system so that the sub-schema fits well within the
display/printout boundaries.
<Category/RecordPlacement> -- informa-
tion on the category is placed as a record in the
database metaschema. The parameter is
Length -- optional length of a record, no read or
write operation should be attempted beyond this
size, by default, the size is the maximum of
(Attribute/Offset + Attribute/
Length) for every concrete relation in the
<Category/Attribute> -- information on a
concrete relation for the category. The parameters
Name -- short name of the concrete relation;
Range -- name of the range of the concrete
IsTotal -- optional, specifies whether the
concrete relation is total or not, possible values
are True and False (default).
<Attribute/RecordPlacement> --
information on how the concrete relation,
represented by the parent node, should be placed in a
record. The parameters are
Number -- optionally specifies the order number
of the concrete relation in a record;
Length -- the size in bytes allocated for the field
in the record, no read or write operation should be
attempted beyond this size;
Count -- the number of times the concrete
relation should be repeated. If count is greater
than 1, then an array of fields should be stored;
Offset -- optional, distance in bytes from the
beginning of the record for the category to the
place where the value for the concrete relation
should be written. By default, this offset is
determined automatically as the sum of all
lengths of all attributes that come before the
current one in the record. Typically, this XML
attribute is omitted, but it can be specified if full
control over record placement is desired.
<Category/SortKey> -- information on how
the category is sorted; it is also the semantic key of
the category. The parameter is
Mode -- optionally specifies how duplicates
(objects with the same values of all sort key
items) should be treated. Possible values are
NoDuplicates (default), FIFO, LIFO and
<SortKey/KeyItem> -- category sort key
contains several items, representing relations of the
category. The functionality of semantic key is
achieved when only Name of relations is given. The
parameters are
Number – The significance number of this
KeyItem in the sort key. If the sort key contains
several items, the objects are first ordered by the
value of the first item, then those that have the
same value of the first item are ordered by the
second item, etc.;
Name -- the short name of the relation of the
domain category. The value of this attribute is
used to form the sort key;
Order -- optional, specifies direct or reverse
ordering on the item, valid values are Direct
(default) and Reverse.
<Category/Relation> -- information
regarding a relation having the current category as
its domain. The parameters are
Name -- short name of the relation;
Range -- range of the relation;
IsTotal -- optionally specifies whether the
relation is total or not. Possible values are True
and False (default).
IsPersistent -- optionally specifies whether
the relation is persistent. Possible values are
True and False (default).
InKey -- optionally specifies whether the
relation is part of the semantic key for the
category. Possible values are: False (default,
means that the relation is not in the semantic key
for the category), True (means that the relation
is part of the semantic key of the category).
<Relation/Comment> -- value of the Comment
contains a description of the relation.
<Relation/DomainSortKey> -- information
on how the relation is sorted on the domain side. If
several objects in the domain category are connected
by this relation to the same object in the range
category, those objects in the domain category will
be retrieved in the order determined by this node.
The parameter is
Mode - optionally specifies how duplicates
(objects with the same values of all sort key
items) should be treated. Possible values are
NoDuplicates (default), FIFO, LIFO and
<DomainSortKey/KeyItem> -- relation sort
key contains the items representing attributes of the
domain category. The parameters are
Number -- significance number of this
KeyItem in the sort key. If the sort key contains
several items, then the objects are first ordered by
the value of the first item, then those that have the
same value of the first item are ordered by the
second item, etc.;
Name -- the short name of the attribute of the
domain category. The value of this attribute is
used to form the sort key;
Order -- direct or reverse ordering on the item,
valid values are Direct and Reverse.
<Relation/RangeSortKey> - information on
how the relation is sorted on its range side. If several
objects in the range category are connected by this