programmer = £12 per/hr X4 person = £ 48per/hr [7x48x74=£24,864]
(2) Consultant = £100 per/hr X2= £200 per/hr [7x200x74=£103,600]
(3) Procurement Manager = £40per/hr X2 = £80 per/hr [7x80x74=£41,440]
(4) Procurement Supervisor = £30 per/hr X3= £90 per/hr [7x90x74=£46,620]
Total (Focal) Operating Costs £216,524
Actual Expenses £198,000
Balance (Surplus/Deficit) £ 18,524
Questions: 1) What is the required input for the system?
2) How should the input be presented?
3) What is the quality or quantity of input?
4) What are the alternative source of input?
Checklists: 1) Organisational policies?
2) Departmental budget?
3) Governmental laws?
Deliverables: 1) Lists of documents?
2) Work flow diagrams
3) Contracts (warranty)
ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING - Modelling and Simulation Using the Problem Articulation Method
The collateral analysis template uses three types of
triggers, that is congruent to the Enterprise Dynamic
input parameters:
1) trigger on creation, 2)
trigger on entry and 3) trigger
exit. The collateral structure triggers regulate
and facilitate control over the activation, sequencing
and timing of the different events. The model
operates as an integrated sub-system, using a
dependency-linked mechanism within the business
Simulation Model
The procurement simulation model incorporates the
enterprise requirements from PAM. The building of
the simulation models will take a significant step
forward in supporting project plan and control
activities. This is made possible with better scoping
and reduction of ambiguity in the requirements of
enterprise infrastructure planning. It also provides
for a finer level of granularity and utilising lower-
level of requirements elicited from the enterprise.
The information from PAM will adequately guide
and provide the users with the information needed to
model a system that considers time, resources,
schedules, expertise and possible eventualities. The
properties of a unit system described in the unit
system template Table 1 will form as inputs to the
simulation model.
The repository of information templates, life cycle
structure and control, enable the modeller to
translate the requirements and specifications attained
from PAM to be used in the simulation model,
which can be easily interpreted by Enterprise
Dynamics. The attributes includes: MTBF, MTTR,
MTTF, FIFO, LIFO, Batch or Real-time system. The
mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) is equal to the
sum of the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) and the
mean-time-to-repair (MTTR). FIFO (first-in, first-
out) and LIFO (last-in, first-out) is an approach to
handle program work requests from queues or
stacks. The attributes of agent’s behaviours within
the enterprise model are elicited from the PAM
specification, which includes the cycle-time,
products number and unit-capacity. The
organisational behaviours will be embedded into the
simulation model to reflect the behaviours and
characteristics of all the agents.
All systems are subjected to periodical breakdown
and down-time for maintenance, either online or
offline. The conditions or properties to calculate
approximate repair time or system downtime enables
the system to factor in eventualities in the simulation
of a ‘real’ environment. Collateral analysis as such
can provide a comprehensive set of properties and
structure needed for this purpose, which could be
entered directly into the simulation software. Based
on the PAM model requirements, a simulation
model can be created using the simulation package
provided by Enterprise Dynamics. The
determination of the business process of the
procurement cases is a result of selection, timing and
description of agent’s behaviour. In the simulation
model (Figure 4) the ‘source atom’ is the first
element created in the procurement model. The
‘source atom’ then sequences the products for entry
into the model at a pre-determined rate into the
Specifications process. ‘Specifications’ is the second
object created, which is a ‘server atom’. The server
atom is use to model the operations of parameters
such as triggers e.g. trigger-on-creation, trigger-on-
entry or trigger-on-exit, MTTF, MTTR and Cycle-
time. It generates the output (processing time) which
is illustrated in Figure 4 at 100% utilisation rate.
Figure 5. Simulation model for procurementFigure 5. Simulation model for procurement
Figure 4: Simulation procurement.
Next, the ‘queue atom’ places the procurement
request, in the Procurement queue and assigned
priorities to it. In the IT procurement system, there
are three procurement channels: 1) In-house
development (79.5%); 2) Outsourcing (79.7%); and
3) Software acquisition (80.2%). Prior to the channel
selection, the product will go through the norm-
specification or business rules, where a series of
rules will be checked to determine the option it
should take next, either queue 1, 2 or 3. Next the
central customer department handles the process of
procurements, operating at an utilisation rate of
99.7% and 99.7% respectively. Both teams upon
completion will hand the request ‘product’ to the
acquisition process for accrue of total output (2535)
produced by the procurement process.
This paper presents the concept, method and
techniques of PAM which allows simulation
software to be constructed within a well-defined
interface that can be easily embedded in the
Enterprise Dynamics simulation software. PAM is
an enterprise modelling method, which uses the
semiotic approach for enterprise requirements
engineering. Empirical studies in organisational
modelling have shown conclusively the importance
of social-technical, business and organisational
systems in modelling an organisation. This paper
makes a case for further research and development
in the next-generation of enterprise modelling for
simulation model. PAM is well equipped to meet
most of the enterprise requirements, which other
prominent methods do not adequately address in the
capturing of enterprise infrastructure and agents
behaviour modelling. The central problem addressed
by PAM, is to provide the modellers with
information about the organisation, but how it could
be use collaboratively with the simulation software
for analysis and validation. More importantly it
allows users to explicitly define the social-technical
context of the system, and how they can be
expressed unequivocally. By providing the
intellectual tools for these tasks, which should
empower analysts to correctly capture the
organisations requirements and therefore be able to
model the complex and evolving enterprise
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SEDITA project GR/S04840/01.
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