Intrusion Detection Management System for
eCommerce security
Jens Lichtenberg
and Jorge Marx G
Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA,
at, Magdeburg, Germany,
Abstract. One of the main problems in eCommerce applications and all other
systems handling confidential information in general, is the matter of security.
This paper introduces the idea of an intrusion detection management system to
support the security. Intrusion detection per se, is the act of detecting an unautho-
rized intrusion by a computer or a network from the inside or the outside of the
affected system, making an intrusion the attempt to compromise or otherwise do
harm to other network devices. Next to the normal intrusion detection system an
Intrusion Management System applies different Intrusion Detection Systems to
not only detect a threat but also analyze it and propose counter measures to avoid
the compromise of the guarded system. For the treatment plan, depending on the
analysis, a multitude of counter measures is identified and ranked. The counter
measure identification is done using data mining techniques on a counter mea-
sure repository, the final ranking through sorting algorithms. Of the numerous
data mining techniques applicable for diagnostic or analytic purposes the nearest
neighbor and the correlation coefficient techniques have been implemented. A
feasibility study has shown that an analyzer can match a problem against a solu-
tion repository and find the optimal treatment suggestions, applied with a rank-
ing, in an acceptable short period of time. Future work will include the analysis
of attack characteristics and goals, and the interaction between system manager,
response planning and execution module and the attack analyzer. Furthermore the
counter measure repository will be evaluated and updated.
1 Introduction
An ecommerce system can be regarded as a distributed real-time system. Being an as-
sortment of different systems, some for interaction purposes, some for customer support
and some only for backup purposes, the distributed ecommerce system has to manage
the different resources to provide the best quality of service. The main research in dis-
tributed systems has focused recently on the development of powerful middleware ar-
chitectures and strong allocation algorithm ([2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7]). Most of the resource
management architectures lack an integrated security component.
To address this problem, this paper builds upon the SECURE-RM idea developed
by the CIDDS workgroup at Ohio University, described in chapter “Related Work”. The
module proposed in this paper, enables the Secure-RM architecture to compare attack
pattern with solution ideas and find the best solution for an impending attack.
Lichtenberg J. and Marx Gómez J. (2005).
Intrusion Detection Management System for eCommerce security.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 134-143
DOI: 10.5220/0002520101340143
The matter of security in distributed systems in general and ecommerce systems
in particular is still a very serious problem. The integration of a solution identification
module into a secure resource management environment, would provide the ecommerce
platform with the normal agility gained through the resource allocations by the resource
manager and also with another security layer. The identification and defeat of attacks
on the ecommerce service provider side, helps him build trust and might even attract
customers that are currently scared off because of popular security breeches (Postbank
scandal in Germany, Late summer 2004).
2 Related Work
2.1 Secure-RM
Ecommerce systems, as much as other distributed real-time systems, have little toler-
ance for missing deadlines. If a distributed real-time system is attacked, the systems
performance may decrease since it is utilized increasingly and anomalously. This could
result to a system wide failure or malfunctioning. Since most of the mentioned resource
management systems lack the security component, Ohio University’s CIDDS research
group proposed an architecture called SECURE-RM ([8]).
SECURE-RM, as shown in Figure 1, employs multiple Intrusion detection systems,
gathering information about pending attacks. This information is analyzed by the Secu-
rity Management, which together with the “normal” resource management grasps the
impact of the intrusion and derives an action advice for the resource allocation enactor.
2.2 Intrusion Detection Systems
An intrusion according to Webster is “the act of wrongfully entering upon, seizing, or
taking possession of the property of another” ([9]). In computer science terms, intrusion
detection is the act of detecting an unauthorized intrusion by a computer or a network
from the inside or the outside of the affected system, making an intrusion the attempt
to compromise or otherwise do harm to other network devices. There are two kinds of
Intrusion Detection Systems, the first analyzes log files from routers, firewalls, servers
and other network devices to detect previously known attack signatures, which have
been stored beforehand in the IDS’s database ([1]). This system, called rule-based IDS,
is fast and very secure in detecting older attacks, however it cannot protect a system
against attacks that occur for the first time. The second type of IDS, the behavioral
based systems, store a “normal” system behavior into a database and analyzing log files
to determine an abnormal system state and certain behavior according to the state. This
method allows for the detection of new unknown attacks but is susceptible to false pos-
itive and false negative alerts thus dampening the trust in the system. An IDS can, upon
detection of an intrusion, issue alarms or alerts and take various kinds of automatic
action, ranging from shutting down Internet links or specific servers to launching back-
traces. The implementation of an Intrusion Detection System can be software based,
hardware based or combined in preinstalled and preconfigured stand-alone IDS boxes.
There are three basic types of Intrusion Detection Architectures implementing Intrusion
Detection Systems: Network based IDS, Host based IDS and Distributed IDS.
In practice a combination of all three approaches can be implemented to allow for
a higher state of security. An IDS can not only serve as an intrusion detector alone, but
can also monitor database access, DNS functionality and it can also protect the e-mail
servers and be applied as a company policy watch to provide the enterprise with the
possibility to enforce copyright and electronic laws.
An example for an intrusion detection system is SNORT ([1]), an efficient, stable, free-
ware, and open source implementation. It is considered a lightweight intrusion detection
system, leaving a small footprint on the system with the possibility to run on various
platforms, including Windows and Unix. Providing a real-time IP traffic analysis there
are three ways to configure SNORT’s core packet sniffer. In the first configuration, it is
unaltered set up as a network sniffer, reading packages of the network and displaying
them to the screen. The second way is a setup as a package logger, writing transmit-
ted packages to the disks. The last way is a setup up as a network intrusion detection
system, analyzing network traffic for matches against a user-definable rule-set, making
SNORT a rule-based IDS with the ability to identify:
CGI scans
Buffer overflows
SMB probes
Unauthorized server services
OS fingerprinting attemps
Obfuscation (camouflaging the source code)
Identifying an intrusion, SNORT can record, ignore or alert a system administrator
about the unhealthy traffic activities. The logging or alerting methods can be set up
using Syslog, XML, plain text or WinPopUps.
The Snort Architecture as shown in Figure 2 consists of a Sniffer, a Preprocessor,
a Detection Engine, and an alert and logging module, responsible for the output. The
Sniffer, as SNORT’s core component, is responsible for network analysis and trou-
bleshooting. It can analyze and benchmark the performance of the network backbone
and can be used to eavesdrop for security risks like clear-text passwords. The raw data
packages picked up by the Sniffer are then passed on to the Preprocessor, which formats
them according to specific plug-ins, which also check for certain behavior types in the
packages and then pass them on to the detection engine. In the detection engine the data
is checked against a set of rules. If rules match the data in package, they are send to the
alert and logging processor, where they can be passed to different outputs.
Fig.2. SNORT Architecture
The open lines or current pitfalls of the SNORT architecture and IDS, in general, are
mostly the missing of a number of packages, allowing the chance of intrusion attempts
to go unnoticed, and the necessary handling of false positives and negatives, whereas
the false negatives are much more dangerous then false negatives, since they can allow
the infiltration of a system without notice of the IDS and system administrator.
INBOUNDS, the Integrated Network-Based Ohio University Network Detective Ser-
vice, is network based real-time intrusion detection systems, developed at Ohio Univer-
sity as a project of Tjaden, Welch and Ostermann ([8]). It detects suspicious behavior,
which marks it as a misuse or behavioral detecting IDS. INBOUNDS analyzes infor-
mation gathered by package sniffers, like TCPTrace, and system host monitors, using
those supplied by Ohio Universitys DeSiDeRaTa Resource Management architectures.
The usage of system monitors and different package sniffers make INBOUNDS an in-
tegrated system, allowing its low overhead and scalability properties. The INBOUNDS
architecture consists of five components and is designed to function in a large distrib-
uted system, where security and Quality of Service level must be insured dynamically.
There are five architectural levels. The Data collection captures, filters, processes, and
summarizes system information. It is assembled out of different package sniffers, hosts
and network monitors. Each data collection module produces a data stream, which is
stored in the historical and current data repository. The data visualization module and
the final analysis module can request the data in the current data repository. The histor-
ical data repository summarizes the information from the collection module. The data
visualization module allows the user to view a visualization of the data streams in the
current and historical repository, to help him making sense of the gathered information.
The final Intrusion Detection service recognizes suspicious behavior and notifies the
historical data repository and the visualization module to record and display the alert.
Currently the system is implemented at Ohio University for intrusion detection. The
main research projects concerning INBOUNDS is the strengthening of the DeSiDeRaTa
Inbounds link within the Secure-RM, to allow an insight into attack strategy ([10], [11]).
Through the knowledge about the attack signatures a decision maker could be applied
to diagnose the effect of applicable counter measures.
3 Modular Framework
This chapter proposes a solution identification module for occurring security problems.
The basic structure of the module is shown in Figure 3. An attack is detected and iden-
tified by the intrusion detection systems. The attack profile is passed on to the solu-
tion identification module, which then matches the attack pattern to different solutions
through the means of data mining. Possible solutions are ranked and a solution report
is passed on to an enactor component, which has to conduct the necessary measures to
secure the system. After the deployment of security measures, the enactor stores posi-
tive feedback in the solution repository. Solution algorithms can also be added, deleted
or modified manually in the repository.
Fig.3. Module Framework
The Solution Identification Module creates structures of the attack profile and the
different solutions. After preprocessing the necessary information the two structures
are handed down to the data mining technique. Setting solutions and attack profile in
relation, the preliminary results are sorted according to their attack compatibility. The
separation of the data mining technique and the actual module allows for fast updates
of techniques according to specifications and experimental data and also ensures that
the technique used is the best and latest choice for the problem at hand.
To allow the system to stay up to date, the used data mining techniques can be ex-
changed easily. This exchangeability of the techniques allows for a thorough testing and
experimenting, which techniques provide the best performance under everyday usage.
In the context of this research two techniques have been implemented into the “Tech-
nique Library”. First, we have the Nearest Neighbor technique, which is an algorithm
implementation of the Inductions Decision Tree paradigm. Correlation Coefficient tech-
nique, marking the second approach, is part of Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis.
With these two techniques implemented both major parts of Data Mining techniques
have been covered, Induction being part of the New Analytic Techniques and Multi-
variate EDA as a part of Traditional Exploratory Data Analysis.
Built upon the SECURE-RM architectural approach, the module can be used as
an Attack Analyzer for an Intrusion Detection Management System, as shown in Fig-
ure 6. While an Intrusion Detection System only monitors network activity to detect
abnormal behavior or certain behavior signatures indicating an apparent attack on the
system, an Intrusion Detection Management System (IDMS) applies multiple Intrusion
Detectors. These Detectors send their gathered information, much like a Software or
Hardware monitor in a resource management system, to a diagnosis module. The diag-
nosis module, called Attack Analyzer in an IDMS, detects certain attack behavior from
the gathered data and proposes responses to occuring attacks. In tight cooperation with
the “Response Planning and Executioning” part of the IDMS the Attack Analyzer pro-
vides the System Manager with knowledge about the nature and severity of the attack to
allow him to discern between serious dangers to the network or harmless script attacks.
The basic structure of an IDMS is shown in Figure 4.
Fig.4. Intrusion Detection Management System
While the proposed diagnosis module can generally be integrated into an IDMS, it
can even be applied on IDS level. The structure of an IDS, like SNORT, can be easily
expanded to include a Solution Repository in the means of the proposed module, as
shown in Figure 5.
The proposed module can be trained to allow a variety of different responses. To
counter an attack on a network structure, an Intrusion Detection Management System
can reallocate tasks to other machines, it could shut down parts of the network or the
network in total. Likewise the IDMS could invoke counterattacks to retrace the way to
the attacker, identifying him to allow for prosecution.
A categorization for different attacks and the necessary countermeasures can be
found in Figure 6. The actions to be taken are indicated by the grid color, green indicat-
ing threats that need no drastic actions but just the allocation of some tasks, yellow for
Fig.5. SNORT Structure including the module
attacks that call for drastic resource allocation and the disabling of the most vulnerable
parts of the network, red finally for threats that call for a network-wide shutdown to
prevent damage to the system and/or company.
Fig.6. Threat Taxonomy ([1], p.391)
This threat taxonomy can be implemented in the diagnosis module, using it as the
information in the algorithm repository to provide the system manager with the knowl-
edge about the severity of the threat (critical, moderate or minimal) and the proposed ac-
tion to be taken (disable, log or alert). To allow for a categorization of countermeasures
in the taxonomy from threat level information, a simple nearest neighbor technique can
be applied to use the module for IDS and IDMS.
4 Experimental Framework
The Performance experiments were conducted on two different machines, running two
different Linux distributions, each with two different versions. The first computer was
an Ohio University machine running Fedora Core 1, a Red Hat spawn. This machine
is part of the Center for Intelligence, Distributed and Dependable Systems Laborato-
ries. It is setup with AMD XP 2000+ and 512 MB RAM. The second machine is part
of a private network and was run under Fedora Core 1 and 2, and Knoppix 3.3 and
3.4. Knoppix is a dynamic Linux distribution, which can be started from CD and is not
copied to the hard disk. It is optimized for system recovery, but serves well as a compar-
ison to the hard drive depending Fedora Cores. The second machine is a Pentium 3 1.2
GHz notebook with 256 MB RAM. No other tasks were run on the two machines during
the experiments. In the first part of the experiments, the performance of the module is
analyzed. To achieve a better insight into the composition of the performance, different
setups are compared with changing machines and changing operating systems.
The performance of the two used data mining techniques was measured using the
UNIX function times() ([12]). To be able to measure the execution times, each solution
identification and ranking run was conducted 1000 times. The results in all these runs
were always the same, only differing in their performance, which was added up. To
achieve an even better average, these 1000 runs were measured 10 times. The final
results for each measurement had to be added up once more and divided by 10 to get
the final average for one algorithmical setup.
The performance of the techniques was measured through the CPU time used while
executing instruction in the user space, a structure created by the times() function called
UTIME. It is measured in CLK
TCK, which is defined in “limits.h” as 3 clock ticks
per second. The results of the experiments are presented in Figures 7 to 11. They all
show a logarithmically ascending nearest neighbor function. The correlation coefficient
distribution tends to be almost linear with a step at around 290 algorithms. Only using
Knoppix 3.3, the step is very distinct, while other distributions barely allow for time
difference at all. Considering the Fedora Core 1 implementation on the Ohio University
computer, it can be said that even here a slight logarithmic or power distribution of
the nearest neighbor results can be found, while the correlation coefficient result settle
around a linear distribution.
Fig.7. UTIME Private Fedora Core 1 Fig.8. UTIME Private Fedora Core 2
Analyzing the memory usage of the proposed module, the experiments using Fe-
dora Core 2 show two distinct steps for both the nearest neighbor and the correlation
coefficient technique. This means, that up to a certain number of solution algorithms, a
constant number of kilobytes is sufficient to execute the identification. Once a certain
Fig.9. UTIME OU Fedora Core 1
Fig.10. UTIME Private Knoppix 3.3
Fig.11. UTIME Private Knoppix 3.4 Fig.12. Memory Usage Fedora Core 2
level is reached however, the system assigns another block of kilobytes to the process.
This leads to the steps shown in Figure 12.
5 Conclusions
This paper shows that a lightweight Intrusion Detection Management Systems can be
found using the architectural ideas of SECURE-RM. The module presents the system
administrator with fast solution suggestion to an apparent problem, giving him a mul-
titude of choices to respond to a threat. On an easier level, the module could be imple-
mented into a normal intrusion detection system, to present the user, not only with a
threat warning, but also with countermeasure proposals. The module, henceforth, not
only affects resource management systems, but can also be applied to its security spawn
and even purely security-oriented systems.
The future work concerning this project will include the implementation of more
data mining techniques into the technique library, the implementation of system man-
ager interfaces to allow for easier setup and management, and finally the integration of
the module into a live resource management system to emphasize the SECURE-RM
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